View Full Version : Proud" Thatcher saw Carol win I’m A Celeb

07-12-2005, 14:26
Margaret Thatcher has said she watched her daughter win I’m A Celebrity and is “very proud” of her.

Despite Carol’s claim that she never told her mother she was going on the programme, the ex-Prime Minister is said to have seen the first and last episodes.

“I watched the whole of the last episode and am absolutely thrilled and very proud of my daughter,” she said. “She has kept up the Thatcher tradition of winning.

“It was typical of Carol to stick with it and see it all the way through.”

Meanwhile, the triumphant celebrity has admitted to peeing next to her bed and apologised. “I apologise to the nation. I was tired, jet-lagged and the toilet was too far away,” she explained. “I did just what would come naturally to any camper.”

07-12-2005, 14:28
hahaha... I wonder if they will show her reaction on the coming out show tonight?? :rotfl:

Jessie Wallace
07-12-2005, 14:49
aww bless.

09-12-2005, 17:32
“She has kept up the Thatcher tradition of winning.”
Sounds the like the Mitchells and Slaters :rotfl: