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View Full Version : Conway Sisters or Maria?

Jessie Wallace
12-11-2005, 21:32
We had this last week so I decided to do it again. Who would you have said goodbye to? The Conway Sisters or Maria, and why?

12-11-2005, 21:40
i would have sent maria probably. because i think the conways are like well good... ( i cant really give a good reason cos i loved maria equally:p)

12-11-2005, 21:41
conways deffo

12-11-2005, 21:43
I would have sent the conway sisters home. I loved Maria! I do agree that Louis saved the Irish act! for obvious reasons. Sharon still has the most acts though

irish eyes
12-11-2005, 21:45
Definately The Conway Sisters.

Johnny Allen
12-11-2005, 22:15
The conway sisters, but I don't believe Louis just saved them cause they were Irish, he saved them cause he wants to make the competition more interesting, if Simon had gone down to 1 act it would have been boring. Sharon was just miffed, but she over reacted.

Chloe O'brien
12-11-2005, 22:21
i voted for maria as i don't think she was as strong this week as in previous weeks.

Journey South to win xxx

12-11-2005, 22:22
i would have sent the conway sisters home, maria is so much better than them

Most Wanted
12-11-2005, 23:15
The Conway Sisters should have gone home. I htink Sharon is right because if you look at Louis two top groups at the moment, They both have atleast 1 Irish member in (Nadine in Girls Aloud and all of Westlife).

Most Wanted
12-11-2005, 23:16
Also, if any of them were to go tonight it sould have been Chico but people are clearly keeping him in for entertainment. Maria was robbed :angry:

Johnny Allen
13-11-2005, 07:47
Also, if any of them were to go tonight it sould have been Chico but people are clearly keeping him in for entertainment. Maria was robbed :angry:

Maria was one of the better singers, Chico and Nicholas suck, why didn't they get put up, I cant understand why people vote for chico he isn't any good at singing or dancing, I think kids and teenagers are the ones voting for him.

13-11-2005, 09:23
it was SUCH a scam i mean maria is SO MUCH BETTER than the conway sisters :mad:
it isn't one of those matter of opinion things its just a fact
(and i cant believe nicholas got through either he is the UGLIEST and most RUBBISH guy EVER) :angry:
the conway sisters have really good style and they always wear really nice stuff but maria sings MUCH better :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

13-11-2005, 09:49
the conway sisters should have gone home,it was obvious louis was going to keep them in,when i found out who was in the bottom 2 i knew then it would be bye bye maria.
maria has much more sex appeal and a really good voice although that song brown sugar did her no justice last night. the lead singer of the conway sisters needs a good slap she has attitude written all over her face

13-11-2005, 11:45
I'm so upset about the result last night!!! :eek: :crying: :eek: :crying: Conway sisters should have DEFINETLY gone home! Did you hear all the booing in the studio when Louis decided to sned Maria home - its so obvious that everyone wanted Maria to stay and he still chose Conways to stay! Why? Because they're irish!! It's pathetic! It just shows how stupid the voting system is when someone like Maria gets sent home by the judges! Thank God it wasn't the Conways and Brenda or the Conways and Andy!! I bet Louis would have still voted the Conways to stay :angry: I even thought that Simon would have kept Maria as although te Conways were his act he always said he would be honest and go with who deserves to go through! Its obvious that the public don't get a say in the result at all and its just a competition between the judges because if either Simon or Louis had ANY sense they would have kept maria! :( :(

Ok...rant over Lol!!

13-11-2005, 13:18
neither of them should have been in the bottom too though.. i think..

13-11-2005, 13:29
I would have sent home the conways! They both gave a bad performance last night but i have to say Maria was still better than the conways. I think she has been better all the way through and didnt deserve to go. I thought maybe Louis voted tacticaly as well as sticking to his passport as sharon said. But it should be about talent not where they come from or the threat they have on others.

I cant beleive Chico is still in. He was rubbish last night and that is putting it nicely! so he can entertain. but he's proved he cant sing and is only good at one type of song. He should move over and let the real talent through! I think Chico plays a part in the good acts going home as well as the choice of songs. No one hear can truley say that Chico has a better singing voice than Maria. even if you dont like maria and are in love with chico i sont think you can truley say he has a better singing voice than her. Ok he can give a good entertaining performance, but as we saw when he ings a song like that there was not much talent what so ever. He's robbing good people of a decent carer who deserve it more than he does.

13-11-2005, 14:49
I would have sent the Conway sisters home. They are a cheap imitation of the Corrs, and dont deserve to get any further. MAria might not have been great yesterday, but she was still better then them.

I totally agree with Sharon. Louis was being a ****ing **** yesterday. I dont vote for people, because thy're from London, so what gives him the right to vote off a talented person, because the other choice are Irish! The fact was, Maria was better. I thought he was being a sly ******* before yesterday, but now i totally dont care about anything he has to say. he doesn't know what hes on about.

I feel sorry for Shayne and Nicholas. they've got he worst end of the deal. They've got such a **** mentor, they're gonna find it hard to get anywhere in this comp.

13-11-2005, 15:10
I was in shock last night when i come home and watched the show! I thought i was tripping! I have no idea how the hell Maria even ended up in the bottom 2, let alone get sent home! Nicholas and Chico's performances were the poorest. I agree Louis voted for the Conway Sisters because they are Irish, but i think its a good thing Maria never won, she will be bigger without being crowned the winner of the X Factor

13-11-2005, 17:35
I would have send away The Conway Sisters as I never could understand a word they were singing and I think that maria got the wrong song

samantha nixon
13-11-2005, 19:56
id have sent maria home as the conway sisters were beter this week, but i agree that louis probably did go with his passport

14-11-2005, 09:06
Maria has more talent in her eyelashes than all them girls put together.. she never ever should have gone.. bad bad decision from Louis

14-11-2005, 14:16
I'm Irish and i would have sent the Conway Sisters home. Maria has not had a bad performance since the start of X Factor and i thought she would have won the show. She was a great performer. I hope Andy or Brenda win.

14-11-2005, 16:46
I would of sent the conway sisters home as like everyone said its a talent competition and maria had soooooooooo much more talent she was amazing

14-11-2005, 17:08
I would have sent the conway sisters home. I loved Maria! I do agree that Louis saved the Irish act! for obvious reasons. Sharon still has the most acts though

hey, did girls aloud end up on the show on Sat then??? please tell me!

14-11-2005, 19:11
i like them both and girls aloud was not on the show

14-11-2005, 19:18
i love the conway sisters! but i think maria was brill! i voted the conways but there was no way maria should have gone! she should have won!

14-11-2005, 20:11
i like them both and girls aloud was not on the show

:cheer: yay so louis could not prove simon wrong then we girls aloud slated one of the groups for not signing right!!! :cheer: