View Full Version : november calendar sam and phil fans look

samantha nixon
03-11-2005, 17:09
this has got to be the best one so far this year sorry its so big it wont go smaller

03-11-2005, 18:52
its gd

06-11-2005, 18:50
awww wow its well nice!!! sam looks so short lol!!!

samantha nixon
06-11-2005, 20:04
yes i thought that aswell and my sis laughed her when i told her that

06-11-2005, 20:18
lol told her bout sam being short??!!

samantha nixon
06-11-2005, 20:24
yeah about the height difference

06-11-2005, 20:29
lol its soo cute aswell just quite funny, i think she is wearin heels too!!!

samantha nixon
06-11-2005, 20:31
yeah she usually does dont she

06-11-2005, 20:33
yep aww could you imagin how short she would look compared to him without them, awww and she is still 3inchs taller then me!!!

samantha nixon
06-11-2005, 20:34
ah are you 5ft or 5ft 1

06-11-2005, 20:37
4ft 11, and she is 5ft 2!!!!i think!!!

samantha nixon
06-11-2005, 20:43
oh right ok i thought she was 5ft 3 im probably wrong

06-11-2005, 20:45
no im probly wrong lol either way she is still tiny!!!

samantha nixon
06-11-2005, 20:51
yeah but nice things come in small packages

06-11-2005, 20:53
lol yeah i think its really sweet!!!

07-11-2005, 20:36
awwww thats sweet, but she is tiny!!! i'm about the same height as her!

07-11-2005, 21:24
lol, its a nice height your lucky im like mega tiny, but people think im sweet because of it so it aint so bad lol!!!

07-11-2005, 21:24

07-11-2005, 21:31
Yeah that is a really good picture, Yeah she is tiny- Have they go together yet? so is this what you want for Xmas

07-11-2005, 21:37
phil looks sooo fit!!!! no they aint together yet, it would be good for x-mas though!!!lol!!!

07-11-2005, 21:39
lol! its my desktop atm!

07-11-2005, 21:43
lol, mine is a pic from holiday!!!

Crazy Gal 88
08-11-2005, 18:30
lol mine is me and my mates at our ball

08-11-2005, 20:17
awww, im going to a prom in a week on satday yay cant wait!!!!

samantha nixon
08-11-2005, 20:21
this is my desktop aswell

08-11-2005, 20:43
i usually have a landscape- but not at the moment!

08-11-2005, 20:51
lol i always have a pic of friends or something like that!!!

samantha nixon
08-11-2005, 20:51
i do sometimes or ones i make

08-11-2005, 20:53
aww, wow you make your own backgrounds!!!

samantha nixon
08-11-2005, 20:58
yep mostly of the bill and stuff and some other things

08-11-2005, 21:03
wow, wish i could do things like that, but i cant, do you make banners too??!!!

08-11-2005, 21:04
mines photos of places i've been

08-11-2005, 21:05
lol i aint been no where to take pictures except holiday!!!

08-11-2005, 21:06
i have loads!

08-11-2005, 21:09
lol, do you travel alot then??!!

08-11-2005, 21:11
no, i just take loadsa photos!

08-11-2005, 21:13
lol, all my pics are of people, friends mainly!!!

08-11-2005, 21:14
eg, i did some rivers cwk recently, and there are lots of ones of the landscapes!

08-11-2005, 21:17
oh lol i still aint done my geo cwk, oops, my dad likes lanscapes, they aint nothin special round here!!

08-11-2005, 21:19
we handed ours in on monday

08-11-2005, 21:22
its the teachers fault he aint given me the sheet i need to finish it!!!

08-11-2005, 21:24
lol! is it on rivers?

08-11-2005, 21:28
nope its on 'tourism in southwold' lol you probly dont know where that is, do you!!!lol!!!

08-11-2005, 21:30
ah right ok lol!

08-11-2005, 21:31
lol, its the only piece we have to do though, so it aint to bad!!!

08-11-2005, 21:34
yeah, GCSE geography isn't too bad!

08-11-2005, 21:36
no it aint, i like it, its probly my best subject, im in abit of a dumb class though (not being mean) so that makes me look better!!!lol!!!

08-11-2005, 21:37
well i hope i did well- we get them back in feb

08-11-2005, 21:40
i hope you did well, i bet you will get at least an 'a'!!!

09-11-2005, 16:52
you think... i like geography, i'm just not as good as i want to be at it!

09-11-2005, 17:09
i was really bad at Geophany, all i knew was where places were

09-11-2005, 17:12
we came joint thrid last niight in a geography competiton, so i can't be all that bad though!

11-11-2005, 16:13
lol wow go you!!

11-11-2005, 17:27
yeah it was good and my form tutor came in the day after and congratulated me- i was like what for? then i realised!

Crazy Gal 88
11-11-2005, 21:16
gosh - i was ssoooo rubbish at gepgraphy!lol what other subjects are you two doing?

12-11-2005, 13:08
eng, maths, science, french, german, ict and sociology

Crazy Gal 88
12-11-2005, 21:59
o cool - i did eng, maths science french and ict like you - im doing eng and french for Alevel eng is great but i must be mad for doin french!lol

13-11-2005, 10:58
ah, i love french, but i think languages will be different at college

13-11-2005, 21:24
i do history, geo, dance, drama, and the normal ones, and im doin history, eng, phycology, sociology and drama 4 A level!!!!

Crazy Gal 88
14-11-2005, 16:20
wow! youve decided already!!!!! english at a-level is great i think and some mates are doing psychology and history and they love them but i must warn you psychology is sooooo much work! i did drama for gcse - it was ok but its not really my thing - i only did it cos i couldnt do music but the lessons were just the best!!!!arent thry?

14-11-2005, 19:07
i had my college interview. i'm doing german geogrpahy french and ict

14-11-2005, 19:11
history as level's great and so is english! i did drma at GCSE but like you said it wasn't my thing. one of my mates did physcology and she's dropped it coz she hated it after a couple of weeks, but that may have been the teacher more than the subject lol!

Crazy Gal 88
14-11-2005, 19:33
wow lisamaxwellfan - two languages - you must be bright!

Crazy Gal 88
14-11-2005, 19:35
what as leve;s do you do smile?

14-11-2005, 21:46
my friend in 6th form has already siad phycology is crap but i might like you never know and apparently history is really really hard, and drama is rubbish dint know why i chose it lol my friend says it is better at A level, i just dont want to go to college!!!!

17-11-2005, 16:45
I hated Psychology but I think it was the teacher more than the subject, other people I know really like Psychology tho so it depends on each individual & it's a lot of hard work though. I love Sociology though it was hard work but it was very interesting and I really liked going to the lectures, and actually did really well, I loved the discussions we used to have in the lectures and the 2 lecturers were amazing.

17-11-2005, 19:30
apparently phycology is like maths or something and i dont like maths, but il give it ago i can always drop it, im lookin forward to doing sociology and history abit mixed about drama though!!!

19-11-2005, 11:03
what as leve;s do you do smile?
english, Media, History and Early Years which is like childcare and stuff!
i think they're all great. we get to go to Rome with History in febuary which i can't wait for. most people at my sixth form love drama and i did like it im just rubbish at it! :)