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25-10-2005, 08:41
A thread to help with your homework

Post any problems or questions here and see if anyone can help :D

Please remember no cheating this is a help thread not a cheat thread :nono:

di marco
25-10-2005, 08:45
Please remember no cheating this is a help thread not a cheat thread :nono:

no cheating? damn it lol! :D how will i know the answers now?!!

25-10-2005, 12:54
lol and yay this thread is finally here

25-10-2005, 13:25
thanks for reminding my i have to do my film studies essay analysing the library scene from se7en, does anyone know the name of that classic music song played???

25-10-2005, 13:29

This links you to the sound track on amazon. It lists the songs and plays samples

25-10-2005, 13:30
sorry i have no idea what you are talking about

25-10-2005, 13:35
sorry i have no idea what you are talking about

that is ok, I was responding to BBs query

25-10-2005, 13:45
thanks trinity thats helped, ill do that today then i have to do a powerpoint on a movie icon - might do sean connery

28-10-2005, 10:45
hi i dont need help with my homwork as such but on Monday i have a practice SAT exam and our teacher let it slip that its on reports so could anyone give me advice on what to revise on for report writing

28-10-2005, 10:56
hi i dont need help with my homwork as such but on Monday i have a practice SAT exam and our teacher let it slip that its on reports so could anyone give me advice on what to revise on for report writing

as in newspaper reports?

if so remember to include who, what, when, where, and why in the article, especially in the first paragraph

28-10-2005, 10:59
Ahh the 5 w's!! :D

28-10-2005, 10:59
ye i dont know what it is on exactly but it will be a newspaper report

Chloe O'brien
28-10-2005, 11:04
hi i dont need help with my homwork as such but on Monday i have a practice SAT exam and our teacher let it slip that its on reports so could anyone give me advice on what to revise on for report writing

There are five main points that you need to have when writing a report: these are
1 Title of your report ( Report into ...)
2 Terms of Reference ( a brief introduction of the content of the report)
3 procedures ( how you researched you information for the report)
4 Findings (facts of the discussion)
5 Conclusion (your opinion)

You may want to add any refrences to any books or quotes that you have used, remember when you are writing the findings the information is based on facts always refer to the third person never you him, her of I. Hope this helps

28-10-2005, 11:08
The main thing to remember with all examinations is to answer the question set! Clues as to the layout and what is expected in the content are always in the question.

The first thing to do is to read the question carefully and be sure that you understand what the examiner wants.

That said, reports should all have a logical layout.

PLAN YOUR ANSWER - often people run out of time in examinations of this type. A logical plan laying out the structure and your main ideas can help to gain extra marks if this happens to you. It also helps you to organise your report and to make sure that you ANSWER THE QUESTION!


What the report is about, and what you aim to do. E.g compare weather patterns between two geographically remote areas and explain the difference in geographic terms.

Main Section.

In scientific reports this is split into:

Method - detailing the experiments carried out and what you hope to prove



In more general reports such as history or geography reports this section should contain the results of your research or comparison or what ever the report is about.

Remember to ensure that you address all the points in the question.


In this section you should tie up all your results and explain what they mean. Tell the examiner what you have learned. State the obvious. If your results section proves that water boils at 100oC say it, if you find that it rains more in Norwich than Plymouth then say it and WHY.

Try and end with a short paragraph giving your own consise views on what you have learned.

Good luck!

28-10-2005, 11:18
thanx i try those methods

28-10-2005, 11:34
Ahh the 5 w's!! :D

5 w's.. what is that???

28-10-2005, 11:55
5 w's.. what is that???

who, what, when, where, why

28-10-2005, 12:00
Ok sorry, didn't read your previous post.... we don't have SAT in Ireland.. what age group is that for over there?

28-10-2005, 12:40
Ok sorry, didn't read your previous post.... we don't have SAT in Ireland.. what age group is that for over there?

We do one lot of sats in year 6 (ages 10-11) and a second in year 9 (ages 13-14).

28-10-2005, 14:44
i think there are now 6 w words who what when where why and how even though how does not begin with a w it still ends in a w.

28-10-2005, 14:47
I did SAT's in Year 2, Year 6 and Year 9.. (going to do Year 9 one's)

Chloe O'brien
28-10-2005, 14:47
As it's half term why are any of you lot doing homework. You should be out in the fields tattie picking for winter :p :rotfl: :lol:

28-10-2005, 15:20
well i just finished doing a history thing , i had to write a diary of someone travelling from Edinburgh to London in 1750's

28-10-2005, 15:21
I had to do that. Just add loads of facts, and talk a lot about family and friends, and you do alright.

28-10-2005, 16:01
I have Spanish to do, just realised. Got to write about the house, if its good or bad, what's in the rooms, where the rooms are in the house etc. So can anyone speak Spanish here because I can ask for a bit help

28-10-2005, 16:04
i can do a bit of french not spanish though sos

28-10-2005, 16:07
umm, sort of. I can speak spanish, but i'm rubbish at writing it, so iw ont be much help. Check out the BBC bitesize websites. Even if its no help, they have links which can be helpfull with languages

28-10-2005, 19:19
i can do some spanish and thats what i am doing in spanish the now, your town and house i can try and help you

28-10-2005, 20:05
Well ive got science homework due in on monday second lesson, and ive forgotten what to do!lol

28-10-2005, 20:41
science thats my thing - need any help just ask

28-10-2005, 20:57
congrats on 5000 posts luna , do you not have like a school homwork planner or diary type of thing because you might have written your hwk in there

28-10-2005, 21:05
ive got three more A3 sheets of graphics to write - so unfair

Chloe O'brien
28-10-2005, 21:39
i work in a college so if any one needs any help let me know :)

28-10-2005, 22:52
I did SAT's in Year 2, Year 6 and Year 9.. (going to do Year 9 one's)

Year 2!!! Omg. Bit young to be doing sats isnt it. We only did year 6 ones in my primary school.

28-10-2005, 22:53
I have Spanish to do, just realised. Got to write about the house, if its good or bad, what's in the rooms, where the rooms are in the house etc. So can anyone speak Spanish here because I can ask for a bit help

I can do a bit of spanish as i did an experience of spanish in year 8, but i can't help with that. Sorry.

28-10-2005, 22:56
Could anyone tell me where to find some information on Believer's baptism in Christianity for my R.E. homework. I know some but not enough and my teacher is really fussy lol.


