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18-04-2005, 21:00
Ok this is how it goes, you have to answer the dilemma above and make your own one up

If you found a bag on a bus, would you hand it in?

di marco
18-04-2005, 21:13
yeh i would but id have to find out where to hand it to first, maybe the bus company office?

if you saw a group of teenage boys beating up an old lady late at night and you were out by yourself, what would you do?

18-04-2005, 22:29
phone the police on my mobile and try to help

18-04-2005, 22:37
I'll think of one for debs26.

Your best mate goes out in a really dodgy outfit, what do you do?

19-04-2005, 00:15
best mate should always be honest...so you tell her to go home and change

You bump the car in front and make a small dent,no one saw do it.. you do you leave your number...or just drive off ?

19-04-2005, 00:49
drive off!! :D

Your mate asks you what you think of her new boyfriend, do you tell her the truth and say you dont think he's good looking or lie and say you think he's great?

19-04-2005, 23:15
tell 'em to get married immediately because you should never "judge a book by its cover!"

You work in a bank and the robbery occurs. You recognise the robber - do you dob her in?

21-04-2005, 00:32
no - I'd ask her for a cut :)

the TV license man comes knocking on your door dressed as a pizza delivery man. You have no license and you have not ordered a pizza - do you open up?

21-04-2005, 09:20
No- I'd tell them that have the wrong house

A car is on the side of the road, it looks like a breakdown and the woman is on her own and looks upset but you are in a hurry. what do you do?

21-04-2005, 21:39
I know nothing about cars, so i'd offer her my mobile to call someone.

The telly you have been after and saving for at least a year becomes available "off the back of a lorry" do you take it?

21-04-2005, 21:46

you are walking your dog and all of a sudden it decides to do its business you have nothing to clean it up with, there is no one about what do you do?

21-04-2005, 22:29
you walk away and make out you didnt see it

You go to the cashpoint and it gives you £100 extra do you keep it...and treat yourself or give it back ?

22-04-2005, 00:04
keep it without a doubt! :D

You catch one of your best mate's snogging another one of your best mates's boyfrend. Do you tell your best mate (who's boyfriend it is) or keep quiet for your other mate who he was snogging ??

22-04-2005, 10:32
no one will believe you if you did say something. I'd stay away from unfaithful people like that - its about trust - no trust no go.

You see your teacher drop an exam paper 1 hour before the exam starts - what do you do?

23-04-2005, 09:26
leave it on the floor where she dropped it - and walk away, no one would believe you that you never looked at it, and there is no point in cheating it always catches up

you have an extended warranty on a laptop, do you chuck it down the stairs before the warranty is up so the insurance company has to replace it?

di marco
23-04-2005, 12:40
yep i would. you need to take whatever you can from insurance people!

your house is on fire and your 2 little children are trapped upstairs. you will only have time to save one. what would you do?
a) leave them both in there so you dont have to choose
b) choose to save one of them and leave the other one to die
c) save one then go back and try and save the other, even though you might also die in trying
d) try and struggle with both of them at once, even though none of you might get out alive
e) something else (state what)

23-04-2005, 12:50
ohh, thats REALLY tricky!!
It's really un-fair that you would have to leave on in there to die so D. At least you tried even if you don't get out alive, they would have perished in there anyway!

Your mum made your favourite cake and put it in the fridge, but you can't have it till your family come round for lunch tomorrow. But you want it SO desperatly, you can taste it in your mouth and every thing. But you mum said that you mustn't touch it un till then. What do you do?

di marco
23-04-2005, 12:57
i wouldnt touch it as my mum would get really angry so its just not worth it. anyway, ill get some later

youre doing some sort of mini test at school and you realise that your teacher has left all the answers still on the wall. what would you do?

23-04-2005, 13:17
Umm, honestly. If nobody was looking and I couldn't do in my head i'd use it as a learning aid. Ahem, if i was really having trouble then i would use it yes. And if the test isn't important it shouldn't really matter.

