View Full Version : no more newsletters

12-12-2005, 00:20
i ;d love to know whats going on at elstree i've just chrcked my e mails and on my ee nesletters thers a message saying bye bye and sorry the'll be no more newsletters,first the message boards then the newsletters.what next the show itself

Mr Humphries
12-12-2005, 00:35
I so totally agree with you. They are really hellbent on annoying the fans as much as possible. I loved that Message Board. Mind you the newsletters where not that much cop anyway, but that is not the point

12-12-2005, 00:55
I know they were worth a glance through but nout to rave about,but like you say thats not the point,its like have ee got a motive are they trying to run ee down so they can pull the plug,now a days they only kill their best charectors off,the boring ones get the door left open

Mr Humphries
12-12-2005, 01:03
Its all down hill now

12-12-2005, 15:09
i'm really Annoyed with the BBC first the Message board and now the Newsletter,do us the fans not get a say?

12-12-2005, 19:25
Ah... I just read it.

Jessie Wallace
13-12-2005, 13:47
That not good, they need to sort it out!

13-12-2005, 16:18
Where does it say this?! :eek:

This is just great isn't it :angry:

13-12-2005, 17:08
on the bottom of your newsletter

13-12-2005, 17:13
i'm really Annoyed with the BBC first the Message board and now the Newsletter,do us the fans not get a say?

That's because the EE bosses know best.....

...or do they?