View Full Version : Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor Draper)

13-12-2005, 11:08
http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/6263/e4edf9af2bl.th.jpg (http://img210.imageshack.us/my.php?image=e4edf9af2bl.jpg)

13-12-2005, 13:54
Oh poor Belle and Daz!!! :( :(

14-12-2005, 13:26
Hope they find them in time!

14-12-2005, 15:32
poor them hope they are found in time

14-12-2005, 15:37
oh sounds like a good storyline

samantha nixon
15-12-2005, 20:14
this sounds like a really good story but poor belle and daz

15-12-2005, 21:35
Awwh its a very good story to make Belle more there and its got for Daz

15-01-2006, 18:55
i missed this eppy ?? i take it they both survived yeh ?

15-01-2006, 18:56
Indeed, they're both safe and well. :)

15-01-2006, 18:57
Yeah i missed it too- did they get save but i have not seen daz when i have been watching it- who is Belle and was she saved

eastenders mad
15-01-2006, 19:10
yeah they both got saved.
I think Daz is just having a break at the moment.

16-01-2006, 21:48
belle is lisa dingalls lil girl !! briliant actress she is !!!! Daz went into save her i no that much ! but how did it actuall come about them falling down sumthing or whatever actually happened?

23-02-2006, 00:30
is it just me or does anyone else agree that little belle is great in it and that the actor who plays her is a great little actress. shes really funny and cute. and if you watch her compared to the girl who plays victoria who is the worst actress ever she is well better

23-02-2006, 15:51
i agree Amazing actress hope she stays for years

23-02-2006, 15:58
shes so funny, her one liners are great. She had a great scene the other night when she shouted at Shadrach to Listen to her.

23-02-2006, 16:12
I agree she is a great character a typical Dingle and the young actress who plays her is great.

23-02-2006, 18:40
I like her aswell shes funny and cute and anyone who shouts at Shadrach needs a medal but i have to disagree about Victoria though i really like her

23-02-2006, 20:42
I think shes a really great actress,shes tiny but can be very loud! Shes really funny, I hope shes in it for a long time.

23-02-2006, 20:45
she is brilliant for her age i couldnt believe it when belle actually said a full sentence didnt realise she was a different girl for a while after that

23-02-2006, 21:33
She's great! Has the best one liners, and the little actress who play her is so cute!

25-02-2006, 15:56
she is a great little actress and a lot better than the previous belle, she has some funny lines

samantha nixon
25-02-2006, 16:06
i think she is a fab little actrees and plays belle really well

25-02-2006, 20:26
She's a great little actress for her age. :)

26-02-2006, 18:32
Amen to that Chris, a great talent. :)

23-01-2014, 01:04
EMMERDALE fans are set to be shocked by a teen killer storyline.
We can reveal that Belle Dingle’s life will be plunged into crisis when she accidentally kills her best friend.

The village will be horrified when schoolgirl Gemma Andrews’s dead body is found in a ditch later this year.

And Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper, 16) put her there.

The drama unfolds when the two girls become love rivals after they both fall for Sean Spencer (Luke Roskell, 17).

They end up having a fight. Belle knocks Gemma (Tendai Rinomhota, 17) to the floor and her former pal bangs her head.

Fans will see the two girls walk away in a rage and later Gemma collapses and ends up in the ditch.

Her body is discovered days later, sparking mayhem in the village. Bosses are keeping tight-lipped about whether Belle will come clean about her involvement in Gemma’s death.

If she does then she could face time behind bars.

Hinting that Belle may not get the support of her family, the show’s boss Kate Oates teased: “One of the things I love about the Dingles is that they always triumph in the face of adversity. They stick together.

“But we’ve got a story that will really test them as a family this year.

“Something life-changing is going to happen to Belle early in the year.

“Belle, who has always been the bright spark of the family, will need the support of the other Dingles, but maybe they don’t support her in the way that she needs them.”

23-01-2014, 01:04
EMMERDALE fans are set to be shocked by a teen killer storyline.
We can reveal that Belle Dingle’s life will be plunged into crisis when she accidentally kills her best friend.

The village will be horrified when schoolgirl Gemma Andrews’s dead body is found in a ditch later this year.

And Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper, 16) put her there.

The drama unfolds when the two girls become love rivals after they both fall for Sean Spencer (Luke Roskell, 17).

They end up having a fight. Belle knocks Gemma (Tendai Rinomhota, 17) to the floor and her former pal bangs her head.

Fans will see the two girls walk away in a rage and later Gemma collapses and ends up in the ditch.

Her body is discovered days later, sparking mayhem in the village. Bosses are keeping tight-lipped about whether Belle will come clean about her involvement in Gemma’s death.

If she does then she could face time behind bars.

Hinting that Belle may not get the support of her family, the show’s boss Kate Oates teased: “One of the things I love about the Dingles is that they always triumph in the face of adversity. They stick together.

“But we’ve got a story that will really test them as a family this year.

“Something life-changing is going to happen to Belle early in the year.

“Belle, who has always been the bright spark of the family, will need the support of the other Dingles, but maybe they don’t support her in the way that she needs them.”

23-01-2014, 21:01
she kills gemma over sean

23-01-2014, 21:16
she kills gemma over sean

It is an accident .. happy to see Gemma go however not have her killed off, wish Dom and Gemma would leave together

23-01-2014, 21:16
she kills gemma over sean

It is an accident .. happy to see Gemma go however not have her killed off, wish Dom and Gemma would leave together

23-01-2014, 22:45
she kills gemma over sean

It is an accident .. happy to see Gemma go however not have her killed off, wish Dom and Gemma would leave together


23-01-2014, 22:45
she kills gemma over sean

It is an accident .. happy to see Gemma go however not have her killed off, wish Dom and Gemma would leave together


25-01-2014, 16:30
I don't like the sound of this. Another death!

28-01-2014, 16:29
This thread would be better in the spoilers forum

25-02-2014, 05:01
Emmerdale schoolgirl Belle Dingle faces a horrifying experience next week as she realises that she is responsible for the death of her best friend Gemma Andrews.

Gemma (Tendai Rinomhota) falls unconscious shortly after hitting her head in a violent showdown with Belle. However, with nobody around to witness Gemma's sudden health scare, Belle doesn't realise the consequences of her actions until it's far too late…

Here, Eden Taylor-Draper - who plays Belle - previews the dark new storyline for her character.

How are things between Belle and Gemma in the build-up to this incident?
"Things start to get a bit heated, because they both like Sean Spencer but Belle is the one who Sean likes. There's always been that rivalry between Gemma and Belle, but now it gets pretty bad."

Can you tell us about Belle and Gemma's big row?
"Sean and Belle have a little flirt and Gemma kicks off a little bit. That leads to quite a heated verbal and physical argument between Gemma and Belle, which ends up pretty bad. They're by a river out in the sticks with nobody else around, and the row stems completely from their rivalry over Sean."

How hard is the push when Belle lashes out at Gemma?
"It's hard enough to cause some damage! It's aggressive but it's not a case of Belle intentionally trying to hurt Gemma. Gemma lashes out first and Belle retaliates, but it wasn't deliberate at all."
Belle and Gemma argue
Belle and Gemma argue

What happens next?
"Gemma gets straight back up, so Belle doesn't realise that Gemma is hurt. Gemma tells Belle to get lost and get out of her life, so Belle walks off. As far as she's concerned at that point, Gemma is perfectly fine."

How does Belle react when she later hears that Gemma is missing?
"At the beginning Belle doesn't realise what's happened. There's an initial reaction where she thinks 'Is this because of me?', but it doesn't really hit home until they find Gemma unconscious the next day. That's when Belle realises that she is to blame and she feels really guilty."

What do the doctors say is wrong with Gemma?
"They don't really say much. They know that there's a problem with Gemma's brain, but then she moves and everyone thinks she'll be fine. Zak rings Belle and tells her that Gemma has started moving, so she goes over there to the hospital. But once Belle arrives, Gemma is not doing well…"
Dom pleads with a motionless Gemma to wake up.
Dom pleads with a motionless Gemma to wake up.

Once Gemma dies, Lisa suspects that something is amiss, doesn't she?
"Yes, Lisa realises that something is wrong when the police come round to talk to Belle. Belle says that it's her fault, so Lisa can see that something is going on. In the end, Belle breaks down and blurts the truth out to Lisa, who doesn't know how to respond."

Does Belle want to go to the police?
"Oh yeah, Belle feels so bad, but Lisa wants to protect her family and doesn't want her daughter to go away. There's also Zak and his past depression to think about, so Lisa is trying to keep everything together while holding this information. It's eating away at Belle and she just wants to go and own up."

How does Belle feel around Gemma's grieving father Dom?
"Belle feels really awkward around Dom. Whenever Dom is in the room, she'll find an excuse to leave. It's very weird and everyone can tell that Belle's behaviour is different - including Sean and Zak. But of course, nobody guesses the truth."

