View Full Version : My Pregnancy

04-01-2006, 11:19
Hi guys I thought that I would start my own thread to let you know how I am.

I am now 9 weeks today and my morning sickness is finally wearing off so that's good.

I am still so tired and sleeping in the afternoon, so it is going to kill me today being at work all day.

I am a bit nervous about having the screening test for down syndrome as I am 34 and a half, so I am on the borderline age group. Did anyone else have the blood test as I am so scared.

04-01-2006, 11:22
hi brenda i was thinking about you yesterday as you hadnt posted for a while!!

glad yoou morning sickness is going that was the worst ever when i was preggers, i dnt do being sick very well and i had it constantly!

cant you find a nice place to curl up and sleep for a while LOL

anyway glad to hear you are ok and evrything fab looking forward to hearing all about the pregnancy!

04-01-2006, 11:22
Hi guys I thought that I would start my own thread to let you know how I am.

I am now 9 weeks today and my morning sickness is finally wearing off so that's good.

I am still so tired and sleeping in the afternoon, so it is going to kill me today being at work all day.

I am a bit nervous about having the screening test for down syndrome as I am 34 and a half, so I am on the borderline age group. Did anyone else have the blood test as I am so scared.

You will be fine Brenda... the tiredness does ease of in the 5th/6th month but comes back at the end.. and stays until you child is 18 :rotfl::rotfl:

04-01-2006, 11:22
I refused the blood test, as it wouldn't have made a difference to how i would have proceeded with the pregnancy. I know of a couple of people that have had quite worrying results on the blood test and then the baby was born fine. When is your first scan?? Are you looking forward to seeing the baby on screen? you must be so excited!!! I know I am for you lol

04-01-2006, 11:26
I am just waiting for a date but I will keep you all posted.

I think that having the blood test will put my mind at rest but i am not sure.

04-01-2006, 14:28
my auntie has just had the test for downs syndrome too

04-01-2006, 14:32
How long does she have to wait for the results

04-01-2006, 14:39
she had the test last thursday and found out the results yesterday (tuesday) but shes waiting to have other results back aswell as she got the one for downs back but not the others

04-01-2006, 14:43
Hi guys I thought that I would start my own thread to let you know how I am.

I am now 9 weeks today and my morning sickness is finally wearing off so that's good.

I am still so tired and sleeping in the afternoon, so it is going to kill me today being at work all day.

I am a bit nervous about having the screening test for down syndrome as I am 34 and a half, so I am on the borderline age group. Did anyone else have the blood test as I am so scared.

AWwww congratulations on your good news good luck with the little bubba when its born!!! are you going to find out the sex of it when you can or not??? should be fun though!! :p

04-01-2006, 15:11
No i think that this time we will wait and because when we had Emma we found out that we were having a girl, so I really want it to be a surprise this time.Do you have children of your own.

04-01-2006, 17:17
AWwww congratulations have you had your date yet for 1st scan

04-01-2006, 17:22
No not yet but will let you all know when I do

04-01-2006, 17:35
aww hope you wont have to long to wait it makes it seem more real once you have had that 1st scan

04-01-2006, 19:42
aww congratulations brenda, your 9 weeks pregnant im 5 weeks, so your one month ahed of me you will have to let me know what each months like to pepare me lol :)

05-01-2006, 09:25
Hi leanne congratulations to you as well.I take it this is your 1st pregnancy

samantha nixon
05-01-2006, 17:46
ah congratulations to the both of you

05-01-2006, 18:00
yeah it is my first, so im all new to anythign and everything! LOL

05-01-2006, 18:31
yeah it is my first, so im all new to anythign and everything! LOL

aww good luck wish i was going through it all again

05-01-2006, 19:32
congratulations :D

05-01-2006, 19:52
congratulations both of you

19-01-2006, 11:15
Just to let you know that I have a date through for my 1st scan and it is the 31st jan so I will keep you all posted.

19-01-2006, 11:18
:cheer: good luck it will soon come round

19-01-2006, 12:45
I'll sticky this so you can keep everyone updated and everyone can see it!

19-01-2006, 12:46
cheers Rob, I am sure there is many more women pregnant on line. Let us know how you are or just ask for advice...

19-01-2006, 15:26
I'll sticky this so you can keep everyone updated and everyone can see it!

What do you mean

19-01-2006, 15:31
What do you mean

This means that it is stuck to the board so you don't have to go search for it if you haven't posted for a while, also means that people can see it straight away when they come to the pregnancy section so they don't have additional post asking how you are.

