View Full Version : Simon said he will vote off his own acts!

13-11-2005, 13:45
Last night we saw Maria Lawson voted off the x Factor by Simon and Louis after she found her self in the bottom two after receiving one of the lowest public votes along with the Conway Sisters.

Sharon voted to save Maria and was horrified to see her voted off. She claimed that Louis had gone with his passport instead of his heart! The question was asked whether Louis made the right decison. 92% of the xtra factor viewers said he did make the wrong decision and only 8% agreed with him that Maria should have gone home. Sharon took the blame saying that the song choice was what sent Maria home tonight.

Louis said that he went with his heart and chose the conways to stay because he truley believed they gave a better performance last night. He added that he has history with the Conways and they are nice girls.

It was brought up that in week two, sharon had the casting vote between 4Tune and Chenai and she chose to save Chenai because she was a girl and she had history with her. Simon agreed that taking in acount both Sharon and Louis desisions to keep in acts they had history with he'd have done the same and he understood why they both did what they did. But he added the public voted to put them two acts in the bottom two so it wasnt down to the judges at all. (basicaly syaing if people liked her why didnt they vote!) But it was said that if someone is good, the public dont vote as they think they wont need they're votes they will get plenty of other people voting. Which obviously is not the case.

Sharon then put Louis to the test saying does that mean the conways are going to be still in it unless they are in the bottom two agaisnt Shayne or Nicholas? Simon then said if he was ever in the position where one of his acts where in the bottom two and he truley beleived that the other person gave a better performance he will vote of his own act! :eek:

I think its come as quite a shock to them all and they have seen a very talented young women go out so early than what was predicted for her. Simon said he is going to take every saturday as if its the final! Anything can happen now as we've seen.

How will simons acts react if they are booted off my their own menotor? We'll have to wait and see!

*No official source just interpritating what was said on xtra factor last night*

13-11-2005, 13:47
i will belive it IF he does it!!!

i saw the xtra factor earlier and that was what he said

13-11-2005, 14:39
I guess he;s right. After all this is a talent competition, and even if they do have huge egos, that doesn't mean that they have to win. It should be about the talent, not rivilaries or who is under your name. It shows he's a better person if he would do that.

13-11-2005, 16:18
To be honest simon new Maria was better than the Conways because on the xtra factor he actually said AFTER THIS WEEK if my act comes up against someone better Il vote them off! Personally I wasn't sure Simon was going to keep the Conways last night and the only reason he did was because he thougt Louie would have the sense to keep Maria

13-11-2005, 16:21
i don't think he would but than he (simon) might do, but yesterday Maria had the wrong song for her

Chloe O'brien
13-11-2005, 17:59
I think simon will stand by his word and vote of one of his acts if he doesn't think they are good enough to stay in the competion. I think that it should go to the public vote every week without the judges having a say on who goes and who stays

14-11-2005, 11:18
I believe he will do it.. there was a hesitation in him on Saturday, i really thought he was going to vote his own group off... I guess he was expecting louis to do the right thing and vote conway off but he didn't.. even simon was very shocked by that...

14-11-2005, 11:20
I am glad he is going to do that why should someone so good have to go when their is a obvious weak link

14-11-2005, 11:21
exactly angelblue if he feels that one is better than the other - just because they are his acts doesn't mean that he shouldn't vote them off

14-11-2005, 11:29
I am glad he is going to do that why should someone so good have to go when their is a obvious weak link#

Louis is playing tactically.. he keeps Chico and Conway so that Nicolas will not be in the bottom 2.. keep him in for a another few weeks.. Journey south, shayne, andy and brenda are the favourites at the moment so they will benefit from keeping Conway and Chico in too...

14-11-2005, 14:20
Simon and Louie should have voted off the Conway Sisters, Maria was way better and got better comments from the judges. Maria never got negative comments from the judges.