Is Belle worried that she could be caught out?
"Belle is very paranoid that everyone has got their eyes on her. She's very, very upset and the entire experience has traumatised her, especially because it's her fault."

How will Belle face the funeral?
"Belle is meant to be up there giving a speech for her best friend, but she doesn't even want to go to the funeral. Belle is just in this really weird position of not knowing what she wants and not knowing how to handle it. Lisa is also giving her mixed signals, so who knows whether Belle will go to the funeral or not?"
Belle struggles with Gemma's death.
Belle struggles with Gemma's death.

Does Belle think that she deserves to go to prison?
"Belle absolutely thinks that! She feels that she is a murderer and has killed her best friend, so she deserves her punishment. All she wants is to go out there and confess that she's done it, as she doesn't want this huge weight on her shoulders."

How do you think Zak would react if he knew the truth?
"I think the Dingles are a very close-knit family. When Cain and Chas get involved, everybody wants what's best for Belle. They think the best thing for Belle is if she doesn't own up and stays at home with the ones she loves. I don't know if Zak would support Belle or not, but I think he'd want her home."

Can Belle live with herself?
"That is the question! I personally couldn't live with myself, but who knows if Belle can? This could absolutely ruin her life and it's already eating away at her, so you'll have to wait and see what happens."

Will Sean be a problem, as he knew Belle and Gemma were arguing?
"Lisa thinks Sean will be a massive problem, but I don't think Belle is really conscious of Sean at the minute - she just thinks he's a bit annoying because she looks at him and sees him as the reason that her best friend is dead. It's not really registering that he could be a problem, but deep down they both know that something has gone on there."

Does Dom have any suspicions?
"Definitely wait and see! At the minute he doesn't, but I think increasingly he could start to have doubts…"

How do you feel about the storyline?
"It's going to be a long-running storyline. It's just starting up now, and it's very busy and exciting. It's probably the biggest story I've had, so I'm really excited and really enjoying it. It's amazing."

16-06-2014, 00:21
has the actress left the show?

18-06-2014, 18:17
has the actress left the show?

I thought that, but maybe she is on exam leave as she is probably around that age.

18-06-2014, 18:17
has the actress left the show?

I thought that, but maybe she is on exam leave as she is probably around that age.

19-06-2014, 07:59
I think that is the reason ... she is on a break only

19-06-2014, 17:23
I hope she returns, she is a great little actress

04-11-2014, 00:20
Belle Dingle has more tough times ahead as not everyone welcomes her return to the village.

Belle is released from the youth detention centre this week after serving time for the accidental death of her best friend Gemma Andrews. However, Belle can't quite escape from her past when she finds herself embroiled in a bitter feud with Ashley and Bernice's daughter Gabby.

Here, Eden Taylor-Draper - who plays Belle - reveals details of the trouble ahead as her character arrives back home.

How does Belle feel after her release from the youth detention centre?
"Belle is alright. When she first walks through the door at home, all of the Dingles are there to give her a very warm welcome. She seems like the normal old-school Belle, who's very happy to be home and loving family life."

Did Belle find it tough when she was locked away?
"When Belle first comes in, the audience will think that everything is great and there's nothing wrong, but it has damaged her as it would to anyone. I think cracks start to show in this false appearance of Belle having a lovely life. Once she's back, there are little things that build up as time goes on.

"Belle is loving being back home, though. She's more excited to see the Dingles' dog than anyone, to be honest! It's just lovely for her to be back with her mum and she's really loving that."

What happens when Belle is preparing for her first day back at school?
"Belle is set to go to school and is feeling fine about it. She's not really thinking too much about it, but as she walks up, Gabby of all people starts causing trouble. Gabby is usually innocent as she's the vicar's daughter, but all of a sudden, she and all of her friends start circling Belle and pulling her hair, saying she's ugly, nasty and a murderer.

"That really messes with Belle's head, but she's really calm about it and she just steps away. She doesn't snap, which you would think she would."

What does Belle make of Lachlan, the new boy at Home Farm?
"The first time Belle meets Lachlan is when she's at Gemma's shrine, just tidying it up because it's not in a good condition. Lachan's dog comes and tramples all over everything. Lachlan asks if Belle knew the girl who died, and she finds it really hard to deal with him, because she feels that he's very full-on with death."

Belle also dyes her hair, doesn't she?
"Yeah, she goes from quite a light blonde to a much darker colour. I think it's just that Belle has come out of prison and she feels like she's a different person. She wants to be a different person and I think Gabby is the reason why she does it.

"After being called a murderer, Belle dyes her hair and goes to tell her mum, but Lisa is really supportive and understands why she wants to change her appearance."

Lisa is very anxious about Belle at the moment, but does Belle notice that?
"I don't think Belle is registering anyone's worry at this point. Even if she does, she's just saying that everything is fine."

Why does Belle decide that she doesn't want to go back to school?
"Belle has her first day back at school and she hates it. Then she bunks off and the Dingles get a home schooling tutor in for her. Belle thinks that's great because she won't have to deal with people. She can just crack on with school and be in her little bubble at home and think everything is fine."

What happens when Belle is asked to look after April?
"It's really sad. Belle is having breakfast with her mum when Marlon arrives and asks her to look after April. This is a massive step for Belle, because she has asked to be responsible after being treated like a child for so long.

"It's great for Belle, but then Marlon oversees something between Belle and Gabby which means that he no longer wants her near his child. That's really hard for Belle to deal with."

We'll see some more clashes between Belle and Gabby. Is Gabby still stirring things up, or is there a problem from Belle's point of view too?
"There is a problem. Gabby stirs things at the beginning, but Belle also becomes awful to Gabby - absolutely disgusting. That comes out later, but the audience don't see that at first.

"It's not characteristic of either character, because Gabby is sweet and innocent, while Belle has dealt with the past. I think that's when Belle's past comes into play again. We also see that Gabby has some issues."

We'll also see some nasty graffiti sprayed at the Dingles' home which brands Belle a murderer…
"Yeah definitely, someone starts doing this stuff. It's horrible and Belle is being bullied at this point, but nobody understands why and who it is. That's the mystery of the storyline - who is doing this stuff?"

Are you glad to be back at Emmerdale after taking time out for exams?
"Yeah, I had time out which was great and lovely, but I'm so happy to be back and it's great that there's so much kicking off with Belle. It's really exciting and unusual. It's amazing to be back."

12-11-2014, 18:56
Not liking Belle's attitude, especially with Gabby (even though Im not her biggest fan). When will people like Lisa wake up and realise her daughter isnt so innocent?

'Oh no, our Belle wouldnt do that.'

Yes, Lisa. Your daughter is an angel who wouldnt harm a fly.

Oh, wait a minute...

12-11-2014, 18:56
Not liking Belle's attitude, especially with Gabby (even though Im not her biggest fan). When will people like Lisa wake up and realise her daughter isnt so innocent?

'Oh no, our Belle wouldnt do that.'

Yes, Lisa. Your daughter is an angel who wouldnt harm a fly.

Oh, wait a minute...

12-11-2014, 21:50
Not liking Belle's attitude, especially with Gabby (even though Im not her biggest fan). When will people like Lisa wake up and realise her daughter isnt so innocent?

'Oh no, our Belle wouldnt do that.'

Yes, Lisa. Your daughter is an angel who wouldnt harm a fly.

Oh, wait a minute...

It's a parental thing. Every parent will side with their child and believe the best in them, its how life works when it comes to this. Also Lisa doesn't know for certain and we do, that makes us see it differently because we know its true, Lisa doesn't so she will believe her daughter.

12-11-2014, 21:50

13-11-2014, 06:53
If you know your child has done wrong before then you will start to question them. The signs are there already but Lisa is sticking her head in the sand.

13-11-2014, 13:40
Is it Belle was bullied in the centre and now has become a bully herself with Gaby?

13-11-2014, 14:56
That is the impression I am getting now

13-11-2014, 15:43
To be fair to Belle, Gabby did start it.

14-11-2014, 07:57
Two wrongs dont make a right. Plus Belle took it further. Too far.

07-12-2014, 22:00
Lachlan and Belle take legal highs to forget their troubles but the teens are in serious bother after Lachlan collapses and Belle leaves him for dead

08-12-2014, 00:02
Lachlan and Belle take legal highs to forget their troubles but the teens are in serious bother after Lachlan collapses and Belle leaves him for dead

Oh dear- a bit of inaction replay - like she
did with Gemma- a bit much for one
previously normal girl.!!

08-12-2014, 00:02
Lachlan and Belle take legal highs to forget their troubles but the teens are in serious bother after Lachlan collapses and Belle leaves him for dead

Oh dear- a bit of inaction replay - like she
did with Gemma- a bit much for one
previously normal girl.!!

09-12-2014, 20:46
Emmerdale delved deeper into Belle Dingle's ongoing storyline in Tuesday night's episode (December 9) as viewers were finally given an explanation for her recent problems.

