View Full Version : Any Advice???

02-01-2006, 17:26
Hi i've just found out im pregnant at christmas, can anybody please give me any advice at all, this is my first baby and id like all the suppot and advice i can get. thanks :)

02-01-2006, 17:34
CONGRATS leanne 27

how pregnant are you??

02-01-2006, 17:43
just one month lol, at the end of january i will be 2 months gone.

02-01-2006, 17:45
awww have you got morning sickness

02-01-2006, 17:45
Congratulations!! xx

02-01-2006, 17:49
thankyou, no not as yet, thank god! i really dont want to get morning sickness too badly my mum was awful when she was having me.

02-01-2006, 17:52
thankyou, no not as yet, thank god! i really dont want to get morning sickness too badly my mum was awful when she was having me.

mine started at 5 weeks and carried on fotr most of pregnancy it not nic at all!!

if you get it ginger biscuits really do work well!!

are you taking folic acid???

Chloe O'brien
02-01-2006, 18:04
i did not have any syptoms at all when I was pregnant. One piece of advice book a bed in the looney house now you will need it

02-01-2006, 18:26
congrats hunny

02-01-2006, 18:33
congratulations leanne :D

02-01-2006, 21:20
thanks for all the congrats everyone, no im not taking any folic acid, its been a bit of a whirlwind to be honest as i only found out about a week ago, and so im still trying to get used to the idea!

02-01-2006, 21:27
thanks for all the congrats everyone, no im not taking any folic acid, its been a bit of a whirlwind to be honest as i only found out about a week ago, and so im still trying to get used to the idea!

i know it does take a while to get used to!

02-01-2006, 21:32
congratulations leanne

02-01-2006, 21:35
i think i said congratulations in a different thread but if i didnt congratulations to you!!!!!!!!

02-01-2006, 21:38
Congrats :cheer:

02-01-2006, 21:39
one thing i cant decide about though is if i want to know the sex of the baby, i dont think i will be able to wait till late august to find out but then people are saying to me that it ruins the suprise.

02-01-2006, 21:40

02-01-2006, 21:46
one thing i cant decide about though is if i want to know the sex of the baby, i dont think i will be able to wait till late august to find out but then people are saying to me that it ruins the suprise.

i wanted to when i had connor but they wont tell you down here, we were gonna pay but neve got round to it. if i have another though id pay for a scan to tell me as id wanna know what to buy

02-01-2006, 22:04

i did not find out the sex when i had niall (10) but i did when i had niamh (21 months)
it is total personal choice!!!

any advice you need ask any of us!! we are all glad to help!!

02-01-2006, 22:20
and let s know how things are going we love babies here!!!

02-01-2006, 22:40
lol, talk about stating the obvious! :lol: just kidding with ya

02-01-2006, 23:54
Congratulations - we are all here to help - any advice wanted, just ask. I didnt find out the sex of my eldest in the scan, but did with my second and couldn't with my third - its very much personal choice, but sometimes with your first its nicer to wait as then you have a nice surprise after the hard work :D

03-01-2006, 12:32
thanks very much for all the advice. i promise i will keep you all posted!

03-01-2006, 17:04
how awful is this? my cousins gilfriend is also having a baby, she's 7 months pegnant, and guess what she's still smoking! i was so shocked, im not overreacting am i, but i think smoking whilst pregnant is horrible.

03-01-2006, 17:06
how awful is this? my cousins gilfriend is also having a baby, she's 7 months pegnant, and guess what she's still smoking! i was so shocked, im not overreacting am i, but i think smoking whilst pregnant is horrible.

yeah i do too, i was a addicted heavy smoker and as soon as i found i cut down i was 16 weeks when i finally had my last fag. it was hard but i didi it and i havent smoked since

samantha nixon
03-01-2006, 17:14
aw congrats leanne

03-01-2006, 17:25
one thing i cant decide about though is if i want to know the sex of the baby, i dont think i will be able to wait till late august to find out but then people are saying to me that it ruins the suprise. Firstly Congrats on your news. I would wait and see if I was you, I was told on 2 of my scans that I was having a girl, luckily I didn't do the pink bedroom thing, As I had a very happy healthy BOY. :rotfl:

03-01-2006, 17:33
thats exactly the same as my little brother they said he was going to be a girl - something i love teasing him about

03-01-2006, 18:32
lol i will have to think long and hard before hand if i want to find out, as you have said i dont want to be in the same position getting everything pink or blue and then having to change it :) lol

03-01-2006, 20:11
lol i will have to think long and hard before hand if i want to find out, as you have said i dont want to be in the same position getting everything pink or blue and then having to change it :) lol

plus it good fun after the borth to be able to go out and buy a load of pink or blue stuff, i had all cream or white which was so boring then a week after he was born i dragged my dad out to ferry me around all the shops to buy boys clothes!!

03-01-2006, 20:56
as someone has already said its personal choice really - totally up to you,when it comes to the scan you will know whether or not you want to know or not.

04-01-2006, 09:26
Congrats Leanne :D

11-01-2006, 17:42
well my lovely morning sickness arrived today! it wasnt too bad i just felt like i had a really bad stomach bug, was it you Debs that said Ginger biscuits helped?

11-01-2006, 17:49
aww it will soon go ive got this that might help

Not all of the following suggestions are supported by hard evidence, but they're all commonly recommended by obstetricians and midwives, and many women swear by them.

• Try to avoid foods and smells that trigger your nausea. If that seems like almost everything, it's okay to just eat the few things that do appeal to you for this part of your pregnancy, even if they don't add up to a balanced diet. It might also help to stick to bland foods and try to eat food cold or at room temperature, which tends to have less of an odor than hot food.

• Keep simple snacks, such as crackers, by your bed. When you first wake up, nibble a few crackers and then rest for 20 to 30 minutes before getting out of bed. Snacking on crackers may also help you feel better if you wake up feeling nauseated in the middle of the night.

• Eat small, frequent meals or snacks throughout the day so that your stomach is never empty. Some women find that carbohydrates are most appealing when they feel nauseated, but one small study found that high-protein foods were likely to work better.

• Try to avoid fatty foods, which take longer to digest, particularly during pregnancy, when your stomach takes longer to empty. Also avoid rich, spicy, acidic, and fried foods, which can irritate your stomach and digestive system.

• Try drinking fluids primarily between meals. And try not to drink so much at once that your stomach feels full, as that will make you less hungry for food. A good strategy is to sip something frequently throughout the day and aim to drink about a quart and a half altogether. If you've been vomiting a lot, try a sports drink that contains glucose, salt, and potassium to replace lost electrolytes.

• Give yourself time to relax and take naps if you can. Watching a movie (preferably not one about food!) or visiting with a friend can help relieve stress and take your mind off your discomfort. Or try hypnosis. While there's no definitive evidence that it helps with morning sickness, it's been shown to be effective in combating nausea during chemotherapy.

• Try taking your prenatal vitamins (http://www.babycenter.com/expert/pregnancy/prenatalhealth/2076.html) with food or just before bed. Or ask your healthcare provider whether you can switch to a prenatal vitamin with a low dose of iron or no iron (http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/pregnancy/pregnancynutrition/1468.html) for the first trimester, since this mineral can be hard on your digestive system.

• Ask your provider about taking vitamin B6 (http://www.babycenter.com/expert/pregnancy/morningsickness/2519.html). No one knows why B6 eases nausea in some women, but research indicates that it works for a number of women and it's been consistently shown to be safe when taken in commonly recommended doses. The usual dose for treating morning sickness is between 10 and 25 milligrams three times a day, but check with your provider before taking anything. She can tell you how much to take and whether or not the amount in your prenatal vitamin should count as one of the doses. (The amount of vitamin B6 in supplements varies by brand.)

• Try ginger, an alternative remedy thought to settle the stomach and help quell queasiness. See if you can find ginger ale made with real ginger (most common sodas aren't). Or grate some fresh ginger into hot water for ginger tea, or see if ginger candies help. A few studies found that taking powdered ginger root in capsules provided some relief. (Ask your provider before taking ginger supplements. As with many other things that are helpful in normal amounts, the effects of megadoses are unknown.)

• Try an acupressure band, a soft cotton wristband that's sold at drugstores. This simple and inexpensive device, designed to ward off seasickness, has helped many pregnant women through morning sickness (although some research suggests that it may be largely a placebo effect). You strap it on so that the plastic button pushes against an acupressure point on the underside of your wrist.

• Ask your provider about a device that regularly stimulates the underside of your wrist with a mild electric current. The device costs about $75 and is available by prescription only — but it's safe, and research has shown that this "acustimulation" technique work well for some women. • If nothing else works for you, ask your provider about taking an anti-nausea medication (http://www.babycenter.com/expert/pregnancy/isitsafe/1366869.html) that's considered safe during your first trimester.

11-01-2006, 18:27
Wow a good load of information you got there twinkle eyes :p

11-01-2006, 19:30
i know thanks a lot, i really appreciate it :)

11-01-2006, 23:07
well my lovely morning sickness arrived today! it wasnt too bad i just felt like i had a really bad stomach bug, was it you Debs that said Ginger biscuits helped?

oh dear it not nice. yep thats how it felt at first and i thought it was but alarm bells rang when it had gone on for a week none stop. fingers crossed you just haev mild sickness coz i had it all day every day for ten weeks! yep i found ginger biscuts really helped i went through pacjets of the things also digestives.

hope it goes away soon leanne.

11-01-2006, 23:40
I don't know if I am just strange, but I loved morning sickness!!!

In this strange way, I came to the conclusion that if I was being sick, everything was ok with the baby....don't know if there is any truth in that though, but it kept me going through that stage :D

11-01-2006, 23:42
I don't know if I am just strange, but I loved morning sickness!!!

In this strange way, I came to the conclusion that if I was being sick, everything was ok with the baby....don't know if there is any truth in that though, but it kept me going through that stage :D

yeah i was the same if im sick i no im ok and evryting is fine but i was sure gald when it was over! once cpnnor statrted kicking i didint need the sickness anymore!

11-01-2006, 23:46
lol - except when they have a quiet day and you start panicking, but then they decide to keep you up all night kicking you in the ribs :D

12-01-2006, 08:12
Wow a good load of information you got there twinkle eyes :p

yeah just got it of the net lol

12-01-2006, 14:57
lol - except when they have a quiet day and you start panicking, but then they decide to keep you up all night kicking you in the ribs :D

i remember laying on the sofa not miving for 2 hours one afternoon poking and joggling my bump to get con to move! he finally did but i was determined not to move til he did and then there were other quiet days where id get myself into a right state coz i couldnt remember if he had kicked at all or how long it was since the last lkick so id cry and cry!!

