View Full Version : What Yours

Jess Rulz
27-11-2005, 18:08
Well i was talkin 2 my mates 2 day and each one of them has a different name 4 me such as Bina: coz i love ribina and Specks: coz i wear glases :rotfl: !!
Of corse there are others but i wont go into them !!

So i was wonderin what your nickinames were ? and how you got them :rolleyes:

27-11-2005, 18:18
My nickname is smudge from my dad because it was my grandads nickname and he says that im like my grandad. I don't know though because he died when my Dad was around my age.

My other nickname from some friends at school is Smithy because my surname is Smith.

27-11-2005, 18:49
Urmmm right well where do i start! Lol

urmmm my most common nickname is Layne, i use it all the time and everyone calls me it!
Urmmm i also get called:Heg (my intials!) ,Lennie (came from layne urmmm but yeh!)

and loads more but they are pointless! lol

27-11-2005, 18:54
I dont really have any.... just Abi, abs, oi, scab (Sounds like ab), Shops (My first name is a bank, and my second a shop)..... none that are nteresting

27-11-2005, 19:35
mines either scoot or bash

27-11-2005, 19:37
My nick name is Tig's as it is short for tigger- and when i went shopping my mum use to call tigger and all the children look around so she change it and i have other but i don't know where they come from

27-11-2005, 19:57
Tor, Tozza, Vixen (because of vikki), Kate, Vikkai, Vix, C'l'un- nobody can pronounce my second name, it's so annoying! it's actually caulton- it's endless!

27-11-2005, 21:47
My nickname is smudge from my dad because it was my grandads nickname and he says that im like my grandad. I don't know though because he died when my Dad was around my age.

My other nickname from some friends at school is Smithy because my surname is Smith.

In the forces anyone called Smith was called smudge for short....i've no idea why, it just happened....was your grandpa in the forces?

27-11-2005, 22:56
i dont really have any nicknames now but when my sister and i were younger he used to call us squeak and leak!! i was squeak as i was always whining in a squeaky voice and my sister leak as she was always crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we sounded a bundle of fun didnt we!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27-11-2005, 23:50
Well i was talkin 2 my mates 2 day and each one of them has a different name 4 me such as Bina: coz i love ribina and Specks: coz i wear glases :rotfl: !!
Of corse there are others but i wont go into them !!

So i was wonderin what your nickinames were ? and how you got them :rolleyes:

dave calls me panda because when we first started going out i used to wake up and have black smuged eyes from my mascara. or wiggywoo coz of my old surname.

my mum calls me emu coz when i was born i had dangly little emu legs

my two best mates call me floozy, old nickname from my clubbing days which seems to have stuck!

Chloe O'brien
28-11-2005, 10:32
I don't have any nick-names now but when i was younger my brother used to call me Clarence after the ****-eyed lion in an old tv programme cause i had a squint in my eye and had to wear glasses. Big brothers can be so cruel

28-11-2005, 10:34
lee, baby tootz, finellaflump....i could go on and on

28-11-2005, 10:36
My hubby refers to me as the minger to a lot people, though I think he is only joking :rotfl: or he'd better be - otherwise, its chicken or flem (cause of Em)

samantha nixon
28-11-2005, 15:27
mine is just sammie or sam i dont have a nickname

28-11-2005, 15:44
mine is lau - short for laura and some of the boys call me tart (in a good way) cos of my love for miniskirts lol

28-11-2005, 16:13
In the forces anyone called Smith was called smudge for short....i've no idea why, it just happened....was your grandpa in the forces?

Yeah he was.

28-11-2005, 19:12
elmo because of my intials,elm-tree the same reason,emma because people can not be bothered saying emma-louise thats about it i think

samantha nixon
28-11-2005, 19:13
cool i love the name emma-louise i dont no anyone with that name its unusual

28-11-2005, 19:16
thanksit is quite my mum said there was too many just Emm's when i was born.the only person i have heard called Emma-louise is a reporter on GMTV

samantha nixon
28-11-2005, 19:18
cool ive never heard it anywhere

28-11-2005, 19:53
my nickname is mainly lea... but some people think that spells leah. so i get called leah alot.. and lealea (leahleah)...one mate calls me leahpeahneah :S my dad calls me ann lol. and one calls me dipstick (not cos i am one :p)

29-11-2005, 12:52
My nickname and I am still call it by all my family is Nonny.. my brother could not pronounce my name when younger so he call me nonny all the time.

At school I was called Socks!! this was an embrassment, my mother used my PE bags to put all the odd socks in and I was late for school, grabbed my PE bags and didn't realise it was full of socks until I got to school...

Shiv is also another nickname I have..

29-11-2005, 17:39
Mine was Fred, that goes back to when my hubby and I played in the all male darts team for the Police,I was allowed to join as I was a very good player, But I had to be called Fred.

di marco
29-11-2005, 20:30
Mine was Fred, that goes back to when my hubby and I played in the all male darts team for the Police,I was allowed to join as I was a very good player, But I had to be called Fred.


29-11-2005, 20:58
Most people call me Rob but people at work sometimes call me Roberto for some reason and my mum calls me Robbie!

di marco
29-11-2005, 21:02
Most people call me Rob but people at work sometimes call me Roberto for some reason and my mum calls me Robbie!

awww ickle robbie!

29-11-2005, 21:04
Lmao. Oh yeah, and Steff calls me Robina and I dunno if you remember the Robette fiasco?!

di marco
29-11-2005, 21:08
Lmao. Oh yeah, and Steff calls me Robina and I dunno if you remember the Robette fiasco?!

yeh i remember that lol! :D

04-12-2005, 13:12
Robette!! Oh them good old times :rotfl:

04-12-2005, 13:35
Mine are: Spicy Spy, Spicy, Devious Devil.. the others Im not going to mention as it's with my name ;)

04-12-2005, 13:35
that was good, i heard about it but i wasn't there when i happened!

04-12-2005, 22:02
One of my friends has recently started calling me Kimbo.

14-01-2007, 17:59
hmm I was going to start a thread on nickname but apparently we already have one so here are mine:
Abigail (my friend call me this to annoy me as my name is abbie not abigail, when in some cases abbie is a nickname)
eel woman
Please sont ask about the last two
okay I better explain eel woman lol, well I was 10 and at dancing we were messing around and I was sliding around on the floor so my friend said I was like a eel, Lol so it kinda came eel woman, I dont get called it anymore though lol

14-01-2007, 18:11
Right, here's my new ones:

Smitty Bo Johnson Pie Head Woman (I have no idea why :rotfl:)

14-01-2007, 19:21
plain ond Katy, or Kat. Or Lightweight on a nightout.

15-01-2007, 11:57
Well my Uncle has always called me Little H, since i was little so he sticks with that, but now at college the little has dissappeared and now it's just H or one of my lectures just calls me my surname Boswell.
And from School i have Helarno, don't ask and Bosworth from work, and my brother calls me Hell, so i have a fair few to choose from.

15-01-2007, 12:11
Main one I get called now is Shiv.. obvious reasons
my other nickname only called to me by my brother and niece/nephew is Nonny.. My mum use to call me siobhany when I was little but my younger brother only pronouced the last bit nonny, hence the name.. (it has been shorted over the years to Non) and at school I was called Sox..

15-01-2007, 20:34
I think one final one of mine is Abigailia, Lol, i have some crazy mates.