View Full Version : A Whole New World.... of trouble

23-12-2005, 13:16
Hold onto your iPods - Jordan and Peter Andre have revealed they are planning to release a single!

The Barbie and Ken of the celeb world plan to release their own special version of Disney track A Whole New World early in 2006.

The couple performed the duet for Children In Need in November.

Jordan told a celeb magazine magazine: "We're very excited. There's no album deal yet but we'll see where it leads."

Well, that's something to look forward to then!

23-12-2005, 13:17
This is great!! I hated the song at first.. I heard them singing it and I was stuck to the actual song for a week!! :lol:

Personally I like it, don't pick on me :rotfl:...

23-12-2005, 13:56
Me too! Lol dont worry

23-12-2005, 15:11
it wont be too bad and people will either buy it or they wont its no big worry i dont think it will dominate the airways so to speak. I like it but then I liked the original disney version

23-12-2005, 15:14
To be honest! I don't think it was that bad!
I mean i love the song, but i don't think they sounded THAT bad at children in need i quite liked it! x

23-12-2005, 17:58
Okay then....

24-12-2005, 15:32
i hope it goes well for them though i doubt they will get a record deal!!

26-12-2005, 23:38
Four words:

Not in our house

Dr. Tangliss
27-12-2005, 11:41
Lol, same here!

27-12-2005, 12:59
I think it would be quite good actually.

27-12-2005, 14:22
It will either be funny in a kitsch type of way, or be class A kack.

27-12-2005, 14:29
Talk about cheesy..

samantha nixon
28-12-2005, 13:38
i think they sang it really good as i love the song anyway and i love there version of it and ill get it when they release it

28-12-2005, 17:10
i think they sang it really good as i love the song anyway and i love there version of it and ill get it when they release it

I think there version is good aswell.