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View Full Version : Is Beth pregnant??

28-10-2005, 09:52
I can't remember the actress's name who plays Beth but is she pregnant in real life?? In some scenes she looks as if she is trying to hide her bump. I noticed it a while back but the other day is was more obvious.. maybe I am just going mad

28-10-2005, 18:05
no oyur not going mad as she does look pregnant in quite a few of the outfits she wears! but then she has for a while now!!

28-10-2005, 20:22
I don't know about beth but what i want to know is how come Hayley does not have her bump as she had a binki on today- is it becasue when they did these sences she was not prengent

30-10-2005, 13:20
she has a tiny bit of pudge which looks bigger because of the outfits they give her to wear