View Full Version : Pregnancy tests

09-12-2005, 10:19
I would just like some advice.I already have a 2 year old daughter called Emma and we are trying for a baby.I did a test last night as I was just over a week late and it was positive straight away with the lines in both the windows.What I want to know is how accurate these tests are.I am getting really bad tummy cramps like period pains.

09-12-2005, 10:22
I would just like some advice.I already have a 2 year old daughter called Emma and we are trying for a baby.I did a test last night as I was just over a week late and it was positive straight away with the lines in both the windows.What I want to know is how accurate these tests are.I am getting really bad tummy cramps like period pains.

some are 99% accurate.. I would suggest you take another one again today and then see your doctor... I did one for my last baby and like you, i had period pains but when I took the test in came up immediately.. i tried again later that night with the same results

Oh and good luck.. hope the results are correct.. will keep my fingers crossed for you Brenda

09-12-2005, 10:32
I am going to take a sample to the doctors on monday and I have an appointment on thursday so will let you know.

09-12-2005, 11:10
please do.. will be sending happy thoughts and lots of luck for the both of you

09-12-2005, 11:45
I would just like some advice.I already have a 2 year old daughter called Emma and we are trying for a baby.I did a test last night as I was just over a week late and it was positive straight away with the lines in both the windows.What I want to know is how accurate these tests are.I am getting really bad tummy cramps like period pains.

most are pretty accurate even the cheapy ones! do another one then again in afew days time just to be sure

09-12-2005, 11:46
I am going to take a sample to the doctors on monday and I have an appointment on thursday so will let you know.

fingers crossed for you brenda!

09-12-2005, 11:59
Thanks to everyone for your kind replies.How long do the stomach cramps last for

09-12-2005, 12:17
Thanks to everyone for your kind replies.How long do the stomach cramps last for

not too long.. my ones only last until the test was confirmed...

09-12-2005, 12:54
not too long.. my ones only last until the test was confirmed...

Mine didn't last long either, it's funny though, they seem to come back every time i hear "mmuuuuuuuummmmmmm"

09-12-2005, 13:45
Mine didn't last long either, it's funny though, they seem to come back every time i hear "mmuuuuuuuummmmmmm"

everything comes back when you hear that :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

09-12-2005, 14:03
Thanks you have all made me feel better.I think i must be pregnant as I cant stop going to the toilet :rotfl: :rotfl:

09-12-2005, 14:04
sounds to me like you are preggers brenda,these tests are rarely wrong.good luck x

09-12-2005, 14:06
Thanks you have all made me feel better.I think i must be pregnant as I cant stop going to the toilet :rotfl: :rotfl:

well you already know how much you need to go as you get bigger!!!

09-12-2005, 14:08
I think that I am about 5 weeks and I am due on the 9th august so Emma will be nearly 3

09-12-2005, 14:15
Well get yourself down to the doctors and good luck !!!

09-12-2005, 14:20
I have an appointment for next thursday and I am going to send the sample in the doctors on monday morning.

09-12-2005, 14:42
i have found most pregnancy tests accurate, even the cheap ones so im sure you are pregnant, that will be a nice christmas present for you brenda!

09-12-2005, 14:44
I think that I am about 5 weeks and I am due on the 9th august so Emma will be nearly 3

nice gap between them...

samantha nixon
09-12-2005, 16:45
ah fingers crossed you are congratulations

09-12-2005, 22:56
Awwww wow Brenda - thats great news - I used the cheapest tests and they were as accurate as the rest of them - generally (down here anyway) the docs trust the pharmacy bought kits and dont do another one - so congrats and make sure you update us all :D

12-12-2005, 09:41
Well I dropped my sample off at the doctors and I have an appointment on thursday at 5.30.So i will let you know on friday keep everything crossed for me

12-12-2005, 09:43
Well I dropped my sample off at the doctors and I have an appointment on thursday at 5.30.So i will let you know on friday keep everything crossed for me

I will keep everything crossed for you... best of luck Brenda and don't forget to let us all know. :cheer::cheer:

12-12-2005, 09:45
everything is crossed brenda!!!

