View Full Version : Who do you think Billy belongs with?

16-12-2005, 00:07
I thought him and Honey's kiss tonight was very sweet and romantic, and as much as I loved him and Little Mo's relationship, for the first time I was thinking, maybe it would be better for Billy to start something new, rather than go back to the relationship he once had with Mo.

Him and Little Mo are so complicated. I know it's important to try and make a marriage work, but if you've exhausted all the options, and feel you can never be happy with the person your married to, you can't be miserable for the rest of your life. It's sad, for the marriage to come to an end, but I suppose you have to move on.

On the other hand if Little Mo does love Billy and he still loves her, it's possible to get that feeling they had at the beginning back. Although it probably wouldn't be the same, because now Mo has a child, so it's not as innocent as it once was.

What does anyone else think?

16-12-2005, 08:19
I like Honey and Billy as a pair. I don't know why.

16-12-2005, 10:22
I like them too but I still think Honey is very similar to little mo

16-12-2005, 10:31
billy and honey will make a brill couple

samantha nixon
16-12-2005, 11:13
i like billy and honey together as they are sweet together

16-12-2005, 15:24
Billy and honey make a great couple

16-12-2005, 16:21
So everyone is a Honey and Billy fan, that's nice. Although I do feel a bit sorry for Little Mo. I know she made the choice to part from Billy, but she's going to be stuck with her baby this christmas, while her husband is off living it up, with another woman. And now it seems as if Mo's feelings are returning for Billy. It's not as sad as when Billy had to watch Alfie and Mo together, but it's still sad.

16-12-2005, 16:24
So everyone is a Honey and Billy fan, that's nice. Although I do feel a bit sorry for Little Mo. I know she made the choice to part from Billy, but she's going to be stuck with her baby this christmas, while her husband is off living it up, with another woman. And now it seems as if Mo's feelings are returning for Billy. It's not as sad as when Billy had to watch Alfie and Mo together, but it's still sad.

Well I have no sympathy, she made her choice now billy has to get on with his life. I think honey will be better for him anyway, she's more fun

16-12-2005, 16:26
Well I have no sympathy, she made her choice now billy has to get on with his life. I think honey will be better for him anyway, she's more fun

totally agree.. she lead billy on while wanting alfie.. at least Billy has made it clear that he is not interested in her.. she is only believing cause Phil is saying stuff

16-12-2005, 16:30
totally agree.. she lead billy on while wanting alfie.. at least Billy has made it clear that he is not interested in her.. she is only believing cause Phil is saying stuff

Yes both of you make a good point, I suppose Little Mo will just have to put up with it. Like Billy had to put up with her and Alfie. I just wonder though, if Little Mo were to say that she is in love with Billy, whether he would consider getting back with her. I know it's a much more complicated relationship than him and Honey are going to have, but she's still his wife.

16-12-2005, 16:33
I hope not.. I hope Billy turns her down cause they have already found that it doesn't work, Billy cannot be a father to freddy, he has made that clear and as you said it is not complicated with honey.. Little Mo will have to make up her mind.. she loved Alfie and now he doesn't want her, she loves billy again.. make up your mind woman :angry:

16-12-2005, 16:42
I hope not.. I hope Billy turns her down cause they have already found that it doesn't work, Billy cannot be a father to freddy, he has made that clear and as you said it is not complicated with honey.. Little Mo will have to make up her mind.. she loved Alfie and now he doesn't want her, she loves billy again.. make up your mind woman :angry:

She does tend to go back and forward with her feelings for people. But I suppose it's not a surprise with everything she's been through. Billy said goodbye to Freddie because he couldn't stand being friends with Little Mo, it was too difficult for him. He did find that he could feel for Freddie like a son, but I suppose if he really loved him, he couldn't walk away from him. It's like catch 22.

16-12-2005, 16:50
Little Mo decided that she wanted Alfie so it's her loss really.

16-12-2005, 16:56
I like Billy and Honey together but are as scatherbrained as each other.

Little Mo ruined everything when she went and hooked up with Alfie.

16-12-2005, 16:57
I like Billy and Honey together but are as scatherbrained as each other.

I agree but please don't let there be a Boney or Hilly... that is just wrong

16-12-2005, 17:19
Yep I agree with the above posts.. Billy and Honey are a sweet pair!! Honey has got a close profile to Lil Mo but seems more cheerful.. Mo's loss!! Billy needs a new start :)

16-12-2005, 18:26
i think there good couple! but i think me and honey wud make a better couple;) haha

16-12-2005, 19:05
So everyone is a Honey and Billy fan, that's nice. Although I do feel a bit sorry for Little Mo. I know she made the choice to part from Billy, but she's going to be stuck with her baby this christmas, while her husband is off living it up, with another woman. And now it seems as if Mo's feelings are returning for Billy. It's not as sad as when Billy had to watch Alfie and Mo together, but it's still sad.
little mo might still love him, and i can understand that, but she doesn't have any right to get annoyed at him being with honey. she cant expect him to wait for her while she sorts everything out. its not fair. as for honey and billy, i think they go really well together. they both like each other. you can tell that they're hardly going to be the happiest of couples, but i think that they'll go far together :D

16-12-2005, 19:06
does little mo know that honey is with billy yet?

16-12-2005, 21:17
i dont know because i like little mo and honey

16-12-2005, 21:40
does little mo know that honey is with billy yet?

No she doesn't know yet, which I think is ridiculous. Little Mo works with Honey, the three of them have had numerous chats together. Everybody in the square knows that Mo and Billy are married, it's hardly a big secret is it?!

16-12-2005, 21:44
i dont no because i like little mo and honey

Same here. Little Mo had quirky little ways when her and Billy started going out together. Her mood has changed because of what has happened to her since. I think that's probably why Billy likes Honey so much, she reminds him of the way things used to be with Little Mo.

Billy just wants to be happy. Honey at the moment seems to be an uncomplicated kind of person (it doesn't usually stay that way though), it's a lot easier, I think.

16-12-2005, 23:23
He should try with Honey now, little Mo and him didn't work, it's time to move on.

17-12-2005, 12:23
I'm probably the only one to say this, but I still prefer Billy and Little Mo.

17-12-2005, 12:33
I think Billy should try it with Honey,as it didn't work between Little Mo,and it might work out for him and Honey,he deserves some happiness!!

17-12-2005, 13:42
I'm probably the only one to say this, but I still prefer Billy and Little Mo.

But it's been and done, and it didn't work works, let someone else have a try

17-12-2005, 17:59
Yeah well, I think it would have if it wasn't for Graham.

17-12-2005, 18:00
No she doesn't know yet, which I think is ridiculous. Little Mo works with Honey, the three of them have had numerous chats together. Everybody in the square knows that Mo and Billy are married, it's hardly a big secret is it?!

I think they must somehow temporarily deafen Mo and Honey before filming lol

17-12-2005, 18:01
That was Billy's own fault, when you get married it's for life throught thick and thin, no matter what happens - it's not like she could help what happened to her.
I think she deserves to have a new man more than he does, and not in Alfie that was just daft old Eastenders script writers again.

17-12-2005, 18:09
Yeah, she does. Billy can't be blamed for everything though, bet there's lots of people who wouldn't stand by and watch their wife have a rapist's baby however. He shouldn't have got back with her when she came back because he knew that he didn't love Freddie and thus causing Mo yet more heartake when she found out.

17-12-2005, 18:43
Yeah, she does. Billy can't be blamed for everything though, bet there's lots of people who wouldn't stand by and watch their wife have a rapist's baby however. He shouldn't have got back with her when she came back because he knew that he didn't love Freddie and thus causing Mo yet more heartake when she found out.

Yeah he can be blame, it doesn't matter what other men do, he married her THAT is for LIFE. or Better or WORSE. He shouldn't have got back with her at all, he left her.

17-12-2005, 22:46
I think billy was happiest when he was with little mo, he really loved her and really tried his hardest to be a good father to freddie :(

17-12-2005, 22:57
Not hard enough tho obviously.

17-12-2005, 22:58
At least he tried, unlike other men who run off before the babys born

17-12-2005, 23:23
He did, he left her before she had the baby, thats part of why she left, coz she couldn't cope with him not loving her any more

17-12-2005, 23:24
yeh but he did try with freddie

17-12-2005, 23:25
Not really, he couldn't cope with looking at him knowing that he wasn't his kid.

