View Full Version : Owens Leaving Date

28-10-2005, 14:39
So Owen is all set to leave Holby on the 20th of December. Has anybody heard anything about how he is leaving? I really want to know as i cant wait this long to find out!

28-10-2005, 14:44
:crying: i dont want him to go!!! I want him to stay and live happily ever after with Chrissie!!

Chloe O'brien
28-10-2005, 21:49
i like owen they should have made a bigger storyline out of him and lisa that would have been so cool

29-10-2005, 21:50
awww im gunna miss him when he goes :(

30-10-2005, 17:03
Apparently the actor who plays Owen claims the reason for him leaving is because he got bored with his storylines! Silly Holby City writers why didnt they just get him and Chrissie back together!

31-10-2005, 09:02
Awww I'm going to miss him,hes a really good actor :(

31-10-2005, 13:21
atleast this means o more owen and diane which is a good thing!. Love both characters but they didnt suit each other. Now Diane and Rick can be together at last!

31-10-2005, 13:39
What? This is the first i've heard of it i didn't no he was leaving noooooooooooooooooooo he needs to stay and be with chrissie! he neees her and she needs him!

31-10-2005, 21:15
atleast this means o more owen and diane which is a good thing!. Love both characters but they didnt suit each other. Now Diane and Rick can be together at last!

I totally agree. Do you think Owen will leave Holby dead or alive? Apparently his exit is a real tear jerker!

31-10-2005, 22:16
he better leave alive!!! i will not be happy if he dies :p

Crazy Gal 88
02-12-2005, 19:34
o him and chrissie so belong together! i hate the fact theyre not going to live happily ever after!

02-12-2005, 20:13
my m8 wont be happy

03-12-2005, 11:40
atleast this means o more owen and diane which is a good thing!. Love both characters but they didnt suit each other. Now Diane and Rick can be together at last!

totally agree

Jess Rulz
04-12-2005, 11:35
well apparently crissie is leavin 2 !! WITH Owen !!!!!!!!!

eastenders mad
04-12-2005, 11:41
really she didn't mention that she was leaving until now.
When she says to Owen that she is leaving Holby for good.

Crazy Gal 88
04-12-2005, 14:28
o itd be FABULOUS if they did leave together!!!!