Belle thinks that she can still communicate with her late friend Gemma Andrews and has been secretly following 'her' instructions in recent weeks.
Belle flees the church
Emmerdale's Belle Dingle

In the closing moments of Tuesday's episode, an emotional and distressed Belle was seen talking to herself under the illusion that Gemma was there.

Belle's outburst confirmed that she has been responsible for all of the recent incidents in which someone had appeared to be targeting her. This included abusive graffiti, a smashed window, a damaged painting and even the 'attack' she had seemingly suffered last month.

The on-screen reveal forms part of an ongoing mental health storyline for Belle, who is still traumatised after accidentally killing Gemma and spending time in a youth offenders' institute.
The situation closes in on Belle
Belle recently damaged her own painting

Digital Spy understands that Emmerdale's team are taking great care in their handling of the story as they aim for an accurate and sensitive portrayal in the months ahead.

The ITV show has previously won a Mind Media award for its portrayal of a mental health storyline involving Belle's father Zak.

Eden Taylor-Draper, who plays Belle, commented: "Gemma is tormenting her, bullying her but from within her own mind. It's not like she sees Gemma as a ghost, but Gemma is surrounding her.

"Belle is doing things because she is being told to. Everyone thinks she is being bullied and then attacked by Lachlan but it's not, it's her. It's coming from Gemma, but the audience don't find that out at the time."
Cain confronts Belle
Belle's troubles have left her family concerned

She added: "I was honoured to be given such an important storyline but also excited, as it would no doubt be challenging. I'm glad that they have given me a storyline that really means something.

"I have been working closely with the researcher at work and the team has been very supportive. I also spoke to someone who had personal experience of this, and it seemed that the writing of our story was quite similar. They said those things would happen, which was good to hear."

As Belle's storyline continues this week, she breaks into Edna Birch's house as she thinks that Gemma has told her to do it. Her disruptive behaviour will then continue in the build-up to Christmas and into the new year.
Belle is struggling to keep it together
Belle will break into Edna's house

Taylor-Draper explained: "Gemma is telling Belle that Edna hates her and that she should hurt her. Belle knows deep down that she doesn't have a problem with Edna or vice versa, but this build-up is tormenting her and she feels obliged to attack Edna in some way - just to make Gemma calm down.

"Belle steals from Edna, sabotages her house and takes her brooch, which is something that is really important to Edna."

10-12-2014, 20:01
Eden is playing the role very well, great actress she is

02-02-2015, 16:12

The dingle family are left with some tragic news later this month which leads to Belle relapsing...

The tragic news is being kept under wraps but Emmerdale bosses have said this leads to Belle not taking her medication.


The news leaves Belle feeling numb and emotionless and in a bid to get some emotion back she stops taking her pills.

But the consequences of not taking her medication leads to her hearing her late friend Gemma leading her to slip back into her old ways.

The voice of 'Gemma' tells Belle to sneak out of the house and Belle ends up climbing to the highest point she can.

Belle's family manage to find her and with Harriet taking control of the drama everything looks like it may be okay.

But when Belle hears the sirens coming closer she loosing her balance and slips. Will she be okay?

02-02-2015, 16:16
The tragic news is being kept under wraps but Emmerdale bosses have said this leads to Belle not taking her medication

Katie's death

02-02-2015, 16:16

03-02-2015, 05:47
Emmerdale teenager Belle Dingle suffers a worrying relapse next week after she stops taking her mental health medication.

Once Belle has ditched the pills, she is once again haunted by the 'voice' of her late friend Gemma Andrews, which leads to her running away from home and placing herself in serious danger at the derelict Wylie's Farm.

Here, Eden Taylor-Draper - who plays Belle - delves into her character's troubled state of mind and what's to come next.
Eden Taylor-Draper as Belle Dingle in Emmerdale
Eden Taylor Draper as Belle Dingle

Why does Belle stop taking her medication?
"Belle gets some traumatic news from Sam which should affect her, but because she is taking her medication, she feels very numb to it. She doesn't feel what she knows she should be feeling, so she stops taking her pills in order to have some emotion. Belle does understand that she still has a mental illness, but I think she's in denial again by this point."

What are the consequences of Belle not taking the pills?
"Once Belle stops taking her pills, she thinks that Gemma is there again and that's really hard for her. Belle has been totally fine while she's been on the pills and hasn't been hearing Gemma's voice, but now she's back again.

"Being on the medication and then coming off it again has also made it worse for her. This time, Gemma is more angry and frustrated, so Belle's problems are on a bigger scale. What Gemma is saying this time is a lot more serious…"

Is Belle aware that the pressure of this situation is making Lisa ill?
"Absolutely and I think Belle is scared about that, but she's also worried that if anyone gets too close, Gemma is going to hurt them. Belle starts distancing herself from everyone she loves because she doesn't want them to get hurt."
Belle creeps downstairs in the dark, with a bag over her shoulder.
Belle creeps downstairs in the dark

Is that why Belle leaves home?
"Yes, Belle decides that she needs to leave home because she doesn't want to hurt anyone. She just can't deal with it anymore, so she decides to get out and let everyone crack on with their lives without her. She goes to Wylie's Farm and she spends a couple of nights sleeping rough there."

What happens when Samson finds Belle?
"When Samson finds her, it really shocks Belle. That's when Gemma takes over and Belle is scared for Samson's life. She shouts at him and scares him by saying things that aren't nice, but it's for his own benefit. He ends up running off and Belle can't really cope with what she said to him, but she knows she had to do it."

How does Belle end up in danger?
"Belle climbs up onto the roof of Wylie's barn and when her family track her down, everyone is staring up at her. Everything has built up for Belle due to Gemma's voice and the traumatic news that she's recently heard. I think in her head, Belle is there for a reason - she knows that she doesn't want to deal with this anymore."
Everyone looks up at Belle who is dangerously close to the edge
Everyone looks up at Belle
Belle alarms everyone who gathers
Belle alarms everyone who gathers

What does Harriet do to try to talk Belle down?
"Harriet's great. She tries to connect with Belle and says, 'Can you just tell Gemma to sit down and be quiet for a couple of minutes so we can have a chat?' She talks to Belle as if Gemma is there and I think that's why Belle understands it. It's the best way of dealing with Belle in that moment."

But then Belle loses her footing…
"Yes, there's a second where Belle thinks that Harriet is right and it's time to sort herself out, but that's when her foot suddenly slips. It's very dangerous and you just don't know what's going to happen to Belle."

If Belle makes it out unscathed, what are the chances of her getting well again?
"It's a hard one because at times Belle really wants to get better and at other times it's just such a struggle. It's going to be difficult for her no matter what and I think it's going to be a while before we see Belle being herself again, if we ever do! The recovery process is going to be long."

03-02-2015, 11:04
She's a really good actress-whatever I understand of acting that is..but plays her part really well. Belle is one of my top favourite characters in Emmerdale-always been..including Cain, Lisa&Zak, Ross, Kerry, Bob, Jim&Nicola..and Laurel is getting back there.. :) Donna used to be-sad she's gone :(

12-09-2015, 19:26
what age is belle, look young with kirin

12-09-2015, 19:44

12-09-2015, 19:44
what age is belle, look young with kirin

Belle will be 17 at Christmas, the actress Eden Taylor-Draper will be 18 this October

12-09-2015, 22:39
Belle will be 17 at Christmas, the actress Eden Taylor-Draper will be 18 this October

she looks younger

12-09-2015, 22:39
Belle will be 17 at Christmas, the actress Eden Taylor-Draper will be 18 this October

she looks younger

30-09-2015, 21:11
I feel sorry for her, so in love with Kirin

30-09-2015, 22:17
her and kirin don't look good together, she looks too young for him

Telly Watcher
20-10-2015, 00:44
Emmerdale spoilers: Belle Dingle makes a fool of herself after being rejected by Kirin

By Sophie Dainty
Tuesday, Oct 20 2015, 00:01 BST

Emmerdale teen Belle Dingle will make a fool of herself next week after she is rejected by Kirin Kotecha.

Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) will be left devastated when she finally realises that Kirin's heart still lies with his ex-girlfriend Vanessa Woodfield.

After arriving home, Belle is shocked when she is informed by her parents that Kirin was arrested for drug possession while she was away.

Later, Belle tries to act nonchalant as she asks Kirin about being arrested, but she is forced to cover her disappointment when he makes it clear they are just friends.

Belle tries to cover her disappointment when Kirin makes it clear they are just friends

Despite being given the brush-off by Kirin, Belle is pleased when she learns that he is going to Carly and Leyla's Halloween party.

However, when Belle arrives at the party, her heart sinks when she sees Kirin and Vanessa laughing together.

An inebriated Belle starts downing shots

Devastated, an already-inebriated Belle starts downing shots, despite her father Zak's warning that drinking alcohol could interfere with her medication.

After making a scene, Belle's behaviour soon gets out of control and Kirin offers to take her home.

Belle chooses to walk home by herself, but it seems she might have landed herself in danger when Lachlan also gets kicked out of the party and starts to follow her. Will Belle be okay?

Emmerdale airs these scenes on Thursday, October 29 at 7pm on ITV.


20-10-2015, 01:14
think lachlan could attack belle

21-12-2015, 04:44
Emmerdale's Dingle clan may be left choking on their turkey this Christmas - as Belle considers dropping a bombshell that could destroy the family forever.

When the troubled teen catches her dad Zak sharing a secret kiss with Joanie Wright on Christmas Eve, the big question is whether she'll reveal the truth to her mum Lisa. Could there be festive fireworks for the Dingles as they gather for a huge family lunch the next day?

Here - in her only interview about the storyline ​- Eden Taylor-Draper who plays Belle chats to Digital Spy about her character's horrible dilemma. As well as what it's like growing up on TV...

How does Belle feel when she catches her dad kissing Joanie?

"It's a huge shock to Belle because she literally has no clue that anything is going on. She just opens the front door on Christmas Eve, sees them kissing and runs off. It really destroys Belle, especially because her mum and dad have been together for so long. She's never really seen them unhappy as a couple, so this really affects her."

Zak has always been a moral man. Does Belle feel let down by him?

"Definitely. For the time being, it completely changes how Belle sees Zak and it destroys her relationship with him. Belle has always gone to her dad for advice. He's the guy who usually knows what to do and how to deal with any problems she has. It's really hard for her to now see him in this position. She'd never have even considered that he'd cheat on Lisa."

How does Belle feel towards Joanie at this point?

"Belle hates Joanie after she finds out what's going on. Joanie becomes her worst enemy. As far as Belle is concerned, Joanie has come into her family and broken it. Before this, Belle had grown very close to Joanie and Kyle. She's welcomed both of them into the family and I think that's what hurts the most."

Belle turns to a surprising person for advice - creepy Lachlan! How does that go?

"You'll see that Lachlan gives Belle two different perspectives on it. He gives her his thoughts on the situation, but he also knows how Belle must be feeling. I think it's nice that she does go to him for advice, even though he's an absolute weirdo! I feel like Lachlan is a good friend to her."

What does Belle think she should do next? Is she ready to spill the beans on Christmas Day?

"Belle is completely torn. One part of her wants to make sure that Lisa knows exactly what Zak has done and what he's capable of. On the other hand, she doesn't want to hurt her mum and she knows this will really devastate her.

"It's very hard for Belle and on Christmas Day she really struggles over what to do. It's such a big decision that Belle has to make."

How do you yourself think Belle should handle this situation?

"That's a hard one. I honestly don't know what I would do in Belle's position. I do feel quite connected to this storyline because I've been with Steve [Halliwell, who plays Zak] and Jane [Cox, who plays Lisa] for so long. They are genuinely like a second mum and dad.

"In my case, I probably would tell my mum, just because I feel like it's the right thing to do. I couldn't deal with keeping such a big secret. But Belle is very different from me, so we'll have to wait and see how she decides to handle it."
The Dingles at Christmas in Emmerdale
How did you feel when you first heard about this story?

"I was so sad about Zak and Lisa, but at the same time I thought it was a brilliant storyline. It's not always younger people who cheat - older people can be capable of it as well. What's also really nice is that the storyline hasn't been played out in a way that is seedy. That's what I was scared of, but there's been nothing too cringe about it.

"I honestly feel that Zak has fallen for Joanie as well as Lisa, so he's in a really tough position. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it's going to play out."

Would you like Belle's friendship with Lachlan to take a romantic turn?

"I don't know! Tom [Atkinson], who plays Lachlan, is great so I'd love to work with him more. We used to share quite a lot of scenes together and both characters are pretty messed up. It might be nice if they were a couple, but who knows?"

Are you glad to have finished school so that you can commit fully to Emmerdale?

"Definitely - that's how I see it. I did love being in school and I had a lot of help when it came to balancing it with work. But it's nice now that I'm here at Emmerdale full-time and can fully get into it. I don't have anything else to worry about - I can just come here and work.

"I'd love to stick around in the show. I've got no plans of leaving as of yet. I'm very happy here, I love what I do and I love the people that I get to work with."
Zak Dingle and Belle Dingle in Emmerdale
Some people find growing up in the spotlight a real nightmare. Has it ever been tricky?

"It hasn't been too hard on me. I started at a young age, so I think people have respected that and it's never really been a problem for me. Sometimes it can be a bit stressful, but you've just got to remember the positives and not be an idiot!"

Are your real-life friends unfazed by your soap fame?

"Absolutely - it's completely normal. Some of my friends work in Topshop, others work in restaurants, and it's basically just the same. They go to work, I go to work too and then we'll all go out for a meal afterwards. It's not a big deal. If it was, it wouldn't be a true friendship."

Are you excited over what's ahead for the Dingles next year?

"Yeah, I think it's going to be very dramatic! I can't give much away yet, but what's coming up next year is great."

Digital Spy

Serena Williams
21-12-2015, 09:38
Belle has really grown up she is almost a woman she is a pretty girl. I wonder if the writers will start a lachlan, belle, Kirin, love triangle? I think lachlan is in love with belle and to his credit he has NEVER taken advantage or Belle. Belle has been rude to lachlan at times dismissing him.

22-03-2016, 13:50
Priya Sharma will unwittingly encourage the possible new relationship.

​Emmerdale teen Belle Dingle will play with fire when she meets a very unlikely new love interest next week.

Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) will set her sights on local doctor Jermaine Bailey when he treats her following a minor accident at the sweet factory.

It all starts when Belle cuts her hand on some broken glass while at work and needs to have her injury looked at.

Keen to impress the handsome GP, Belle can't resist making out to Bailey that she's much older and has a bigger role in the business.

Dr Bailey is fooled by Belle's lies and soon goes above and beyond the call of duty by driving her back to work.
Belle flirts with Doctor Bailey

Belle is smitten with Dr Bailey

As there's clearly an attraction between the pair, Belle is confident that it'll lead to more and later confides in Priya Sharma (Fiona Wade) by revealing that she's met an older guy.

With Belle playing down the age difference, Priya unwittingly encourages the controversial new romance by telling her to go on a date and have some fun.

But is Belle asking for a whole world of trouble by getting involved with Doctor Bailey? Fans will soon start to learn much more about the already-established character, who's played by Micah Balfour.

Fans know that Bailey works with Emma Barton and he was previously set up on a date with her - and we reckon he could be jumping from the frying pan into the fire if he moves from Emma to Belle!

Digital Spy

22-03-2016, 21:44
he isn't blind he can see she is very young

Telly Watcher
29-03-2016, 00:52
Belle Dingle will make a scandalous decision next week as she pursues a relationship with a married man.

Belle is about to start growing closer to local doctor Jermaine Bailey after he treats her following a minor accident at the sweet factory.

Belle lies about her age in order to be in with a chance with the older guy, but it quickly becomes apparent that she's not the only one keeping secrets.

When Belle suffers another convenient medical emergency in the form of a rash next week, she heads to the doctors but is stunned to learn that Doctor Bailey (Micah Balfour) is actually married.

Belle goes to the doctors

Doctor Bailey is mortified when he realises that his secret is out and desperately tries to talk Belle round - now extremely keen to keep seeing her.

Eden Taylor-Draper, who plays Belle, revealed: "At first there's a few kisses between them when she thinks he's single. Then she goes to the doctors to see her own doctor, Dr Cavanagh, because she has a rash. She's in the waiting room when she overhears Dr Bailey asking if his wife has called.

"Obviously given the situation with Joanie, Zak and Lisa, it puts Belle off completely. She says to him: 'This is disgusting, you need to stay away from me. My dad's ruined my life by having an affair, I'm not going to be that woman'. So she does have morals about that."

But not for long! When Zak and Joanie's relationship takes another surprising turn, Lisa is full of bitterness and resentment. This causes her to share some advice with Belle which could send the impressionable teen down completely the wrong track.

Belle is shocked to learn that Dr Bailey is married

Taylor-Draper added: "Lisa basically says: 'Don't go looking for love, it doesn't exist and you'd be a fool to think you'll ever find it'. So Belle just thinks: 'Well, screw it, I will be the other woman'. So she tells Bailey she doesn't care and that's how it develops from there."

Belle seals her new fling with Bailey as they kiss at the doctors surgery, but will she live to regret embarking down this risky new path?

Emmerdale airs these scenes on Thursday, April 7 and Friday, April 8 at 7pm on ITV.

By Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy

29-03-2016, 02:45
Is the actor who plays the doctor on recurring basis? I had completely forgotten about the character.

