View Full Version : X Factor rules to change this week

27-10-2005, 20:43
Simon Cowell is set to change 'The X Factor' rules in an attempt to stop his acts being booted out.

In the last two weeks Simon's protégé's have been the ones to leave the competition so to even things up a bit this week we willl see a change in the rules.

The change itself is being kept top secret until Saturday night but Cowell says it will make the eviction process appear a lot fairer.

27-10-2005, 20:45
Im thinking maybe the judges cannot vote for their own act? Or maybe it will just be down to the public vote!

27-10-2005, 21:25
Maybe- But they are allowed to vote for their own Act as they are trying to win the X Factor, He just being stupid if they can not vote for their own acts- it not out fault he keep giving the groups the wrong songs to sing and it is the groups that are going and not the single people

27-10-2005, 21:40
Im thinking maybe the judges cannot vote for their own act? Or maybe it will just be down to the public vote!

Maybe, but that will still cause problems. beacsue if they cant vote for their own acts then its gonna be down to one person again. for example say we take last weeks show. if judges couldnt vote for the own acts they would be forced to vote for the other. simon would have had to have voted Chenai. and louis would had to hgave voted 4tune. it still would be down to one person ie sharon. so same problem. Unless of course it was two acts from the same group. ie Chenai and Phillip (as it nearly was.) sharon and simon would vote but not louis if he cant vote for his own acts. still causes problems so i dont think its that.

I was thinking maybe all simons acts are eliminated from eviction. That would be so unfair though beacuse its not the other contestants fault if simon picked rubbish people to be in his group. i think they should leave it as it is. but dont have the judges to pick out of the final two beacuse unless its two acts from the same group then its going to be down to one judge again and thats not fair. i think they shuld scrap that and go for the public vote and the bottom one just goes. that could be unfair as some people have favourites and it is believed that philip was given a second chance beacuse of his rocky performance when the better acts (chenai and 4tune) should have stayed. that way the judges can have a say. i think it will be hard for them to find a fair way to resolve this issue.

but its an entertainment show. so it wouldnt look very good for them if simon lost all his acts. i thought it was rather much a coincidence last year that in the final three there was one act form sharon's, one from louis and one from simons. dont think that was all down to coincidence!

Simon is just a sore loser. ok so mayeb some of his acts didnt deserve to go but they all knew the rules of the competition and what the judges would have to face before they committed them selves to the show. they should all get on with it. harsh i know but they cant just change rules beacuse things arent going there way. if they are voted off then thats the end of their x factor career this year, but if they are really good enough, so much that they dont deserve to leave some record deal will snapp them up!

28-10-2005, 07:15
hhhhmmmm interesting!!

Bad Wolf
28-10-2005, 07:52
he cant just change the rules like that- i know its his show- but the format should be the same, regardless of if he is loosing or not

28-10-2005, 14:56
ye i thought maybe you couldnt evict simons act this week just to even it out , hard luck simon did you see his face at the ntas when sharon won the award and not him.

Chloe O'brien
28-10-2005, 15:01
Although i think it is unfair that Simon has lost two acts. you can't go and move the goalpost just cause things are not going your way.

28-10-2005, 15:10
That's totally unfair of him to change the rules because he's losing. IF it had been Louis or Sharon who had lost two acts he wouldn't do anything. Simon just doesn't want to lose face by being left with 1 act. He is being so selfish. There should be a rule saying rules are not allowed to change for anyone, no matter how important they are. Simon is desperate to win again this year. He couldn't bare it if Sharon or Louis won.
P.S did anyone notice at the NTA's Louis was wearing the shirt he wore on the day Sharon chucked her drink over him. He had just added a bow tie and jacket!

28-10-2005, 15:18
no i didnt notice that! but it would make sense as before sharon chucked the drink over him he said no sharon dont i like this shirt

28-10-2005, 15:22
Yeah Simon is just being a baby and he should get over it, It because we know that we don't need more groups in the music thing, we need just a single person and what it is witht the group is someone of them can see but others can not like with those black girls- can not remember their name but one of them was tone deaf so she was louder and singing the wrong words from the others

28-10-2005, 15:31
Even if Simon does change the rules so that his acts can't be booted off on Saturday, he still has no hope of winning the show with the 2 groups he's got left. And he knows it.

