View Full Version : Shock: Ruby and Juley

29-11-2005, 13:29
Inside Soap:

This fortnight, unlikely couple Juley Smith and Ruby Allen continue to defy the thunderous disapproval of her father, Johnny, when they spend the night together. But Ruby's far from prepared for what the morning after brins...
"Juley does realise how nervous Ruby is, and he's very sensitive to that," explains Joseph Kpobie, who plays him.
"The attraction between them is very strong, and they want to be together. The next day, it all starts unravelling, though, and viewers will begin to realise why Juley feels so huilt about it all. He isn't in this relationship with a clear conscience."
While a loved-up Ruby's devstaed that her boyfriend suddenly behaves as if he couldn't care less about her, Juley's trying desperately to distance himslef from the pact he made with Phil Mitchell - to date Ruby with the intention of antagonising Johnny as much as he can
"In the beginning, Juley saw phil as a man who could achieve things, and get one up on Johnny," sighs Joseph. "He didn't intend to use Ruby, and he was only thinking aout what it could lead to in the future for him. He saw himself as Phil's sly man in the square."
What Juley hadn't banked on, however, was that he would genuinely fall for Ruby...
"He's absolutely gutted. He thought that it would be a few quick dates before he bought himself a new bling watch with the profits," smiles Joseph. "Now that's it's come to the crunch point, and he's found himself with real feelings for the sweet, lovely girl.
"Even though Juley doesn't want to do it any more, Phil won't stop bullying him into it" adds Joseph. " And an over-protective Johnny is also bullying him - - so Juley has the two worst men in Walford after him. It's all going to be very sinister."

29-11-2005, 13:33
Oh it all happening

29-11-2005, 13:58
Wow.. I didn't know Phil asked him to date Ruby.. poor juley having the two of them after him and poor Ruby is going to be very very heartbroken

29-11-2005, 14:43
Wow.. I didn't know Phil asked him to date Ruby.. poor juley having the two of them after him and poor Ruby is going to be very very heartbrokenI didn't realise either Siobhan - must have missed that part. Poor Ruby, she is gonna be gutted. I wouldn't like to be in Juley's shoes when Johnny finds out (or Phil's for that matter) Where Ruby is concerned, Johnny would stop at nothing IMO

29-11-2005, 14:56
Poor Ruby! :(

29-11-2005, 15:06
i dont think we are meant to know yet, think its like a shock to us when its a shock to ruby kinda thing... sounds good tough! id never have thought it!

29-11-2005, 15:11
Well that was some SPOILER!!!!!Intrestingly enuff no one actually saw Phil work things out with Juley ? or did we sneeze and miss that:searchme: ... Well young hearts are "made to be broken" Ruby will be stronger for it, but I wonder if she ever will become a real gangsters daughter( some mob bosses kids become even stronger than they are,, would be an interesting story line??? ):hmm:

29-11-2005, 15:35
They make a bad couple she looks too young for Juley it would have been better maybe with Gus.

That storyline is very boring at present

29-11-2005, 15:59
OMG!! Thanks for posting, sounds good:)

29-11-2005, 16:26
poor ruby!!!

29-11-2005, 16:43
Aww! Thats a shame!

29-11-2005, 16:47
They make a bad couple she looks too young for Juley it would have been better maybe with Gus.

That storyline is very boring at present

I agree they don't look at all good together but still poor Ruby

29-11-2005, 19:22
ahh poor ruby good spoilers

29-11-2005, 20:10
Ahh that is so sad. I feel sorry for Ruby she is a nice girl. Yoy dont want to mess around with a bad boy anyways.

29-11-2005, 20:30
OMG!!Poor Ruby!!
I wasn't expecting this at all,i feel really sorry for her!!

29-11-2005, 20:47
Poor Ruby, finally shes happy and it all goes down the pan again.

29-11-2005, 20:57
depends which one he's more frightened of.

29-11-2005, 23:38
wow! wasnt expecting toread that! aww poor ruby,

30-11-2005, 00:49
Poor Ruby im sure Stacey will cheer her up and then Stacey will realise she shouldn't have been neglecting her beecause mates are always there and boyfriends aren't which is something most teenage girls learn wether its through their own or other people's experiences

30-11-2005, 08:20
Poor Ruby!

30-11-2005, 16:20
poor ruby