12-01-2006, 18:53
LOL i cant wait for all that it still doesnt seem real i guess, i've known for just over 2 weeks now but i still dont believe it, the baby wasnt planned you see so it was such a surprise when i found out (more like complete and utter shock) lol i want to plan everything allready but people just keep telling em to take it slow but i just wont listen :)

12-01-2006, 19:18
LOL i cant wait for all that it still doesnt seem real i guess, i've known for just over 2 weeks now but i still dont believe it, the baby wasnt planned you see so it was such a surprise when i found out (more like complete and utter shock) lol i want to plan everything allready but people just keep telling em to take it slow but i just wont listen :)

i waited till my 16 week scan. i so wanted to buy stuff but i mnaged ot wait then that weekend i rushed out and bought some bits!

once you see the scan thats when it feels real i coulnt stop looking at my scan pictures and the first kick is the best!

15-01-2006, 20:49
everyone im sooooo worried ive just been to the toilet and ive started to bleed! ive also noticed some stomach pain, its so late my patners out please tell me what to do im so scared, what if i've lost the baby???!!! im panicking and i just dont know what to do please help!

15-01-2006, 21:43
This happened to me at 7weeks with my 3yr old - try not to panic (which I know is very difficult) and put your feet up - don't run around. Unfortunately, what will be, will be and there is no way of stopping it, but it could just be implantation, or like me, bleed for no reason. I bled for 2 days solid but Ci was fine. See how long it lasts and how painful it is - if it gets really bad phone NHS direct but phone your doc in the morning and see what they say... I hope its all ok though..

15-01-2006, 22:34
everyone im sooooo worried ive just been to the toilet and ive started to bleed! ive also noticed some stomach pain, its so late my patners out please tell me what to do im so scared, what if i've lost the baby???!!! im panicking and i just dont know what to do please help!

i had a bleed at 5 weeks i didnt know i was pregnant at the time only a slight bleed though. have you phoned docs or midwife?

hope all is ok leanne

15-01-2006, 23:00
hope everything is fine

16-01-2006, 21:25
hey guys i've took a while to get back to you all because i've actually been ashamed... after i last spoke to you all the bleeding stopped so i've just tried to forget about it all and today i've carried on as normal, i never told my partner or anyone, i feel numb, if you get what i mean i just dont even want to think about what i'd do if i have lost the baby, you see i never contacted my midwife or anything i daren't what if its bad news,

i feel so ashamed i've just kept it to myself, im terified of the outcome, the baby wasnt planned but i cant think of me never getting to see it. What do i do now? should i still get checked out as i lost even more blood today i cant think at all, i cant even tell if im still pregnant or not im so confused.

16-01-2006, 21:42
i'm only 14 but i think you should maybe talk to you're midwife or the doctor well that's what i think. oh And congrats!

Luv Tanya

16-01-2006, 23:14
hey guys i've took a while to get back to you all because i've actually been ashamed... after i last spoke to you all the bleeding stopped so i've just tried to forget about it all and today i've carried on as normal, i never told my partner or anyone, i feel numb, if you get what i mean i just dont even want to think about what i'd do if i have lost the baby, you see i never contacted my midwife or anything i daren't what if its bad news,

i feel so ashamed i've just kept it to myself, im terified of the outcome, the baby wasnt planned but i cant think of me never getting to see it. What do i do now? should i still get checked out as i lost even more blood today i cant think at all, i cant even tell if im still pregnant or not im so confused.

leanne just to mind your mnd at rest phone your midwife espiecally as it still happening if you dont you just going to worry even more and get more stressed and that no good at all. phone your midwife hun and ket us know everything ok :)

16-01-2006, 23:23
hey guys i've took a while to get back to you all because i've actually been ashamed... after i last spoke to you all the bleeding stopped so i've just tried to forget about it all and today i've carried on as normal, i never told my partner or anyone, i feel numb, if you get what i mean i just dont even want to think about what i'd do if i have lost the baby, you see i never contacted my midwife or anything i daren't what if its bad news,

i feel so ashamed i've just kept it to myself, im terified of the outcome, the baby wasnt planned but i cant think of me never getting to see it. What do i do now? should i still get checked out as i lost even more blood today i cant think at all, i cant even tell if im still pregnant or not im so confused.I would give your doc a ring - when i was bleeding at 7 weeks, they said that if i was 8 weeks or more, they could have sent me to have an early scan to see what was happening. You do need to speak to them. The only thing i would say is that apparently, miscarriages happen when something is wrong with the embryo. Has the pain stopped?? How far gone are you?? But do please speak to your doctor or midwife and they may be able to send you for an early scan. The other advice I had from my doc, was to wait a week after the bleeding had stopped and then do another pregnancy test. That was a very long week, but if it still comes out positive, its apparently a good sign and thats what happened to me.

17-01-2006, 15:56
im 6 weeks pregnant, today i just stayed off and relaxed or tried to at least,incase that would help matters. im going to ring my midwife now see what i should do, no bleeding today which i guess is a good sign, i had some more pain yesterday but no more, i will let you know what happens.

