View Full Version : Episodes 12.11 and .12

08-11-2005, 18:29
12.11 - If Not Now

Abby. Luka. Discussing child care.

They're talking in the abstract, so far. But Sam has the anvilicious patient of the week, a pregnant fifteen year old from a very religious family.

Neela's patient is Dr. Weaver who fell in the ambulance bay.

Sam's family was also very religious. The girl asks Sam for help talking to her family. Luka is distracted and Sam has an argument with him because she has to fight to get a doctor, any doctor to pay more attention to her patient than their personal issues.

Awww, Weaver has a boyfriend, isn't that sweet?

Luka and Abby are talking about genetics and fear and everything else people talk about when they're thinking about having a baby together.

The news is not good for Weaver, her chronic hip condition is getting worse. So is her "boyfriend" who's really just a sad lonely patient who insists on signing love songs to her in the ER.

Neela and Michael are enjoying married life, looking for a place of their own.

Neela is being encouraged to go after an elective in surgery, both Dubenko and Albright are impressed with her. Morris is making goo-goo eyes at Albright.

The police are talking to Clemente because his ca-razy ex-girlfriend has gone missing and whatever wacky hijinks that drove him out of New Jersey are starting all over again.

Abby is staring at the calender in Coburn's office.

Sam's patient is so sad, darlings. She had a bad experience and now her family won't even hear of her not having the baby because of their religious beliefs. It's up to Sam to be the one who really listens to her and helps.

Poor Clemente is having a bad day, it looks like he moved to Chicago because his ca-razy ex has a ca-razy jealous husband who likes to make life hell for Victor.

Abby and Luka do lots and lots of talking about all sorts of things, like bipolar genes and diaper changes and how much he really wants another child. No really, darlings.

Episode 12.12 - Split Decisions

An elderly man brings in his very sick wife, who has a hopeless prognosis. The doctors are in conflict about what to do for her, but Dubenko decides to do everything they can, until the ICU attending puts a stop to it.

A "spectacularly beautiful" "supermodel" is excited about her date with Morris. (There's no celebrity being cast, so I think they're using the term loosely.)

Luka and Abby are shopping for baby things.

Neela and Gallant are looking at apartments, and Gallant is working at the VA hospital.

Ray's teenage ex is in the ER suffering from injuries from a beating.

He he! Its not just Luby you get a baby Luby too this series!!! :clap:

08-11-2005, 22:19
yeah, these sound great, i just cant wait for it to start now!!!

Chloe O'brien
09-11-2005, 11:24
I can't believe they have hitch up luka and abby again. It should be luka and sam having the baby ARRRRGH
Looking forward to some comedy from norris and hopefully some happiness for weaver :)

09-11-2005, 20:29
They did a poll in america about who in er the fans would most like to see hook up and for once the producers actually listened to the fact that abby and kovac came out on top

Chloe O'brien
10-11-2005, 15:46
I know but she had luka and she dumped him for carter because she was jelous of him and susan getting close. i just hate her and i don't see why she should have all the good looking men

11-11-2005, 13:57
its a hard job but someone's got to do it!!!!!!

11-11-2005, 18:03
i would much rather see kovac with abbey. didnt like sam at all.

14-11-2005, 12:02
new info for episode 12.12

Dr Clemente hasn't shown up for his shift and the only Attending available to help in the ER is Dr. Dubenko. Inez gives him the bullet on a whole bunch of cases and Ray needs help with a teenager (who he of course doesn't want to admit is his ex-underage penis pal) who doesn't want them to call the police on her abusive dad.

(re Dubenko actually getting a storyline): It's an actual, real true storyline, conmplete with info about his past shared with Sam, and a lecture from wise old Dr. Pratt on how to be a better doctor. Cause a Chief of Surgery who shows more compassion for a patient's family than Pratt thinks he should is a bad, bad thing.