28-10-2005, 22:58

try there kim31

28-10-2005, 23:23
I need more detail on what actually happens at a believer's baptism ceremony, but thanks anyway Luna :)

29-10-2005, 09:33
Year 2!!! Omg. Bit young to be doing sats isnt it. We only did year 6 ones in my primary school.My son did SAT's every year through primary school, only twice were actual SAT's but the others were used as practise exams, to get the children used to exam situations etc!!

di marco
30-10-2005, 09:48
Year 2!!! Omg. Bit young to be doing sats isnt it. We only did year 6 ones in my primary school.

yeh i did sats in yr2, yr6 and yr9, but the sats in yr2 were just things like reading this paragraph and stuff, no written tests

30-10-2005, 12:06
I need more detail on what actually happens at a believer's baptism ceremony, but thanks anyway Luna :)
A Christian, or another religion?

di marco
30-10-2005, 12:13
A Christian, or another religion?

we prob did that at some point, but i werent listening lol!

30-10-2005, 12:41
A Christian, or another religion?

Yes, In Christianity.

30-10-2005, 12:52
From http://www.ststephenscoorparoo.org.au/Baptism/Study01.htm

The Good News of Christ Declared
Jesus’ command to his disciples to go out into the world and help people become followers of him was symbolised in the practice of baptism. Baptism was a way in which people who have responded to the good news of Christ could declare their acceptance of God’s grace and their submission to Jesus Christ as Lord.

The “promise of eternal life” (relationship with God now and forever) through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, is symbolised in the baptismal washing with water. There is usually a Bible Reading and an exposition of the Christian good news to preface the Baptism and explain its meaning.

To understand the symbol (baptism) you must comprehend its meaning – the offer of relationship with God through the work of Jesus Christ.

The Baptismal Vows
The candidate for baptism (or the sponsors if an infant is being presented) is invited to make a public response to God:

“I ask you now to stand, and, in the presence of your sponsors and of this whole congregation, to make your response to the promise of forgiveness of sins and eternal life held out to you by Jesus Christ.” [ii]

The candidate then makes the baptismal vows of repentance, faith and obedience. These are the defining commitments of a Christian towards God. We will study them in this book.

The Baptism with Water
The candidate may be immersed in the water or receive sprinkling. The baptism or washing is done in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – the Trinitarian revelation of God in the Bible.

The baptised person is signed (with water) in the sign of the cross: “to show that you will not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, and to fight bravely under his banner against sin, the world and the devil, and to continue Christ’s faithful soldier and servant to your life’s end.”

Prayers are offered for the baptised disciple to walk in the Spirit, obeying Jesus and serving him.

Proper understanding of Baptism requires us to see how these four components reinforce the meaning of the service.

30-10-2005, 15:21
Is that any help?

31-10-2005, 10:40
Is that any help?

Not really, but thanks anyway :)

31-10-2005, 10:52
What information are you exactly looking for?

31-10-2005, 20:47
Does anyone have any tips on how to tackle German coursework (or just any tips for tackling general language courseworks). I'm meant to be doing German coursework, on the enviroment in London, but i really dont know where to start. Its a bit of a burden, i'm dreading starting it, hence the plea for tips:)

di marco
31-10-2005, 20:56
Does anyone have any tips on how to tackle German coursework (or just any tips for tackling general language courseworks). I'm meant to be doing German coursework, on the enviroment in London, but i really dont know where to start. Its a bit of a burden, i'm dreading starting it, hence the plea for tips:)

have you been given oral questions yet? cos for my french coursework i based it on the oral

01-11-2005, 17:52
yeah, but its the coursework that i find hardest.

01-11-2005, 17:56
right abi, i just did this one, firstly, plan it all- what you wanna say, then look up the vocab and write some sentences. i also used my oral questions for gcse, as the teacher has marked those so they are perfect, but don't panic and take time! it works for me!

01-11-2005, 18:00
ok, thanks :)

01-11-2005, 18:02
sure! do you use the logo textbook?

01-11-2005, 18:10
no, its called "klasse! higher". Its not that usefull, thats why i find the coursework hard to do. we dont get much guideance, its really hard

01-11-2005, 18:15
do you want me to have a look in my textbook later for you??

di marco
01-11-2005, 20:30
right abi, i just did this one, firstly, plan it all- what you wanna say, then look up the vocab and write some sentences. i also used my oral questions for gcse, as the teacher has marked those so they are perfect, but don't panic and take time! it works for me!

yeh thats what i meant about the oral questions, they really helped me with my french coursework

02-11-2005, 10:42
Oh right. yeah that makes sense. cheers :)

02-11-2005, 16:44
shall i have a look in my textbook for you later? or is it all over and done with?

02-11-2005, 20:01
I've just done it :cheer: It took me since i got in from school, but i finally did it. I used relative clauses as well, and the genative case :cheer: Its probably not as long as it shouyld be, but the content isn't bad (even it i do say so myself :p )

di marco
02-11-2005, 20:40
I've just done it :cheer: It took me since i got in from school, but i finally did it. I used relative clauses as well, and the genative case :cheer: Its probably not as long as it shouyld be, but the content isn't bad (even it i do say so myself :p )

i remember genative case from when i did german, it was hard!

02-11-2005, 21:04
is anyone doing of mice and men at the moment?? or done it and remember it fairly well?

di marco
02-11-2005, 21:14
is anyone doing of mice and men at the moment?? or done it and remember it fairly well?

we did it for gcse

02-11-2005, 21:16
well im doing it again this year (gcse plus) lol. and im doing coursework.. on hopes and dreams and on the help sheet it recommends saying something about curleys wifes dream and on everyone else on the ranchs dream......do you have any idea what i could write lol

samantha nixon
03-11-2005, 15:54
does anyone no what the distance is from lands end - john o groats as i need that to answer my maths question and i cant find it anywhere

03-11-2005, 15:57
does anyone no what the distance is from lands end - john o groats as i need that to answer my maths question and i cant find it anywhere874 miles see here (http://web.uk.ask.com/redir?u=http%3a%2f%2ftm.uk.ask.com%2fr%3ft%3dan%26 s%3da1%26uid%3d0D37CF8723D14F134%26sid%3d13166E8D1 C233A634%26qid%3dBB35AC269D2623419F6FE0D097B78102% 26io%3d6%26sv%3dz6f065bd6%26o%3d0%26ask%3dwhat%2bi s%2bthe%2bdistance%2bfrom%2blands%2bend%2bto%2bjoh n%2bo%2bgroats%26uip%3d5441a8b2%26en%3dte%26eo%3d-100%26pt%3dLand%2527s%2bEnd%2bto%2bJohn%2bO%2527Gr oats%26ac%3d1%26qs%3d0%26pg%3d1%26ep%3d1%26te_par% 3d101%26te_id%3d%26u%3dhttp%3a%2f%2fwww.sterlingti mes.org%2fmemorable_images38.htm&bpg=http%3a%2f%2fweb.uk.ask.com%2fweb%3fq%3dwhat%2 bis%2bthe%2bdistance%2bfrom%2blands%2bend%2bto%2bj ohn%2bo%2bgroats%26o%3d0%26page%3d1&q=what+is+the+distance+from+lands+end+to+john+o+gr oats&s=a1&bu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.sterlingtimes.org%2fmemorable_ images38.htm&qte=0&o=0&abs=John+O%27Groats+is+874+miles+from+lands+end.++ This+is+the+greatest+distance+between+any+two+poin ts+in+Britain.&tit=Land%27s+End+to+John+O%27Groats&bin=&cat=wp&purl=&Complete=1)

samantha nixon
03-11-2005, 16:06
thanks so much thats a big help

di marco
03-11-2005, 16:10
does anyone know how/why potassium stops bananas ripening?