17-12-2005, 23:26
i think honey

17-12-2005, 23:28
yeh but what im saying is that he tried, you dont have to suceed whenever you try something lol, he might of failed but he did try, take this from a random episode last year (http://www.bbc.co.uk/eastenders/eastenders/episodes/episode_content/episode20041209_p2.shtml) it says Billy can't settle Freddie and takes him for a walk. if he wasnt trying, then he wouldnt spend time with him

also, it says

Billy confides in Alfie that he's struggling to feel like a dad to Graham's child. He can't forget the man who raped Little Mo. He's scared of seeing Graham when he looks at Freddie

so he is trying but he cant help what hes feeling

17-12-2005, 23:32
But Freddie is part of Little Mo, so he should be proud of what ever she created, even if it isn't his baby. He married her for better and for worse. He just doesn't deserve to get her back, if anyone deserves to be happy it's Little Mo.

18-12-2005, 01:16
But Freddie is part of Little Mo, so he should be proud of what ever she created, even if it isn't his baby. He married her for better and for worse. He just doesn't deserve to get her back, if anyone deserves to be happy it's Little Mo.

That's nice, somebody who's on Little Mo's side. But I have to say I really want Billy to be happy too. He's loved Little Mo ever since he first clapped eyes on her. And the reason that they haven't got back together is because Mo doesn't love Billy, or didn't. She thought it was too difficult for them to be with each other, and that she would be settling for second best, which isn't good for anyone concerned. And I don't think it would be good for Freddie being in that situation. At the moment Billy can't fully accept him as his son, so that wouldn't be fair at all. I did love Billy and Little Mo together though, I thought they were great! It's such a shame they couldn't make it work.

I know people make vows when they get married, but some things aren't as simple as all that. For better or worse, didn't include bringing up a rapists baby. It's not so clear cut.

18-12-2005, 08:46
this is so hard to decide who is right for some, naturally to begin with id say Little Mo as they were always the perfect couple until the night Graham raped her, they were so in love, watching their wedding episode on UKGOLD was so enjoyable... but then Billy blew his chances by not excepting Freddie, which is understandable but how can a relationship contiune on that basis? And then Little Mo had all the chances to get back with Billly, but chose Alfie instead, how can you go back to a man who you rejected for someone else who you say you actually loved? Naturally it would be perfect for them to get back together, but too much has happened and little mo is a changed woman, billy fell in love with a cowdarldy innocent, and now she is a brother in law stealing saucepot!

And then Honey comes along, who in her own right is a fantastic character, i swear it hasnt got anything to do with my obsession with james bond! :lol: . She is ditzy and clumpsy just like Billy, they make the perfect couple if it were not for me wanting Billy with Little Mo... and in a way Honey is what Little Mo used to be. I think Billy needs to move on and find hapiness in Honey, as his time with Mo came to a natural end long ago.

24-12-2005, 22:37
Yes your right it's tough. Little Mo and Billy had something so special and innocent, which just isn't there anymore, it was sabataged. We don't know that if they were to get back together it would ever be the same again, because their whole world has turned upside down. It's not something you can just get over because you decide to. Billy has to accept that Little Mo comes with baggage, they can't go back to the simple times they once had.

It's easier with Honey because they have just met. But if Billy loves Little Mo and she loves him, then they can make their relationship work. And if that is the case I think they have something worth fighting for. Honey's nice, but Little Mo is the one he married, and they have a lot of history together.

27-12-2005, 12:55
I think he should stay with Honey because Little Mo decided that she loved Alfie but when billy tryed to get back with her. But Billy turned Mo away with all the Graham antics.

Im spilt, can't choose really.

27-12-2005, 12:58
i think honeys like a younger littel mo because shes so sweet and dozey her and billy really suit well finaly happines for our billy :)

27-12-2005, 18:19
i think honeys like a younger littel mo because shes so sweet and dozey her and billy really suit well finaly happines for our billy :)

yeah i agree, honey reminds me of little mo but a bit dozier than mo!

i love her and billy together

28-12-2005, 00:16
i think honey and billy are a really sweet together