You and your brother had just had a major bust up in the car on the way to getting paint for his new room. You get there and your brother specifys that he wants a blue colour for his walls. Your mum not really paying attention picks up the colour next to the blue he pointed out (this colour being yellow) and puts it in the trolley. But he HATES yellow. Your heading for the tills, Do you tell your brother even though your still in a mood with him?

di marco
23-04-2005, 18:11
no i wouldnt! haha! though when we got home and he realised, i could pretend i didnt notice either and that it was all my mums fault! lol!

you find out that your best mate is going to meet up with someone she met on the internet in a fairly remote area without anyone going with her. what would you do?

23-04-2005, 19:03
grass her up! and get her grounded for life!

You make a "promise" you can't keep to someone close - do you admit it and say sorry or do you just keep quiet (hmmmm! a bit politian-like I suppose)

di marco
23-04-2005, 20:07
id admit it. theyre going to find out in the end so its best to just say it straight away. hopefully theyll understand

you told your mum that youd been revising for your very important exam for months but really youd just been on the computer the whole time. when the results come back youve failed by quite a lot. how do you explain it to your mum?

24-04-2005, 10:09
Umm, say the examiner was biased or just say you had an awful headache just before the test so all that precious cramming didn't pay off. Which ever one you mum is most likely to believe!

One of your best mates is getting ready to go to a wedding, she was picked as a brides maid. You and your other mate are painted her nails a deep red colour when some thing jogs you and you spill a blob onto her gown. You could easily turn it around so it looks like your other friend did it when she wasn't paying attention. Do you come clean or blame it on your other mate?

24-04-2005, 10:21
Absolutely blame it on the other mate ( i have very little conscience :D )

You find out a siblings partner has cheated on them with a one night stand. Do you tell the sibling? or keep a watchful eye on said partner and see if they do it again?

And just to satisfy my curious mind, how many of these dilema's are based on peoples actual experiences hmm? :)

24-04-2005, 10:38
I would tell the partner that I knew what they had done and make it clear if it happened again I would tell my sibling what they had been up to,

you are on the way to meet a new boyfriend/girlfriend for a date and you are running late, on the way you are a witness to a crime, but no one has seen that you saw what happened, do you rush on to meet "mr/mrs right" or do you stay and give evidence to the police?

(Rain - LOL about wanting to know how many are based on peoples experiences, - mine haven't been :) )

di marco
24-04-2005, 14:05
id rush off then id go down the police station later and tell them id seen it but make up somewhere that i had to go urgently

you skived the afternoon off school and your headteacher phoned up your parents. what would you tell them when you got home?

(well some of mine have been from experience but some are just made up)

24-04-2005, 14:43
School has been hell and your having real trouble in a certain lesson. (Really, you and your bf just skived because you hate double maths) your parents'll do stuff to help you and only get a minor telling off!!

You and your boyfriend/girlfriend are in the middle of some steamy snogging (which your parents disapprove of) in the middle of the street when it's just getting dark. A car drives past and you think nothing of it. When you get home your parents say they saw you and a girl/boy in the street kissing romantically. Do you tell them it was some one who must have looked like you or do you come clean?

(mine have all been made up-ahem :D)

di marco
24-04-2005, 17:55
id tell my mum that it must have been someone that looked liked me and as it was getting dark she obviously didnt see properly! then id tell my bf to make sure that he didnt say anything!

youre in your local corner shop and the person behind the counter gives you 20p extra in change from your packet of crisps. what do you do?

24-04-2005, 18:00
Give it back.

Your anti-social neighbours always play their music late at night. Whilst it doesn't bother you, you know that the elderly couple on the other side are at their wits end but too scared to do anything. What would you do?

di marco
24-04-2005, 18:05
well if they were the sort of people to thump you if you went round there and said something then i wouldnt do anything. but if they werent that bad then i would go round there and say that although i dont mind their music and its alright playing it that loud in the day could they please turn it down when it gets late, and id hope that theyd listen to me!

youre looking along the road and you see a group of kids smashing up the bus shelter/stop thing. what do you do?

24-04-2005, 23:55
hope the tories get elected - because taxes are coming down any way!!!!

You are a shop keeper selling a CD writer to someone. You don't want to turn the customer away because you have none in stock - so should you give them a dud one (that doesn't work and you know it doesn't) in the hope that by the time they figure it out you will have some in stock to swap or do you tell them you have none in stock and lose biz?

(there are some strange dilemas about - scary stuff goes on in human minds!)

