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24-04-2005, 12:39
:lol: any cute or funny things your children have come out with...post them here!

i was talking to my 5 yr old son about when he grows up and leaves home,gets a wife etc.his bottom lip shook and tears welled up as did mine when i saw this,i thought oh bless him.so i said 'whats wrong'? to which he replied 'i don't want to leave my playstation! and promptly burst into tears!

bless him there was i thinking he didnt want to leave his mummy and all along it was because of his ps2,he did have me in stitches though. :lol:

25-04-2005, 01:08
My 5 year old asked me to marry him last night. He said that he couldnt find a girl at school who he liked as much as his mom. Bless him. :rotfl:

25-04-2005, 01:20
I was saying goodbye to my 5 year old god daughter.when she said "so you are my good mummy "and pointing to her mum she said "so you must be my bad mummy". bless her. Isn't life simple when you are young...

25-04-2005, 11:40
I am pregnant at the moment and my 3 year old daughter told me not to run or jump cause the baby will fall out :rotfl:

25-04-2005, 13:47
we were goin swimming last week and my son said 'you cant go the baby wont be able to breathe! god knows how he thinks it survived the bath all those times then.

07-10-2005, 18:01
this will make you all lol my son has gone to one of are friends house and her daughter is in my sons class he is quite a bossy boats at most times and he is the only boy bless him with 3 sisters i was in the kitchen doing my 2 girls there dinner while paige was asleep then i made meself a coffee just started drinking it and jade comes in to the kitchin and says aint it quite here without jamie so i said yes then she turns roumd and said can jamie live with ruth and katie out come all me coffee and nearly :rotfl: