View Full Version : the mirrors negative review

28-10-2005, 09:39
IN case you've been living in Rio, Grant and Phil Mitchell came back to EastEnders this week.

"'Ello Mum," Grant said originally, before throwing a man giving her bovver into a bush.

"Why didn't you tell me you was coming?" Peggy asked. She clearly doesn't read the papers or she'd have known weeks ago.

Obviously there was a wide open glaring plot hole - Phil is meant to be in prison - but this was quickly explained by Grant as "one of life's great mysteries".

Anyway, Soapville must confess that we did get goosebumps and feel properly excited when we first saw the Mitchell Brothers back on the Square.

After all, you associate them with the golden days of Enders, back when storylines made sense, were exciting - and before they sacked the entire continuity department. But after five seconds, it was obvious that EE bosses have spent hours watching Coronation Street and have worked out that it's properly funny. So they decided - sigh - to try and do comedy.

Hence the Mitchell Brothers - the two most unlikely laughter merchants - suddenly, totally uncharacteristically, beginning some supposedly hilarious bickering.

It was beyond cringeworthy.

We know Steve McFadden has been in panto for ages, but he didn't have to bring the acting style back to TV with him.

Then they resumed the same old rubbish they got so bored of doing that both actors quit the soap - shouting, arguing over Sharon, shouting at Sharon and talking about - yawn - family.

Oh deary me

Johnny Allen
28-10-2005, 09:45
This weeks episodes have been the best, and the added humour has made it even better, I never understand why newspapers don't critise Corrie, that has been dire for weeks now, same old plot prolong that's boring and unfunny when will they start critising Corrie though?

28-10-2005, 09:53
:angry: I don't agree with this - this weeks episodes have been the best for ages - me a die hard fan who has been watching since the beginning had even stopped watching for a bit, but now - its back

Like you say JA - when are they going to start criticising Corrie or Emmerdale????

28-10-2005, 09:55
Shut up the mirror!! This week's been soooooooooo funny and it's the best!!

28-10-2005, 09:55
how ever wrote this: :moonie:

28-10-2005, 09:55
how ever wrote this: :moonie:
Lmao!! :rotfl: They cearly think more than half the viewers hate the Mitchells.. well no :nono:

28-10-2005, 09:56
:angry: I don't agree with this - this weeks episodes have been the best for ages - me a die hard fan who has been watching since the beginning had even stopped watching for a bit, but now - its back

Like you say JA - when are they going to start criticising Corrie or Emmerdale????
dont criticise emmerdale,its great.deserved to win some awards at the nta's.
as for the original post i disagree too,i think ee has been great this week,i found the comedy seens with grunt and phil really funny.i think the newspapers have got so used to criticising ee they dont know when to stop.

Johnny Allen
28-10-2005, 09:58
Lmao!! :rotfl: They cearly think more than half the viewers hate the Mitchells.. well no :nono:

Exactly and clearly the viewers don't it got 13 million viewers or so on tuesday, so they certainly made an impact.

28-10-2005, 10:01
Thats typical though, they cant wait for their return as soon as they come on screen they try and rip them apart.
Now if we were to criticise anything they do they'd be saying we dont know what we are talking about and probably try and sue us.
So let it all flow off your backs and stop worrying about these people who were probably bullied in their lives.

28-10-2005, 10:10
EE has been great this week

28-10-2005, 10:20
I strongly disagree with this too.

The acting was fab and as for the humour - thats always been a part of the mitchell brothers act - i dont this has anything to do with corrie, phil and grant were always having the humourous arguements or explosive punch ups - they can carry either off with ease.

Who remembers when they went on hol abroad and ended up drunk on the floor of the bar? Or when they ended up in devon on rickys stag night? Or the mitchells nake truth video? I could go on and on - but humour has definately always been there!!

28-10-2005, 10:26
dont criticise emmerdale,its great.deserved to win some awards at the nta's.
as for the original post i disagree too,i think ee has been great this week,i found the comedy seens with grunt and phil really funny.i think the newspapers have got so used to criticising ee they dont know when to stop.Just meaning they don't criticise any soaps apart from EE honey :D Generalising it - Emmerdale has come on leaps and bounds over the years and has lots to be proud of thats for sure....

28-10-2005, 11:27
Or when they ended up in devon on rickys stag night?
that was hysterical, when they met those french exchange students and thought they'd got on a ferry to france when they were drunk!

and can i point out that they keep saying Phil is out of prison on some sort of glaring continuity error and the writers are lazy- that is totally wrong! its obvious Grant bought off or threatened the witness!

