View Full Version : How would you prefer to enter camp?

21-11-2005, 21:01
Would you prefer to skydive out of a plane, or go accorss that wobble wire bridge thing?

21-11-2005, 21:03
I am absolutly terrified of heights, and i'm a little bit dodgy on planes, so there wouldn't be a hope in hell that i would jump out of a plane!! So i guess i'd go over that wire bridge thing, even if it is dead high, i'd prefer that than skydiving!!!!!

21-11-2005, 21:08
i already made a poll on this last night abi :)

21-11-2005, 21:10
huh? wa? where?!

oopsssy, sorry Chancy!!!!!

ummmm yeah **embarressed** someone can close this now then........:(

22-11-2005, 15:52
skydive as yave got someone there with you who knows what they are doing, and its over faster...i wouldnt like to do either but if it were compusalry to do one id choose the skydive

22-11-2005, 18:32
I would so definetly prefer to go across the bridge! :eek: There is no way taht i would jump out of a plane! *shudder*