View Full Version : TV Moments Vote

28-10-2005, 17:27
In December the 2005 Best Tv moments will be hosted by Johnathon Ross. Some nominations include:
Grant and Phil's return (eastenders)
Live 8
Sharon losing her temper with Louis (X Factor)
The Ashes
Charlie losing his temper with Shelley and ripping out her earrings (corrie)
The Initiation ceremony (Tribe)

and many more. They are split into bi-monthal categories.

Vote (http://www.bbc.co.uk/tvmoments/) for your favourites by clicking on the link. On the 21st November the Nov/Dec category will be added along with voting for the Golden moment and the chance to win tickets to the event. Get Voting!

(Note: I have placed this in other soap and other drama so everyone can see it. Move it if necessary)

28-10-2005, 17:41
Voted Sharon that was a class act!

Chloe O'brien
28-10-2005, 21:22
i would say live8 or the comic relief clip waith mcfly

samantha nixon
30-10-2005, 18:53
i voted for sharon when she threw the coke over louis