04-11-2005, 16:52
does anyone know how/why potassium stops bananas ripening?i have no idea could it have anything to do with the fact that bananas hav alot of potassium in anyway?

04-11-2005, 16:59
Banana as they ripe give of Ethylene gas.. potassium stops this gas from been release thus stopping the banana ripening

btw I am not that clever.. just read it on website

04-11-2005, 17:02
well im doing it again this year (gcse plus) lol. and im doing coursework.. on hopes and dreams and on the help sheet it recommends saying something about curleys wifes dream and on everyone else on the ranchs dream......do you have any idea what i could write lol

Curly wife wanted to be a actess at Hollywood but she never got the letter that she got promised

04-11-2005, 17:16
im reading of mice and men - its in the final exam in english for gcse this year

04-11-2005, 21:05
George and Lennie talk about their vision of the future which is they will have a house together and they know what it will be like and also they want to work for themselves.

Candy: I don’t remember if he has a dream at the beginning but he them wants to move in with George and Lennie as he knows that the boss will kick him of the ranch as he only have one hand

Curley’s Wife: she is unhappy with her life, she don’t have her Freedom when she married Curley,Curly wife wanted to be a actess at Hollywood but she never got the letter that she got promised

di marco
04-11-2005, 22:07
Banana as they ripe give of Ethylene gas.. potassium stops this gas from been release thus stopping the banana ripening

btw I am not that clever.. just read it on website

thanks alot :)

Chloe O'brien
04-11-2005, 22:22
im reading of mice and men - its in the final exam in english for gcse this year
I did mice and men and also wuthering heights for english

04-11-2005, 22:25
George and Lennie talk about their vision of the future which is they will have a house together and they know what it will be like and also they want to work for themselves.

Candy: I don’t remember if he has a dream at the beginning but he them wants to move in with George and Lennie as he knows that the boss will kick him of the ranch as he only have one hand

Curley’s Wife: she is unhappy with her life, she don’t have her Freedom when she married Curley,Curly wife wanted to be a actess at Hollywood but she never got the letter that she got promised

thank you tigs :)

di marco
04-11-2005, 22:26
thank you tigs :)

ive got some for the other characters if you want?

di marco
04-11-2005, 22:27
I did mice and men and also wuthering heights for english

i did mice and men, but did pride and prejudice instead though some of the other classes did wuthering heights

04-11-2005, 22:35
thank you tigs :)
Do you need any more

04-11-2005, 22:37
umm no dont think so.

05-11-2005, 14:41
heya guys, doing some media research, they cnat juts let us go and film we have to do loads of unecessary research: basically ive got to do a questionnaire about thriller films

so far ive got these questions

what is your favourote type of thiller (ie phycological/action/crime etc)

what is your favoruite thriller film

who is your favourite thriller director (hitcock, pincher etc)

what 3 things would you except from a thriller film

can you think of any good ones that i should have? :searchme:

05-11-2005, 17:49
The Sixth Sense was fab - was that a thriller? To me it was. The main things I like are suspense, twists and unpredictability - I hate the type of movie where you guess halfway through what the outcome its. The sixth sense really kept me gripped, and the twist at the end was totally unexpected - to me anyway!

07-11-2005, 12:18
The Sixth Sense was fab - was that a thriller? To me it was. The main things I like are suspense, twists and unpredictability - I hate the type of movie where you guess halfway through what the outcome its. The sixth sense really kept me gripped, and the twist at the end was totally unexpected - to me anyway!

I was shocked too with the end of Sixth sense but I did wonder all the way through why the mother never talked to the psychartrisy (sp?)

07-11-2005, 12:21
I aint seen it :D

Chloe O'brien
07-11-2005, 12:28
The sixth sense was fab. I guessed the outcome 5 mins before the end but was still gripped by the film. The green mile was another great film that kept me engrosed

07-11-2005, 12:31
The sixth sense was fab. I guessed the outcome 5 mins before the end but was still gripped by the film. The green mile was another great film that kept me engrosed

How sad was that movie?? :(

07-11-2005, 14:50
That is one of my fave films Green Mile - how you cry at that (or at least i did lol )

Chloe O'brien
07-11-2005, 14:52
That is one of my fave films Green Mile - how you cry at that (or at least i did lol )

I bawled my eyes out i couldn't believe the ending Tom hanks and the guy who played the prisoner on death row were brilliant

07-11-2005, 16:36
I bawled my eyes out i couldn't believe the ending Tom hanks and the guy who played the prisoner on death row were brilliant

I have seen it loads of times and I still cry.. like Armageddon.. I am like a baby at the end of that.. :(:(:(:(:(

07-11-2005, 17:38
I always cry in Films i am such a baby.

I was just wondering if you had any ideas on how i would desribe Britains climate for Geography. so far i have come up with Cold.

07-11-2005, 18:48
I always cry in Films i am such a baby.

I was just wondering if you had any ideas on how i would desribe Britains climate for Geography. so far i have come up with Cold.

Temperate? This means moderate, not extreme or excessive.

di marco
07-11-2005, 20:29
erm this is sort of to do with helping with homework, do any of you have any good excuses for getting off doing homework?

07-11-2005, 21:59
erm this is sort of to do with helping with homework, do any of you have any good excuses for getting off doing homework?

No! Don't be lazy!

Good quote from Nick Faldo after he sunk a difficult put and was called lucky by a journalist.

'I find that the more I practice the luckier I get'

This is true for more than just golf....

di marco
08-11-2005, 06:15
No! Don't be lazy!

Good quote from Nick Faldo after he sunk a difficult put and was called lucky by a journalist.

'I find that the more I practice the luckier I get'

This is true for more than just golf....

im not being lazy, ive had so much to do that i havent had time to do it all!

08-11-2005, 20:42
can 10 people do a really quick questionaire for me?!

All i need to no, is if you belive in God, and one reason why. Also, if you could give a name that you'd like to be known by (feel more than free to make it up at random), then i'll be gratefull (otherwise, i'll give you random names myself!)

Thanks x x

di marco
08-11-2005, 20:45
can 10 people do a really quick questionaire for me?!

All i need to no, is if you belive in God, and one reason why. Also, if you could give a name that you'd like to be known by (feel more than free to make it up at random), then i'll be gratefull (otherwise, i'll give you random names myself!)

Thanks x x

yep ok ill do this questionairre

erm no i dont believe in god, just cos it seems so fake and made up and cos if there was a god then all these bad things wouldnt be happening in the world

oh and feel free to write any name down you wish!

hope this helps :)

08-11-2005, 20:46
yep ok ill do this questionairre

erm no i dont believe in god, just cos it seems so fake and made up and cos if there was a god then all these bad things wouldnt be happening in the world

oh and feel free to write any name down you wish!

hope this helps :)

Thanks- perfect answer :) :p :)

umm.... what shall i call you?.....

di marco
08-11-2005, 20:49
Thanks- perfect answer :) :p :)

umm.... what shall i call you?.....

ooo im perfect lol! :D

08-11-2005, 20:50

08-11-2005, 20:53
i don't because i haven't been brought up to be, and i blasphem too much!

09-11-2005, 08:32
can 10 people do a really quick questionaire for me?!

All i need to no, is if you belive in God, and one reason why. Also, if you could give a name that you'd like to be known by (feel more than free to make it up at random), then i'll be gratefull (otherwise, i'll give you random names myself!)

Thanks x xAbi, you can quote me if you like :D

I don't believe in God, if he did, why does he allow child abusers and paedophiles live in the same world as us (for one reason but there are many others) Feel free to call me Em on there too :D

09-11-2005, 10:48
can 10 people do a really quick questionaire for me?!

All i need to no, is if you belive in God, and one reason why. Also, if you could give a name that you'd like to be known by (feel more than free to make it up at random), then i'll be gratefull (otherwise, i'll give you random names myself!)

Thanks x x

I do not believe in God.

Among the many reasons I could give would be religious wars - would a God really allow so many people to die needlessly in His/Her name?

Trinity Blair

Chloe O'brien
09-11-2005, 11:53
I believe in God

Among the reason are that I have been raised a catholic and I believe that we will go to a better place and be reunited with our loved ones who have passed before us, also I think i am a more calmer and loving person by allowing God into my heart.

Chloe O'brien

09-11-2005, 12:05
I not sure if there is a God but I do believe there is someone watching over us all.. Maybe there is more than one God like they believed in before, gods for each feeling/thing, like god of love, god of war, destiny and faith..

Siobhan Burke

09-11-2005, 14:04
Thank you guys! Thats 6 now, so i still need 4 more people, if you would :D

09-11-2005, 16:06
I don't believe in God because I haven't been brought up that way and that there is so many horrible thins happening in the world, wars, bullying, murder etc, and I don't think this would happen if there was a god watching over us.

Make up a name if you want, otherwise just refer to me as Kim.

09-11-2005, 17:08
Temperate? This means moderate, not extreme or excessive.

Thanks Trinity that was a great help, i really coundnt think of the word.

09-11-2005, 17:11
I dont really believe in God because of all the horrible things that are happening in the world, Hurricanes, earthquakes etc but i do think that we are on the planet for a purpose and Something must have put us here.


di marco
09-11-2005, 21:02
Thanks- perfect answer :) :p :)

umm.... what shall i call you?.....

what have you decided to call me?! :)

10-11-2005, 09:18
I don't believe in God, but I do believe there is something there because why do miracles only happen in disasters and not in everyday life.

10-11-2005, 12:45
Does anyone know what the dress is called that the women always wear in westerns?

10-11-2005, 13:01

I think that most of the dresses in the old westerns (among the non Indians!) would be crinolines. The link takes you to a discription of dress and skirt styles

10-11-2005, 20:44
what have you decided to call me?! :)

lol i'm still debating... :hmm: :thumbsup:

13-11-2005, 13:47
help! ive just done my SAT exams this week and in english my teacher has told me to write an acrostic poem the title is "Death by SATS" ive layoured it out like this;
i have done the first letter S but im stuck on what to write for A please could someone help , p.s if you havnt already gathered the poem is about the misseries of SAT exams ie. the title thanx xx

di marco
13-11-2005, 15:11
what have you written for the first letter?

13-11-2005, 15:31
"Sat on a cold hard chair for at least 1 hour" our teacher gaves us that one and we have to do the rest ourselves

di marco
13-11-2005, 20:35
what about "asking myself why i need to do these" i know it aint very good!

di marco
13-11-2005, 20:44
edited post as original message deleted

13-11-2005, 20:45
whats this got to do with homework?
Nothing sorry posted it in wrong place
Talking to sumone else not you sorry.


di marco
13-11-2005, 20:46
nudda sorry posted it in wrng plce
tlkin to sum1 else not u sorry kkkkkkkkkkkk

ok, and text talk isnt allowed either

13-11-2005, 20:47
ok, and text talk isnt allowed either
Huh why isn't it allowed?

di marco
13-11-2005, 20:57
huh why isn't it allowed?

Because some people dont understand it

14-11-2005, 08:53
for the poem, how about

annoyingly difficult, will need more brain power
Testing us to the limits of our mind
Excruciating pain as the minutes pass us by

Can't think of any more he he

14-11-2005, 12:09
help! ive just done my SAT exams this week and in english my teacher has told me to write an acrostic poem the title is "Death by SATS" ive layoured it out like this;
i have done the first letter S but im stuck on what to write for A please could someone help , p.s if you havnt already gathered the poem is about the misseries of SAT exams ie. the title thanx xx

S sitting at a cold desk for at least an hour
A Another exam, another living hell
T They test us, stress us, put us on the edge
E everyone hopefull of grades, yet no one expectant
X xylophone jiggles in my mind. The sound of confusion.
A "Anyone finished" bellows a voice,
M My life will be a misery is i fail, no i whisper.
S Suicide would be easier than this

rubbish i know, you dont have to use it :)

14-11-2005, 12:33
S sitting at a cold desk for at least an hour
A Another exam, another living hell
T They test us, stress us, put us on the edge
E everyone hopefull of grades, yet no one expectant
X xylophone jiggles in my mind. The sound of confusion.
A "Anyone finished" bellows a voice,
M My life will be a misery is i fail, no i whisper.
S Suicide would be easier than this

rubbish i know, you dont have to use it :)

that is really good Abi

15-11-2005, 17:12
Hiya everybody!!
For school i have to have this idea for a new television programme concept tomorrow,and have been thinking and thinking,but can't think of anything HELP!!
Could somebody please help me think of something!!
I would really really appreciate it!!

15-11-2005, 17:23
how about a Soap with 3 different endings and the viewer get to vote which one they want to see??

Or a juke box music show?? by pressing your remote you can choose which song comes on next and it tells you down the bottom of the screen how many song are ahead of your choice, which is the most popular song and so forth exactly like a juke box

15-11-2005, 17:26
Merging with the 'Homework Help' thread.

