View Full Version : Week 46 spoilers (12/11/05)

irish eyes
25-10-2005, 13:09
Casualty – Love And Duty
8.25-9.15pm BBC ONE

Tensions mount between Woody and Josh as Woody wants to
report Josh for hitting the child, as the medical drama continues.
They eventually sort things out but Josh convinces Woody he must
get a DNA test to find out if he really is a father.

Meanwhile, the racist thugs are back in the hospital after one is
injured in a homophobic attack on a gay solider.They see Guppy
in the car park and beat him up.Abs sees someone being attacked
but chooses to walk by…

Woody is played by Will Thorpe, Josh by Ian Bleasdale, Guppy by
Elyes Gabel and Abs by James Redmond.

I seriously cant believe that Abs would walk on past, what has happened to him :angry:

25-10-2005, 16:30
sounds a good eppy

very un abs like dont you think :nono:

25-10-2005, 22:14
Sounds good :D Why would abs walk past without helping? :searchme: very unlike Abs :hmm:

26-10-2005, 12:12
Abs wouldn't do a thing like that, why would he walk away? Guppy doesn't die does he?

Crazy Gal 88
26-10-2005, 14:46
huh? that souns so unlike abs

eastenders mad
26-10-2005, 18:21
i wonder why he would leave the fight alone

26-10-2005, 19:53
aww poor guppy lol.. sounds good though

27-10-2005, 13:01
I dont think abs would just walk past but nothing would surprize me concerning tv programmes, i didnt think nina had a girl friend ages ago, i was wrong there.

Crazy Gal 88
27-10-2005, 14:00
that is true.....

27-10-2005, 14:30
sounds good... but Abs.......

27-10-2005, 22:56
There's a number of reasons he could walk by. One of them being the person beaten up is an enemy maybe??

irish eyes
28-10-2005, 00:02
So, he finds it easy to help a colleague who is being attacked by a knife weilding mainiac in her own home, but chooses to walk past a colleague who is being beaten up outside the department! Something not quite right there!!!

28-10-2005, 00:09
i dont think he knew it was guppy

Crazy Gal 88
28-10-2005, 10:42
yeh but still....i reckon there must be some explanation as maybe he was threatened or he didnt see anything or hes gone to get the police. i dont know but i think there must be more ti this as its so unlike him.

28-10-2005, 22:58
Maybe he though it was one of the racist guys gettin beaten and didn't bother coz they deserved it. Of maybe he was actually aware someone was getting beaten up, maybe he though it was just people mucking around

29-10-2005, 11:47
maybe, still doesnt sound like him though. oh well just watch it and find out lol

29-10-2005, 12:02
Thats weird, not like Abs at all.Looks like a good episode though :)

08-11-2005, 17:23
Abs sees someone being attacked but chooses to walk by…
what what what? EVIL EVIL man... HOW could HE do THAT? :angry: