View Full Version : Character Views

22-12-2005, 22:17
i think its interesting to find out what others think of the characters in eastenders, so i thought i'd start a thread to discuss the characters we like, dont like, and how/if their actors make a good job of creating them :D

i'll start off:
i hate johnny allen

22-12-2005, 22:18
I hate Naomi, Ian, Pauline, Martin and Sonia.

22-12-2005, 22:38
I thought we discuss things lol :p So why does everyone hate whoever?

I currently hate Phil... for being so sneaky with Ruby and Johnny..

22-12-2005, 23:27
I currently hate johnny!
As he is sooooooo posseive (sp) and just not a very nice man! He ain't hard at all and he killed andy and ran danny and tina outta town!
I just don't like the man!

22-12-2005, 23:33
I really don't like Naomi. They brought her in to bring some 'totty' into the show. Ha! I'm sorry the girl can't act, she really isn't that pretty and she is so interferring. I was wondering constantly, why is she out mourning Nana? She never spoke to the women! I just can't stand the girl!

I also hate Johnny because he is just being so evil right now. Ruby is annoying me a bit, with the fact that she seems to think she loves Juley and it's true love etc. She needs to wake up. Stacey really gets guys and she doesn't seem fooled by that stuff, Ruby is. They have totally changed Ruby since she arrived. They brought in a school girl who spend a lot of time studying and loved her dad. Now she's sleeping with a guy quite a few years older than her, hardly seems to study, is always arguing with her dad and is just the complete opposite of the girl at the start. What happened?

23-12-2005, 00:06
Dont like Naomi, for the reasons above

Am not too keen on Ian, because he's a simpering tight wad

Don't like Sonia and Martin. Grrrrrr That story line has had every last drop wrung out of it!!!! No more!

Johnny Allen, because he's such a pants "gangsta"

I do love Dot though, she'll always be my favourite. I met June Brown at a festival once, she's brilliant!

23-12-2005, 00:07
Don't like Sonia and Martin. Grrrrrr That story line has had every last drop wrung out of it!!!! No more!

Johnny Allen, because he's such a pants "gangsta"!

Totaly agree with you there on both points! x

23-12-2005, 00:10
I am so fed up with Martin and Sonia, I feel like banging their heads together. May they be banished to spend the rest of their lives indoors with only Pauline's tea cosy for company.

And as for Johnny, get Grant in to finish him off someone!!!

23-12-2005, 01:08
I don't like Johnny or Ruby, they should leave. Phil isn't doing much at the moment, except standing around looking evil. It's better when he's involved in something, like a storyline (this Johnny thing isn't good in my opinion). Sonia is annoying me but I still think she has promise, she is a good actress.

23-12-2005, 01:13
Don't you think that Phil just gets redder by the day? He's gone from radish to beetroot

23-12-2005, 01:46
Sonia and Martin have not had a storyline that every last drop has been wrung out of it! A marriage breakdown doesn't happen overnight, it takes a very long time. This is the most realistic storyline EE has had in a long time.

23-12-2005, 01:50
Sonia and Martin have not had a storyline that every last drop has been wrung out of it! A marriage breakdown doesn't happen overnight, it takes a very long time. This is the most realistic storyline EE has had in a long time.

I agree. Sonia and Martin have a very complex relationship, and it's important that things run their course. They are both very young, but they do have a lot of history between them, so there are things that hold them together. It is difficult to part from everything you've ever known.

23-12-2005, 01:51
I'm only saying it becuse I don't like them, so am a little blinkered.

23-12-2005, 01:56
i currently really dont like sonia. shes really whiny and really annoying! and she treats martin really badly.

i also dont like juley. never have he just does my head in so much i dont really know why he just does. and him and ruby are really not a good match

im currently liking stacey, have done for ages shes great and really funny. hope she stays in it for ages!

also am liking honey, dunno why i just like her lol.

23-12-2005, 01:58
I like Stacy too. She's a feisty wee girl. It's been good seeing her with her mum over the past week or so. You can see whay she's like she is

23-12-2005, 02:00
I like Stacy too. She's a feisty wee girl. It's been good seeing her with her mum over the past week or so. You can see whay she's like she is

yeah she was great with her mother. laceys a great actress :cheer:

23-12-2005, 02:06
She is. I wish I was half as talented!

23-12-2005, 02:59
She is. I wish I was half as talented!

Don't put yourself down. I do like Stacey she's great, a real Slater.

23-12-2005, 06:15
I do enjoy Stacey more these days, she has had an interesting story line, especially the mental health issue that EE dealt with.. It took alot of skill to handle the emotions involved as a carer of some one with mental health issues,, Kudos to Lacey..

Some one said they hated Johnny Allen, but I think Billy Murray has done a bang up job with his character..

There will always be characters on any show that we will love to hate..:)

23-12-2005, 08:37
I don't like Johnny, Naomi, Ian and Sonia currently.

I am liking Ruby and Stacey and the moment. Oh of course Shannis.

23-12-2005, 10:49
i dont mind sonia but martin's just getting boring

23-12-2005, 12:24
I don't like Sonia, Martin, Ruby, Juley, Gus, Phil, Ian or Jane. Sonia and Martin because they're boring me. Ruby is the most annoying twit ever, and her boyfriend Juley is vile scum. Phil is a two steps away from become a pimp, and he's disgusting. Ian and Jane just don't interest me, and I don't think they have much chemistry beyond friendship chemistry.

I don't like Johnny as a person, but as a character he's great and Billy Murray plays him wonderfully. Actually, as a character he's woefully inconsistent and jumps from "family man Johnny" to "gangster Johnny" at the click of a fingers. But Billy Murray manages to save it I think.

I like Garry, Alfie when he isn't in the middle of Molfie, Kat, Stacey, Billy, Dennis and Naomi is growing on me. My two favourites at the moment though are Jake and Dawn. :wub: It took me about a week I think to warm to Dawn, maybe even less. And I loved Jake from day 1, so...Their characters just stand out for me, couldn't really explain why, they just do.

23-12-2005, 12:37
I like Jake, Kat, Alfie, Stacey and Ruby the best. I liked Danny too, and Nana.

23-12-2005, 12:49
I hate Naomi, Ian, Pauline, Martin and Sonia.

:bow: Yeah me either i dont like the above and why cant pauline ever be happy :lol:

Johnny Allen
23-12-2005, 13:49
I can't stand Ruby she's not only a poor actress she's plain annoying, along with Dennis who is another one who is wooden and who I can't see anything in his behaviour and the way he pretends to be hard is just plain laughable.

23-12-2005, 13:59
Don't you think that Phil just gets redder by the day? He's gone from radish to beetroot
:rotfl: Yeah.. thats why Alan and Richie call him a beetroot.. :rotfl:

30-12-2005, 21:17

johnny is one of those love to hate (with a passion) characters. i'm glad he's leaving, because i don't know what else they would be able to do with him, unless it was pretty much the same things they've been doing with him now, or if he suddenly turned nice and did nice things, which wouldn't really be possible as he has grown on us as an evil...erm...shmeevil
i liked ruby when she arrived, but now i dont quite know what to make of her. shes changed. i like stacey though. im surprised so many people do, cus she's the chavviest, sauciest little minx on the show :D
i have totally fallen in love with rebecca :wub: shes the sweetest ^_^