15-11-2005, 17:29
how about a Soap with 3 different endings and the viewer get to vote which one they want to see??

Or a juke box music show?? by pressing your remote you can choose which song comes on next and it tells you down the bottom of the screen how many song are ahead of your choice, which is the most popular song and so forth exactly like a juke box

Yeah,they both sound good,especially the soap one,thanks a lot!!

15-11-2005, 17:40
Thanks for everyone who helped me out with the poem ive finally finished it and i got an a thank you xxx

15-11-2005, 20:24
for the poem, how about

annoyingly difficult, will need more brain power
Testing us to the limits of our mind
Excruciating pain as the minutes pass us by

Can't think of any more he he

Ey I was not talking about any poem, what you have there sounds awesome hun!


15-11-2005, 20:28
Well ive got science homework due in on monday second lesson, and ive forgotten what to do!lol
Poor you ive got essays due in i know that but i don't know which and for when well i better get looking or i just don't have any and is just worrying good luck with your homework hun.


di marco
16-11-2005, 06:24
eh i was not talking about any poem ut what you have there sounds awesome hun!

she was talking to somebody else about the poem

16-11-2005, 17:23
She was talking to somebody else about the poem
Omg man I swear you love mocking me. 1st you're like you can do text in this then, oh she was talking bout somebody else ok look i am sorry ok im new on this thing and don't get all of it okkk, woops another mistake you can't do text.


16-11-2005, 17:34
Omg man I swear you love mocking me. 1st you're like you can do text in this then, oh she was talking bout somebody else ok look i am sorry ok im new on this thing and don't get all of it okkk, woops another mistake you can't do text.

she/He is not mocking you.. just explaining what is going on.. There are rules on the board and di marco is helping you so you don't get a ban so soon after joining...

16-11-2005, 17:57
she/He is not mocking you.. just explaining what is going on.. There are rules on the board and di marco is helping you so you don't get a ban so soon after joining...
Alright :wall:

16-11-2005, 17:58
I was shocked too with the end of Sixth sense but I did wonder all the way through why the mother never talked to the psychartrisy (sp?)Because he was dead she could not see him only the boy as he said in the hospital bed i can see dead people lol

18-11-2005, 18:26
Is anyone in year 10/11 at school? If anyone is,I've just started my media english coursework and I was wondering what films people are doing/done. I'm doing Moulin Rouge and I'm kind of stuck on my homework lol, I dont understand what we have to do for media, if anyone knows anything about it, could you help me please? Thanks x :)

18-11-2005, 18:56
Is anyone in year 10/11 at school? If anyone is,I've just started my media english coursework and I was wondring what films people are doing/done. I'm doing Moulin Rouge and I'm kind of stuck on my homework lol, I dont understand what we have to do for media, if anyone knows anything about it, could you help me please? Thanks x :)
you need to talk about the different shot and music use to create the scenes example long shot close up of the actors face to show that they are scared happy crying etc or overhead shot or you have extreme close up etc
then music is like in a horor film music speeds up to create tension and suspense kk hope you get it a little we did a esay on media with the sixth sense xx

19-11-2005, 09:16
i did one last year on lord of the rings and romeo and juilet and we had to compare the two

samantha nixon
19-11-2005, 12:32
ive got science h/w and i have to design a fitness programme ive chose to do it on a runner and ive got to put in it
number of days training
exercise routine
do's and dont's
who it is for
and i cant find this info anywhere and its got to be in for monday

19-11-2005, 14:47
ive got science h/w and i have to design a fitness programme ive chose to do it on a runner and ive got to put in it
number of days training
exercise routine
do's and dont's
who it is for
and i cant find this info anywhere and its got to be in for monday

You miight find some useful ideas at this link. http://www.brianmac.demon.co.uk/longdist/tp10k.htm

19-11-2005, 20:09
ive got science h/w and i have to design a fitness programme ive chose to do it on a runner and ive got to put in it
number of days training
exercise routine
do's and dont's
who it is for
and i cant find this info anywhere and its got to be in for monday

I had to do a whole piece of PE coursework on this!! I did a netballer

First think about if this is a professional runner. They would train more than a person who just wants to get fit. Secondaly, choose if it would be a long or short distance runner, or if it would be a mixture of both. Long distnace runners would need to have a programme which built up the length and difficulty. Short distance runners would want to keep the same kind of length, but would have to be given targets or something on how fast it needs to be completed. Once you've decided these things, it will be easier.

As for the do's and don'ts, well if this is a person wanting to get fit, then it would have to start very steadily and slowly, then gradually build up over several weeks. A pro would be able to start at a high standard and quickly improve. You would have to overload the players. I dunno if you've heard of that term, but it basically means streching the players ability. Do make the training harder as you go on. Don't expect too much

Also, if you have a long time ot do this homework like i did, then consider doing it yourself. A trial is the best thing to do so that you know how realistic it is.

hope that helped!

di marco
20-11-2005, 09:06
Omg man I swear you love mocking me. 1st you're like you can do text in this then, oh she was talking bout somebody else ok look i am sorry ok im new on this thing and don't get all of it okkk, woops another mistake you can't do text.


sorry if you thought i was mocking you, i wasnt, i was just trying to give some friendly advice thats all :)

di marco
20-11-2005, 09:09
she/He is not mocking you.. just explaining what is going on.. There are rules on the board and di marco is helping you so you don't get a ban so soon after joining...

thanks siobhan, i didnt think i was being horrid to anyone

di marco
20-11-2005, 09:10
I had to do a whole piece of PE coursework on this!! I did a netballer

yeh i had to do it for gcse pe too, i did a netballer as well, was it for you pep?

samantha nixon
20-11-2005, 10:42
I had to do a whole piece of PE coursework on this!! I did a netballer

First think about if this is a professional runner. They would train more than a person who just wants to get fit. Secondaly, choose if it would be a long or short distance runner, or if it would be a mixture of both. Long distnace runners would need to have a programme which built up the length and difficulty. Short distance runners would want to keep the same kind of length, but would have to be given targets or something on how fast it needs to be completed. Once you've decided these things, it will be easier.

As for the do's and don'ts, well if this is a person wanting to get fit, then it would have to start very steadily and slowly, then gradually build up over several weeks. A pro would be able to start at a high standard and quickly improve. You would have to overload the players. I dunno if you've heard of that term, but it basically means streching the players ability. Do make the training harder as you go on. Don't expect too much

Also, if you have a long time ot do this homework like i did, then consider doing it yourself. A trial is the best thing to do so that you know how realistic it is.

hope that helped!

thank you so much that helped a lot

23-11-2005, 18:35
Hey,I was just wondering, is anyone in year 10 and got science GCSE tests tomorrow?

di marco
23-11-2005, 20:22
Hey,I was just wondering, is anyone in year 10 and got science GCSE tests tomorrow?

my sis got one but shes in yr 11

di marco
23-11-2005, 20:24
would anyone be able to help me write a letter of application? cos for part of the preparation for our performing arts exam we have to apply for a job in the performing arts industry and my teacher gave me a copy of his letter of application to be a teacher but im stuck, i tried writing one but its rubbish and ive run out of ideas to write. any help please and i will be very very very grateful! :)

23-11-2005, 20:59
Hey,I was just wondering, is anyone in year 10 and got science GCSE tests tomorrow?

The year tens in my school did theirs on monday.

24-11-2005, 08:58
would anyone be able to help me write a letter of application? cos for part of the preparation for our performing arts exam we have to apply for a job in the performing arts industry and my teacher gave me a copy of his letter of application to be a teacher but im stuck, i tried writing one but its rubbish and ive run out of ideas to write. any help please and i will be very very very grateful! :)

Can it be made up? The one we did was.
You could put about what you think you could give to the placement and why they would benefit from employing you.
Why you think the audience would like you and what sort of things you would do in awkward situations.

di marco
25-11-2005, 21:00
Can it be made up? The one we did was.
You could put about what you think you could give to the placement and why they would benefit from employing you.
Why you think the audience would like you and what sort of things you would do in awkward situations.

thanks that helps a lot. well weve got to give reference to our cv which had to be real

26-11-2005, 16:58
hi can some one help me i have to write about how America has affected my life through clothes so can give me some Americandesigners but not really expensive ones as it is meant to be ones i would wear.i would be very grateful

27-11-2005, 17:23
I am doing a project for french on the pc but can't get the accents above letters. Could someone help me please?

27-11-2005, 17:24
hi can some one help me i have to write about how America has affected my life through clothes so can give me some Americandesigners but not really expensive ones as it is meant to be ones i would wear.i would be very grateful

I don't know any but i could ask my friend for you as she cares more about the designers of clothes that she is buying.

samantha nixon
27-11-2005, 17:27
I am doing a project for french on the pc but can't get the accents above letters. Could someone help me please?

if you do it on microsoft word go on insert then symbol and you can do it on there
hope this helps

27-11-2005, 17:31

27-11-2005, 17:36
I can get the accents between the letters that way, but I still can't seem to get them over the letters.

samantha nixon
27-11-2005, 17:39
oh right i can what letters do you need it for and ill see if i can get them on mine

27-11-2005, 17:41
I don't know any but i could ask my friend for you as she cares more about the designers of clothes that she is buying.
It's ok i have managed todo it now but thanks anyway :)

27-11-2005, 17:41
e's and a's mostly. If I need any more than that I'll let you know.

27-11-2005, 19:52
do you still need help with accents?

è = ctrl + the button just above the tab key then e or a or whatever
é = ctrl+ apostrophe then e or a or whatever
ç = ctrl+ comma then c

27-11-2005, 20:25
Thanks for those:)

27-11-2005, 20:33
sure :)

di marco
27-11-2005, 20:39
do you still need help with accents?

è = ctrl + the button just above the tab key then e or a or whatever
é = ctrl+ apostrophe then e or a or whatever
ç = ctrl+ comma then c

you can also change the language to french and then it works

27-11-2005, 20:43
(i have office 97 so it doesn't change on mine... and we all know what happened when i upgraded!)

di marco
27-11-2005, 20:44
(i have office 97 so it doesn't change on mine... and we all know what happened when i upgraded!)


27-11-2005, 21:30
you can also change the language to french and then it works

How do you do that?

di marco
28-11-2005, 08:00
How do you do that?

at the bottom of your screen it should say english(uk) or english (us), double click on it and it comes up with a list of languages, scroll down and you should find french. however, when having it on french, the keyboard changes slightly to a french keyboard

28-11-2005, 15:56
On mine it says EN and if you click on that it gives you English UK or English US and also an option saying 'Show the language bar' but nothing happens if you click on it.

di marco
28-11-2005, 20:09
On mine it says EN and if you click on that it gives you English UK or English US and also an option saying 'Show the language bar' but nothing happens if you click on it.

oh, what version of windows have you got?

28-11-2005, 20:14
it might be the version of office

di marco
28-11-2005, 20:17
it might be the version of office

thats what i meant lol what version of word have you got

28-11-2005, 20:18
i have 97 and it doesn't have it... 2000 onwards has it

di marco
28-11-2005, 20:19
i have 97 and it doesn't have it... 2000 onwards has it

yeh ive got xp, and our old computer had 2000 and so do the school ones and they have it

28-11-2005, 20:30
i have xp, but we don't need up to date office and school pcs have completely up to date stuff because they are new this month

di marco
28-11-2005, 20:36
ok just checked we have windows xp but word 2000 (im getting so confused, must be the revision again lol!)

28-11-2005, 20:38
again??? lol! you can have a combo but i think i should get office 2003 but we all know what happened last time so even if i buy it i can't put it onto my pc

05-12-2005, 20:39
i have to do a solo talk in English and we can chose to do it on absoloutely anything but i do not know what to do my mum says i should do it on the smoking ban but i am not sure does anyone have any ideas?

di marco
05-12-2005, 20:44
i have to do a solo talk in English and we can chose to do it on absoloutely anything but i do not know what to do my mum says i should do it on the smoking ban but i am not sure does anyone have any ideas?

the smoking bans a good idea, but i think you need to have a good opinion yourself on the subject as well. what sort of things are you interested in or have opinions on?

06-12-2005, 09:00
You could go for somethin really wacky. When we did it, there were some really weird topics so that even if you are really nervous, you can make the others laugh

06-12-2005, 12:47
i have to do a solo talk in English and we can chose to do it on absoloutely anything but i do not know what to do my mum says i should do it on the smoking ban but i am not sure does anyone have any ideas?yer i totallly agree with di marco you should defo do that i mean if i was in your school i would infact i wish i had your homeowrk right now i mean there is so much you could say and sooo many important fcats

06-12-2005, 18:02
i have decided to do it on anorexia and my teacher says it is a good topic although i can not see many people laughing at most of the things people are going to talk about.Thanks for all your help

di marco
06-12-2005, 20:37
i have decided to do it on anorexia and my teacher says it is a good topic although i can not see many people laughing at most of the things people are going to talk about.Thanks for all your help

cool so you decided on anorexia then

06-12-2005, 21:34
i have decided to do it on anorexia and my teacher says it is a good topic although i can not see many people laughing at most of the things people are going to talk about.Thanks for all your helpcool interesting subject im sure you'll do great

samantha nixon
30-12-2005, 15:36
for re h/w we have to write either a letter or a poem about being homeless i want to do a poem as i prefer them but i dont no how to start it or finish it

di marco
04-01-2006, 20:46
for performing arts i have to do some research on stuff and im a bit stuck
does anyone know how you would write a takeover bid for a business? also does anyone know any employment laws, such as amount of holiday time, sick leave, maternity leave, and how you would write up a contract? and one last thing, does anyone know of a website where i could find out what different qualifications you need for different jobs?
id really appreciate it if anyone knew cos ive done the rest but have no idea about these ones, thanks :)

04-01-2006, 21:02
I'm struggling on with my media coursework The question is : How did the director Peter Medak gain sympathy for Derek Bentley in the film 'Let him have it!'? Did anyone else have this question?