17-01-2006, 16:31
I've got my fingers crossed for you....keep your feet up and don't do a thing, get the other half to do it all instead. Have you told him yet whats been happening??

17-01-2006, 16:46
I've just got through to my midwife and she said seen as it has happened twice i have to go to the hospital for a scan, even though im still so early gone, so im going there now, i cant stand not knowing anymore, i Haven't told my partner Jamie yet, once i know for sure i will obviously tell him no matter what the outcome is, i will get back to you all as soon as i can thanks for all you support and advice. leannexx

17-01-2006, 18:04
good luck everything will be fine let us no when you can

17-01-2006, 18:48
Good luck leanne - i hope everything turns out ok...

17-01-2006, 20:41
im 6 weeks pregnant, today i just stayed off and relaxed or tried to at least,incase that would help matters. im going to ring my midwife now see what i should do, no bleeding today which i guess is a good sign, i had some more pain yesterday but no more, i will let you know what happens.

everythingis crossed for you leanne! so gald you rang midwife i used to ring them for every little thing better to be safe and put your mind at rest!

17-01-2006, 20:42
I've just got through to my midwife and she said seen as it has happened twice i have to go to the hospital for a scan, even though im still so early gone, so im going there now, i cant stand not knowing anymore, i Haven't told my partner Jamie yet, once i know for sure i will obviously tell him no matter what the outcome is, i will get back to you all as soon as i can thanks for all you support and advice. leannexx

good luck leanne! xx

17-01-2006, 20:56
Good luck leanne hope it's good news xx

18-01-2006, 19:58
so leanne what happened any news???

18-01-2006, 21:51
any news yet babe??

19-01-2006, 15:41
sorry everyone for taking so long to get back to you all, the good news, BRILLIANT news is that the baby is fine :D i went to the hospital and they said i had had a threatend miscariage, basically i had being doing too much so now i have to have all the rest i can which is brilliant as i can have Jamie running round after me :) LOL. I foolishly made a mistake though with my pregnancy dates, I'm exactly just gone 7 weeks not 6!

I have now also made my next appointment for my supposedly would have been first scan for 2 weeks time, so fingers crossed that everything stays well, thanks for all support you guys.
Leannexx :)

19-01-2006, 16:33
I'm glad it wasn't a real miscarriage. it's ok about the pregnancy dats!

Love Tanya

19-01-2006, 16:43
sorry everyone for taking so long to get back to you all, the good news, BRILLIANT news is that the baby is fine :D i went to the hospital and they said i had had a threatend miscariage, basically i had being doing too much so now i have to have all the rest i can which is brilliant as i can have Jamie running round after me :) LOL. I foolishly made a mistake though with my pregnancy dates, I'm exactly just gone 7 weeks not 6!

I have now also made my next appointment for my supposedly would have been first scan for 2 weeks time, so fingers crossed that everything stays well, thanks for all support you guys.
Leannexx :)
aww hun glad everything whent well for you

19-01-2006, 19:04
sorry everyone for taking so long to get back to you all, the good news, BRILLIANT news is that the baby is fine :D i went to the hospital and they said i had had a threatend miscariage, basically i had being doing too much so now i have to have all the rest i can which is brilliant as i can have Jamie running round after me :) LOL. I foolishly made a mistake though with my pregnancy dates, I'm exactly just gone 7 weeks not 6!

I have now also made my next appointment for my supposedly would have been first scan for 2 weeks time, so fingers crossed that everything stays well, thanks for all support you guys.
Leannexx :)

hoiya leanne

am so glad evrything is ok, definately take it easy and dont do a thing it the onlky time you wont be able to lol!!

good luck with scan

19-01-2006, 23:36
Aww Leanne that is fab news - I am so glad it was all ok. Make sure you rest now and dont do so much....

20-01-2006, 07:56
so glad everything is ok!!!!

samantha nixon
20-01-2006, 19:56
im glad everythings ok leanne

20-01-2006, 23:04
thanks so much everyone :)

07-02-2006, 16:29
well everyone i have got my 9 week scan tomorrow and can't wait! I'm annoying everyone by going on about it so much LOL i will get the photo aswell tomorrow :) i will be so pleased to see that everythings ok again after the last emergency scan, it was such a relief to see that everything was fine that i never really took any of it in. Will let you all know about it and that everythings fine.

08-02-2006, 12:03
Leanne, I got my pregnancy thread http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=40539 as a sticky so you can post reports on your pregancy there.. it stops a lot of different threads been started.. Brenda has been posting there and I will get Willsmummy to do the same

08-02-2006, 18:43
thanks siobhan :D I'm in a brilliant mood tonight as i had the scan today and everything seems to be fine, my partner was with me this time aswell so he was just as pleased as me, it makes it all seem more real some how. made date for next scan too, i was kind of dreading this one as well as be excited for it, (if that makes sense,) last time it was so rushed and this time i took it all in LOL

15-02-2006, 21:28
Everyone I'm really upset, on the health and fitness posts I've just made a thread saying the Jordon workout is really good but when i told my friend of it she said it was a stupid thing to do as I'm pregnant and might hurt the baby, but surely a few harmless execrcises won't do that, ive got really annoyed with her and snapped at her nastily i feel ashamed now, But I was starting to worry about my weight before even though I'm only 7 stone 5 and like to stay healthy, i really don't want to put on loads of weight so have been trying to keep as active as i can which is surely a good thing yeah?

