View Full Version : Jack Dalton-Johnny Allen

02-12-2005, 10:40
I know they were in the show at seperate times! but do you think they were associates and that they had divided the Eastend of London and that Jack Dalton was responsible for the fire that destroyed Johnny Allen's home and killed his wife and eldest daughter after Johnny had treaded on Jack's terroritory as revenge! Andy Hunter could have been the one that started the blaze and that Johnny found out but couldn't go after him at the time because Jack was alive-once Jack was dead and his operation was in chaos Johnny made several gains while Jack's former empire was reduced to Walford. Johnny knew Andy was not of the same calibre as Jack and wouldn't challenge him was and bought the nightclub in Albert Square and bided his time to get him out of Walford and claim the last of Jack's empire


03-12-2005, 15:25
I wouldn't think that Andy was the one behind the fire otherwise he would have killed him sooner. I think that the person who started the fire was someone employed by Jack Dalton that has not appered in the show.

04-12-2005, 20:38
IMO, I think it was Johnny that Andy phoned to rat on Paul Truman and caused Paul Truman's death. I have to agree that if it were Andy that burnt down Johnny's house, Johnny would have killed him right away. I also think that there is a lot more to the Johnny/Andy relationship than we have seen, and I think in the next several weeks, we shall see what that relationship was.

05-12-2005, 15:55
Thought Pauls dead was drugrelated? The gang he wanted to rat on where higher on the food chain.

05-12-2005, 18:50
Thought Pauls dead was drugrelated? The gang he wanted to rat on where higher on the food chain.

Yeah it was. Paul was dealing for Andy and the police pulled him in so he grassed on someone higher up than Andy to get himself out of the nick. Then the person he grassed up wanted to know who had grassed them up and Andy handed Paul over to the people higher up and they had Paul killed.

06-12-2005, 17:10
Thanks for this, I wasn't sure..

Mr Humphries
12-12-2005, 01:31
I so wish Andy was not dead now

12-12-2005, 09:01
I so wish Andy was not dead now

Maybe Andy had a twin and EE can bring him back,, to revenge the death of his brother :searchme: EE can come up with some off the wall stories can't they ????:confused: Just an idea :D

Mr Humphries
12-12-2005, 09:27
Oh my god, yeah like they did in Home and Away with Angie and Josie Russell !!