04-01-2006, 21:04
for performing arts i have to do some research on stuff and im a bit stuck
does anyone know how you would write a takeover bid for a business? also does anyone know any employment laws, such as amount of holiday time, sick leave, maternity leave, and how you would write up a contract? and one last thing, does anyone know of a website where i could find out what different qualifications you need for different jobs?
id really appreciate it if anyone knew cos ive done the rest but have no idea about these ones, thanks :)

Try business link the website is http://www.businesslink.gov.uk

di marco
04-01-2006, 21:05
Try business link the website is http://www.businesslink.gov.uk

thnaks, but it said the page couldnt be displayed

04-01-2006, 21:07
the link works for me try it again cos i had to edit it

di marco
04-01-2006, 21:10
the link works for me try it again cos i had to edit it

thanks it works now. sorry i cant help with your hw, but i dont do media and ive never heard of the film before

08-01-2006, 13:02
ive got an as film studies exam soon: produces and audiences

if any has done this test before please help me! the teacher hasnt taught us much and he says theres no real answer you just need to write about your own opinions and weave in some technical terms!


08-01-2006, 13:49
Ummm, this is putting me off taking Media Studies!

08-01-2006, 13:53
I have to write a drama essay! help!!

What are drama conventions, is it like the different techniques????

di marco
08-01-2006, 14:46
I have to write a drama essay! help!!

What are drama conventions, is it like the different techniques????

yeh i think so, we did something about this in performing arts but i was bored and not really listening, but the teacher was talking about different practitioners and what they did

08-01-2006, 17:18
yeh i think so, we did something about this in performing arts but i was bored and not really listening, but the teacher was talking about different practitioners and what they did

Well next time listen will ya! :p
Thanks x

di marco
08-01-2006, 18:03
Well next time listen will ya! :p
Thanks x

i was listening but i chose not to do that unit and it was an after school lesson so i thought id rather be at home! if you still need help i can tell you some of the names of the people and their techniques if you want (see i was sort of listening!)

08-01-2006, 18:14
i was listening but i chose not to do that unit and it was an after school lesson so i thought id rather be at home! if you still need help i can tell you some of the names of the people and their techniques of you want (see i was sort of listening!)

no your alright honey thanks though x

31-01-2006, 16:33
I've got some ICT homework and the teacher doesn't teach us much. I've managed to do all of it exept one definition. Please copuld someone tell me what an Integer is in terms of databases.

31-01-2006, 16:43
I've got some ICT homework and the teacher doesn't teach us much. I've managed to do all of it exept one definition. Please copuld someone tell me what an Integer is in terms of databases. I think that in terms of a database, an integer field is one that can only contain numbers.

samantha nixon
31-01-2006, 17:22
integer - whole numbers only
i done this in school last week

31-01-2006, 21:52
Thanks for your help Sammie and Rob.

di marco
11-02-2006, 20:53
ok this isnt actually homework but i thought id ask about it here. ive got to prepare a physical theatre piece which uses the phrase "no body said it would be easy, no body said it would be so hard" and im not allowed to talk although i am allowed to use other vocal noises (although i cant sing to save my life!). so please would anyone be able to help me cos i have no idea where to start! thanks :)

14-02-2006, 21:48
One word sums up that phrase....."crying"

14-02-2006, 22:44
ok this isnt actually homework but i thought id ask about it here. ive got to prepare a physical theatre piece which uses the phrase "no body said it would be easy, no body said it would be so hard" and im not allowed to talk although i am allowed to use other vocal noises (although i cant sing to save my life!). so please would anyone be able to help me cos i have no idea where to start! thanks :)

Bleeding heck Dimarco what kind of lesson is that in? There was nothing like that whenI was at school and it wasnt that long ago!

di marco
15-02-2006, 08:51
Bleeding heck Dimarco what kind of lesson is that in? There was nothing like that whenI was at school and it wasnt that long ago!

no its for an audition and i couldnt get my teachers to help me cos one was suspended and the other one doesnt like me so he told me to stop wasting his time (he would rather have a fag instead of teaching us! :angry: )

di marco
15-02-2006, 08:54
One word sums up that phrase....."crying"

ok thanks for the suggestion, ill have a think about it :) i actually didnt write the exact quote down its "nobody said it would be this easy, nobody said it would be this hard, so do, do, do i really want to". also it cant be more than 30secs long and no props/costumes/music etc are allowed

15-02-2006, 21:13
So cry for 30 seconds....what are you? a woman or a mouse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

di marco
15-02-2006, 21:18
So cry for 30 seconds....what are you? a woman or a mouse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol i cant just cry and do nothing else!

di marco
16-02-2006, 09:29
ok thanks for the suggestion, ill have a think about it :) i actually didnt write the exact quote down its "nobody said it would be this easy, nobody said it would be this hard, so do, do, do i really want to". also it cant be more than 30secs long and no props/costumes/music etc are allowed

ok ive come up with an idea (partly with help from rain and her crying suggestion! :)) and id like peoples opinions on it. i thought i could do something to do with an audition or show, and the easy part could be where im able to do dancing or something really well and i find it easy, but the hard part is being able to perform it in front of people cos of getting nervous and then not really wanting to do it (do you understand what i mean?), so then it comes onto the part that although i like dancing do i really want to do it as a career in front of people? so what do you all think? and please tell me if its rubbish!

16-02-2006, 09:33
That is a really good idea. you thought about it well and it fits the criteria. Go with it

di marco
16-02-2006, 09:37
That is a really good idea. you thought about it well and it fits the criteria. Go with it

you really think so? my sister said that i wouldnt be able to do it properly, what with no talking or props

16-02-2006, 09:57
you really think so? my sister said that i wouldnt be able to do it properly, what with no talking or props

Tell your sister she is wrong. I am sure you can do it. It will be difficult but "noone said it was easy..." :D

di marco
16-02-2006, 09:59
Tell your sister she is wrong. I am sure you can do it. It will be difficult but "noone said it was easy..." :D

ok thanks for that :) i now need to go and make it up properly as i have to perform it tomorrow!

samantha nixon
16-02-2006, 16:32
that sounds like a good idea di marco

i have to write an essay on the 1989 californian earthquake i have done about the cypress freeway what else can i do

16-02-2006, 17:03
General Info about the earthquake (cause):
- how large it was on the richter scale
- the exact location of it
- the epicentre
- the type of plate boundary it occureed on, and their names

- cost to repair damage
- amount of casualties
- the long term damages (economy, unemployment rates, homeless for more than one month etc)
- short term damages (water supplies, communication etc)

Dont know if thats much help to you, but make sure you apply all those things, plus any of information that only concerned that one earthquake, and you'll have quick a good essay.

di marco
16-02-2006, 17:06
that sounds like a good idea di marco

i have to write an essay on the 1989 californian earthquake i have done about the cypress freeway what else can i do

thanks samntha :) i watched a programme about this the other week but it mostly concentrated on the cypress bypass. however it did say something about some area calle oakland that there were gas leaks which caused uncontrollable fires and some people died there

samantha nixon
16-02-2006, 17:08
thanks abi that has helped ill find the info now
and di marco i watched the prgramme aswell we watched it in our geo lesson

16-02-2006, 17:09
what would you guys expect to hear in a piece of horror music from a film. I am really struggling, any idea will help.

16-02-2006, 17:11
what would you guys expect to hear in a piece of horror music from a film. I am really struggling, any idea will help.

really creepy music, lots of violins. it is a sure sign something is going to happen.

di marco
16-02-2006, 17:11
what would you guys expect to hear in a piece of horror music from a film. I am really struggling, any idea will help.

near the end, some sort of loud noise like cymbols or something

16-02-2006, 17:15
thanks ive got that all written dow i was thinking of two violins that can play high notes, and a cello to do creepy low long notes then lots of bangs. That should do.

Is the best way to create a climax by getting louder and louder, or should it just stop.

16-02-2006, 17:19
thanks ive got that all written dow i was thinking of two violins that can play high notes, and a cello to do creepy low long notes then lots of bangs. That should do.

Is the best way to create a climax by getting louder and louder, or should it just stop.

Louder and louder but if you want people to think that something is going to be creepy but it just something innocent, stop suddenly. For example, if someone sees a shadow or something in a corner and they go to it, the music gets louder and louder but when they approach it is just something innocent like a cat or a coat, then stop the music

16-02-2006, 17:23
i htink im going to go louder and louder then a big cybol crash that i leave to fade out.

Thanks for that i have to write a horror piece for my music composition and im dead behind. ive even had to buy the software so i can do it over the holiday.

12-03-2006, 13:19
In english we've got to write a lecture on a scene from pirates of the carribean.
We have been told to research lectures and find out what you need to include in a lecture but i cant find it out anyway!!
I was wondering if anyone could help.

12-03-2006, 13:20
Thats not really that bad hayley! It's better than the homework I get!

12-03-2006, 13:32
Thats not really that bad hayley! It's better than the homework I get!
Yeah its easy but i cant find any information on lectures!!!
The essay/lecture is really hard though!

13-03-2006, 23:53
in our uni lecturers they always use slides which summarise the main points- don't know if that's any help

14-03-2006, 20:42
in our uni lecturers they always use slights which summarise the main points- don't know if that's any help
thanks i'll put that in my lecture.

07-04-2006, 08:43
Did anyone take gcse art? I have mock exam after easter, I chose pattern and I'm really stuck for ideas for my final piece! I was wondering if anyone could help :)

07-04-2006, 16:57
maybe something similar to susan eslick? its kinda modern arty stuff. my avatar is something of hers. if you look on google images you will see some other ones... hope this helps :)

samantha nixon
11-04-2006, 13:08
for art homework i have to find out about masks i have done what there made of, but i cant find what they are used for and where they come from
has anyone done this before

11-04-2006, 13:30
maybe include carnivals they are used in?

11-04-2006, 15:09
Thanks for your help with my art :D Last year we did about masks and different cultures, eg Aborigines. Maybe you could do something about how different cultures use them for different things. Hope this helps :)

18-04-2006, 15:01
Urm got to write an essay on 'why marketing is so important' , and well i have no clue, can anyone help me or point me in the way of some good sites?!
Thanks xxxx

(write 300 words about it, and so far i have 4 ) x

di marco
18-04-2006, 15:22
(write 300 words about it, and so far i have 4 ) x

lol sounds like me!
erm maybe you could say about how it persuades people to buy something they dont actually need but marketting makes them think they need it

18-04-2006, 16:32
I have to make a power point on the greenhuse effect, but i cant find many good sites

di marco
24-04-2006, 15:16
does anyone know what a respirometer is and how it works cos ive got to describe an experiment using one and i have no idea what one is, ive looked through all my text books and its not in there. thanks :)

24-04-2006, 15:31
does anyone know what a respirometer is and how it works cos ive got to describe an experiment using one and i have no idea what one is, ive looked through all my text books and its not in there. thanks :)

found something here DM http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/labbench/lab5/features.html

di marco
24-04-2006, 15:36
found something here DM http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/labbench/lab5/features.html

thanks siobhan :) i dont really understand what it means, but i need to say how you would use it in an experiment so ill just copy it lol!

24-04-2006, 15:37
thanks siobhan :) i dont really understand what it means, but i need to say how you would use it in an experiment so ill just copy it lol!

that's cheating.. it actually look very interesting.. I read through the pages..

di marco
24-04-2006, 15:38
that's cheating.. it actually look very interesting.. I read through the pages..

ok i wont copy it exactly lol! plus i need to add temperature into mine lol! the only thing i dont really understand about it is the KOH so maybe ill just leave that bit out?

di marco
24-04-2006, 15:39
oh stupid me, i didnt realise there was more than one page explaining it lol! maybe it will make sense now!

24-04-2006, 15:42
oh stupid me, i didnt realise there was more than one page explaining it lol! maybe it will make sense now!

Yeah I didn't realise that either, Very well done experiment

di marco
24-04-2006, 16:11
it makes a lot more sense now lol! thanks again :)

24-04-2006, 16:30
I've got this revision sheet for Maths Homework and I still don't understand how to do changing the subject of a formula. Can anyone help?

24-04-2006, 16:33
I've got this revision sheet for Maths Homework and I still don't understand how to do changing the subject of a formula. Can anyone help?

kim, this gives and example of how to change the subject http://www.teacherschoice.com.au/Maths_Library/Algebra/Alg_13.htm

or this

16-06-2006, 18:09
I've got this rather bizzare sicence homework. I've looked but I can't find anything remotely relevant. I need to research poisons that contain potassium compounds. Does anyone have any idea of where I can look?

di marco
16-06-2006, 19:42
I've got this rather bizzare sicence homework. I've looked but I can't find anything remotely relevant. I need to research poisons that contain potassium compounds. Does anyone have any idea of where I can look?

erm i dont know sorry, ill see if i can find out, if it helps bananas contain potassium lol!