15-02-2006, 22:31
I would say too much physical exercise and you can risk damage to your baby simply because your body is going through a transition. There's other ways to keep healthy just as a brisk walk etc but if you take it to the extreme then you are really doing yourself nor the baby any favours.

You have to face facts that you will put weight on. Exercise hard after your pregnancy

15-02-2006, 22:45
you can still go to the gym when you are pregnant leanne - if you have always done it, there is no need to stop, you just take it easier - ask your midwife, they will tell you the same thing - you won't have damaged your baby, so don't feel daft or stupid or anything else honey

28-02-2006, 21:02
Im feeling really really down today about anything and everything i guess its just hormones i guess, did anyone else feel like this? ive been crying practically all day, how did you get past feeling so down

11-03-2006, 16:04
I hav some bad news i think me and my partner are going to split up, we have not been getting on well recently and I've had enough i have decided to tell him so tonight, i dont want to be with him anymore, i dont think he wats to be with me either, he doesn't seem to be interested in the baby as much either, i dont want the baby to be brought up with parents who fight all the time, so should i maybe ask for a trial seperation?

11-03-2006, 17:30
Sorry I am not quite sure. (I have never been pregnant!!!) But good luck anyways!

11-03-2006, 21:20
thanks nicoel im going to talk to him now wish me luckxx

12-03-2006, 18:36
me and jamie have decided to split up, its probably for the best we have not ruled out getting back together but for now its over, he moved out today

12-03-2006, 21:46
how are you feeling now Leanne? sometimes moving out can make you realise how good it was where you were before and how much you rely, enjoy the persons company.....I hope whatever happens you will be happy

12-03-2006, 22:56
me and jamie have decided to split up, its probably for the best we have not ruled out getting back together but for now its over, he moved out today

oh leanne im so sorry to hear about uyou and jamie splitting and whenyou are pregnant as well that cant be easy.

maybe things are hard now because of your hormones, i know me and dave argued all the time when iwas about 5/6months!! and things felt so bad.

dont forget when you need a hormone rant we are all here for you.

13-03-2006, 15:42
aw thanks, its just a lot of it didnt feel right if you know what i mean, my mum raised me on my own so i know its hard work but rather that than rowing all the time with jamie, i want to spend some time on my own to think really and see if he wants me back and if i will want him.

13-03-2006, 15:51
aw thanks, its just a lot of it didnt feel right if you know what i mean, my mum raised me on my own so i know its hard work but rather that than rowing all the time with jamie, i want to spend some time on my own to think really and see if he wants me back and if i will want him.

hell be there throughout your pregnancy though wont he??

maybe once the bubba is born youll be reunited again??

13-03-2006, 17:02
maybe we will be, he was pleased about the baby at first but then seemed to have lost any interest in it, I am waiting for him to phone so we can properly talk as the other day it was confusing and he basically just stormed out, i dont know if he will want to support me, he said he felt trapped by it all

19-03-2006, 09:50
how many months/weeks pregnant do you have tyo be before you can find out the sex of the baby?

19-03-2006, 09:59
i think its about 20 weeks, somewhere around that anyway.

19-03-2006, 15:42
I know its around 4 to 5 months but im not sure exactly i should be able to find out soon :)

samantha nixon
19-03-2006, 16:29
do you not want it as a surprise then leanne

19-03-2006, 16:57
I know its around 4 to 5 months but im not sure exactly i should be able to find out soon :)When you have your 20 week scan they may be able to tell for you, but its not guaranteed as boths sexes look very similar at this stage (surprisingly) and sometimes the cord gets in the way (we had this happen with Liam) Though some hospitals have a policy of not telling mums to be what the sex is, in case of them being incorrect - some people have been known to have caused a huge fuss when theyd been told they were having a girl and it was a boy and vice versa...

19-03-2006, 18:28
Im not too sure yet whether i want to know or not im only 15 weeks so i will have to wait a little bit longer yet if i decide to want to know, my ex feonce Jamie wanted to know but we have split up at the moment and I've hardly heard from him since so i dont know what i will do im just taking each day as it comes.

27-03-2006, 19:46
go for my four month scan tomorrow, im so excited it feels like only yesterday i found out i was pregnant and recently people have started to notice a tiny bump! which has made me so :D all day lol

28-03-2006, 08:06
:cheer: good luck with your scan today you will be fine let us no how you get on are you going to find out the sex

28-03-2006, 09:37
go for my four month scan tomorrow, im so excited it feels like only yesterday i found out i was pregnant and recently people have started to notice a tiny bump! which has made me so :D all day lolGood luck Leanne - hope it all goes well, let us know won't you :D

29-03-2006, 17:00
well yesterday i went for my scan :D i went with ym best friend this time, since the split I've only seen Jamie twice who knows what will happen next, i will just have to see how everything goes, the baby is getting bigger every time i see it its kind of scary! LOL but the midwife said everythign is fine and healthy which is great news :)

29-03-2006, 17:02
Thats great news Leanne - good to hear you have support and everythings going well.

29-03-2006, 19:56
thats great did you find out if its a boy or girl:)

29-03-2006, 20:47
no my next scan is at the end of april and they said they will be more sure of the sex the later on in my pregnancy i am so i might decide to find out then :)

11-04-2006, 23:06
I've had some bad news today, my ex partner Jamie is with somebody else some ex girlfriend of his, not that i was planning to get back with him but it feels like me and the baby have been totally abandoned now, he seems happy with his new care free life he says he still wants to be apart of the baby's life but i am so furious with him i just want to cut him out all together my mum says im being unfair but i think its him in the wrong and at the moment have no intention of letting him be involved with the baby am i being unfair?

11-04-2006, 23:44
well, to me, its unfair to cut the father out of the baby lifes coz i would like the father to know that I've moved on and am happy without him so the father might want to get back with me if he knew that I've moved on and dont need him and that I can cope with the baby hehe sound sneaky lol

12-04-2006, 08:59
well, to me, its unfair to cut the father out of the baby lifes coz i would like the father to know that I've moved on and am happy without him so the father might want to get back with me if he knew that I've moved on and dont need him and that I can cope with the baby hehe sound sneaky lol

i agree aswell i would be differnt if he did not want to be part of the babys life but when you do have tha baby you are going to need help esp in the first few weeks aswell but at the end of the day it is down to you and how you feel

12-04-2006, 10:28
i guess it does seem a little unfair but he never even came to my last scan and we have been split for a month and has shown no interest in the pregnancy, no phone calls to see how i am or anything.

samantha nixon
12-04-2006, 10:33
i guess it does seem a little unfair but he never even came to my last scan and we have been split for a month and has shown no interest in the pregnancy, no phone calls to see how i am or anything.

as much as i feel like a father should be involved with his children, i can see how youre coming from as like you said he is showing no interest in you or your baby now so why should he be able to see the baby when its born

12-04-2006, 10:42
exactly its as though he wants to miss out all the boring stuff but still get the prize at the end which is the baby but i really don't want him anywhere near at the moment

12-04-2006, 10:44
i guess it does seem a little unfair but he never even came to my last scan and we have been split for a month and has shown no interest in the pregnancy, no phone calls to see how i am or anything.

as it is that he is out of order not phoneing you to see how you are just leave it and wait to see if he phones you as if he is intrested he will

samantha nixon
12-04-2006, 10:44
exactly its as though he wants to miss out all the boring stuff but still get the prize at the end which is the baby but i really don't want him anywhere near at the moment

yeah tehn he shouldnt be able to be involved as, how do you know after a while he will still be interested in the baby

12-04-2006, 10:50
Its very difficult for these guys - my husband wasn't excited about any of our pregnancies until the very late stages - they can't begin to understand how it feels or anything like that - you will need all the support you can get, being a single parent of a young child is extremely tiring (having children in a marriage is bad enough) and he will be paying maintenance - give him time, but you should reconsider not allowing him in your childs life....cutting him out a pregnancy stage, to me, is unfair on all parties, including the babys...

12-04-2006, 10:56
Its very difficult for these guys - my husband wasn't excited about any of our pregnancies until the very late stages - they can't begin to understand how it feels or anything like that - you will need all the support you can get, being a single parent of a young child is extremely tiring (having children in a marriage is bad enough) and he will be paying maintenance - give him time, but you should reconsider not allowing him in your childs life....cutting him out a pregnancy stage, to me, is unfair on all parties, including the babys...

total agree with you Em.. I was a single parent for about 3 years, thankfully my boyfriend helps me out with our baby and my daughter and it was really tough but I had support from friends and family which helped alot. I never excluded my daughter dad from anything and we still make joint decisions on her life. The way I looked at it was how would I have felt if I was told I could never see my Dad so I don't see why I should take that away from my daughter.
My ex was not even remotely interested during my pregancy, he attended the scan but nothing else and never really took any notice until later stages of pregancy. I think it is a guy thing as they can't feel the baby the way women do.. we bond quicker as we are the ones carrying it

12-04-2006, 11:53
i know what you mean about him just getting the prize at the end and offering no support now, but you never know you may be glad he is around when the baby is born.

12-04-2006, 18:43
maybe, maybe not i guess I'll just see how things go at the moment i just want to concentrate on the next few months then wait and see

12-04-2006, 20:37
good luck to you leanne with whatever you do

17-04-2006, 17:41
thanks :) i have decided to find out the sex of the baby tomorrow as i have my scan then :D cant wait to finally know!

17-04-2006, 19:01
oooh let us know to leanne! havent looked in this thread for a while, hows it all going???

17-04-2006, 19:16
Everything's fine :) thanks, i dont know if you know but me and my partner Jamie have split up but now ive told him im going to find out the sex tomorrow he has said he will come with me as he never for the last scan, over the past few days we have been getting along a bit better too which is good, and by the way thanks everyone else for all the advice a few days ago when i was undecided as to whether to let Jamie be involved with the baby or not i have take it all on board and decided it wouldn't be fair on the baby if i totally cut him out of their life so thanks again for the advice :)

17-04-2006, 19:33
hoping the baby co-operates and lets you find out what you are having - how many weeks are you (Im just over 11 weeks and have my scan tomorrow too :))

17-04-2006, 21:10
Everything's fine :) thanks, i dont know if you know but me and my partner Jamie have split up but now ive told him im going to find out the sex tomorrow he has said he will come with me as he never for the last scan, over the past few days we have been getting along a bit better too which is good, and by the way thanks everyone else for all the advice a few days ago when i was undecided as to whether to let Jamie be involved with the baby or not i have take it all on board and decided it wouldn't be fair on the baby if i totally cut him out of their life so thanks again for the advice :)

good to hear everything is good, :)

yeah i read about you and jamie, sorry to hear about that hun but great that you are getting on better, makes life a bit easier!!

let us know how you get on tomorrow!!

17-04-2006, 21:11
hoping the baby co-operates and lets you find out what you are having - how many weeks are you (Im just over 11 weeks and have my scan tomorrow too :))

oooh good luck RG! let me know how you get on :)

18-04-2006, 19:06
well i found out the sex :D do you all want to know??? LOL

18-04-2006, 19:21
Hope everythings good Leanne, what's the sex? :D :p

samantha nixon
18-04-2006, 19:29
well i found out the sex :D do you all want to know??? LOL

yeah tell us as i wanna know
and im glad you and jamie sorted things out

18-04-2006, 19:46
yes i wanna know leanne!!!

come on spill

i bet its a girl!!

18-04-2006, 19:46
yeah everything' great thanks :) and im going to have a girl which is brilliant LOL :D :cheer: :)

18-04-2006, 19:50
Congratulations - thats great news

18-04-2006, 19:51
yeah everything' great thanks :) and im going to have a girl which is brilliant LOL :D :cheer: :)

:cheer: :cheer: thats brillaint news leanne!!!


samantha nixon
18-04-2006, 19:53
yeah everything' great thanks :) and im going to have a girl which is brilliant LOL :D :cheer: :)
aww i take it your glad your having a girl congrats :cheer:

18-04-2006, 19:56
I wasn't really to fussed either way but now I've found out its a girl i have to admit i am quite pleased with the news LOL now i can buy everything pink lol

18-04-2006, 20:16
yes i wanna know leanne!!!

come on spill

i bet its a girl!!

by the way Debs how did you guess that it was a girl? lol

18-04-2006, 21:36
lol just lucky guess, last soapboards baby was a boy, so i thouight maybe it was time for a girl!!!

18-04-2006, 22:39
awwwww wo congrats, you'll be thinking of names soon

18-04-2006, 22:57
I've allready decided on names lol if it was a boy i would have called it Jack but now that i know its a girl im going to call her (sounds so weired saying "her") Caitlin ive loved that name for as long as i can remember

18-04-2006, 23:12
awwww wow i like the sound of thats name

18-04-2006, 23:37
awwww wow i like the sound of thats name

aw thanks :) a lot of people are sure of the name, i dont know whay i love it

19-04-2006, 09:40
I've allready decided on names lol if it was a boy i would have called it Jack but now that i know its a girl im going to call her (sounds so weired saying "her") Caitlin ive loved that name for as long as i can remember

oh my god!!! those are the exact same name chooses my sister had for her first, she had a boy,! caitlin is a very pretty name

19-04-2006, 10:49
Awwww congrats Leanne :D :cheer: Kaitlins a lovely name :D

19-04-2006, 11:13
oh my god!!! those are the exact same name chooses my sister had for her first, she had a boy,! caitlin is a very pretty name

woah that's weired lol we must have the same taste lol

24-04-2006, 15:23
:cheer: yay leanne :cheer: !!! - Caitlin is an amazing name - i remember in gymnastics my best friend there was called Caitlin and we always used to argue whos middle name suited there name best as we both have the same middle name - lydia ! haha i still think it suits stephanie better :p....but yeh that was 6 years ago now ! seems so long. CONGRATULATIONS to you hunni :D - are you giving Caitlin a middle name?

24-04-2006, 16:52
im not totally decided yet lol does anyone have any suggestions by the way??? im open to any lol as i dont have a clue what the middle name could be

samantha nixon
24-04-2006, 17:24
aww Caitlin is a really sweet name

24-04-2006, 18:12
aww Caitlin is a really sweet name

Thanks :D some of my family i can tell arn't keen on the name i dont know why though

28-04-2006, 19:11
well stephanie is amazing i think lol. only joking ok ok what about marie ? eloise (sp?) elouise... or what other names do you like ?? - got a close relative you would like your daughter named after - or even leanne after you !!

28-04-2006, 21:42
i actually like the name steff i will seriously consider that thanks :) and i dont like my name so i wont be calling her after me lol

30-04-2006, 18:32
omg do you ? wow lol :p i feel privalidge now that your considering it :p - Caitlin stephanie then the surname not bad :p .... (sorry if i spelt caitlin wrong).

05-07-2006, 17:27
just to let everyone know i now have a daughter :D unfortunately she was born prematurely and was due on august the 27th, 2 days ago i went into labour and because the birth was going so fast i was just rushed straight to hospital and she was born within the hour, she is still in hospital as she is really small only weighing 4 pounds i can bring her home on friday once her jaundice has cleared up and her full name is Caitlin Stephanie lol and im just soooo proud :d

05-07-2006, 17:33
Congratulations Leanne! :cheer: Love the name as well. Hope everything goes well for you both!

05-07-2006, 17:34
Many congratulations Leanne, and what a beautiful name you have chosen for your daughter.

All the best for Friday, bet you cant wait to have her home

05-07-2006, 17:37
Congratulations Leanne! Caitlin Stephanie is a great name!