Also it is there for other mum's to be to chat in too but please keep it to the topic of pregnancy or it will be closed

28-01-2006, 14:15
Hope all goes well with your scan :)
If you have a scanner you could scan it in and show us :)

samantha nixon
28-01-2006, 16:17
hope your scan goes well

29-01-2006, 02:21
good luck brenda and wish you all the best :D keep us updated hun :p

29-01-2006, 02:23
Good luck Bren! :D

01-02-2006, 09:28
Well guys I had my scan yesterday and it was soo good to finally see the baby it was even waving at us and kicking its legs as well

01-02-2006, 09:37
Aww erll i'm glad you're scan went well and the baby's all right.
How are you feeling through?

01-02-2006, 09:39
Well guys I had my scan yesterday and it was soo good to finally see the baby it was even waving at us and kicking its legs as well

did you find out the sex? are you the right size for w many weeks you are? how are you feeling?

01-02-2006, 09:41
Hi Chance I am 13 weeks pregnant and feeling great now.You cant find oout the sex of the baby until 20 weeks and that scan is on the 22nd march but i dont think that i will find out this time.

01-02-2006, 09:55
Hi Brenda,good to hear you are well,i didnt realise you were only 13 weeks,glad all went ok for you,dont you want to find out the sex at the 20 week scan? i cant stand the waiting so i always have to find out lol.

01-02-2006, 10:06
Well we found out when we were having Emma but I really want it to be a surprise this time.

01-02-2006, 13:55
Hi Brenda,good to hear you are well,i didnt realise you were only 13 weeks,glad all went ok for you,dont you want to find out the sex at the 20 week scan? i cant stand the waiting so i always have to find out lol.Youre impatient like me!!! :rotfl:

Im glad to hear everything went well Brenda - did they amend your due date at all?? I'm all excited for you - it seems longer than 9 weeks since I was pregnant :(

01-02-2006, 14:11
Hi Em well the scan came out only 2 days different so they are keeping the due date the same 9th August. I cant believe that I am 13 weeks pregnant now.

01-02-2006, 14:13
Thats brilliant - lets hope we don't have too much of a hot summer though, that or you will have to get an extra large paddling pool (like I did) to lie in to keep cool and relaxed, and Emma will love it too so added bonus

01-02-2006, 14:16
Thanks for that tip i think that I am dreading being heavily pregnant in the summer. As i had Emma in the winter are you planning on having anymore.

01-02-2006, 14:22
I would love to, but my hubby isn't keen - he thinks he is too old at 36, even though I told him it didn't matter seeing as I am 7 yrs younger than him, and he doesnt have to do anything with Liam - I do it all. We'll see though - a lot of people think I want another one just to try for a girl, but its the whole baby thing I love, yes it would be great to have a girl, but I don't plan on getting hung up on it - if I had one and she turned out like me, I'd be in trouble :rotfl:

01-02-2006, 14:28
The thing is me and Dominic are the other way round I am nearly 35 and he is 31. I would really love a boy because I already have Emma but I wouldnt be upset if I had another girl.

01-02-2006, 14:38
I know what you mean - I didnt know what liam was until he was born and you don't care at that point - but I would love to have a girl still - a friend of mine had 3 boys and then a girl, but knowing me i would just have another boy! :lol:

01-02-2006, 17:19
congratulations on your scan brenda, i have my 9 week scan in 1 week time, cant wait! :)

01-02-2006, 17:32
Glad your scan went well Brenda :)

I know someone who has four boys! No girls at all and they really wanted girls, lol.

09-02-2006, 12:31
I have my next scan on the 22nd March so i will let you all know how I get on

09-02-2006, 16:09
Ooo yay, hope it goes well hun :)

09-02-2006, 16:40
I have my next scan on the 22nd March so i will let you all know how I get on:cheer: Yay - I hope it goes well Brenda - make sure you keep us updated :D How are you feeling ?

09-02-2006, 17:53
hope it goes for you and good luck are you going to find out if its a girl or boy

09-02-2006, 18:16
I would love to, but my hubby isn't keen - he thinks he is too old at 36, even though I told him it didn't matter seeing as I am 7 yrs younger than him, and he doesnt have to do anything with Liam - I do it all. We'll see though - a lot of people think I want another one just to try for a girl, but its the whole baby thing I love, yes it would be great to have a girl, but I don't plan on getting hung up on it - if I had one and she turned out like me, I'd be in trouble :rotfl:

you have the same age gap as me and ian!!! he is nearly 36 and he thinks he is too old to have any more, but i am lucky to have my two so i will not be too sad if we don't have any more. i love the baby thng!!! but i strangly enjoy being pregnant!!!