Dr. Dubenko's storyline is so sad but so good, you're all going to love it darlings. He feels so badly for a couple who have been married for 52 years. Sam says she's never been in a relationship that didn't have interruptions or incarcerations. Dr D. fills her in that the rumor he was married is true, but they never made it to their second anniversary.

Abby is all happy and excited and planning out how much baby stuff she can convince Luka to buy and how soon.

Neela is all happy and excited to be looking at a new place with new hubby Gallant, until he admits his heart is telling him he needs to be somewhere else, as in back Over There. I'm so scared for him now, he needs to just stay put with his lovely new wife, silly boy.

Morris is acting all mysterious all day, sending the volunteen on an errand to pick up his tux from the dry cleaners and driving his porsche to work. Then a beautiful African-American model shows up. Pratt tries to make time with her because he thinks he really is that pretty and that special, but she's looking looking for Archie. It's a blind date, darlings, how cute.

Pratt makes Morris confess to her that he has an extra nipple so she'll dump him. But Suprise! She claims she has a sixth toe on her foot and makes all sorts of weird flirty extra body part jokes with him and totally ignores Pratt, just like he deserves.

Doctor Pratt is having a busy day, first squabbling with Dr. Dubenko over how he handles a hopeless patient. Then his old school friend with a drinking problem is brought in by a cop who saw him have an accident and wants a blood test for DUI. First he convinces the cop to wait until he can send his volunteen, who just happens to be the man's son, out on an errand to keep it a secret from the boy, then he draws some of his own blood and switches the vials so the guy won't be charged. I see he took lesson from Abby on how to falsify medical tests and get away with it. His friend agrees to go in a program but I just have a crazy little feeling that it might not end as happily as Pratt hopes.

14-11-2005, 13:56
so is gallant going to leave neela as soon as they are married? silly boy!!

14-11-2005, 18:41
I think he might indeed - didnt think a marriage between those two work last long anyway, neela is too gutsy for a guy like him.... she wont just follow him like a puppy dog although would be cool to have a few other episodes abroad like they did with carter and kovac

16-11-2005, 15:01
Further info on episode 12.11

Episode 12.11 - If Not Now: Abby and Kovac support one another when their relationship gets more complicated. This episode will feature flashbacks of Christmas Day and New Year's Eve between the two of them. Sam treats a fifteen-year-old girl with headache, backache and shoulder pain. Let's say a kid her age is not ready to handle what she is really "suffering" from. Weaver falls when in the Ambulance Bay and is brought in the ER on a gurney by Neela. Pratt and Abby take care of Ted, a young man in a chronic vegetative state. The man is quite messed up and hasn't been able to follow commands such as opening his eyes. Ray, Malik, and Clemente handle a 40-year-old who has been stabbed. The new surgery chief resident is named Albright and helps Clemente on his case. Two detectives stop by the ER and want to talk to Clemente about his past from back East. Marquez, Pratt, Morris, Morales, and Coburn also appear in the episode.

24-11-2005, 17:21
Further info on Episode 12.12 - Split Decisions : Weaver limp is more noticeable than usual. Neela takes care of 8-year-old Harrison who is freaking out as his face is red and his eyes and nose are running profusely. Zoe comes to the ER claiming she fell and got hurt when trying to catch the bus. Ray doesn't seem pleased. He asks Inez to call Zoe's father but the teen doesn't want to claiming that in fact her father is the one that hurt her. Morris takes care of a little girl who got injured while doing gymnastics. Dubenko acts as attending in the ER and will soon be overwhelmed. He treats a woman who has been in a coma for about three years after a subarachnoid hemmorhage (bleeding into the brain from an aneurysm). Her husband is not ready to let go (they've been married for over 50 years) but what will happen when it will become too costly to keep her alive? Clemente is nowhere to be found. Abby and Kovak continue to plan their future. Gallant and Neela drop by another hospital where he sees a friend of his from the war. Gallant tells something to Neela that will her world spin. Zoe's father, Pratt, KJ, Sam, and Jerry also appear.