View Full Version : alfie and little mo

24-04-2005, 18:59
Hi is anyone else hating :angry: little mo and alfie storyline it ridicolous in my opinion she out of order going after her sisters husband it is just cringeworthy to watch pass me the sick bucket

What will billy and kat say?

But loving jake and chrissie flirting it is great :love:

24-04-2005, 19:03
your sisters husband wether not together/divorced/seperated etc... is totally out of bounds!!! it is totally wrong in my opinion!! can i have the sick bucket after you!!! (cleaned if poss!!!)

24-04-2005, 19:09
Alfie and little mo are boring the hell out of me. They are so cringeworthy. At first I though they had a little chemistry but now I have certainly changed my tune. The storyline is stupid anyway. Why are ee so content on these dull far fetched love traingles anyway. I'm not particularly a Kat and Alfie fan but the sooner she returns the better -anything to end this irritating shamble.

P:S I am too loveing the flirting between Chrissie and Jake :)

24-04-2005, 20:20
I am so glad i am not the only as you said the sooner kat comes bck the better in my book

Poor billy i feel sorry for him little mo is out of order and kat she will be absoutely livid with little mo and hurt :wall:

24-04-2005, 20:23
Can't stand Alfie and little Mo together.

They are both so sickly they make me cringe. I like both of the characters separately, but can you imagine the two of them together - HOW BORING!! Can't wait for Kat to come back and then we should see some fireworks.

24-04-2005, 20:28
Totally agree sooz15 i cant wait for the firework :rotfl: either little mo is bang out of order :angry:

24-04-2005, 22:22
i am loving this storyline with alfie and little mo!! but only because i know that kat is coming back soon so there will be fireworks!!!! i really want kat and alfie to get back together but i also want to see something happen with alfie and mo!!

25-04-2005, 07:47
boring,plus mo would never do that,i know i wouldnt and im not a mouse like her.

25-04-2005, 09:04
boring,plus mo would never do that,i know i wouldnt and im not a mouse like her.

I dont' think it is a case of wether she would or not.. you just can't help how you feel even if you know it is wrong

25-04-2005, 12:33
yeah but if you know it;s wrong you just don't do it. surely the fact that her sister's slept with him would make her not want to - personally i think the image would just keep popping up! still didn't stop zoe sleeping with people that her mum had already slept with!

25-04-2005, 12:34
I realy hate Alfie & Mo together... it just doesn't work for me. But I can't wait for Kat's return and the impact this'll have on that.

25-04-2005, 18:06
Mofie or Kalfie????
Hummmm, now thats hard!
Not, Kalfie al the way, Little Mo and Alfie are just not Compatable!!!
Can't wait for Kat to return!
Luv ya
x x x
Ps Loving jake and Chrissie aswell!

25-04-2005, 18:06
I know that everyone loves Alfie and Kat together and I did aswell, but if this was real life I think that Alfie would suit Mo so much better. He had such a problem with Kats slaggy past and Mo is such a prim person. They are both the same gentle and caring. I dont think he would cope with Kat xx. :p

25-04-2005, 18:51
I totally hate the Alfie and Mo storyline. It is just not right.... There was a totally different chemistry between Kat and Alfie. And I think everyone loved it. The sooner she's back the better!!!!

25-04-2005, 20:08
Alfie and Little Mo storyline is absolutely ridiculous and wrong. How can she do that to her sister? Wasn't Alfie supposed to die for Kat? He has quick forgotten her... And remember, Little Mo dumped Billy because he couldn't handle the situation with Freddie but she was supposed to love him, and now, she is completely crawling for Alfie!Just a note: Alfie is Freddie's godfather...The situation is too stuck

di marco
25-04-2005, 20:16
this storyline is getting on my nerves! alfie and lil mo just dont suit. the only thing i like about it all is the fact that i cant wait for the fireworks when kat gets back, that should be good. then alfie and kat should get back together, they were great, so so so much better than alfie and lil mo

25-04-2005, 22:03
I know that everyone loves Alfie and Kat together and I did aswell, but if this was real life I think that Alfie would suit Mo so much better. He had such a problem with Kats slaggy past and Mo is such a prim person. They are both the same gentle and caring. I dont think he would cope with Kat xx. :p

Well 'slaggy' isn't the word I'd use but I don't think Alfie had a problem with her past. He was aware of her history when he married her so yes he accepted it and loved her for her and dismissed her reputation, which many people have painted her as. Alfie knows that Kat's past behaviour was more to do with the molestation she suffered as a child which subsequently affected her adult life and the choices she made especially where men were concerned. What Alfie had more of a problem with was the fear of her committing adultery once again after learning that she slept with Andy. This in turn damaged their marriage to the extent that Kat felt that she had to leave.

As for little Mo, she is a nice person and has a good heart but I don't see it lasting. They have both came out of marriages and lost their 'loves of their life' so I feel that if anything they are seeking comfort and solace in each others company. Little Mo still loves Billy and I believe that Alfie is still very much in love with Kat. I doubt there relationship will be long term. Well I hope not anyway. I don't think I could stomach another drawn out love triangle.

25-04-2005, 22:48
I've seen more chemistry between a twig and the ground.

really, its just embarassing for me to watch, and cringe. alfie and kat, mo and billy - they were the right pairings.

why must eastenders not allow there to be any happy marriages that last more than 5 minutes?!?!

and as for the chrissie and jake flirting - now there's chemistry and spark!

25-04-2005, 23:26
I really like this story, Alfie and Little Mo are really sweet together. Kat and Alfie were getting boring and I'd much rather have Alfie and Little Mo.

Keating's babe
26-04-2005, 09:47
Me too Brummie Girl. Kat had her chance with Alfie and she blew it. She wasn't thinking of Alfie and her marriage when she had a one-night stand with a guy she just met in a pub.

26-04-2005, 09:49
Nah, i think Little Mo should be with Billy, there are so sweet together! And he loves her so much! ARHHHHHH :) :D

26-04-2005, 12:09
I don't want Little Mo and Billy together. They bore me to tears, her and Alfie are much better. Kat did do wrong by sleeping with someone else just before she left. I don't think she could say much about Alfie and Little Mo. He can't wait around forever for her to come back.

26-04-2005, 12:17
I think the whole problem with the Kat and Alfie storyline was the writers had to come up with a way to write in Jessies pregnancy so some brightspark decides lets give Alfie a personality transplant and Kat a drink problem - they totally ruined the characters. Alfie had no problem with Kats past, he knew about Harry etc.. then suddenly he turns into a jealous posessive guy and Kat hits the bottle. When Kat come back, they should go back to how they were before the personality transplant, they were a brilliant couple, witty, loving and affectionate.

26-04-2005, 12:44
I totally agree with you no1abbafan! :) I loved Kat and Alfie together they were so made for eachother! :D

26-04-2005, 20:21
Wow its so true that Kat and Alfie had major personality transplants, leading up to jessie's maternity leave.... And Alfie who was so in love with her has managed to get over her without even shedding as much as a tear over it!! How could he even think of wanting her sister! I really want Kat to come back strong and positive, determind to get the love of her life back. I don't care how liitle Mo takes it. She deserves everything she gets after all this flirting with her sister's husband. As big Mo said in Monday's episode... Kat and Alfie are made for each other!!
Also I really hope that Kat remembers to bring Alfie's red Kimono back!!!!! Hurry up Kat...........

26-04-2005, 23:46
I don't care how liitle Mo takes it. She deserves everything she gets after all this flirting with her sister's husband. As big Mo said in Monday's episode... Kat and Alfie are made for each other!!
Also I really hope that Kat remembers to bring Alfie's red Kimono back!!!!! Hurry up Kat...........

I think Little Mo deserves to be happy, and I hope Kat isn't to hard on her. She's been through such a tough time, everything that happened with Trevor, plus being raped by Graham and seperating from the love of her life Billy, it's been heartbreaking to watch. What she has with Alfie (despite the circumstances) is lighthearted and fun. I think they both feel guilty, but they are both separated, they don't have too answer to anyone.

Kat sleeping with another man was the final nail in the coffin for Alfie. I do think there's still a part of him that loves Kat, but I don't think he trusts her and I think she would have to work hard to get that trust back.

27-04-2005, 00:44
I think Little Mo deserves to be happy, and I hope Kat isn't to hard on her. She's been through such a tough time, everything that happened with Trevor, plus being raped by Graham and seperating from the love of her life Billy, it's been heartbreaking to watch. What she has with Alfie (despite the circumstances) is lighthearted and fun. I think they both feel guilty, but they are both separated, they don't have too answer to anyone.

Kat sleeping with another man was the final nail in the coffin for Alfie. I do think there's still a part of him that loves Kat, but I don't think he trusts her and I think she would have to work hard to get that trust back.

I agree with you 100% :clap:

Keating's babe
27-04-2005, 10:16
Everyone is saying how wrong it is for Alfie and Mo to be together, but Sharon was with Grant when she slept with Phil - and they ended up together. I don't really see where the problem is. After all, Alfie and Mo are free agents. Billy slept with Sasha. Kat had a one night stand and then left Alfie - she walked out on their marriage.

27-04-2005, 13:05
I've seen more chemistry between a twig and the ground.

really, its just embarassing for me to watch, and cringe. alfie and kat, mo and billy - they were the right pairings.

why must eastenders not allow there to be any happy marriages that last more than 5 minutes?!?!

and as for the chrissie and jake flirting - now there's chemistry and spark!

I don't think I could have put it better myself Cherryz everytime Mo and Alfie are on screen I just cringe there is nothing there no spark nothing it's cold as ice and of course completely agree about Jake and Chrissie now there is chemistry

27-04-2005, 14:42
In last nights episode, when little Mo was talking to big Mo in the Vic, big mo said something about Kat and Alfie and little Mo got really defensive and said something like, "she hasn't seen him for a long time". I think that is totally wrong. No body would try it on with their sisters boyfriend. When little Mo said that, it was as if she was trying to justify that it's ok to get with Alsie! Come back Kat and sort your sister out!

phils little sister
27-04-2005, 14:44
Yeah cant wait for Kat to get back, and little Mo lost her feelings for billy quick enough she may do the same with Alfie.

kat and Alfie forver :cheer:

27-04-2005, 14:44
In last nights episode, when little Mo was talking to big Mo in the Vic, big mo said something about Kat and Alfie and little Mo got really defensive and said something like, "she hasn't seen him for a long time". I think that is totally wrong. No body would try it on with their sisters husband. When little Mo said that, it was as if she was trying to justify that it's ok to get with Alfie! Come back Kat and sort your sister out!