View Full Version : Super Natural!!!

04-01-2006, 11:58
Do you believe??? share your stories

I have one to tell you, while on holidays this christmas in Germany, I woke up to feed the baby at about 6am, I could hear a woman's voice speaking in german (I don't speak the language so I don't know what was said), thinking it was my partners mum checking on the baby, I sat up to tell her it was ok, but there was no-one in the room... I went back to sleep but heard the woman talking again, she said a word (which when I asked my partner to translate, it was Baby bottle). I woke up, no-one again in the room and got the baby his bottle.. Weird this was I put the baby down in his cot facing away from the window, I went to bed late and he was fine, when I went to give him his bottle, he was facing towards the window.. When I asked my bfriends mother was she in the room she said she hadn't come near the baby all night.... The room I stayed in belonged to my baby's Great Grandmother...

There is load more stuff like this, just wanted to see what other people thought

04-01-2006, 12:08
wow that sounds freaky!
i do believe but i dont know why. i have no personal stories, but from what ive read like.

04-01-2006, 12:41
wow sibhan id have pooed myself!!

yes i beleive in the supernatural

tell us more!!

04-01-2006, 12:49
wow sibhan id have pooed myself!!

yes i beleive in the supernatural

tell us more!!

Ok... my mum must be a becon for ghost or something, she had a really bad dream one night and she was screaming "take me, not her".. she woke up to the news her sister was dead... also in her dreams she got a letter to say her dad was dead, when she woke up to the phone ringing, it was her mum to say her dad had died.. Her brother who died at age 17, has been seen in our house with my grandmother...

Other little things that have happen in my parents house... there is a photo of my grandmother on our mantel piece and sometimes for no reason it falls off, no wind or anything near it, and when that happens, someone in my Dad's family dies (ie his aunts, cousins etc)...

04-01-2006, 12:57
I will spin my tale later,, but this all occured 6 years ago... And YES I believe !!!!!!!!!!!

04-01-2006, 12:58
Ok... my mum must be a becon for ghost or something, she had a really bad dream one night and she was screaming "take me, not her".. she woke up to the news her sister was dead... also in her dreams she got a letter to say her dad was dead, when she woke up to the phone ringing, it was her mum to say her dad had died.. Her brother who died at age 17, has been seen in our house with my grandmother...

Other little things that have happen in my parents house... there is a photo of my grandmother on our mantel piece and sometimes for no reason it falls off, no wind or anything near it, and when that happens, someone in my Dad's family dies (ie his aunts, cousins etc)...

oh my goodness! how can you live in a house like that!? :eek:

04-01-2006, 13:00
oh my goodness! how can you live in a house like that!? :eek:

easy.. my dad always say "Watch out for the living, The dead can't harm you"... and besides I wasn't afraid of my grandmother when she was alive so why should she scare me dead????

04-01-2006, 13:43
I do believe I have had lots of experiance of seeing things,some times only a a smell that I know like mums perfume,or my dads sweets,that he always had in his pocket,it doesn't frighten me at all. I made a pack with my hubby years ago if there was a way back,that he visit me, So far I haven't seen him,but its early days yet,I have seen my dad and mum and granparents,but not my sister as yet.what star sign are you Siobhan ?. I am pisces,it is well know that we are able to see things.

04-01-2006, 13:50
Cancer.. so is my mum!!! Plus she was child number 8 in her family out of nine and so am I

04-01-2006, 14:22
I am pisces,it is well know that we are able to see things.

is that really true because im pisces and it would explain a lot too

04-01-2006, 15:04
I do believe I have had lots of experiance of seeing things,some times only a a smell that I know like mums perfume,or my dads sweets,that he always had in his pocket,it doesn't frighten me at all. I made a pack with my hubby years ago if there was a way back,that he visit me, So far I haven't seen him,but its early days yet,I have seen my dad and mum and granparents,but not my sister as yet.what star sign are you Siobhan ?. I am pisces,it is well know that we are able to see things.

oooh im a pisces!1 ive never seen anything but i have feelings that there are things.

ive heard stuff at a mates house thatvhac a ghost and had a funny experience at beaulieu.

samantha nixon
04-01-2006, 17:23
i believe in it but i havent had things happen though

04-01-2006, 19:22
is that really true because im pisces and it would explain a lot too I was told by the spiritualist church,that pisces are the most receptive out of all the star signs

04-01-2006, 19:24
oooh im a pisces!1 ive never seen anything but i have feelings that there are things.

ive heard stuff at a mates house thatvhac a ghost and had a funny experience at beaulieu. Beaulieu is well known for being haunted,so I wouldn't be surprised if you heard or saw anything there.