09-02-2006, 22:30
you have the same age gap as me and ian!!! he is nearly 36 and he thinks he is too old to have any more, but i am lucky to have my two so i will not be too sad if we don't have any more. i love the baby thng!!! but i strangly enjoy being pregnant!!!:rotfl: I am the same Willow - love pregnancy, love childbirth even!!! I am happy with my 3 lads - would have been nice to have a girl in there somewhere, but i can't see it happening now.

15-02-2006, 20:57
I love being pregnant too, although, I am not loving it at the mo, as I am feeling sick as a dog, and I already look about 6 months gone. Got my scan in 5 days though! I'm v nervous about it!

16-02-2006, 14:17
Well I am enjoying being pregnant now as I am 15 weeks and at that stage where you stop feeling sick and tired. I have also been made redundant today after 5 and a half years but I am ok with it now.

16-02-2006, 14:27
Well I am enjoying being pregnant now as I am 15 weeks and at that stage where you stop feeling sick and tired. I have also been made redundant today after 5 and a half years but I am ok with it now.I am sorry about the redundancy brenda - i had the same thing happen to me when i was expecting ciaran 4 years ago, but to be honest it was the best thing that could have happened. I wasn't sure whether i really wanted to go back to work after having him, and instead of having to make the decision quickly, and not get any extra money, i got redundancy money and being able to stay at home with him.

Keating's babe
16-02-2006, 14:31
Well I am enjoying being pregnant now as I am 15 weeks and at that stage where you stop feeling sick and tired. I have also been made redundant today after 5 and a half years but I am ok with it now.

Sorry to hear about the redundancy, not good news to hear when you are pregnant. But these things tend to work out for the best. :D

16-02-2006, 16:41
Thanks for that I think that I am going to do some temping work for the next few months.Because I thought I might as well wait until after the babies born to get a part time job

16-02-2006, 18:47
aaaww thats a shame about your job brenda hope you find a new one soon

03-03-2006, 10:30
Hi guys just to let you know that I am ok.I am going to sign up with an agency on monday so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Regards to bump everything is fine and I am feeling very well.

03-03-2006, 16:09
*keeps finger crossed*

Hope everything goes well Brenda! :D

04-03-2006, 08:22
I hope everything goes great!

Good Luck! x x x x :cheer:

23-03-2006, 13:51
Hey Brenda,how is your pregnancy goin,did you go for your scan on the 22nd?

29-03-2006, 10:24
Hi chance I did and the baby is fine the only problem was it would not turn around and face the camera so that the woman could check the face and the heart. So i have to go back on the 21st april to check again.I am worried as well as they have found cists on both of my ovaries so I have to see the doctor as well.

I still cant find a job and I am going to have to take Emma out of nursery as we cant afford it and that breaks my heart as she has been going there for nearly 2 years now.

29-03-2006, 12:56
Hi chance I did and the baby is fine the only problem was it would not turn around and face the camera so that the woman could check the face and the heart. So i have to go back on the 21st april to check again.I am worried as well as they have found cists on both of my ovaries so I have to see the doctor as well.

I still cant find a job and I am going to have to take Emma out of nursery as we cant afford it and that breaks my heart as she has been going there for nearly 2 years now.

Awww im sorry to hear all that,sounds like your going through a pretty rough time at the moment?Im sure bubba was just being awkward or shy OR BOTH!
What will they do about the cysts? dont think they can do anything until after you have given birth can they? I havent heard you mention about a job before so i dont know the full story,arent you with a partner that works babe?Cant you get funding or some other kind of benefit so you can keeo emma on at nursery?

29-03-2006, 14:36
Hi chance I did and the baby is fine the only problem was it would not turn around and face the camera so that the woman could check the face and the heart. So i have to go back on the 21st april to check again.I am worried as well as they have found cists on both of my ovaries so I have to see the doctor as well.

I still cant find a job and I am going to have to take Emma out of nursery as we cant afford it and that breaks my heart as she has been going there for nearly 2 years now.

hiya brenda, sorry to hear your having a bad time.

i had a cyst on my ovary which they found during my scan, it was at that time the same size as con was.they had to operate at 16 weeks, which was a horrid thing to go through. Did they say how big the cysts were???

ive heard lots of people who have had cysts, most are small so they can be left, they usually just keep an eye on them. i was just unlucky that mine was large. hope everything goes ok, keep us informed

didnt realise you had lost your job, if your hubbie is working you should be able to get some help with childcare, could you cut her days down???

29-03-2006, 16:02
Sorry to hear your having not too good a time of it - i hope everything goes ok with your next scan - let us know how it goes wont you.

29-03-2006, 16:11
Aww sorry to hear about you having such a bad time Brenda, but I'm sure when that little baby is born it will make it all better :)

samantha nixon
29-03-2006, 16:32
aww i hope everything is ok soon for you brenda

09-04-2006, 14:34
How are all our pregnant ladies doing at the moment???

18-04-2006, 08:05
Hello all,

Brenda, I hope that you aren't getting to stressed about things and are taking time to relax. How much longer have you got to go now?

I am coming up for 19 weeks now. I can't believe how fast it's going. I barely have time to think about it!!!!!! I have my 20 week scan at the end of next week, and we are hopefully going to find out whether the baby is blue or pink (if the baby lets us have a look!!) We didn't want to find out last time, but I have the overwhelming urge to be organised this time. If we have another boy, it would be easier, but part of me would love a little girl. I don't mind really, as long as it's healthy, and it sleeps!!!

Only got 2 more half terms left at work (I am a teacher) and I am looking forward to having 2 months off before my maternity leave officially starts!! It will be nice to spend a bit of time with William before the baby is born.

Nearly half way there!!!! :)

24-04-2006, 23:29
How are you doing brenda? Make sure you keeo us updated hun

08-05-2006, 13:12
Hi guys well I am nearly 27 weeks now and everything is ok.I have decided not to find out what the sex of the baby is.

Also I am working again and Emma as gone back to nursery and she is loving it. I am sorry that I have not spoke to you for ages but the internet access but should be getting it sorted. Speak soon !

Chloe O'brien
08-05-2006, 15:48
Glad to hear that everything is going great for you brenda, dont try and do too much by working to hard rest while you have the chance.

08-05-2006, 17:35
Aww well at least everything else is ok, even if your net isn't :)

09-05-2006, 13:22
Hi guys well I am nearly 27 weeks now and everything is ok.I have decided not to find out what the sex of the baby is.

Also I am working again and Emma as gone back to nursery and she is loving it. I am sorry that I have not spoke to you for ages but the internet access but should be getting it sorted. Speak soon !

wow brenda your pregnancy is going so fast. Gald to hear everything is going fab and look forward to your next update

24-05-2006, 16:58
wow 27 weeks allready that has gone fast

20-06-2006, 12:56
Hi its me again I am finishing work on friday as I am now getting very tired.I only have 7 weeks to go now as anyone got any ideas for getting rid of bad cramps

20-06-2006, 15:53
Yay only 7 more weeks! It's gone so fast hun! :D You just rest and enjoy your maternity leave! :D Good luck :) x

Erm maybe a bath or something? Sorry never been pregnant :p

01-07-2006, 12:14
How are all of our pregnant members?? How long have we all got left??

05-07-2006, 13:18
if you have bad cramps try some bananas it colud be lack of potasium.....

Em this preggo member is ok - in 15 weeks we will have our little one!!!

05-07-2006, 14:46
if you have bad cramps try some bananas it colud be lack of potasium.....

Em this preggo member is ok - in 15 weeks we will have our little one!!! 15 weeks!! Wow that has flown hun - how are you doing? Bet this heat isn't helping much....good to hear you're ok though :D

06-07-2006, 18:16
Congratulations to Leanne who has had her baby girl!! :D x

See here (http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=40321&page=8) for more!!

30-03-2007, 22:21
Well I just thought that i would come and see how you all are. Katie is now nearly 8 months and is so adorable. I work part time3 days a week so I get to spend monday and tuesday with emma and Katie

30-03-2007, 22:23
:eek: Has it been that long!!! Blimey!

Congrats even though it was that long ago though and good to see you here :)

Chloe O'brien
30-03-2007, 22:34
8 months already bless her how is her big sister with her, and how are you finding it being back to work.

07-04-2007, 23:24
Hi Chloe Emma is nearly 3 and a half now and she loves her little sister.

I hate going back to work but I cant afford not to.

I am temping at the mo as there is not alot of part time jobs out there

Chloe O'brien
08-04-2007, 00:24
Tell me about it brenda. The UK is so far behind the rest of Europe when it comes to helping parents finding suitable working hours and affordable childcare costs. Even though they give you tax credit to assist you,they then take it back on high childcare costs or rent and council tax bills.

Sorry ignore me I'm having a moan. Glad to here that Chloe is taking good care of her little sister and belated birthday wishes to you for Friday.