25-04-2005, 02:29
I would tell them that i didnt have any in stock but when i did they could have it at a discount price in the hope that they would come back in the future!?!?!?!

you are a hairdresser, you are supposed to be dying someones hiar blonde, but it goes the totally wrong colour, do you tell them, apologise and refund their money straight away, or do you try and fix on the chance that it could go even worse?

di marco
25-04-2005, 08:25
id refund their money but say that i could try and fix it if they want me too (if it was me it would go wrong as im awful at that sort of thing! lol!)

youre in the supermarket with your little son/daughter. once youve got out of the shop you realise that they put some sweets in their pocket which you didnt pay for. would you take them back?

25-04-2005, 14:41
no, supermarkets make more than enough money from me that a couple of sweets arn't going to make much difference to them but taking my kids back in the shop would make a huge difference to me! BUT I would take the sweets off my son and tell him that it was really wrong

dilemma, your best mate is really anoying you talking about something, do you tell them to stop and offend them or let them carry on and get upset

25-04-2005, 17:11
If they kept going on about something, i would tell them in the nicest way to please stop, and if it was that important then they should do something about it anyway, going on and on to the wrong person solves nothing.

If a very good friend was at your house having a few drinks and then got blinding drunk, and out of stupidity through a brick through your next door neighbours window, would you tell them who it was?

25-04-2005, 17:36
Hmm. No! Not if I could avoid it. Probably not. Just say it was some guy who ran off.

The new shop assistant changes you £3 for milk, a magazine, 4 bars of chocolate and some sugar. Do you point out they are wrong...?

di marco
25-04-2005, 20:54
seeing as i dont know how much milk and sugar cost, i dont know how much they should have charged. if they were charging me more than they should then id tell them but if they were underchargung me then i wouldnt say anything, its their own fault and it also might make the person embarrassed if you pointed it out

youre on the bus coming home from a long day at work. when you get on the bus, you take the last seat. at the next stop an elderly woman gets on. do you give up your seat for her or hope that someone else will?

25-04-2005, 22:32
If elderly/disabled people were sat in the seats reserved for them I would, if there was younge/able boddie people sat there I would create (I've done this before)

Your using you pearents computer and you "stumble" across some e-mail from your dad, its obviouse hes been talking to women on line. Do you confront him? Tell your Mum or somthing else?

di marco
26-04-2005, 06:43
to start with, i wouldnt say anything but would try and read some more emails from that woman. if i thought something was going on, id ask my sis what she thought first, then id confront my dad. i wouldnt say anything to my mum til i knew what was going on and if something was going on, id try and persuade my dad to tell her himself

youre daydreaming about something while in a lesson (something a lot lot more interesting than the boring lesson!). the teacher asks you a question and you dont know what theyve been going on about for the past 15mins. what do you do?

27-04-2005, 17:49
(Ha! This happened to me today!) Pause and wait for a mate to tell me the answer, or just say dunno ;)

What would you do if you saw a friends Dad kissing another woman, while you know he's happily married to your friend's mum..

28-04-2005, 14:20
I'd phone David Blunket :) and ask his advice!

What do you do if you miss a your docs appointment - phone up later and make an excuse or tell them you forgot (happened to me today - lines engaged :) )

28-04-2005, 17:18
i would make another appointment, and make out that i had no idea that i had an appointment already booked, and that it must have been an accident.

What would you do if you saw a mother hitting her son/daughter down the street? ignore it, or say something?

29-04-2005, 12:54
no - because it gets you in to the wrong frame of mind. You will end up thinking like that by default and it will affect you as a person - although i think insurance companies are some of the lowest forms of "life" on earth it does you more damage in the long run.

Edit -I think i was slightly out of touch with a post I read earlier - sorry.

You are the best footballer on the pitch (by a country mile) - do you tell everyone that they are "no good" (expletive) or stop playing or play "20%" of your ability?

29-04-2005, 16:07
Hmm, If I was that good I'd just show off. Or if they wern't up to scratch i'd leave :P

You are in a supermarket and your kid has just put a packet of sweets in her pocket. No-one has noticed and she isn't making a fuss, do you just leave them there..?

di marco
30-04-2005, 08:09
no i wouldnt just leave them there cos although the shop prob wouldnt miss them, i would want my kid to know that what she was doing is wrong

you see some kids of about 8 trying to kick a pigeon in the high street that is obviously injured. their parents are sitting just a bit away from them and seem to be ignoring what they are doing. what would you do?

01-05-2005, 00:06
depends on the age of the kids - explanation followed by a chase with a crow bar. Humans have done enough to kill each other and the wildlife and I think something needs to be done to stop our "killing"

you know your kid is not ill but wants a day off school - lazy and boring lesson. Do you go a long with it?

01-05-2005, 01:00
The first time most definatey. I'll send them to the police station for an errand with a note saying "i'm a traunt. Please lock me in a cell for the day to teach me a lesson"

Your kid is always complaining that his friends have the latest gizmos (xbox, playstation etc), but he has nothing. You already are stuggling to make ends meet. What would you do?

di marco
01-05-2005, 09:30
id tell him he should be grateful for what hes got and that if he carries on moaning then i would take all his other toys and stuff away from him!

youre at school and catch some of the younger kids smoking in the toilets. its against the school rules and teachers are always telling you to inform them if it is happening. what do you do?

01-05-2005, 14:49
school budgets should cover smoke alarms!

You're walking past a shop and see someone drop £10 - nope make it £20 - on the floor - what do you do?

di marco
01-05-2005, 16:10
as i saw the person drop it i would run after then and give it back. £20 is a lot of money and although im always skint and could do with £20 i wouldnt like it if i dropped it and no one told me

youre at school and some kids are selling ipods really cheaply. you really want one and cant afford to buy them from the shops but the price theyre asking for you can afford. however you know these kids are trouble and people have had ipods go missing at the school, so they have probably stolen them to sell. would you buy one? what would you do?

04-05-2005, 15:51
no I wouldnt buy one, I'd grass them up, if there is a market for stolen ipods, what makes you think your new "bought" one wouldn't go missing again?

your best mates new bloke/girl is hideous do you tell them they are scraping the bottom of the bucket?

di marco
04-05-2005, 20:55
no cos its their choice at the end of the day, i wouldnt want to fall out with them over it

you go to a party with a group of friends and its miles away from your house. only one of you can drive (your bezzie mate) and they promised that they wouldnt drink anything. however, although they arent drunk, they have had a few to drink and prob shouldnt be driving. you want to go home, but its a really unsociable hour. what do you do?

16-05-2005, 22:01
If its at a friends house I would stay at a mates house or I would call my mum, she would come pick me up.

If you were about to have you GCSE's and you hadn't revised for the maths exam and you saw the paper in front of you with answers, would you look at it or not?

di marco
17-05-2005, 06:31
prob if i knew i wasnt going to get caught! id feel really guilty afterwards but they shouldnt have left it lying around should they!

you need to do a coursework essay and when you are doing research on the internet, you find one that answers the exact question you have to and it looks really good. would you use it and say you wrote it yourself?

17-05-2005, 18:58
I would save the site and if I ended up doing a really bad piece of coursework I would edit the information and submit it.

If there is a million pounds on one side of you and you beloved dog hanging off a cliff on the other side and one will be destoryed if you head towards the other one, which on do you pick?

17-05-2005, 19:23
Money!! I H8 Dogs!!!

U Can Only Get 1 Autograph And Leslie Grantham Is On 1 Side Of U And Tracy-ann Oberman(or Cowan) On The Other Side Who Do U Pic?

di marco
17-05-2005, 20:27
Money!! I H8 Dogs!!!

thats quite cruel, would def be the dog, no amount of money would make up for it

17-05-2005, 20:29
i dnt mind em but my family had 2 pay loadz of money wen a dog attacked me coz i ad 2 hav cosmetic surgery 2 get rid of scars!!

