View Full Version : Week 48 spoilers (26/11/05)

irish eyes
04-11-2005, 12:29
Casualty – Getting Involved
8.20-9.10pm BBC ONE

Abs confesses his guilty secret to Nina, who is shocked and
appalled. Guppy goes to the police line-up alone after Abs decides
not to get involved. However, the gang are waiting for him outside
and threaten him, telling him to drop the case.

Elsewhere, Bruno sees an opportunity to make some money when
the monitors displaying patient waiting times arrive.
Meanwhile,Woody gets his DNA test back, and wonders what the
results mean for him.

Danielle Brent (Bad Girls) guest stars as Sharon Court, a bullying
boss injured on a work team-building skiing day.

Abs is played by James Redmond, Nina by Rebekah Gibbs, Guppy
by Elyes Gabel, Bruno by Mark Bonnar and Woody by Will Thorpe.

04-11-2005, 14:57
cool. poor guppy :(:(

04-11-2005, 16:26
why do they have to change peoples personalities all the time, abs would never have been like that normally.

04-11-2005, 20:36
poor guppy! :(

05-11-2005, 09:10
Sounds great. why on earth is abs not saying anything??? poor guppy

05-11-2005, 13:30
i think this sounds great and poor guppy too

05-11-2005, 21:35
sounds good

08-11-2005, 17:27
Abs is sooooo EVIL i can't believe his still lying... :angry:

08-11-2005, 21:25
I thought abs might of said something once he found out it was guppy who he saw being beaten up not some total stranger

irish eyes
12-11-2005, 22:34
Found out more from the Beebs casualty site:

Further Ahead: Saturday 26th November

Is Woody a dad? Woody receives his DNA results – he's not Matt’s father.

Woody asks Kelsey out on a date.

Abs can't take the guilt anymore and confesses all to Nina. She's shocked and appalled. Guppy goes to the line-up alone.

Lee and the gang threaten Guppy, telling him to drop the case.

13-11-2005, 14:12
Poor Woody, he so should be Matts dad

yay, we get Woody and Kelsey-ness back

Poor Guppy though

16-11-2005, 13:13
Abs isn't evil as such, he's just ruling with his heart at the moment rather than his head. Love is a very strong thing especially when you think your going to lose it. You kind of get blinkered against anything else and thats what he's going through right now.

irish eyes
17-11-2005, 00:45
Right this was taken off the radiotimes site:

Abs reveals to Nina that he witnessed Guppy's attack but won't be going to the police. Woody gets his DNA test results. A new arrival in the department makes an absent Harry very unpopular.

After reading somewhere else on this site, I think that its Connie!