View Full Version : Bill actress lands movie voice roles

06-11-2005, 14:51
Bill actress lands movie voice roles

The Bill's Lisa Maxwell (http://g.msn.co.uk/1ETGBEN0/124980.4?http://search.msn.co.uk/results.aspx?FORM=SRHBDY&q=Lisa Maxwell&&HL=keywordInt) is lending her voice to two new animated movies.

The actress, who plays acting DI Samantha Nixon (http://g.msn.co.uk/1ETGBEN0/124980.4?http://search.msn.co.uk/results.aspx?FORM=SRHBDY&q=Samantha Nixon&&HL=keywordInt) in the ITV (http://g.msn.co.uk/1ETGBEN0/124980.4?http://search.msn.co.uk/results.aspx?FORM=SRHBDY&q=ITV &&HL=keywordInt)series, will voice fearless elf Kira in The Power (http://g.msn.co.uk/1ETGBEN0/124980.4?http://search.msn.co.uk/results.aspx?FORM=SRHBDY&q=The Power&&HL=keywordInt) of the Dark Crystal.

And she is also working with Simon Pegg (http://g.msn.co.uk/1ETGBEN0/124980.4?http://search.msn.co.uk/results.aspx?FORM=SRHBDY&q=Simon Pegg&&HL=keywordInt), Kris Marshall (http://g.msn.co.uk/1ETGBEN0/124980.4?http://search.msn.co.uk/results.aspx?FORM=SRHBDY&q=Kris Marshall&&HL=keywordInt) and Kyle Mac (http://g.msn.co.uk/1ETGBEN0/124980.4?http://search.msn.co.uk/results.aspx?FORM=SRHBDY&q=Kyle Mac&&HL=keywordInt)Lachlan on an Anglo-Norwegian production, Free Jimmy.

The latter film promises to be one of the most unusual animated offerings of next year.

It's the tale of four men employed by a Russian circus who attempt to liberate Jimmy, a drug-addicted elephant.

The computer-generated project is due to hit cinemas next winter.

06-11-2005, 14:54
ooh! well good luck to her!

samantha nixon
06-11-2005, 14:56
cool but shes already done dark crystal or is she doing it again

06-11-2005, 15:10
just re read that- acting DI??

samantha nixon
06-11-2005, 15:11
exactly so i think it might be old

06-11-2005, 15:12
could possibly be

Sam Nixon Fan
06-11-2005, 15:30
she recorded some fo that stuff ages ao. And its not a very big part apparently shes like animal activist num 3 or summnat daft like that.

06-11-2005, 18:27
awww so it would be out this winter right?? is simon pegg the guy outa shaun of the dead??!!

samantha nixon
06-11-2005, 18:28
i think this is old so it might not be pip_kin

06-11-2005, 18:46
it say next winter in the thing so if its old it would be this winter??!! or am i being thick??!! i aint seen it advertised or anything!!! and i have been to the cinema quite abit!!!