12-12-2005, 10:46
Everything i can cross is crossed Brenda.

I've started working on hubby again!! lol

12-12-2005, 13:22
I've started working on hubby again!! lol

Are you planning of having your own football team???????

Good luck brenda!! If it's a boy can i call it hogwarts????

12-12-2005, 13:23
Are you planning of having your own football team???????

Good luck brenda!! If it's a boy can i call it hogwarts????

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Hogwarts.. Hey Em's can you change Liam's name for Rain????

12-12-2005, 13:25
:rotfl: Or Hog, or Wart!! lol

12-12-2005, 13:27
Well I dropped my sample off at the doctors and I have an appointment on thursday at 5.30.So i will let you know on friday keep everything crossed for me

ok brenda cant you just go and get another test from chemist my body is aching from keeping evrything crossed!!! plus i dying to knowif another soaps baby is on the way!!! thursday is such a long way off

12-12-2005, 13:27
Everything i can cross is crossed Brenda.

I've started working on hubby again!! lol

LOL working on him ot persuade him or actually working on him???? :eek:

12-12-2005, 13:29
:eek: Working on him when he ain't looking lol!!

Not really, trying to persuade him, and he nearly buckled last night!! :cheer:

12-12-2005, 13:29
:eek: Working on him when he ain't looking lol!!

Not really, trying to persuade him, and he nearly buckled last night!! :cheer:

:cheer: keep going!!!!

12-12-2005, 13:42
:eek: Working on him when he ain't looking lol!!

Not really, trying to persuade him, and he nearly buckled last night!! :cheer:

I think you are crazy!!!! I find it hard with two and you want more!! you're mad :lol::lol:

12-12-2005, 13:44
:eek: Working on him when he ain't looking lol!!

Not really, trying to persuade him, and he nearly buckled last night!! :cheer:

12-12-2005, 13:45
I think you are crazy!!!! I find it hard with two and you want more!! you're mad :lol::lol:I know - I just love kids, I even thrive on getting up 3 times a night to feed!!

12-12-2005, 13:46
I know - I just love kids, I even thrive on getting up 3 times a night to feed!!

I will give you my two.. lovely boy and a girl...

12-12-2005, 13:52
Cool - I think I should have been a childminder or something like that..

12-12-2005, 13:56
Cool - I think I should have been a childminder or something like that..

If you had been, trust me you would not want so many of them.. I used to mind kids when I was younger.. part-time when I was 16 and I didn't have any children until I was 29... I didn't even want any but I have 2 now... :rotfl::rotfl:

12-12-2005, 13:58
Your probably right, though I did have Ste when I was 17, and then Ci at 26, but I expect if I had loads of them running around it would have changed my mind!! lol

12-12-2005, 14:05
My sister wanted 16.. she didn't do too bad, had 7 in the end (6 before she was 30) and the last one at the age of 40, she had just become a grandmother 6 weeks before

12-12-2005, 14:06
Wow - I met someone with 8 when I had Liam - I think I would definitely stop at 4 though

12-12-2005, 14:15
Wow - I met someone with 8 when I had Liam - I think I would definitely stop at 4 though

my mum had 9 of us by the age of 34... she now has 27 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren...
my friend had 13 brothers and sisters.. (good ole catholic irish families)

12-12-2005, 14:25
You haven't wanted a big family then?? Are you going to stick with your 2??

12-12-2005, 14:31
You haven't wanted a big family then?? Are you going to stick with your 2??

yep but for different reasons... most of my family have a minimum of 3.. I just can't carry kids and my labours are horrid so I rather not get pregnant again thank you

12-12-2005, 14:37
awww - thats a shame - I doubt if my hubby will let me have one more though - he did say that if I wanted another one it wouldn't be with him!!