28-10-2005, 15:34
Well said hellsbells. Other acts are better than the groups. I hate the Conway sistes, but Journey South are Ok. People like Andy or Shane should win

28-10-2005, 16:00
i think simon is just behaving like a spoilt Brat just because he didn't get his own way he decides to change the rules.

28-10-2005, 16:02
i think simon is just behaving like a spoilt Brat just because he didn't get his own way he decides to change the rules.

i kinda have to agree with simon in someways.. he lost addictive ladies to Chico and last week sharon pick Lou's person cause he pick hers the week before and she took a long time to decide this...
There should be a better way to decide who stays and who goes.. the public should get the final vote to be honest, after all we are going to be the ones buying the records

28-10-2005, 16:03
thats true

28-10-2005, 17:16
This is just stupid. Simon just doesnt want to loose like it looks like he is at the momernt

28-10-2005, 19:11
he just doesn't want to lose, thats all.

28-10-2005, 19:18
if simon changes the rule in his favour there will be an outrage - do you really think sharon will let him get away with anything like that?

28-10-2005, 19:22
she won't- there'll be another glass of water all over him. aslong as she hasn't approved it, and its bad

Johnny Allen
29-10-2005, 08:10
I don't like the system they use at the moment, whilst Simon is a big head it's not fair on his acts being elliminated from the competition because Sharon and Louis want to get one over on Simon, it's childish and unfair on the contestants. And Louis and Sharon are behaving unprofessionally.

29-10-2005, 10:36
I don't think Sharon and Louis are going againest him, but of course they are going to vote for their own act, It not their fault that Simon have groups that have people who can not sing.

29-10-2005, 11:44
I don't think Sharon and Louis are going againest him, but of course they are going to vote for their own act, It not their fault that Simon have groups that have people who can not sing.

yeah i agree. i dont think the reason that sharon and louis are eliminating simons acts are because of anything between them selves. i mean it might be. louis may have kept in chico to get back at him but then again you have to admit that adictive ladies were extremely flat singing that song. Chico wasnt much better but he wasnt as flat as the girls were.

In the second week of course louis is going to save his own act so you can hardly blamehim for not picking 4tune! lol. it was all down to sharon and you could say that she went with Chenai because of the week before or that it was because she and chenai had history. but then again she may have chosen Chenai beacuse she genuinly thought she was better. no matter what she choose people would have been upset and slated her for it.

Louis and sharon may also be voting tactically. they may be voting off strong competition. that way with the strongest competition gone they're acts will have more chance in winning. but with this the contestins and viewers have to understand that it is that kind of competiton! if they were that good and good enough to be in the bottom two then its us as viewers who should be feeling guilty for not voting for them!

Most people who watch the show have their favourites. and each week some people vote for the favourites to stay than vote on who performed best on the night. its the same with the judges.

simon is just a bad looser. i thought from the start he had the worst groups any way. Lets just see if it the 4piece groups that are cursed, well see if the conway sisters leave tonight that it might be 4peice bands that viewers dont shine too.

Johnny Allen
29-10-2005, 15:54
Well I don't say too much about 4-tune getting kicked out, because Chenai can sing, 4-tune are out of tune. But Sharon was wrong to say Chenai than choose to send home 4 Tune.The week before Louis only kept Chico because he knew it would annoy Simon, yeah Additiv Ladies couldn't sing but they were better than Chico.

29-10-2005, 19:29
What was the new Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!

Johnny Allen
29-10-2005, 22:09
Don't know, but it clearly didn't happen tonight.

30-10-2005, 18:41
Anyone know!!!!!

30-10-2005, 18:51
i was waiting for the rule change too and it didnt happen!!!!

31-10-2005, 09:37
I never watched it

31-10-2005, 12:16
I didn't notice any rule change :searchme:

31-10-2005, 12:32
maybe it never happened- maybe they just wanted viewers not to watch SCD

31-10-2005, 12:49
Closing this as it never happened.
Will re-open if it happens this Saturday.

31-10-2005, 14:32
Sorry I see the other thread is closed, but according to Sharon Marshall on This Morning, Simon Cowell wanted to have the rules changed so the public had the final say in who went from the final 2 but producers wouldn't let him. Apparently he shouldn't have said anything at the NTA's because it wasn't agreed.

31-10-2005, 14:37
missed this weeks and was wondering what the rule change was! so it didnt change at all then?

31-10-2005, 15:35
I'll merge this thread with the closed one.