View Full Version : december calendar

samantha nixon
03-12-2005, 11:20
this is the december one but its not christmassy this year

03-12-2005, 11:26
ok i dont watch the bill but is that his real nose???? looks a bit strange!

samantha nixon
03-12-2005, 11:26
i think its his real nose

03-12-2005, 18:34
awww it's terry. last months was good!

samantha nixon
03-12-2005, 19:52
i liked last months aswell

Crazy Gal 88
04-12-2005, 14:26
me too! i thought maybe it was a hint - it wasnt worse luck!lol

samantha nixon
04-12-2005, 16:10
yeah but never mind