05-04-2016, 10:06
We knew it was bound to happen – before Belle Dingle’s affair with Dr Bailey has even got started properly, there is already big trouble on the horizon.
As Belle and the unfaithful GP get to grips with each other – even going as far as a heated liaison in the surgery – things will spiral out of control, especially when Cain Dingle gets involved. And, further down the line, Belle will come face to face with Mrs Bailey – leading to what could be an almighty showdown.
We recently caught up with actress Eden Taylor-Draper, who seemed to relish the chance for her character to clash with Dr Bailey’s wife.

She told us: ‘I feel like Belle’s got a bit of wit to her, I feel like she’d really bring her down. The wife has the upper hand as she has the man so who knows? Belle’s heart’s in [the affair]. She doesn’t enjoy being this bit on the side. He kind of puts her through the ring of fire and makes her lie and dodge things and that kind of messes with her head as we’ll see as it continues. She does just want to end all of it and be with him, so I think she may encourage him to leave his wife.’

Meanwhile, Belle Dingle [EDEN TAYLOR-DRAPER] skives work to drop in on Dr Bailey [MICAH BALFOUR] in his surgery. Doctor Bailey tries to explain she can't be there but she leans in for a kiss. Meanwhile outside the room Emma explains to David they're running a bit behind but he enters, unaware Belle and Dr Bailey are kissing behind the examination curtain. Doctor Bailey steps out and flustered scrambles through his paperwork, telling a chuffed David his ultrasound came back clear. David is delighted with the result but Doctor Bailey made a worrying error. How will David feel when he finds out?

She also teased violent scenes on the horizon when Cain becomes involved, by revealing that he will ‘steam in’ to the situation. She added: ‘He assumes that Belle’s having an affair with someone that she’s not and decides to steam in – take him and, you know, deal with him in a corner! He finds out and he is not happy at all!’
Yikes! if there’s this much havoc so early on in the passionate romance, who knows how explosive things will get as things progress?

Telly Watcher
05-04-2016, 13:56
Emmerdale's Eden Taylor-Draper talks to Metro.co.uk about Belle Dingle’s shock affair and what happens next.

Belle Dingle has gone and gotten herself into a complex situation once more, having fallen for local GP Dr Bailey.

Given that he’s much older and married, it can only end in tears but since when has that stopped an affair spiralling out of control? With Dr Bailey truly infatuated with his younger lover too, they are soon playing with fire.

As they liaise at the surgery, Dr Bailey forgets an appointment with David Metcalfe, who ends up walking in while Belle is hidden behind the examination curtains. And things get even more unprofessional when Dr Bailey ends up giving David the wrong test results, making him think for a day that he has the all clear when he actually has testicular cancer.

We caught up with Eden Taylor-Draper who plays the teenage temptress, to learn more about what’s coming up for Belle in the latest shock affair to rock the village.

It looks like there are plenty of twists ahead…

Is it touch and go when David comes in for his appointment?

So they’re currently on the doctor’s examining table – legs wrapped round and a bit of kissing –and then obviously he comes in. It’s really awkward for Belle to hear as obviously she has grown up with him so to hear he’s got the all clear for testicular cancer – which is great – but not something she wants to overhear. And David’s like ‘oh do you need to check me over again?’ and Bailey is like ‘No! You can go’ I think Bailey, well Jermaine, realises that this can’t be a workplace thing. And she asks ‘Am I going to see you again?’ and he’s like ‘well, it’s up to you’ and it is touch and go there . I think they just need to take it somewhere that isn’t a workplace.

Were you warned about the story beforehand?

It was really good actually, Iain [MacLeod, producer] brought us in for a character conference and it had the storyliners and the scriptwriters and we sat around and discuss Jermaine as a character and for me and Micah [Balfour, who plays Dr Bailey] to get to know Jermaine better and it was said that this is what was going to develop and that it wasn’t known where it was going to end up but this is the journey that we were going to go on. And I was really excited to start it.

Would she have done this if it weren’t for the problems at home?

Yeah I do think that part of this is an escape from her life; she has this man who has status, takes her to nice places, buys her things, makes her feel amazing so I do think that has influence it. He makes her want to do better at her work – she is starting out as trainee manager and she really wants to up her game with him so I can’t imagine this would happen as instantly as it would if it weren’t for the problems at home.

Do you think this is a teenage crush or could it be something more serious?

Yeah, I think, you know, her teenage crush was Kirin as that was her first but no, she has fallen for this guy. For her to go back to him even after she finds out he is married; it’s not done as an excitement thing; she is guilty that she has feelings for this married man but I think it is real what she feels.

So it could continue for a while?

Yeah, I think Jermaine does fall in love with Belle fully and he sees her as something that he can’t let go so yeah, I imagine it’ll carry on.

There will be problems, though, won’t there?

Oh, of course! A million problems. So yeah, the new scripts have shown his wife pop up for a bit so that should be exciting and a problem definitely for Belle and Jermaine.

What has it been like filming the passion scenes and showing this new side to Belle?

Yeah, especially with Micah who – well, I don’t want to say his age just cos it might be mean – but it is weird having to kiss this guy who is my dad’s age but you know, it’s work! It’s fine, we get on really well, it’s not weird – well it is obviously but yeah, it’s fine. We’ve both got to show such passion for each other or else it wouldn’t work as people just wouldn’t believe that there is something there pulling him away from his wife. Yeah, it’s okay, it’s going well.

What do you think about Belle’s situation, do you think she’s crazy for doing this?

Yeah, 100%! If she were my mate I’d be like ‘seriously Belle, come on, like, you’re wasting your life’ but I know how hard it must be for her to be in love and if he is saying that it can work it’s hard to not believe that from the person you love. It’s a difficult situation and I think it’s bound to end in tears.

Does she confide in anyone?

Yeah, Priya, she has gotten close to Priya at the minute as they both work in the office and she is like her number one girl. They have formed a bond and they will discuss what she is going to wear on a date night and she kind of keeps it hidden – she says he’s an older guy but that he’s at university so not that old. But in the end it does come out. In the beginning she does want to confide in someone and Priya is the only one she feels she can turn to.

Emmerdale has had a lot of maneaters – do you think they could be setting up Belle to be the next one and would you like it if they were?

Oh, I’m not sure, I don’t know! Belle as a maneater? I mean, I can imagine it because she’s a Dingle obviously and I think it would be very gripping for me to act out and I’d love to watch it on screen. But especially as I have come in as a child, it would be really weird to watch that progress into this crazy woman but yeah I’d be fine with that. But Belle isn’t a nasty girl – but who knows she might be?

How do you feel about your own family watching this – does that make you feel a bit weird?

Yeah, a little bit! I think, well my dad wouldn’t watch it probably. It doesn’t bother me, it is what it is and I think they understand that. They watched me kill Gemma so if they can deal with that , surely a kiss is fine!

How do you think other teenage girls will react to the storyline?

I think this is quite a current thing. In my own life I know people who are dating older men so it’s quite normal now. It’d be quite nice to feel that on a mutual level and just understand it. I think the marriage thing is different and hopefully, you know, people in that position can see it and maybe reassess things but hopefully it’ll be received well.

Do you think viewers will sympathise with Belle?

Yeah I think they will and I think they’ll sympathise with him as well because he’s not a nasty guy and this isn’t what he does. He’s not a guy who has affairs and cheats on his wife, he’s a genuine nice guy who just happens to be in this position. It’s sad but it can be heartfelt.

We don’t think they’ll sympathise with him…

True, true! I can imagine that.

How might Cain and Zak react?

Cain? Cain’s the main guy in this! He thinks, well, coming up after the week that we’re at, he assumes that I’m having an affair with someone that I’m not and decides to steam in – take him and, you know, deal with him in a corner! He finds out and he is not happy at all. And Zak – Zak’s not really on the scene at the moment and it’s hard for Belle, who is a daddy’s girl as she doesn’t feel like he’s there for her at the moment. It’s an awkward situation so, if anything she’s doing this BECAUSE of him so I don’t think Zak’s really an issue in this but Cain’s the main guy!

Could this make her understand Joanie more?

Oh not at all, she HATES Joanie! Joanie’s like the worst woman in the world which is totally understandable. But yeah, coming up, Belle does get up to nasty things just to get Joanie in a harsh position because she still fully believes that her mum and dad are going to get back together, like right now and she’s pushing for that. And her and Lisa, it does end up in a bit of an argument because she feels like her mum doesn’t care about Zak anymore and she can’t understand why. So no, this won’t make her like Joanie.

So she doesn’t see that this makes her not all that different to Joanie?

Well, she does slightly but she just pushes it to one side and just thinks ‘I’m not like Joanie. This isn’t me.’ But yeah, I feel when she first finds out he’s married, that’s when she sees that connection but later on, that’s when she pushes it aside.

Do you see this as a coming of age story for Belle?

Yeah, definitely. I think it’s definitely something that couldn’t have happened this year or the year before. I feel like she’s grown up a lot, she’s on medication now, she’s not ill any more, she’s okay! So, I feel like she’s ready for it and I think it’s because of her age now.

Does everyone respect you more on set now you’re an adult actor?

To be fair, I don’t feel it’s any different. From the moment you come in, you’re treated like an adult which is great and that’s nice as a kid to not feel patronised, especially when you’re all here to do the same thing at the end of the day. I do feel like it’s different now I’m an adult and I haventt seen people in a while and come in they’ll say ‘whoa, you look a bit older!’ I feel very at ease and at home and I feel very comfortable. I feel very privileged to have come in at the start…

Have you noticed a gradual increase in trust in storylines as time goes on?

Yeah, definitely. They kind of test it out to see how it’s going to be. The trust grows and that’s nice to have that with them and grow with them

If you could pick any man in the village for Belle, who would it be?

E: I’d go for Lachlan cos he’s the same age but he’s a weirdo! He’s involved in this story. I feel like Adam. Adam plays Adam doesn’t he? He’s a nice boy…but he is married. Dammit! I don’t really mind married men though, do I?

Do you think Belle could push for Jermaine to leave his wife?

Yeah, I think she’s in this fully. Her heart’s in it. She doesn’t enjoy being this bit on the side. He kind of puts her through the ring of fire and makes her lie and dodge things and that kind of messes with her head as we’ll see as it continues. She does just want to end all of it and be with him, so yeah, I think she will encourage that.

Could Belle get pregnant?

Oh he haven’t got that far yet but that’s good! I’d love that, it’d be great, a love triangle with a bit added. It’d be enjoyable and fun to watch and who would Bailey pick? That would be really exciting to play out.

When does he find out she is 17?

He basically comes to see Lisa at the Dingles’ because she’s had an angina attack and there’s pictures of me all over the house and he’s like ‘Oh my god, this is Belle’s house’ and she’s like ‘Yeah, my daughter’s at home and she’s 17’ and he’s like ‘wow’. And he kind of runs out and we’re meant to be having date night and I go home and Lisa’s like ‘oh I had such a nice doctor today but then he ran out’ and I’m like ‘Oh my God!’ and I kind of ring him and say ‘er, hi Bailey…!’

So yeah, he finds out and goes mental and says: ‘You’re a child and I’m ending with you’ and she kind of reverses it and says ‘No, I’m ending with you actually because I deserve way more.’ And she’s walking off into the distance to feed the pigs and he just runs up and says: ‘I can’t live without you’ and yeah, everyone’s in love again!

How do you imagine it’ll be when the truth comes out?

I can imagine obviously Joanie is going to have her say but who cares when it’s Joanie? And, yeah, Lisa – she’d really plead with Lisa to be there for her on this. She feels like this is everything her mum didn’t have with Zak so I think that it’d be hard for her to deal with. I feel the Dingles wouldn’t be understanding.

Will someone get beaten up?

That happens fairly early on actually! We like a punch up!

Are you looking forward to a showdown with the wife?

Very much so! I feel like Belle’s got a bit of wit to her, I feel like she’d really bring her down. The wife has the upper hand as she has the man so who knows?

By Duncan Lindsay for Metro.co.uk

05-04-2016, 16:25
I hate this as Belle saw the heartbreak Joanie caused her mother

06-04-2016, 18:44
Is the actor who plays the doctor on recurring basis? I had completely forgotten about the character.

yes forgot about him despite emma still working for him

06-04-2016, 18:44
Is the actor who plays the doctor on recurring basis? I had completely forgotten about the character.

yes forgot about him despite emma still working for him

09-04-2016, 02:50
this relationship for belle is quite disturbing she is so young compared to him don't like it

09-04-2016, 04:44
this relationship for belle is quite disturbing she is so young compared to him don't like it

Yes, it is. It won´t last long though, I hope.

10-04-2016, 19:20
emma dated this doctor as she works at surgery she should know he is married but still pursued him to make james jealous

Mo Mouse
10-04-2016, 20:16
That doctor should keep his clammy hands off My Belle. If he kens what's good for him. Knaa worra mean, like.

Telly Watcher
14-04-2016, 00:55
Belle Dingle’s life has been a mix of ups and downs of late.

But now the teen looks set to land herself in some very hot water when her affair with Dr Jermaine Bailey looks set to be exposed.

Actress Eden Taylor-Draper revealed that the handsome GP assumes that Belle is in her early 20s, and that he is in his 30s – something that adds to the excitement of the affair with the handsome married man!

“I think he is attracted to this girl flirting with him,” she reveals. “They get on really well from the get go, it’s not done in a malicious or dirty way. They just enjoy each other’s company!”

Here, Eden reveals 5 things we can expect to see in the storyline that looks set to rock Emmerdale…

1. Someone gets beaten up!

“That happens fairly early on actually!” admits Eden, who adds that she would want a ‘showdown’ with Dr Bailey’s wife. “I feel like Belle’s got a bit of wit to her, I feel like she’d really bring her down. The wife has the upper hand as she has the man so who knows?

“The new scripts have shown his wife pops up for a bit so that should be exciting and a problem definitely for Belle and Jermaine!”

2. The couple will break up…only to get back together!

When Dr Bailey discovers Belle’s true age, he loses his rag and the couple look set to go their separate ways. However, they’re back together mere minutes later!

“He finds out and goes mental and says: ‘You’re a child and I’m ending with you’,” explains Eden. “And she kind of reverses it and says ‘No, I’m ending with you actually because I deserve way more.’ She’s walking off into the distance to feed the pigs and he just runs up and says: ‘I can’t live without you’ and yeah, everyone’s in love again!”

3. Dr Bailey might leave his wife…and Belle could get pregnant!

“Her heart’s in it,” says Eden. “She doesn’t enjoy being this bit on the side. He kind of puts her through the ring of fire and makes her lie and dodge things…she does just want to end all of it and be with him, so yeah, I think she will encourage that.”

And could end up carrying his baby? “I’d love that, it’d be great,” reveals Eden. “A love triangle with a bit added. It’d be enjoyable and fun to watch and who would Bailey pick? That would be really exciting to play out!”

4. Priya finds out!

Asked if Belle confides in anyone in the village, Eden explains that after getting close to Priya, she spills the beans. “They have formed a bond and they will discuss what she is going to wear on a date night and she kind of keeps it hidden,” says Eden.

“She says he’s an older guy but that he’s at university so not that old. But in the end it does come out. In the beginning she does want to confide in someone and Priya is the only one she feels she can turn to!”

5. Cain and Zak end up involved!

“Cain’s the main guy in this!” says Eden. “He assumes that I’m having an affair with someone that I’m not and decides to take him and deal with him in a corner! He finds out and he is not happy at all.

"And Zak – Zak’s not really on the scene at the moment and it’s hard for Belle, who is a daddy’s girl, as she doesn’t feel like he’s there for her at the moment. It’s an awkward situation so, if anything she’s doing this because of him. So I don’t think Zak’s really an issue in this but Cain’s the main guy!”

By Frances Taylor, BT.com

27-04-2016, 12:17
Is she pregnant by him?

30-04-2016, 16:52
Emmerdale​'s Eden Taylor-Draper claims she's nothing at all like her character Belle Dingle.

The actress has appeared in the soap since she was six. In that time her character has been caught underage drinking, taking drugs and having relationships with older men.

But Taylor-Draper (via ​Daily Express​) said she's not like that in real life: "I'm not really about being a wild child.

"I don't go out and drink a lot; I'm a lot happier settling down in front of the TV with a cup of tea. I'm the opposite of Belle really, which I think is why she's such fun to play.​"

Belle spends more time with Dr Bailey
Belle spends more time with Dr Bailey
Taylor-Draper believes it might have something to do with growing up in the public eye.

"Growing up in the public eye I've had to be very aware of things like going out to parties," she continued.

"If an average teenager gets drunk at a party, nothing happens, but if I did then somebody could go to the papers or put it on social media.

"I've been very aware of the dangers and I think my parents have enjoyed that, if I'm honest! Working around adults and doing an adult job, I had to mature quickly and hopefully I'm pretty normal."

Digital Spy

30-04-2016, 21:51
That doctor should keep his clammy hands off My Belle. If he kens what's good for him. Knaa worra mean, like.

Mo mouse getting respectable!
I wouldnt have believed it possible
I Agree tho:love:

04-05-2016, 15:43
Emmerdale teen Belle Dingle will cut ties with Doctor Bailey next week after Rakesh Kotecha pays the price for their affair.

Cain will kidnap a terrified Rakesh (Pasha Bocarie​) after wrongly concluding that he is the married man who Belle has been seeing.

Although Rakesh does eventually manage to escape Cain's angry clutches, the situation serves as a long overdue wake-up call to a distraught Belle, who finally realises the impact that her relationship is having.

With this in mind, Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) makes a big decision and tells Doctor Bailey that she can't carry on their affair because of her family.

A heartbroken Belle later tells Cain that she has called it quits with her married man for good, but will she really be able to stay away from the doctor?

Emmerdale airs these scenes next week on ITV.

Digital Spy

24-05-2016, 18:55
Emmerdale's new boss Iain MacLeod has confirmed that there is a huge story coming up for Belle Dingle, teasing some interesting twists in her ongoing affair with Doctor Bailey.

Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) has been having a secret relationship with the married village doctor over the last few months, but upcoming episodes could see her controversial romance exposed.

The latest developments will pave the way for an interesting story for Belle, which MacLeod has said is different to anything the show has done before.

"There is a huge story for Belle coming up which will be something a bit different", MacLeod said while discussing the summer stories in a video on Emmerdale's official website.

"It emerges out of her love story with doctor Bailey. Just at the point where her family are starting to close in and they find out what has been going on, some really surprising twists occur. It is different to anything we have seen before on Emmerdale."

MacLeod also revealed that Zak's ongoing love triangle with Joanie Wright and wife Lisa will reach a climax in the coming months, where he will be forced to choose between the two women once and for all.

"Lisa is living on her own with Belle and then you've got Zak with Joanie", MacLeod added. "Their romance will continue but we are building to a big climax later on in the summer where Zak will be stuck between the two women and will have the ultimate choice to make."

Digital Spy

31-05-2016, 20:22
the doc getting obsessed with belle

31-05-2016, 20:33
Needs a punch from Cain ��

31-05-2016, 20:33
Needs a punch from Cain 😤

05-06-2016, 02:48
if only belle had recorded dirty doc

23-06-2016, 00:25
Emmerdale: Pregnancy twist for Belle Dingle and Dr Bailey

There’s a baby bombshell ahead for Dr Bailey in Emmerdale as Belle Dingle dramatically announces that she is pregnant – but will the revelation be enough to persuade him to make a go of things with his teen lover and, more to the point, is Belle being truthful?
Metro.co.uk got the first hints of the new direction for the story at a recent press event where we saw Belle call after Dr Bailey, who had packed his bags and was walking away for good, that he was going to be a father.
Stopping dead in his tracks, Bailey realises that his life could change forever – but what will his reaction be?
Meanwhile, Charity begins to suspect that Belle may be faking the pregnancy in a desperate bid to keep a hold of Dr Bailey – could she be right or is she just assuming that Belle is as conniving as her?

We saw Belle claim to be a stalker just to keep him so she is certainly loved up enough to take such drastic action.
But whatever the truth of the matter, things are about to get seriously messy for the couple – and there are more than a few twists still to come that will leave fans reeling…

Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2016/06/23/emmerdale-spoilers-pregnancy-twist-for-belle-dingle-and-dr-bailey-5960775/#ixzz4CLzMR1Es

23-06-2016, 16:44
I hope she is faking and lying, she needs to move on from Dr. Bailey

23-06-2016, 16:53
I hope she is faking and lying, she needs to move on from Dr. Bailey

Eden Taylor-Draper confirmed on This Morning that there is a pregnancy storyline but she did not say whether she is making it up to stop Dr Bailey leaving or not. This relationship is not going to be over soon :nono:

24-06-2016, 01:03
Emmerdale: Pregnancy twist for Belle Dingle and Dr Bailey

There’s a baby bombshell ahead for Dr Bailey in Emmerdale as Belle Dingle dramatically announces that she is pregnant – but will the revelation be enough to persuade him to make a go of things with his teen lover and, more to the point, is Belle being truthful?
Metro.co.uk got the first hints of the new direction for the story at a recent press event where we saw Belle call after Dr Bailey, who had packed his bags and was walking away for good, that he was going to be a father.
Stopping dead in his tracks, Bailey realises that his life could change forever – but what will his reaction be?
Meanwhile, Charity begins to suspect that Belle may be faking the pregnancy in a desperate bid to keep a hold of Dr Bailey – could she be right or is she just assuming that Belle is as conniving as her?

We saw Belle claim to be a stalker just to keep him so she is certainly loved up enough to take such drastic action.
But whatever the truth of the matter, things are about to get seriously messy for the couple – and there are more than a few twists still to come that will leave fans reeling…

Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2016/06/23/emmerdale-spoilers-pregnancy-twist-for-belle-dingle-and-dr-bailey-5960775/#ixzz4CLzMR1Es

Finding the storyline quite interesting really, so glad to hear there's more to it.

28-06-2016, 00:32
I hope she is faking and lying, she needs to move on from Dr. Bailey

she is lying to keep him

28-06-2016, 00:32
I hope she is faking and lying, she needs to move on from Dr. Bailey

she is lying to keep him

10-07-2016, 21:09
pure guessing by me but i think she will become pregnant by lachlan

10-07-2016, 21:23
pure guessing by me but i think she will become pregnant by lachlan

And claim it to be Jermaine´s???

10-07-2016, 21:23
pure guessing by me but i think she will become pregnant by lachlan

And claim it to be Jermaine´s???

26-07-2016, 14:59
Belle Dingle faces more turmoil in Emmerdale next week as her mental health troubles push her into taking revenge on Joanie Wright.

Viewers have seen Belle's psychosis return following the appearance of 'Ellie' - who the teen believes is a friend from prison, but is really just a figment of her imagination.

Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper), who currently takes medication for schizophrenia, appears to be having a relapse amid the stress over her pregnancy lie, but things will take an even darker turn next week when she lashes out at Joanie under the instructions of 'Ellie'.

When Joanie asks Belle to be her bridesmaid at her upcoming wedding to Zak, she is encouraged by both her mum and boyfriend Jermaine Bailey to accept the offer and forgive and forget everything that has happened in the past.

Joanie is overjoyed when Belle turns up at her hen do and gives her a dress for the wedding, but 'Ellie' berates her for enjoying herself. Later, Belle is horrified when Joanie catches her talking to her alter ego, but manages to cover by saying she is talking to her baby.

As the party continues, Belle is mortified when she picks up Joanie's dress by mistake, prompting a hurt Lisa to see.

The situation escalates when 'Ellie' calls Belle a traitor and she swears she'll prove she isn't, but what is she planning? And will anyone notice just how much she's struggling?

Emmerdale airs these scenes on Friday, August 5 on ITV.

Digital Spy

03-08-2016, 16:47
These emotional new Emmerdale pictures show that life will be getting a whole lot worse for Belle Dingle before it gets any better.

Eden Taylor-Draper, who plays Belle, has been spotted filming some tough new on-location scenes which see her character left sleeping rough out on the streets.

Edehttp://digitalspyuk.cdnds.net/16/31/768x623/gallery-1470225735-eden-taylor-draper-emmerdale-belle-dingle.jpgn Taylor-Draper as Belle Dingle, Emmerdale
© Aaron Parfitt
As these paparazzi pictures show, poor Belle will be seeking what little shelter she can find by staying in a doorway when things get desperate for her.

Looking tired and in turmoil, she only has a coat and a sleeping bag to rely on for warmth - with her family and friends nowhere to be seen.

This downward spiral for Belle probably doesn't come as a huge surprise, as we've recently seen her mental health problems make a tragic return amid the pressure of her relationship with Jermaine Bailey.
A homeless Eden Taylor-Draper as Belle Dingle, Emmerdale
© Aaron Parfitt

Pretending to be pregnant and desperate to hold onto her older boyfriend, Belle has been tormented by her 'friend from prison' Ellie – whose presence is actually a symptom of her psychosis.

Viewers will have to stay tuned over the next few weeks to see what leads to Belle leaving the village. Could her pregnancy lie be exposed, causing her family and Bailey to turn against her?

Or could Belle leave of her own accord as her worrying illness continues to take hold?

Digital Spy

11-08-2016, 05:04
Emmerdale star Eden Taylor-Draper is expecting a long road ahead for Belle Dingle before she recovers from her tragic mental health relapse.

The troubled teen is once again suffering from psychosis and flees from the village next week as the truth finally dawns on her worried family.

It all kicks off when Belle's fake pregnancy lie is exposed, but the Dingles soon realise that's the least of their worries when they also uncover her tormented state of mind.

The emotional scenes see Belle continue to be plagued by her 'friend' Ellie, who is in fact a symptom of her illness.

Revealing all the drama from next week's episodes, Eden explained: "Once the truth comes out, Belle is obviously panicking and 'Ellie' is screaming in her ear.

"Belle is talking to her, but everyone can see that there's nobody there even though Belle is screaming. Then she goes to the cafe, has a breakdown and all of the family see her crying on the floor.

"They finally know exactly what's going on. That's when Belle decides to run off, because she can't cope with it."

Eden continued: "Belle is completely lost afterwards. When Belle had psychosis before, it got dealt with quite quickly. But this gets quite intense, to the point where Belle loses herself. She doesn't know what to do or how she feels anymore.

