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27-02-2005, 15:04
What do you all think of Sarah's boyfriend Scooter?

Does anyone know any storylines coming up? I read that he was really going to inject some romance into her life, and treat her right and all that.

Though, with all the stuff with the skip, and giving them those gifts, it makes me wonder what he's all about.

27-02-2005, 16:23
Apparantly, soon Scooter will give Sarah a perfume bottle and of course, she thinks it is from one of his skips! :rolleyes:
So, this obviously is going to hurt Scooter's feelings... What will happen? I have heard that he is so hurt by it all, he is not sure that he wants to carry on seeing Sarah, though i am sure he will come round! ;)


27-02-2005, 16:26
I thought there was a storyline coming up when Sean tries it on with Scooter (or vice versa Im not sure) and it leads to a huge falling out between Eileen and Gail (again!), I think Gail blames Sean and Eileen blames Scooter.

Not really sure if this is true or not but this rumour has been going round for a while.

27-02-2005, 16:28
Yeah, i think that after Scooter gets upset with Sarah, he goes off moping and i think Sean finds me and comforts him or something.
i think it is Sean who makes the move!

27-02-2005, 16:33
Should be a funny storyline- I always enjoy Eileen and Gail's catfights!!

27-02-2005, 16:38
Yeah! That would be fun! I think Scooter's there for a bit of comic relief, what with the toaster and everything, I was rolling on the floor laughing. He's very strange, but I think it would be a good storyline for both Sean and Scooter, although I was hoping Sarah could have finally found a nice guy.

27-02-2005, 16:47
Would be nice for Sarah to find happiness at last, the poor girl has had enough bad luck recently!

27-02-2005, 17:47
If this skip plot is a Corrie humour storyline then they've finally managed to slip up. It's ridiculous.

27-02-2005, 17:55
I thought there was a storyline coming up when Sean tries it on with Scooter (or vice versa Im not sure) and it leads to a huge falling out between Eileen and Gail (again!), I think Gail blames Sean and Eileen blames Scooter.

Not really sure if this is true or not but this rumour has been going round for a while.
I really doubt the truth of this as Sean's ex-boyfriend Louis is turning up soon to tell him their dog Shandy is died and afer that they're supposed to get back together (Corrie's first gay couple) So all that makes me wonder why would he try it on with Scooter :confused:

27-02-2005, 18:12
Not the first gay couple! What about Todd and that other guy?

27-02-2005, 19:15
Thats a point-but do Todd and Karl (???) count because they started a secret.

27-02-2005, 20:15
Yeah, i think they do count because they were a gay couple.
I think people have just forgotten about them!

Manic Peanut
27-02-2005, 20:19
Yeah, i think that after Scooter gets upset with Sarah, he goes off moping and i think Sean finds me and comforts him or something.
i think it is Sean who makes the move!

Blimey...you've got to feel sorry for Sarah. Two boyfriends turning out to be gay (or thinking about it). I think I'd give up trying to find a nice bloke after that. Maybe join the convent or find a nice lesbian partner...well if you can't beat them, join them!

On second thoughts I'm not sure Sarah would pass the entrance exam for a convent? :D

Manic Peanut
27-02-2005, 20:22
If this skip plot is a Corrie humour storyline then they've finally managed to slip up. It's ridiculous.

Talking Corrie humour I did laugh tonight at the thought of Blanche reading Grinding Hard... :eek:

27-02-2005, 20:25
Yeah! That was really true comedy!! :p

soap addict queen
27-02-2005, 21:54
Let Sarah have some happiness she deserves it after all she been through over hte past few years.

28-02-2005, 12:53
does anyone know what happens with scooter?
i hope he leaves it cos i can't stand him in it. I hope him and sarah don't get back together. but i could imagine that they will.

28-02-2005, 13:55
i quite like scooter but i think he is a bit weird cause he brings stuff back to the platts that they don't want but i also think that Sarah deserves some hapiness after all she has been through

28-02-2005, 18:33
There is something about Scooter...not quite sure what it is yet!

01-03-2005, 14:24
He is a creepy moron. Why does everyone in the program go on about 'What a nice boy that Scooter is!' He is thick, has a crap job and hero worships footy player. Sarah should learn to value herself without a man and not just settle for what she can get.

01-03-2005, 14:27
Was it about making coffee?

01-03-2005, 14:46
I think Scooter is actually not what he seems.

He's richer than Sarah thinks. (that's what I heard)

01-03-2005, 15:17
I thought there was a storyline coming up when Sean tries it on with Scooter (or vice versa Im not sure) and it leads to a huge falling out between Eileen and Gail (again!), I think Gail blames Sean and Eileen blames Scooter.

Not really sure if this is true or not but this rumour has been going round for a while.

:mad: I was hoping that I'd left all these ridiculous "turns gay" spoilers behind on the BBC boards. :mad:

I think that Scooter coming from a well off family is very possible. Lot of money to be made from rubbish. - look at how well off EE actors are :D

#1 Eastender
01-03-2005, 18:32
I thought there was a storyline coming up when Sean tries it on with Scooter (or vice versa Im not sure) and it leads to a huge falling out between Eileen and Gail (again!), I think Gail blames Sean and Eileen blames Scooter.

Not really sure if this is true or not but this rumour has been going round for a while.
why cant sarah have a boyfriend that is not a physco, a sex mad lunatic, dead or gay for once?

02-03-2005, 16:18
I thought there was a storyline coming up when Sean tries it on with Scooter (or vice versa Im not sure) and it leads to a huge falling out between Eileen and Gail (again!), I think Gail blames Sean and Eileen blames Scooter.

Not really sure if this is true or not but this rumour has been going round for a while.

Really can't see corrie repeating the same storyline about Sarah's 2nd boyfriend being gay and also I read somewhere that Scooter would be 'the one' for Sarah..... be quite funny if they did though!!

02-03-2005, 16:50
I think scooters sweet so what if he hasn't got a good job etc money doesn't compete with love. i'd rather have someone that loved me and shows me by giving me little things than, showering me in money and going behind my back with people

soapy dream
03-03-2005, 16:33
because this is soap land!

no but I heard scooter is loaded. doesnt turn out to be guy but a nice guy for sarah and betheny.

but he is a bit weird.......

soap addict queen
03-03-2005, 22:25
Let Sarah have some happiness for a change...........

04-03-2005, 19:04
Maybe the scriptwriters are gonna dump scooter and shack Sarah up with a sugardaddy :D

04-03-2005, 19:25
Maybe scooters old man ha ha,

Manic Peanut
05-03-2005, 14:14
Scooter being rich would be excellent. Wouldn't it chaf Candice and her Sunday league footballer off!

05-03-2005, 15:12
She'd probably leave warren and try and hit on him