View Full Version : Crimewatch

13-12-2005, 21:11
Its on tonight and on once a month! Who else wtahces it? i love it! i never know anyone but im determined that i will one day... i love the show its brilliant!

13-12-2005, 21:21
I hate it! I can't watch it without getting so scared that I can't move off the sofa! I'm not that bad in horror movies and disturbing shows but Crimewatch really petrifies me!

13-12-2005, 21:25
i love it but i agree with rob it does make me scared! i make sure my locks are well and truly locked after watchng

13-12-2005, 21:55
I watch it, but i'm not sure why as it really scares me!

15-12-2005, 18:37
yeah crime watches really scares me so i don't really watch it much.I think it scares me and horror flims and that is because you know its real and those people are really out there.

16-12-2005, 07:05
i love watchimg it, but i only can if i go round and lock all the doors and windows first!!
one day i am sure i will know someone on there,

16-12-2005, 08:03
i love watchimg it, but i only can if i go round and lock all the doors and windows first!!
one day i am sure i will know someone on there,

thats why i watch! im determined ill see my best mate or great gran on there or something! lol!

16-12-2005, 10:29
i get scared sometimes i cant look

16-12-2005, 10:46
is it just me but a few days after watching CW, if you are walking alone do you ever think "i wonder if any the people passing would remember me if something happen" , like if you are in your own reconstruction????

16-12-2005, 10:48

samantha nixon
16-12-2005, 11:33
i usually watch it but didnt this time as didnt no it was on but one of the pople who have been on it before who was killed was my best mates cousin

16-12-2005, 15:13
i don't get to watch Crimewatch that often cause i'm normaly busy and forget that it's on

16-12-2005, 16:22
i didnt like the reconstuction of that model is sh called sally-ann?? i thought they went to far with the stabbing

16-12-2005, 16:28
thats why i watch! im determined ill see my best mate or great gran on there or something! lol!

when i am at work i look at all of my customers.....................................well you never know!!!!

16-12-2005, 16:55
I just hate thh e-fits. They terrify me.

16-12-2005, 16:57
I just hate thh e-fits. They terrify me.

they just look really bizzare, like not real........................but you know that they are ment to be real..........i tell you what makes the really scary the really stareing eyes that they give them!!!

16-12-2005, 17:00
I hate Nick's voice at the end of the construction "were you anywhere this area on 26th of November, did you see anything suspicious, did you see this girl....." it makes you think a lot

even worse if you know the area

16-12-2005, 17:12
luckily.......................(touch wood!!!)..........................where i live has never been on!!!!

16-12-2005, 18:52
I think its a really great programme, it is very worrying though, but its worth while, i just hope they find that b*****d that murdered Sally-Ann its so sad, so young and pretty

17-12-2005, 13:12
I think its a really great programme, it is very worrying though, but its worth while, i just hope they find that b*****d that murdered Sally-Ann its so sad, so young and prettyits really sad isnt it they will catch him in the end having sex with her when she was dead how sick is that

17-12-2005, 13:13
some people are to sick for words!!!! i did not realise he did that!! that is terrible!!!!

17-12-2005, 14:28
Crimwatch, scares me because i know its; real, and that.... I end up thinking i know the e-fits and stuff. and When Nick says 'Don't have nightmares' i'm like how can you not have nightmares.

17-12-2005, 17:09
some people are to sick for words!!!! i did not realise he did that!! that is terrible!!!!yea the copper on crimewatch said that after he had stabbed her he had sex with her, poor girl

28-12-2005, 10:33
I used to enjoy watching this - it used to remind me how lucky I am to live where I do with all the things that happen around the country - mind you, we did then have about 3 murders in as many months in one period, so I haven't watched since.

28-12-2005, 11:40
it is scarey to watch sometimes but the programme has done so much good in jolted peoples memory and getting them to phone in.