View Full Version : Lost Episode 17 Continue

Jessie Wallace
06-11-2005, 13:42
Back on the island, Sawyer delivers his prize to the crowd as he pushes Jin to the sand and unties his hands. It takes all of about 3 seconds for Michael to run over and Jack and Hurley have to work very hard to keep him off of Jin. The entire group of castaways gathers around and things spin out of control very quickly. Michael decks Jin who refuses to fight back. He gets back up and says something in Korean. Michael drops him again. This is going to be ugly. "STOP IT!" We turn to see Sun pleading with the group of castaways…in English! She tells the group that Jin didn't set fire to the raft. He burned his hands trying to put the fire OUT. But people don't believe her and they argue back and forth -- who else would want to destroy their only chance of escape. It's Locke who finally answers that question. And it's an answer that most of them have known the whole time, but have been to afraid to consider. We all know that we aren't the only people on this island…

After things have quieted down, Michael resigns himself to start again; to build another raft…a better one. Later, Sun finds Jin at the caves packing his things. She knows he will be stunned by the fact she can speak English, but she tries to explain. All she wants is a chance to start over with him.

We FLASHBACK to a simple fishing village where we see Jin exit his car and walk down the dock to a small fishing boat. When the fisherman turns around to see Jin, we learn that this is his father. He isn't dead, but Jin said that he was because he was ashamed of him. Jin admits, says he's sorry and asks his father's forgiveness…and he gets it. And as the two of them talk for the first time in a long time, Jin tells his father about the struggle he is facing. He hates the man he has become, but can't bear to tell Sun the truth about her father. Jin's father offers an idea that is as brilliant as it is simple. He should leave. He should finish delivering the watches to Mr. Paik's associates in Sydney and America…and not come back. Ever. Just stay there and start over with the woman he loves. And maybe, just maybe have the life with her he always dreamed of.

And as the tragedy of the plane crash takes on yet another layer of emotion, we rejoin Sun and Jin, alone in the caves. Sun has asked for one more chance -- one last stand with her husband…together. But it's too late for that now…and Jin simply walks away, leaving his wife in tears.

That night, Shannon goes to Sayid at the fire and gently kisses him. Everybody gets a new life on this island…she'd like to start hers right now.

Back at the caves, Locke sits down to play backgammon with Walt and the two share an easy conversation. Locke asks Walt a very simple question: "Walt, why did you burn the raft?" Walt doesn't deny it, he looks right in Locke's eyes and answers honestly -- he's been moving around all his life. He doesn't want to move again. Locke promises him he won't tell.

The next morning, Michael begins the hard work of building a new raft. And it looks like he's going to have some unexpected help because, out of the forest comes Jin with a load of freshly cut bamboo. "Boat," he says. And together…they begin again.