04-01-2006, 20:21
Beaulieu is well known for being haunted,so I wouldn't be surprised if you heard or saw anything there.

it was connor he refused to walk through a archway he told me he saw a man a scry man and a nasty dog!!

we gotthe most haunted live at beaulieu dvd a few months later and apparently there are ghostly dogs where we were!!

the house was the creepiest place ever

di marco
04-01-2006, 20:23
it was connor he refused to walk through a archway he told me he saw a man a scry man and a nasty dog!!

we gotthe most haunted live at beaulieu dvd a few months later and apparently there are ghostly dogs where we were!!

the house was the creepiest place ever

i went to beaulieu but i didnt see anything

05-01-2006, 00:00
Ok here is my experince,, hand on heart,, its the truth..

Back in 1997 I had just moved into an old 3 story house that was built right after the American Civil war.. it was called a painted lady house,, the houses on the block we lived in were painted in pastel colors,, our house was sort of dusty pink, any way.. this house was converted into 2 flats,, my son, my sons college class mate and I shared the top floor apartments.. it had 5 bedrooms,,each of us had a dog.
I was left alone while the guys were working,, I was cleaning up the kitchen, and all of the sudden I smelled BAY RUM ( this is an extremelly old fashioned after shave lotion) I turned around and looked behind me,, all 3 dogs were looking at a blank wall, and their heads were sort of turning left and right ( like they were following something on the wall ) I called my dog ( Flash) to me, he ignored me,, called my sons dog Lili ( who is a little brindle boxer) she wouldnt listen either, called Mercedes ( a little daschund) she totally ignored me,, now i was freaking out, we didn't have the phone in yet.. my son had my car,, I was not sure what to think... Then all of the sudden,, the dogs were laying down but still looking at that wall and the scent of Bay rum started mixing with a smell of pipe tobacco .
Then the dogs got up and went to their usual places, what ever was there was gone now,, and the scent was gone too,, I got the hell out of the house , dragged all 3 of the dogs with me to where my son worked ( he worked about 5 miles from the house ) My son said I was white as a sheet when I came thru the back door where he worked .. told him what happened, he called the roomie he was getting off work any way,, it turns out they both had had the same experince when they first moved into the house ( I moved in a month after they did)
A few nights later,, a bunch of our friends came over plus my sons ex g/f ( she was a real nut case and screamed alot if things didnt go her way) all 3 dogs were in the living room with us,, Marie my sons ex g/f was loudly vocalizing something and all of the sudden we heard chairs crashing in the kitchen,,, none of us dared to move ,, the dogs started barking and howling,, we all sat rooted in our seats...this went on for a min or two,, then nothing,, the guys got up and went to the kitchen ,, there were 5 kitchen chairs all over the kitchen floor ..
After that we never had any more contacts with this "ghost/spirit/poltergist" again...THATS MY STORY ....

05-01-2006, 09:19
That is well scary.. I guess I am lucky that all my experiences have been good ones..

05-01-2006, 10:54
Ok here is my experince,, hand on heart,, its the truth..

Back in 1997 I had just moved into an old 3 story house that was built right after the American Civil war.. it was called a painted lady house,, the houses on the block we lived in were painted in pastel colors,, our house was sort of dusty pink, any way.. this house was converted into 2 flats,, my son, my sons college class mate and I shared the top floor apartments.. it had 5 bedrooms,,each of us had a dog.
I was left alone while the guys were working,, I was cleaning up the kitchen, and all of the sudden I smelled BAY RUM ( this is an extremelly old fashioned after shave lotion) I turned around and looked behind me,, all 3 dogs were looking at a blank wall, and their heads were sort of turning left and right ( like they were following something on the wall ) I called my dog ( Flash) to me, he ignored me,, called my sons dog Lili ( who is a little brindle boxer) she wouldnt listen either, called Mercedes ( a little daschund) she totally ignored me,, now i was freaking out, we didn't have the phone in yet.. my son had my car,, I was not sure what to think... Then all of the sudden,, the dogs were laying down but still looking at that wall and the scent of Bay rum started mixing with a smell of pipe tobacco .
Then the dogs got up and went to their usual places, what ever was there was gone now,, and the scent was gone too,, I got the hell out of the house , dragged all 3 of the dogs with me to where my son worked ( he worked about 5 miles from the house ) My son said I was white as a sheet when I came thru the back door where he worked .. told him what happened, he called the roomie he was getting off work any way,, it turns out they both had had the same experince when they first moved into the house ( I moved in a month after they did)
A few nights later,, a bunch of our friends came over plus my sons ex g/f ( she was a real nut case and screamed alot if things didnt go her way) all 3 dogs were in the living room with us,, Marie my sons ex g/f was loudly vocalizing something and all of the sudden we heard chairs crashing in the kitchen,,, none of us dared to move ,, the dogs started barking and howling,, we all sat rooted in our seats...this went on for a min or two,, then nothing,, the guys got up and went to the kitchen ,, there were 5 kitchen chairs all over the kitchen floor ..
After that we never had any more contacts with this "ghost/spirit/poltergist" again...THATS MY STORY ....

blooming heck jodie id have had to hvae mved quickly

samantha nixon
05-01-2006, 15:12
id have been well sppoked if that happened to me