18-05-2005, 09:45
i would get tracy ann's autograph, but to be honest i wouldn't really want eithers

18-05-2005, 14:08
if there was a bottle of brandy and a packet ciggies and you could only have one what would ya choose

18-05-2005, 14:28
bottle of brandy as i dont smoke lol

19-05-2005, 09:34
if you had a choice to see elton john in concert or george michael who would you choose

phils little sister
19-05-2005, 10:44
Elton John

Your best friend has not been around the past while and only rings you when he/she wants something, what do you do?

di marco
19-05-2005, 10:47
try to stop bothering about them and when they want something make up an excuse that youre busy, theyre not much of a friend if they only use you for their advantage

youre 16 and you havent even told your mum that you have a boyfriend. however you now find out that youre pregnant. what do you do?
(if youre a boy then answer it as youre 16 and your girlfriends pregnant and you havent even met her parents before)

phils little sister
19-05-2005, 11:59
try to stop bothering about them and when they want something make up an excuse that youre busy, theyre not much of a friend if they only use you for their advantage

youre 16 and you havent even told your mum that you have a boyfriend. however you now find out that youre pregnant. what do you do?
(if youre a boy then answer it as youre 16 and your girlfriends pregnant and you havent even met her parents before)

thats a toughie - i dont really know what i would do but probably just tell my ma as i get on with her really well, maybe confide in a friend defo not one of my Brother's they would hit the roof!

You are aware the one of your neighbours constantly leaves her young children in the house with her 12 year old daughter for a babysitter, while she and her husband are out in the pub getting rat assed - what would you do report them or turn a blind eye??

di marco
19-05-2005, 12:39
thats a hard one. i dont think id report them but i couldnt just not do anything. maybe (as i love little kids!) id go round there and say how i know that its hard finding babysitters when you want to go out and that when i wasnt doing anything id go round there and look after them and say that id charge less than i normal babysitter and hopefully theyd ask me. (that way id also be getting money at the same time lol!)

you catch one of your mates taking money out of one of your other mates purse. what do you do?

phils little sister
19-05-2005, 13:04
Give her a slap and tell her to put it back and i would probably tell the person who owned the purse aswell, thats not a friend if they do something like that.

I ust to work in a shop and in our locker room the lockers were not the best and things were going missing quite a lot like clothe's, money, ciggies, moblie phones etc. i think it is discraceful how could anyone do that to someone the regard as a friend. the girl that was actually stealing all the gear was eventually caught - i had left this job at this stage, lucky enough for her.!

You are out walking and you spot a Drug Dealer doing a deal you notice that it is one of your neighbours what do you do?

19-05-2005, 14:46
nothing i'd stay out of it.

You find a ten pound note on the floor do you pick it up or leave it?

di marco
19-05-2005, 19:15
id pick it up otherwise someone else is going to. but depending on where i found it id hand it in as £10 is a lot of money and if i lost that amount id need to get it back

you want to wear this really nice to dress to a friends party but you cant really afford to buy it. what do you do, dont buy it and wear something else, buy it anyway, or buy it and then take it back once youve worn it?

20-05-2005, 15:08
Dont buy it and wear something else.

your best friends boyfriend kisses you unexpectidly. what do you do?

20-05-2005, 15:16
Give him slap!

Your brother/sister getts drunk and he/she 16, do you tell your parents?

20-05-2005, 15:27
No i remember being 16 and getting drunk!! :cheer:

20-05-2005, 15:47
Yeah, me too! :D

phils little sister
20-05-2005, 15:58
Give him slap!

Your brother/sister getts drunk and he/she 16, do you tell your parents?

I have a little sister that is 16 and last year i came home from being out at about 2am and she was lying on the bedroom floor on her back with sick all over her - she was out cold and after getting sick i tryed to lift her up but her head just kept falling back i couldnt lift her i thought she was dead, i got such a fright i had to call me ma, my ma lifted her and brought her into the bathroom and put her in the bath she finally woke up and she was out of it she couldnt even talk, i dont think people understand how dangerous underage drinking actually is - mean if i hadnt come home that night god knows what would have happened, so yes i would tell my ma if i caught her again - but i doubt i will after what happened

another time i was walking through the local supermarket and there were about 3 or 4 young girls around 14 or 15 and they asked me would i go into the off-licence for them, i said no and as i was walking off one of them said something so i went over and told the Security Officer that they were trying to buy drink and he threw them out! im not normally a grass but i am totally against Teen Drinking - and yes maybe i did have a scoop or two when i was 16 but never got myself into some of the situations that teens are in today!!

di marco
20-05-2005, 21:19
your best friends boyfriend kisses you unexpectidly. what do you do?

Give him slap!

exactly what i thought!

23-05-2005, 15:02
i would too but i would also tell my mate.