View Full Version : Big Brother mother leaves house

28-10-2005, 10:08
A woman who gave birth on the Dutch Big Brother reality television show has walked out of the programme.
Contestant Tanja, 27, said she was fed up with jibes from fellow housemates who accused her of being a bad mother.

She gave birth to Joscelyn Savanna on 18 October. Footage of the birth was shown on TV eight hours later.

The contestants, whose last names are not given, stay in the house until they are either voted off or win the 400,000 euro (£270,600) prize.

'Good television'

Interviewed for the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, Tanja said she left because she was getting no "peace or understanding" from the other contestants.

"I want to enjoy maternity, not feel annoyance," she is quoted as saying.

"I'll be happy when I am amongst normal people again."

She branded her fellow housemates as childish, talkative and manipulative for joking that she had smoked so much during her pregnancy that the baby would end up breast-feeding on tar.

The editor of the programme, which goes out on the Talpa TV station, said it was a shame Tanja was leaving because she had been "good television".

The Big Brother format first aired in the Netherlands in 1999, and the idea has been sold to TV stations around the world.

28-10-2005, 10:28
Good it is about time that she came to her senses

28-10-2005, 10:31
I think they should have supported her and everything but been mean to themselves.. but they wouldn't care because they want the money!!

But its good that she walked now :)

28-10-2005, 10:42
The thing as she will make money out of the programme anyway so she did not need to win it