View Full Version : Sonia's problem...

28-12-2005, 10:55
I was thinking about the differences between Sonia and Martin; about how she thinks he cant think ouside the Square etc. Now let's look at the others on the Square and their jobs:

Pauline and Dot: Launderette
Pat and Dennis: Bookies
Gary and Minty: The Arches
Peggy, Phil, Little Mo, Jim, Dawn, Rosie: The Queen Vic
Johnny: Scarlet's
(Martin), Stacey, Jake, Big Mo, Mickey: The Market
Jane and Juley: The Cafe
Ian: The cafe and the Fish and Chip Shop
Patrick: Car Lot
Yolande: Shop
Gus: Market Cleaner
Billy: Model Management from home
Charlie: Taxi Business from home

I think I see a pattern emerging here. Sonia seems to be the only character with a job outside the Square and immediate environs (not counting Naomi of course). Perhaps it's not just Martin who can't think outside the Square.

It seems to me that the residents of Albert Square are very lucky to all find employment within such a close distance. Perhaps Sonia should reflect on this...

28-12-2005, 15:31
good point im really starting to dislike sonia

28-12-2005, 17:42
She is really starting to get on my nerves.

Good Point.

28-12-2005, 17:45
thats true, but i dont think martin can think outside the living room :lol:

28-12-2005, 17:56
thats true, but i dont think martin can think outside the living room :lol:

Nope :lol:

28-12-2005, 18:13
but he does try when has sonia wever tryed to do the things martin likes to do

28-12-2005, 19:38
but he does try when has sonia wever tryed to do the things martin likes to do

What have we ever heard Martin say he likes? Sonia has never stopped Martin going out with his mates, in fact she has encouraged him when she has been studying. He even went to Scotland for a week to Asif's stag week when things were terrible at home and Sonia had to move out for a night to get away from Pauline.

Martin is a spoilt, self centred, sulky little boy who needs to grow up. Sonia is growing up and that is the problem.

The way Martin was treating Sonia on Christmas Eve/ Day was appalling. He burnt her books which effectively said he didn't give a damn about her career or their marriage, he screamed at her constantly and threw a present at her.

I really can't understand why people think Sonia is being horrible here. She is at college and has discovered some new things in her life. She tried her best to get Martin involved but he didn't want to know so she went ahead anyway. The art stuff was just a symbol, it didn't matter what the new interest was. Martin only wants to spend time in the Vic and in their front room. He wants Sonia to be his mother all over again and it is never going to happen. Martin is showing all the signs of a very possessive man and no woman should put up with that. If she gives in now she will end up wasting away in the Fowler house.

Sonia doesn't want to change Martin, only his attitude. She isn't telling him to better himself by going to college or to change his job, or to earn more money. All she wants is for him to stop resenting her going to college and to realise that there is more to life out there. The world doesn't begin and end in Walford.

28-12-2005, 20:58
Well said Sarah! I have seen numerous posts degrading Sonia and have been wondering how to articulate my thoughts, and you have done it so very well! I think Joe may have set Martin on the right track with his little bollocking a few days ago. At least I hope so. Martin isn't a bad bloke, but he does seem to have limited vision. I think Martin is jealous of what Sonia is achieving.

28-12-2005, 21:00
Your clearly a huge Sonia fan! lol. I have to say I'm more on Martin's side than Sonia's, but I think it's been portrayed so people do empathise with him more.

Just look at tonight's episode, everytime he shows her the remotest bit of affection she pulls away. And it was like that before they even acknowledged they were having problems. Everytime he tries to do something nice for her, like cook her a meal or invite her somewhere, she's always got something on. A lot of people are students, it doesn't mean that you have to spend every moment you have outside college with the people you study with. It's nice if you make friends, but you go there to learn really, you don't dedicate yourself to socialising with your college friends, you give and take. Especially if you have a husband. You should want to spend time with him. Of course as she says, you don't have to live in each others pockets, but you don't have to cut off from him completely.

I think she needs to take a serious look at how much time she does actually spend with him. Maybe then she would realise that it's not enough.

29-12-2005, 12:26
Thanks Suzanne! I don't think Martin is a bad bloke at all (despite his past - blackmailing of Kareena, letting Derek take the blame for the drugs, driving whilst banned etc, etc) he has learnt some lessons and developed into a much better bloke. I think his main problem is that he is so insecure, he is terrified of losing Sonia but his insecurity is actually pushing her away.

LittleMo, how did you guess? :) Yes, I am a huge fan of Sonia. I've always liked her ever since she asked Grant for a whisky chaser when she wasn't as big as the bar! I always felt sorry for the girl because she had the gobby big sister who demanded attention, Robbie who wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer so Carol worried about him, Billy was the baby and to a large extent Sonia was seen as the one who could look after herself so Carol didn't give her the attention she gave the others. And her life has never been easy ...

Sonia hasn't been spending much time with Martin but most of it has been college based and there have been times when he could have been with her. When the whole square was at the Miller's party, he was sulking on the sofa. She invited him to another night out, but he prefered to be in the pub with the lads. Most of it though, has been meeting course deadlines.

I don't think it is being written as Sonia's fault. If it was, why did Joe tell him exactly how it is? My mother was cheering Joe :clap: for his speech and yelling at Sonia to find the frying pan when Martin was shouting at her. :lol:

As for Sonia turning away from him, I think that is very realistic. She is still as mad as hell at him! She seems to be thawing a bit now though. It is sad, because this is all down to a lack of communication. I keep hoping that one day they will sit down and tell each other exactly what is wrong without getting huffy and screaming at each other! But that is very hard to do when you are emotionally involved isn't it?