28-10-2005, 11:29
Obviously the reviewers didn't watch ee hard enough. It's a brilliant week and the ratings are great. Corrie has been totally boring compared to ee. The comedy in eastenders worked. It was funny. The mirror need to start criticising corrie not ee.

28-10-2005, 11:55
Phil said that on Monday night when they were in the house, the witness had a change of statement. And Grant said he was begining to feel he was an only child, of course he threatened the witness to help get Phil off :D

They dont watch it objectively, they watch it for errors and if they dont liek it personally then that goes in their review.

28-10-2005, 12:35
Sorry i cant help but laugh at the article i just find it funny i do like EE though but not enough to stick up for them over the article

28-10-2005, 12:44
I thought the article was very funny and well written. EE has been good this week apart from the implausible return of beetroot man.

28-10-2005, 14:37
I thought the article was very funny and well written. EE has been good this week apart from the implausible return of beetroot man.

oh alan45 surely even you must have enjoyed the "ketchuping" of ian beale by the beetroot bruvva?? :D

28-10-2005, 14:49
I think the writer of this particular article obviously watched these episodes with his or her eyes shut

28-10-2005, 14:57
omg the mirror doesn't know what it is talking about!! The mitchells return rocked!! i really enjoyed this weeks episodes!!!

28-10-2005, 15:07
I was looking forward to this week in EE. The first episode i ever watched of Eastenders, was when Grant left, so i never saw the brother act. Just going on what people say about how they were, i thought "well, it must be fab" and looked forward to it. What i saw, i really didn't expect. I thought they were gangsters, this week i've just found them funny! It's not a bad thing, but the hipe thats been built up around them, i think is completly wrong. I haven't found them to be hard, gangsters or violent, but a comedy act- they would be more suited to Corrie.

28-10-2005, 15:08
i am really sick of the papers all they can do is Criticise the soap.Eastenders has been really good this week best it's been in ages feels just like the good old days

28-10-2005, 15:29
I have stopped paying attention to what newspapers say, especially The Mirror. They hardly ever say anything against Corrie or Emmerdale, but are always being negative about EE, with their sarcastic comments all the time. I'm not saying that the other two main soaps are not good, but they nit-pick at EE all the time.

I make up my own mind about this weeks worth of episodes, and in my opinion, they have been great. Phil's return was silly and far fetched, but what could Kate Harwood do? It was that silly bint Louise Berridge's fault, not Kate's. I am enjoying EE right now, and that is all that matters to me, not what some rag says.

28-10-2005, 16:20
how can they say that about ee that week was the best in ages !

28-10-2005, 17:09
eastenders is so much more interesting now. Ive got to set my video before i go to wrok so i dont miss and eppi

28-10-2005, 18:18
I have stopped paying attention to what newspapers say, especially The Mirror. They hardly ever say anything against Corrie or Emmerdale, but are always being negative about EE, with their sarcastic comments all the time. I'm not saying that the other two main soaps are not good, but they nit-pick at EE all the time.

I make up my own mind about this weeks worth of episodes, and in my opinion, they have been great. Phil's return was silly and far fetched, but what could Kate Harwood do? It was that silly bint Louise Berridge's fault, not Kate's. I am enjoying EE right now, and that is all that matters to me, not what some rag says.
I completely agree i'm fed up listening to the papers slagging off EastEnders all the time and i thought this weeks episodes have been great

28-10-2005, 18:57
oh alan45 surely even you must have enjoyed the "ketchuping" of ian beale by the beetroot bruvva?? :D

Anyone who beats up Ian Beale is okay in my books> Its just that the Beetroot Dogger should be behind bars. After all he should still be behind bars. It was only the security guard who decided :rolleyes: to retract his statement. Surely Grunts powers of persuasion do not extend over the Metropolitan Police.

28-10-2005, 19:07
The mirror are always dissing Eastenders

28-10-2005, 21:11
the mirror - leave eastenders alone the return was quality

28-10-2005, 22:29
Just meaning they don't criticise any soaps apart from EE honey :D Generalising it - Emmerdale has come on leaps and bounds over the years and has lots to be proud of thats for sure....
lol i didnt mean dont you personally critisise emmerdale i meant the papers etc.

29-10-2005, 09:31
lol i didnt mean dont you personally critisise emmerdale i meant the papers etc.Phew, lol, just blame it on my hormones hon !!! :D

29-10-2005, 13:49
The mirror are always dissing Eastenders

Well maybe because Ian Hyland, like myself, is disillusioned at how the soap has disintegrated over the past 3 years. Ian is entitled to an opinion, whether you or I agree with it or not. :)