05-07-2006, 18:09
awww Congratulations Leanne! and that is such a great name.

samantha nixon
05-07-2006, 19:15
aww congratualtions leanne glad your new daughter is ok and i bet you cant wait till friday to bring her home i also think the name is really nice

05-07-2006, 19:16
just to let everyone know i now have a daughter :D unfortunately she was born prematurely and was due on august the 27th, 2 days ago i went into labour and because the birth was going so fast i was just rushed straight to hospital and she was born within the hour, she is still in hospital as she is really small only weighing 4 pounds i can bring her home on friday once her jaundice has cleared up and her full name is Caitlin Stephanie lol and im just soooo proud :d

Huge congrats leanne. Gorge name, have only been thiking about you in last week, how spooky is that!

looking forwward to seeing some new baby pics!

05-07-2006, 22:00
congratulations! hope youre both doing well. x

05-07-2006, 22:40
Congratulations Leanne - glad to hear she is ok after her early arrival

06-07-2006, 17:27
thanks everyone she is just adorable though i guess i am biased lol

06-07-2006, 18:15
Awwwwwwwwwwww!! I just clicked on this thread and it said congratulations and I was thinking.. No..:eek: Already?! :D Time sure does fly by!!

So... Congratulations!! What a gorgeous name!! Aww bless!! :D Glad everything went well :D

:D A new baby.. :D

06-07-2006, 18:33
Awww congrats Leanne! :cheer: Hope you are both ok, her name is gorgeous! x :D

06-07-2006, 23:34
Hows the jaundice coming along ?? How are they treating it??

07-07-2006, 10:38
she has been in an incubator for a while now but hopefully she will be allowed home today its awful leaving her behind :( i just want to show her off to everyone! lol im going there today at 12 to see if she is ready to come home they assured me she would but im still scared they decide to keep her in, and her jaundice seems to be going fairly quickyl aswel :)

07-07-2006, 13:44
What's jaundice? :searchme:

Have you brought her home yet Leanne? :D x

07-07-2006, 14:13
jaundice is where the liver doesn't work properly and the affects can be a slight yellowing colour to the skin its not too serious but needs to be treated. And yes!!! ive JUST brought her home so thought id pop up here and let you all know lol she's all in pink and jus looks gorgeous :D she's too good to be true

07-07-2006, 14:14
she has been in an incubator for a while now but hopefully she will be allowed home today its awful leaving her behind :( i just want to show her off to everyone! lol im going there today at 12 to see if she is ready to come home they assured me she would but im still scared they decide to keep her in, and her jaundice seems to be going fairly quickyl aswel :) How heavy is she now?? Did they treat her under the uv lamps then for her jaundice?? Bet you'll be glad to have her home.

Spicy - jaundice is where the baby's skin is tinged with yellow (sometimes to the whites of their eyes) where there is a high level of a certain chemical present in their liver - once the liver has broken this down, the yellowish tinge goes.

07-07-2006, 15:59
Are you going to pst some pictures later?! :D Pretty please..:p :DYou must be so happy!! I want to hold a baby now!!

Oh ok, thanks guys xx

07-07-2006, 16:05
Congratulations leanne

its a really pretty name

hope mother and baby are doing ok!

07-07-2006, 18:32
Congrats leanne, it must be great to have her home, dont forget pics soon, just dont post any ones that are to cute, my broodiness will go into overdrive again!!!( like it isnt always)

07-07-2006, 20:08
Are you going to pst some pictures later?! :D Pretty please..:p :DYou must be so happy!! I want to hold a baby now!!

Oh ok, thanks guys xx
ooooo yer i sooo agree with spicyspy, well thats if you dont mind of course.

08-07-2006, 12:04
Hi everyone well what a night i was up 5 times! lol i dont know if that's really bad or ok for a baby but i guess its all part of the job lol, i will post some pictures as soon as i get some really nice one's took, im really lookign forward to today all of my friends and family are coming around if they havn't allready visited lol some are coming again oh well lol Caitlin's dad jamie has actually been really supportive aswell and stayed the night last night to give me a rest during the night even though i think for now we have decided not to get back together.

12-07-2006, 19:45
hows everything going now leanne?? is she settling in at home??

29-07-2006, 11:57
hi sorry havn't been on here in a while ive just been so busy, yeah she is doing fine, a routine has been getting set in and she seems to be thankfully sticking to it. Ive just one question though for anyone who's had a baby? how long did it take you to loose all the baby weight? like to get back to the size you were before pregnancy?

29-07-2006, 12:58
I'm still getting there 7 months later - it doesnt tend to happen overnight Leanne - as the saying goes 9 months on 9 months min off. Obviously it differs woman to woman though.

04-08-2006, 10:37
Congratulations leanne its a really pretty name hope you both doing ok and dont worry bout the weight it will come of in time

06-08-2006, 12:11
when you gunna post pictures? :D we'd love to see your bootiful baby :) x x x

08-08-2006, 16:38
hi sorry havn't been on here in a while ive just been so busy, yeah she is doing fine, a routine has been getting set in and she seems to be thankfully sticking to it. Ive just one question though for anyone who's had a baby? how long did it take you to loose all the baby weight? like to get back to the size you were before pregnancy?

At 27 it will take time to lose the weight.. you body is not as young as it use to be... Congrats by the way and your baby was born a year after my little man.. you have so much to look forward to