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21-11-2005, 22:32
Daily Mail article on Enders


by Carrie Fitton page 30.

Copyrighted Daily Mail 19th November 2005

The primary element that distinguishes a soap is its dialogue, the quality of script writing and indifferent drama. Last Sundays typically sparkling Coronation Street episode by John Stepehnson was a joy to watch and listen to. The quality of lines in Weatherfield flows effortlessly week in, week out.

In stark contrast Eastenders is impoverished in the dialogue department, having become a parody of itself; full of cliché ridden lines that are endlessly repeated.
The actors must be bored senseless as the viewers. The challenge to their script writers is to come up with just one episode that doesn't contain any of the following hackneyed words or phrases: 'leave it out', 'You're avin a laugh', 'slag', 'slapper', 'brief', 'faaaamley' and, finally 'we're Mitchells'. Lets see if they can do it.

Woeful Walford is comparable with the Natural History Museum these says, stuffed with prehistoric plots and dinosaurs for characters. Phil's only been back five minutes and hes already using the B word 'Brief'. The Mitchell clan are incapable of going more than a couple of episodes without one of them needing a legal adviser; the latest being the white-blonde Ritchie Scott. The way she glacially glides into view, one can only assume that she's auditioning for the role of the ice queen in some season skating extravaganza. ...........

Stuck in a time-warp on a repeat loop. just who precisely is bothered who owns the Vic, the Arches or the café? Face: Bovvered! Didn't we stop be 'bovvered' last century?

A boring plot involving Ian Beales feeble vendetta against Wellard rumbles on and theres a poker game with Nana Moon on Thursday. And has Patrick cheated on Yolande? Anyone bothered?

Wake me up if they develop any worth while, well written plots.

21-11-2005, 23:35
I read this earlier and I think its a fair assessment of EE at the moment

22-11-2005, 08:30
yes ,i agree in part,its right about EE,but the bit they got wrong was corrie,the've lost the plot also and are equally boring

22-11-2005, 10:09
Whilst I agree with some of this, I think the bit about the Mitchells needing a legel adviser or using the word brief quite often is a cheap shot. What did they expect? They were trying to get Sam out of prison and Phil off a charge of armed robbery! They were hardly going to do that without legal advise and saying the word brief.

22-11-2005, 14:30
I agree in that they need better writers and scripts, but not about the phrases they use, as for praising corrie what planet are these people on??? I was bored out of my mind with the Sunita/Dev storyline as soon as she mentioned he had an affair you guessed it DIVORCE. Rolling out the Todd/Sarah storyline AGAIN, cant they be orginal too?

22-11-2005, 18:00
common here we have to be realistic, if these phrases are what cockneys say then they have to be included!

hopefully they may recruit some new scripwriters, becuase id jump at the chance!

22-11-2005, 21:40
Last Sundays typically sparkling Coronation Street episode by John Stepehnson was a joy to watch and listen to. The quality of lines in Weatherfield flows effortlessly week in, week out.

Sorry, is she watching a different episode to me? I didn't see that. It drives me insane how critics can always complain aboutee week in, week out, but never corrie, which right now is just as boring.

Ok she makes some good points about ee though. They have gone down again since Grant left, but Christmas will be good and soaps can't have top storylines every single episode.