View Full Version : Lost Numbers

19-11-2005, 17:08
What are the Lost numbers? does anyone know yet? We havent seen it in the UK yet but apparently there are a set of "unlucky" numbers, these are the numbers that Hurley won the lottery with or summit, but i dont quite understand it all really, can anyone help?

19-11-2005, 17:11
The numbers are, 4 8 15 16 23 42.

19-11-2005, 17:31
theres summit in the second series about these numbers, they have to be put into a computer programme every 108 minutes in order to "save the world"

19-11-2005, 17:43
And the flight number is 815 which is 2 of these numbers

19-11-2005, 17:45
23 tail end survivors, of which only 4 make it, another 2 of the lost numbers

19-11-2005, 18:19
In the hatch there's a guy called Desmond... :searchme: :p

19-11-2005, 19:54
yeh, apparently hes in one of jacks flash backs 2?!? so did jack know him b4 they both ended up on the island.

19-11-2005, 21:59
yeh, but he didnt know him very well

19-11-2005, 22:00
how did he know him?

Thats a bit weird like.

19-11-2005, 22:02
this is in flashback: we see Jack in full hero mode as he works on a patient brought to his emergency room after a terrible car crash. Her name is Sarah and she tells Jack one thing before she passes out. He has to fix her because she MUST dance at her wedding in a few months. And we see the very moment that Jack met the woman who will eventually become his wife. While Jack takes a late-night run, trying to accept that even his skills have their limits, he meets a man as driven as he is. Turns out "Desmond" was going to be a doctor, too, but gave it up for something else - everything else. Desmond realized there was more to life than what you could learn in medical school - and he tells Jack that sometimes miracles can happen if you just believe. Jack thinks him a total crackpot, but is forced to reconsider when, against all odds, Sarah regains feeling in her legs.

21-11-2005, 15:08
3 of the number are with the plane.. it was flight 815 at gate 23.. These numbers were sent by the others on the island, well the french woman sent them and they were picked up by a shipping service.. the man who got them eventually went to a mental home and he repeated these to Hurley who used them for playing the lottery... mad stuff altogether...

Apparently there are many links to these numbers on the island and you find more in Series 2 so I am told

24-11-2005, 16:15
was jack goin to get married??

26-11-2005, 23:17
He married Sarah, but it didnt last long, dont know why