I feel for people that suffer with bad pregnancies and labour - some don't want to understand what you go through because of having it relatively easy, without realising that the person could be desperate to have another, but the whole 9 month (and beyond) is too unbearable. Makes me sort of feel bad for having it relatively easy....

12-12-2005, 14:41
awww - thats a shame - I doubt if my hubby will let me have one more though - he did say that if I wanted another one it wouldn't be with him!!

I feel for people that suffer with bad pregnancies and labour - some don't want to understand what you go through because of having it relatively easy, without realising that the person could be desperate to have another, but the whole 9 month (and beyond) is too unbearable. Makes me sort of feel bad for having it relatively easy....

don't feel bad at all... my sister has it real easy too.. When I was pregnant on Ben I booked her to have him :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: some people are just unlucky to suffer that much but don't feel bad...

12-12-2005, 14:53
I would be happy just to have another baby and I would like a boy to go with Daughter I have.But will have to wait and See.

How long do the tummy cramps last for

12-12-2005, 15:02
I would be happy just to have another baby and I would like a boy to go with Daughter I have.But will have to wait and See.

How long do the tummy cramps last for

shouldn't be too long now.. I will guarantee if you find out you are pregnant on Thursday they will be gone

12-12-2005, 15:12
awww - thats a shame - I doubt if my hubby will let me have one more though - he did say that if I wanted another one it wouldn't be with him!!

I feel for people that suffer with bad pregnancies and labour - some don't want to understand what you go through because of having it relatively easy, without realising that the person could be desperate to have another, but the whole 9 month (and beyond) is too unbearable. Makes me sort of feel bad for having it relatively easy....

my sister gad a easy pregnancy very easy im hoping next time she has real bad sickness so she no what i went through!! i hated my pregnancy

12-12-2005, 15:13
That will be good I have all the symptons of pregnancy I am tired as well.So i am just waiting for it to be confirmed by the doctor now

12-12-2005, 15:14
my sister gad a easy pregnancy very easy im hoping next time she has real bad sickness so she no what i went through!! i hated my pregnancy

some people just have really bad ones... I am not too bother now as I have 2 very healthy and beautiful children but it was hell at the time

12-12-2005, 19:05
Good luck Brenda :)

12-12-2005, 19:26
good luck brenda just in time 4 xmas!!!!!

12-12-2005, 19:31
Mum said there is no way she's going to have another (3 children including me).. She says she should have stopped with me (1st child) :rotfl:

12-12-2005, 20:43
I know - I just love kids, I even thrive on getting up 3 times a night to feed!!

omg you mad women,thank heavens shannon only wakes up once a night now.

13-12-2005, 11:17
omg you mad women,thank heavens shannon only wakes up once a night now.Liam only got up twice last night - 3.30 and 6.30am so getting better still...:cheer:

Good luck though Brenda - like has been said already - the cramps will go as soon as it comes back positive - I felt like I was due on, cramps and everything and then as soon as it was confirmed (by about 10 tests lol!!) they went!

13-12-2005, 11:27
Thanks for your kind works em

13-12-2005, 11:46
Thanks for your kind works em:D I have everything crossed for you Brenda - I am so excited for you and pretty sure that you are - what a wonderful xmas pressie it will be. I discovered I was pregnant with Liam the day before my birthday, and it makes it all that more exciting!

13-12-2005, 11:50
I meant words

13-12-2005, 11:51
lol - Thought you did hon :D

13-12-2005, 13:25
Good luck brenda xxxx

13-12-2005, 13:28
good luck Brenda - although I am sure that the test that you have done already is proof enough to say "congratulations" the cramping is pretty normal and doesnt normally last too long

13-12-2005, 13:39
Good luck, and congratulations!
Brenda, I did tests early with both my pregnancies and they showed positive correctly both times. Most of these thing are 99% accurate, and they tend to give a false negative in the 1% error rather than a false positive.

I have two boys and NOTHING on the face of the Earth would persude me to have any more - Emz you are amazing or MAD!

13-12-2005, 13:55
Thanks I will let you all know soon

13-12-2005, 15:58
congrats if you are.

i no lots of people who are pregnant
my auntie
and two of my friends who are both 16

15-12-2005, 02:51
About a year ago when I was 13 I found a pregnancy test my mother had hidden in a linen cupboard. I thought "Ew, how revolting", seeing as she's 45, and very curious I decided to try it out, and was dumbfounded to see that it had come out positive. I took another one, and it still said positive!! I was astounded, but knew I couldn't be pregnant, as I was and still am a virgin. I just dismissed it as a funny fluke, and told all my friends, who proceeded to tell me that I had probably been raped/drugged/fertilised by a WC toilet seat etc. All the usual childish crap.

Well it's getting on for a year later and something I think if I had been pregnant we'd all know by now!! :rotfl:

15-12-2005, 09:29
Thanks I will let you all know soon

fingers crossed of you today brenda.. best of luck

15-12-2005, 09:30
Well I can ring up after 2.30 today so I will let you all know.

15-12-2005, 12:24
Good luck x x x

15-12-2005, 13:23
Well I can ring up after 2.30 today so I will let you all know.Fingers, legs and toes all crossed for you Brenda :D

15-12-2005, 13:26
good luck again brenda i'll keep my fingers crossed for you

15-12-2005, 13:31
ohhhh was hoping you been this morning!!!

good luck brenda ive stil got everything crossed

15-12-2005, 13:39
My appointment is for 5.30 so will let you all know tomorrow.

15-12-2005, 13:39
:D Good luck xx

15-12-2005, 14:13
My appointment is for 5.30 so will let you all know tomorrow.

:eek: tomorrow!! omg i have to wait even longer!!!!!!

good luck again brenda

15-12-2005, 14:15
OMG - I was thinking the same Debs - I am soooo impatient!!

Good luck Brenda

15-12-2005, 14:24
OMG - I was thinking the same Debs - I am soooo impatient!!

Good luck Brenda

me too!!! and then worse still we are gonna have to wait for ages till thier is another soapboards baby born!!!

15-12-2005, 14:27
And Paige, Shannon and Liam will all be nearing a year old!!!! :eek:

15-12-2005, 14:30
And Paige, Shannon and Liam will all be nearing a year old!!!! :eek:

omg what a thought!! they grow up so quick!

15-12-2005, 14:33
And Paige, Shannon and Liam will all be nearing a year old!!!! :eek:

Paige will be over a year old cause there is only a few weeks between ben and paige

15-12-2005, 14:37
Oh crikey, I forgot Ben :eek: :bow: I feel awful - sorry Siobhan - time has flown!!

Course thinking about it I remember now! :)

15-12-2005, 14:53
Well I am going to put you out of your misery as I have just rang the doctors and yes I am pregnant.Will let you know what the doctor says tonight

15-12-2005, 14:58
Well I am going to put you out of your misery as I have just rang the doctors and yes I am pregnant.Will let you know what the doctor says tonight

:cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer: that is the best news... congrats..

15-12-2005, 15:04
I am soo happy i think that I am about 6 weeks

15-12-2005, 15:06
So baby will be due around September time.. lovely!!

15-12-2005, 15:11
congrat breanda thats brilliant news

15-12-2005, 15:12
Well I am going to put you out of your misery as I have just rang the doctors and yes I am pregnant.Will let you know what the doctor says tonight

:cheer: :cheer: so glas we didnt have to wait till tomorrow!!


MAKE sure you keep us updated

15-12-2005, 15:33
I thought that I would put you all out of your misery

15-12-2005, 15:34
I thought that I would put you all out of your misery

have you seen the chinese gender chart?? you can check it out to see what you are suppose to have and then we can see if it is true when baby comes

15-12-2005, 15:39
Well i worked it out with my 1st child and it was true.The numbers 1 -12 are they the months concieved.Because I have looked for this pregnancy and it says that i will have a boy which would be nice seen as I have Emma

15-12-2005, 15:44
congrats breanda :cheer: :cheer:

15-12-2005, 15:45
Well i worked it out with my 1st child and it was true.The numbers 1 -12 are they the months concieved.Because I have looked for this pregnancy and it says that i will have a boy which would be nice seen as I have Emma

that would be nice... Are you going to tell Emma soon??? I am sure she will be excited!!!!

15-12-2005, 15:49
I think we will tell her as I get bigger but she is only 2 so I dont know whether she will understand.Its her christmas party at nursery today

15-12-2005, 15:55
Thanks to everyone for your kind replies.How long do the stomach cramps last for

congrats if everything goes well.... :cheer:

15-12-2005, 16:48
Well I am going to put you out of your misery as I have just rang the doctors and yes I am pregnant.Will let you know what the doctor says tonight

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: YIPPEE:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I am so pleased for you!!!

15-12-2005, 17:39
Congrats Brenda....oh and the stomach cramps? about 21 years :D

15-12-2005, 18:06
Well I am going to put you out of your misery as I have just rang the doctors and yes I am pregnant.Will let you know what the doctor says tonight

Awwww congrats brenda :D :cheer: :D

15-12-2005, 18:13
Congratulations :cheer:

Yayyyyy!! :D

15-12-2005, 19:22
:cheer: congratulationnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns brenda :p aw good luck to you babe x x x :cheer:

samantha nixon
15-12-2005, 19:28
aww congratulations

15-12-2005, 20:35
Congrats Brenda, now we can have yet another Baby Countdown!! :cheer:

15-12-2005, 20:39
congratulations Brenda

15-12-2005, 20:48
congrats brenda:D:D

16-12-2005, 09:29
Thanks everyone for all the kind words.I never new I had so many friends.I love coming on this board.I have not been on here that long

16-12-2005, 11:14

That is great news :cheer: I am sooo pleased for you :D Make sure you keep us updated on how things are going....

16-12-2005, 11:27
I am going to the midwife on monday at 11.15 so will let you know

16-12-2005, 11:29
Wow - it brings back all the memories again lol

I want another one!!! Lol

Just think - about 6 weeks you will have your first scan too - awww - its great, I'm so excited for you... :D

16-12-2005, 11:31
I know having to wee in a little pot and take it with you.How is your baby sorry I dont know what the babies name is

16-12-2005, 11:48
I know having to wee in a little pot and take it with you.How is your baby sorry I dont know what the babies name is

hate that bit and worse is the scan when you have to have a full bladder... so uncomfortable but you get to see your baby for the first time so it is wonderful too...

Bit early I know, but any names considered????

16-12-2005, 11:58
I know having to wee in a little pot and take it with you.How is your baby sorry I dont know what the babies name isBaby Liam is doing fine, except for a really bad cold which is blocking his nose and affecting his feeding a bit - I have to put saline drops in his nostrils before each feed to try and clear them, but he is getting better.

16-12-2005, 12:02
Well Em if it is a boy Jack Leslie.Not sure about girls names maybe Hannah

16-12-2005, 12:15
Well Em if it is a boy Jack Leslie.Not sure about girls names maybe Hannah

Hannah is nice...

samantha nixon
16-12-2005, 12:21
there sweet names and i hope liam is ok son

16-12-2005, 12:25
congrats Brenda

16-12-2005, 12:31
Thanks everyone for your kind words

16-12-2005, 15:51
congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16-12-2005, 15:54
Congratulations Brenda!

16-12-2005, 16:13
Congrats :cheer: Hope everything goes really well for you :) x x x

21-12-2005, 20:52
Congrats Brenda

22-12-2005, 08:27
Congrats Brenda!