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View Full Version : when Den and Dennis set up Phil

29-10-2005, 17:40
This seems like ages ago now, but I can't remember why they set up Phil in the first place. Did Dennis do it for a different reason to Den? Thanks for your help. :searchme:

29-10-2005, 17:46
I think Phil did something to the watts, Dennis never wanted to it as he faked he got drunk, but i think phil did something to sharon but i can not remember what was happening all i can remember is that Dennis punched Phil when he came out of jail

29-10-2005, 17:55
Wasn't it all to do with Lisa?

29-10-2005, 18:01
Yeah thats right Charlie- so that she could run away and he would not go near louise is that there child name

29-10-2005, 18:02
Yep thats her name

29-10-2005, 18:04
Yep that what happened lisa never wanted Phil near Louise so Den set him up, Well done for remembering

29-10-2005, 20:43
Within an hour of entering Walford Dennis had punched Phil, so it was clear that Phil wouldn’t get along with him. It was no doubt this that spurned the start of the latest Watts vs Mitchell feud. When Sharon welcomed Dennis to her family Phil dissaproved. His acts of jealousy against Dennis annoyed Sharon and she soon fell out with him. After confronting Phil about setting a gang of thugs to beat up Dennis, she insulted the Mitchell family and he hit her infront of a crowded Vic. This was the final straw.

When Sharon’s father “Dirty Den” returned, 14 years after being shot dead, he was not pleased to here of Phil’s actions. He’d hit his daughter, and beaten up his son, and he was also disgusted at Phil’s treatment of Lisa Shaw, the mother of Phil’s daughter Louise.

Den and Dennis plotted to get their revenge on Phil. Den offered Phil a part in a warehouse robbery, that would keep him rich until his dying day. Despite his promise to wife Kate that he would never do crime again, Phil was too tempted to say no. All was going to plan, as Den and Phil were escaping, Den pulled up the ladders from the roof hatch, trapping Phil inside, he threw down a gun and a bag ful of money then made his getaway. Phil was arrestd and charged with Armed Robbery.

an extract of the Watts vs Mitchells Feud from Mitchell Mania

29-10-2005, 21:45
Yes, I think the reason Dennis and Den got involved was more to do with Sharon than Lisa. Nobody hurts a member of their family and gets away with it. And despite the fact that Sharon could have happily put it behind her, like she has all the other times men have abused her, Den and Dennis weren't going to let that happen.

30-10-2005, 12:47
Den set Phil up so that he could get Louise back for Lisa, as he and Phil were enemies. Dennis hated Phil too so he helped Den get away after he had set Phil up.

30-10-2005, 14:54
Thanks for that peeps, now I'm remembering it, it's coming back to me now. Cheers :)

30-10-2005, 18:44
Happy to help

31-10-2005, 16:10
When Dennis got drunk in the pub was that on purpose? Was Dennis involved in the robbery and if he was did phil know or was it something between him and den.

i never knew if dennis got drunk on purpose or not because i remeber Phil getting into a state wondering how dennis would be able to join them if he was drunk and he's propably end up getting them all caught. but when Dennis was out of prison he got the car round to den and they drove off. was that all part of the plan in the first place or did they have to diverse after dennis got himself drunk. i never quite understood that and i still dont really.

But i remember the whole time den was trying to encourage dennis to pretend to like phil untill it was all over because it was clear dennnis hated phil from the start.

31-10-2005, 17:12
Wow, thanks Jess, I forgot about that bit