View Full Version : ee hours

05-11-2005, 13:18
hey i was just wondering how many hours does a actress or actor work in one day in ee do they all work 7 from 7 or what :hmm:

05-11-2005, 13:19
it depends on what they are actually doing

05-11-2005, 13:20
id imagine it depends on how many scenes they are in, someone like tracy ann oberman would walk a lot more than angela wynter for example... and also i think they are at elstree for an extremly long time but have breaks in the day to eat/drink/read scripts, and then they film night time shoots, which in the summer are late

05-11-2005, 13:24
It depends on what they are filming, they could be in all day or just for a couple of hours. It does depend on the storylines and also sometimes location. I think you'll find the units are based on location so if they are filming in the Vic everyone who has scenes in the Vic for the next three weeks or whatever is in. It's organised a bit like that! - I can tell you who's in more than others though! I got down there alot and I meet the same two every time! LOL

05-11-2005, 13:28
whose that babe

05-11-2005, 13:29
Joel & Billy, they must think I'm stalking 'em! LOL

05-11-2005, 13:32
do you see anyone else how long do you spend their do you wait for them all to go home

I am sure they dont i heard billy murray is a lovely guy and joel

05-11-2005, 13:36
I know, I've met them both loads and they've always been lovely to me! - It depends what time of the day it is and what they are up to how long they stay. Depends on what they are doing!

05-11-2005, 13:40
oh that is true because i think they can flim till 11pm at night

05-11-2005, 13:41
Yep they do but they still have breaks during the day.

05-11-2005, 14:19
I think its weird that all the indside sets are on a different location to the out door ones. So if in one episode The character is inside and outside they may have to do it in different days or times. They have to get their costume exactly right as on tv its in the saem day(if ya get me) ive noticed a few times that costumes have been slightly different in different scens, they'll wear one thing indoors and one thing inside. Ive only ever noticed tiny things like hair bands or make up ect.

I would imagine that the hours they work depends on the storyline ect. Some one like Tracey-Ann would be in more times and longer than Shane (at the minute) but then it could change when the stories do.

05-11-2005, 14:24
Edited For Spoiler Content

05-11-2005, 14:29
What so they have to drive different location because the sets are different places so basically

So for example tracy-ann and shane didnt have a scene together at all in one day they wouldnt really see eachother

05-11-2005, 14:32
Nope, it's all on the same place. Albert Square is as it is on telly but when they go inside a building say for example the Queen Vic...the Queen Vic's exteriors are in like a warehouse type place. It's all on the same location though. All at BBC Elstree and you can just walk inbetween the square and the sets.

You're right about TAO and Shane. If they didn't have a scene together it is possible they would miss each other totally. One might be filming in the square and another in a house so they'd be in two different places.

05-11-2005, 14:55
Well its better to do all inside and outside scenes while all the actors are there instead of going from one place to the next like a yo yo.

05-11-2005, 15:00
exactly, it's alot more organised than having people running about in order of the episodes.

05-11-2005, 15:02
it must be hard work but also a great job with lots of perks :)

05-11-2005, 20:04
How come's you go there most the time Lex?