View Full Version : Is It Just My Daughter Or

22-11-2005, 12:17
is anyone else 3 year old daughter daughter http://sc.groups.msn.com/themes/R9c/pby/img/emoticons/emembarrassed.gif we whent to town today and every single person who passes beth say hello whats your name she has been doing that for a couple of weeks now but today it was hello whats your name they would say there name one lady said trouble so beth turns round and says hello trouble she done that to shop people and people who were just walking along the street all the old ladys found it funny and most of them say aww what lovley hair you have cos she has that tight curl so on the way up the hill she starts saying aww what lovley hair you have how http://sc.groups.msn.com/themes/R9c/pby/img/emoticons/emembarrassed.gif if anyone whants to take my daughter shopping with them feel free to you can keep her LOL

22-11-2005, 12:33
Charley does this all the time but it doesn't stop at what's your name.. she asks age, where they live.. Charley chats to anyone on the bus and anywhere... she will either ask the person or ask me who that person is...

22-11-2005, 12:41
:rotfl: its so

embrassing when they do that

22-11-2005, 12:43
i was lucky with niall he was so shy he never did that!! but i can see niamh is going to be a right chatter box!!!

22-11-2005, 12:52
:rotfl: its so

embrassing when they do that

embrassing is not the word.. I cringe.... I can be walking down the road and random people will say hello to her and she will just say "oh that's ... whoever" like I am suppose to know them...

22-11-2005, 13:12
i dont really whant to take her anywhere with me ever again she was that bad today

22-11-2005, 13:21
The worst thing Ci does is when he sees someone either wearing glasses or has something different about them (clothes etc) and he always says really loudly, why is that man/lady wearing glasses, or why are they doing that (if another parent having a stern word with their child etc ) which is bad, cause they then look at me and I do my usual thing of going bright red, apologising and running in the opposite direction very quickly!! Strange how down here, a smile doesn't seem to count for much anymore, or a childs innocent inquisitve nature lol

22-11-2005, 14:12
Charley does that all the time but she has a really cute smile so people don't mind her so much.. nobody, so far, has taken offence.. but like you I get so embarassed and apologise....

I had a women on the bus once who told me she loves getting the bus when charley is on it, makes her day and wipes her bad moods..