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View Full Version : Who and What?

26-02-2005, 22:22
Hey people! Just a few random questions, so as to get to know one another a little bit better:

- Who is you all time favourite character (past of present)?
- What was your best ever storyline?
- Who do you think is the best looking male and female ever on Easties?

__________________________________________________ _____________

For me it is :

- Who is you all time favourite character (past of present)? Tiffany Mitchell
- What was your best ever storyline? All the Steve and Mel stuff!
- Who do you think is the best looking male and female ever on Easties? Male - Andy Hunter, Female - Melanie Owen

26-02-2005, 22:27
Oooookey Dokey:

Favourite Character: Probably Kat
Storyline: Trevor/Little Mo Domestic Violence even though it was hard to watch at times
Best Looking: Male - erm.....dunno lol Female - Little Mo :)

26-02-2005, 23:52
Fave character Dennis i can't help it but I also loved Janine as well and Chrissie oh and Jake ok I'll make myslef choose


Storyline - I loved the Kat and Zoe stuff sobbed my heart out all the way through

Best Looking male well it's a tie between Dennis and Jake so don't make me choose cos that's mean

Best Looking female - Kat she's fabulous

26-02-2005, 23:55
Ooo Janine, I forgot about her. She is my favourite, forget Kat lol

26-02-2005, 23:57
Bit hard to forget Kat though isn't it I loved Janine's mean stare bring her back find her not guilty then she can come back and be all mean again

27-02-2005, 00:11
I wasn't too fond of Janine. She was such a meany. And early on, whenever folk were being nice to her, she just threw it back in thier faces. I'm glad she's away :)

27-02-2005, 00:17
yeah she did have a nack of bein ungrateful

27-02-2005, 00:19
Fave character........has to be Dot
best ever storyline....Den giving Angie devorce papers
best looking male and female.....
Joe Wicks played by Paul Nicholls (fwoorr-bring him back please!!)
Sasha Perkins played by Jemma Walker