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20-04-2005, 21:28
Fair enough he's cute and funny and everything :rolleyes: but he is a right stubborn little brat :mad: All he wants is his own way :mad: did anyone see it tonight when he kicked that teddy dog thing that Mandy bought him at the end of tonight's episode :eek: He's a bit out of control if you ask me :thumbsdow

21-04-2005, 09:07
Yeah but of course there going to spoil him after everything he has been through.
For a five year old he has been through more things than probably me and you put together.
I'd just like to comment on how well the little actor plays the character though he is brilliant ! :cheer:

21-04-2005, 20:15
does anyone know why tom did'nt want to go back to school? o missed tonight episode