"I think it's really good to portray that. It's not just a one-off thing. You do deal with it for life, so to bring it back into the show is really good. Obviously this is a lot more serious because Belle is in love and that's made it 100 times worse."

But with all of her secrets now out, is it all over for Belle and Bailey?

Pondering the possibility, Eden said: "I'm not really sure. I think Jermaine wants to help and Belle still loves him, but she's at the point where she wouldn't be able to have a relationship.

"She's not mentally stable in any way, so I think it would take a lot for Belle to get better and for them to continue being in love."

Digital Spy

11-08-2016, 09:53
Interesting.. I look forward to this. She's always been one of my top favourites in Emmerdale and is such a talented young actress. She's right, it's really important and right thing to do to portray mental health issues in soaps too.

04-11-2016, 06:56
Emmerdale spoilers: Belle Dingle splits Zak and Joanie over his kiss with Lisa?Zak and Joanie Dingle’s huge fanbase is about to face a meltdown in coming Emmerdale episodes as the marriage looks set to hit the rocks after Zak makes a confession to his daughter Belle. As Belle returns home permanently, she decides that she wants to stay with Zak for a bit.
And while Belle is nervous about how Lisa will react, Zak insists that he has talked to his ex and she is happy with it. Zak, fibbing? Whatever next?
Joanie urges Zak to speak with Belle and she gets more uncomfortable when she thinks Kyle is scared of Belle because of her illness. Belle is upset by Kyle’s nervousness around her and when Kyle and Amelia put on metal hats to protect their heads from Belle’s voices, Zak loses his temper with them, not realising that Belle is okay with it because it had been helping Kyle to relax around her.As Belle and Zak sit down to talk, she reprimands him for losing his temper and they agree to be honest with each other which is when Zak, who recently shared a smooch with Lisa, makes a confession.
While Zak insists that he is happy with Joanie and begs Belle not to say anything, Belle makes a big decision. Is she about the blow the marriage that she tried so hard to stop happening apart?

27-11-2016, 17:57
The Dingles are sent into a panic in next month’s Emmerdale when they discover that Belle is planning to move to America.
She shocks her family when she announces that Doctor Bailey has landed a job in Boston and she intends on going with him.
Instantly the Dingles start to plot how to stop her leaving and it doesn’t take long before Cain takes matters into his own hands when on a country lane he stops the car and orders Belle to get in.
Lisa returns to the village and is shocked to hear for the first time Belle is going to America, Belle insists she’s happy but Lisa is suspicious about whether she’s telling the truth.
The Dingle’s continue to plot to stop Belle moving to America and throw a surprise party for Belle, hoping to convince her to stay.
When it looks like she’s intent on moving Lisa and Zak reassure her they’re on Belle’s side whatever she chooses to do - but what else can they do to stop her?

06-12-2016, 16:00
Is she leaving?

06-12-2016, 16:21
Is she leaving?
I don´t think so .. maybe for a couple of weeks but she will return .. not seen anything to say she is leaving for good

15-05-2017, 19:11
she got very big up top, boob job or padded bra?

Jeanette Lewis
18-05-2017, 21:21
I have noticed this as well. My guess is a boob job it's happened very quickly.

17-05-2018, 00:21
is she up duffy by lachlan?

17-05-2018, 10:47
is she up duffy by lachlan?

Unexpected pregnancy? Unwanted? Surely not, has this been done before in soapland?? :p

17-05-2018, 23:04
Lachlan's possessiveness of Belle will get worse now she is pregnant by him

18-05-2018, 18:42
Oh dear ... child of chucky... it gets worse ...

21-05-2018, 20:47
Oh dear ... child of chucky... it gets worse ...

She is keeping the baby .. another child that will grow up without a father :(

31-05-2018, 13:06
she got very big up top, boob job or padded bra?

They look too natural to be a boob job as they bounce. Plus they’re not over perky, they’re quite low sitting and heavy looking which to me says they’re definitely real.

Many girls boobs just kind of explode as they get to late teens early 20’s - I know mine did!

31-05-2018, 14:36
They look too natural to be a boob job as they bounce. Plus they’re not over perky, they’re quite low sitting and heavy looking which to me says they’re definitely real.

Many girls boobs just kind of explode as they get to late teens early 20’s - I know mine did!

Welcome to the Emmerdale thread folks...

BOOBIES! :lol:

26-12-2019, 22:39
affair with jamie and baby for belle on line chatter

08-01-2020, 14:31
Is Belle and Ellis a couple, has she had any scenes with new Ellis yet?

30-01-2020, 16:15
I hate that they made her chase a married man again and no doubt we get another pregnancy whose the father with Jamie and Ellis with Belle, Lisa would be so proud and Zak needs to come back

18-07-2020, 03:07
even if she is up duffy she should go back up to scotland

11-10-2020, 00:52
she starts hearing voices again including lisa

03-12-2022, 01:32
belle tells moira about chas and al

03-12-2022, 12:36
belle tells moira about chas and al

Good...about time

18-04-2023, 16:18
Speaking to Digital Spy and other media at an Emmerdale press event, Hudson commented: "Jimmy's nephew Tom King will be coming back into the show.

"He's been living overseas for quite some time and then he's come back to England. He's qualified as a vet so I think we all probably know where he's going to be working.

"Of course Tom and Belle have a history, which ? when they see each other ? they rekindle. We will be on a journey with Tom and Belle for quite some time as we play out the story."

Dennis tanner
18-04-2023, 16:26
Speaking to Digital Spy and other media at an Emmerdale press event, Hudson commented: "Jimmy's nephew Tom King will be coming back into the show.

"He's been living overseas for quite some time and then he's come back to England. He's qualified as a vet so I think we all probably know where he's going to be working.

"Of course Tom and Belle have a history, which ? when they see each other ? they rekindle. We will be on a journey with Tom and Belle for quite some time as we play out the story."

If he works there, he'll be the only one who does.

Perhaps he will get back with Jezebel

22-02-2024, 20:36
abusive and controlling tom is to belle


Dennis tanner
22-02-2024, 21:00
abusive and controlling tom is to belle


One problem is that The Dingles give him loads of ammunition.

26-02-2024, 20:01
Tom is really a loose wire. Anything can set him off. Poor Belle is in for a lot of heartache. He doesn't put her first, he doesn't feel for her with her needs, or feel the ache inside of her with the loss of her mother. In fact, he is jealous of the note that her mother left for her for her wedding day.

I have a soft spot for Jimmy, so hope that he can see what is happening and to be there for Belle. But for now, he is so tied up in the hell he is going through with Angel, that I think he will be blind to what is occurring.

Dennis tanner
26-02-2024, 20:14
Tom is really a loose wire. Anything can set him off. Poor Belle is in for a lot of heartache. He doesn't put her first, he doesn't feel for her with her needs, or feel the ache inside of her with the loss of her mother. In fact, he is jealous of the note that her mother left for her for her wedding day.

I have a soft spot for Jimmy, so hope that he can see what is happening and to be there for Belle. But for now, he is so tied up in the hell he is going through with Angel, that I think he will be blind to what is occurring.

I agree that it's not Jimmy's priority at ther moment. Tom was very strange when he came back to the village. Why would he do that if he didn't want to speak to his uncle Jimmy ?

03-06-2024, 20:05
Belle feigns illness to hide her pregnancy from Tom and feels apprehensive about her options

03-06-2024, 21:28
I could see him punching her in the stomach again and she loses the baby. As tragic as it would be, I don't want her to have any remaining ties to him when this is all over. But honestly, I'd rather he end up face down in a ditch and she and Vinnie (my personal wish) coparent the baby.

27-07-2024, 15:34
Belle starts to examine the realities of her marriage during a visit with a mental health counselor. After some powerful words from her counselor, Belle starts to wonder if she's a victim of abuse.

28-07-2024, 11:51
Belle starts to examine the realities of her marriage during a visit with a mental health counselor. After some powerful words from her counselor, Belle starts to wonder if she's a victim of abuse.


28-07-2024, 12:39
Good. Her therapist was beginning to get through to her once before. Maybe now she can help Belle's eyes stay open.

I hope Tom doesn't kill her therapist.

28-07-2024, 20:38
When Belle finally accepts what's been happening and begins to put her life in order and cleans Tom's things out of the house, I fanaticize that they'll be playing Icona Pop's I Love It in the background.

04-09-2024, 20:27
im losing patience with belle and the storyline, no one knows what tom is like as she won't speak up

Dennis tanner
04-09-2024, 22:56
im losing patience with belle and the storyline, no one knows what tom is like as she won't speak up

She is now speaking up but not even her family are believing her. It is tedius

04-09-2024, 23:16
She is now speaking up but not even her family are believing her. It is tedius

but she is not saying enough and i fear she'll go back to tom to save amelia

Dennis tanner
05-09-2024, 02:43
but she is not saying enough and i fear she'll go back to tom to save amelia

Save Amelia? The Evil Tom is not likely to kill her. Belle is very impatient with people