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24-09-2006, 22:11
Val and Diane behind the bar together, comedy is garantted, cant wait for some great scenes between the pair

26-09-2006, 10:29
Val and Diane are very funny when they are fighting. I'm getting tried of the Kings now i hope Carl and Chas are reunited properly and do get married. Is Grayson's lawyer gay and does he fancy Grayson?

26-09-2006, 14:28
Diane and Val are so funny. I realy cant stand Jo, she does my head in, and so does Toni. I felt really sorry for Katie last night she didnt deserve Perdy to have a go at her.

Betty and Snady and Len were very funny in the pub last night as well.

26-09-2006, 15:35
Diane and Val are so funny. I realy cant stand Jo, she does my head in, and so does Toni. I agree with you there. They are pointless characters. Paddy should keep it in the family and stick with the Dingles.

samantha nixon
26-09-2006, 16:39
the toni storyline i think is being dragged on and it not even a good storyline to keep dragging up

26-09-2006, 16:43
THats what i think to, i dont see any point in it. all it is is her whinig in hospital, put us all out of our misery and give her an exit storyline. In soaps some characters work and some dont. Toni just doesnt work.

26-09-2006, 22:16
A good few episodes of Emmerdale...Jo is so scheming! I am loving her character...i can't believe Katie and Andy are still letting her stay! She is very obsessive.

I am also loving Diane and Val behind the bar together too, some great comedy will be happening here, that's for sure. :D

I wish Paddy and Toni would just get together, they're made for each other!

27-09-2006, 11:30
Wonderful episode Monday woth comedy/humour dominating it.

We had Val/Daine doing their double act behind the bar with Betty/Sandy in the kitchen causing chaos and setting it on fire.:lol: I really like these two together they are wonderful and I liked the way Betty/Sandy were canoodling in the kitchen.

Over at Home Farm we had the lovely Matt with his facial expressions which are just getting more wonderful by the episode! (Well done to Matt Healy for doing such a fantstic job) I just cracked up when Chas mentioned her cleavage, the expression on Matt's face:rotfl: This is what I am noticing about Matt, when he is silent in a scene you have to watch his face! Also Matt is interacting with the characters with who he has been placed beautifully and I just love the way his charcter is developing.
I'm glad that Tom backed off Chas and came to his senses by admitting that she cannot beheld responsible for what her family do, no more than he or any of his clan can be held responsible for any wrong doing one of them does. Chas will win the respect she deserves and she will do a good job in Harrogate and sort things out there for the Kings. I'm sure, given time, she will forgive Carl for not standing by her, as she did him throughout the kidnap, when she needed him to. I think they will be Emmerdale's wedding of the year (The Kings have to have some happiness with at least one of the brothers relationship working out)
The scene which really made my night was when Perdy's horse booted Hari the vet, sending him flying to the ground and landing flat on his face (at first I thought the horse had kicked him up the backside):rotfl:

I agree Toni definitely needs to get lost, Paddy should of stood by and stayed with Del. Who knows maybe he'l cahnge his mind over the next fortnight:p

Jo I don't mind so much these days and I definitely prefer her and Andy together rather than Andy/Katie. Katie has become boring.

Still loving Grayson and have now warmed to Perdy, am enjoying seeing their true colours starting to come through.

Still excellent writing/scripting/storylining and a very good mix of characters Tuesday with the humour being portrayed brilliantly by those invovled.:clap:

05-10-2006, 21:28
Terrible episode tonight.. completely OTT ending with Del & Toni. What a pathetic storyline.

07-10-2006, 11:28
Emmerdale is still shining although it is a bit quiet in the Dale's at the moment.

There is plenty of "action" building and ongoing, Romance, reuniting of a father and daughter, bankrupcy, negligence, seduction etc..etc..

There has been some funny King scenes this week with Tom staggering around drunk, upsetting everyone, with Matt/Carl trying to keep him inorder. More nice scenes this week between Carl/Matt this time, I'm glad that they are "brotherly" again, going down the pub together, working together, laughing together. Of course we had some of those famous facial expressions again from Matt and Tom!
Enjoying the Sinclairs, Perdy has grown on me now and Rosemary is getting there, shame there's been no Grayson this week.

Katie is now my annoying character and I just don't feel sorry for her at all.

Jo I've warmed more to now and really like her and Andy together along with baby Sarah. The same is with Scott Windsor I quite like him again now and am enjoying the storyline with him and Debbie. Glad that Jasmine has gone and hope that it is for good.

Toni I hate and feel sorry for Del, but I am annoyed with her for the way she keeps grovelling to Toni. Paddy really needs a kick up the bum it is Del he should be with not Toni, Del is lovely, kind and gentle.

Good viewing still, good acting and good writing even though there's nothing major happening just now:)

09-10-2006, 17:16
what happened with toni and del last thurs i missed that episode...

12-10-2006, 11:01
what happened with toni and del last thurs i missed that episode...

If you go to the ITV website they have a very good update section there.:)

Emmerdale is still shining and so is the gorgeous Matthew, his character's personality is wonderful. I really like Matt and Perdy they look right together and I enjoyed the scene the other night in the office with the two of them, they showed their vulnerable, soft and caring side. They are alike, hard on the outside, ruthless when they want to be, but have a lovely soft centre.

I'm also enjoying Tom and Rosemary they are great. We have them both scamming each other by seeing one another as an answer to their financial difficulties yet both are stony broke!

We have more comedy with Viv/Bob where Viv is "trumping" everywhere:rotfl:
Also we have comedy from Shadrach.
Debbie/Scott still enjoying their storyline, another good match.
Unfortunately we have the return of the dreaded Eli who I have noticed has the same hair style as Cain used to:rolleyes: However he does appear to of shredded that awful mess around his face.

Great all round comedy/acting, writing etc as usual, no gritty drama at the moment just good all round storylines trudging along nicely with lots of romance including older romance which I like to see. Poor Edna she really has it bad for Tom:lol:

16-10-2006, 21:50
This thing with Edna and her son is a right yawnfest. Surely they could have given her a better storyline than this. :thumbsdow

16-10-2006, 22:34
Like what?

Perhaps she takes off her hat and reveals some frayed electrical wires, still sparking away out of her head.

Jessica Watson
17-10-2006, 09:43
I'm not liking Emmerdale at the moment. Its rather dull. :thumbsdow Even EastEnders which is pretty boring right now is miles better than it so thats saying something.

17-10-2006, 11:31
Apart from the yawnfest of Edna and son Emmerdale is bubbling along nicely with a lot of excellent storie coming to fruition over the next few weeks and months. It certainly is nowhere near as bad as EE is at the minute.

Jessica Watson
17-10-2006, 11:43
Apart from the yawnfest of Edna and son Emmerdale is bubbling along nicely with a lot of excellent storie coming to fruition over the next few weeks and months. It certainly is nowhere near as bad as EE is at the minute.

I disagree both are as bad as each other.

You have to me a serious Emmerdale and EE fan not to see it.

17-10-2006, 12:07
I disagree both are as bad as each other.

You have to me a serious Emmerdale and EE fan not to see it. Your opinion. The vast majority of people posting on this forum and others are of the opinion that Emmerdale is miles ahead of EE at the moment not only in its storylines but in both quality of its actors and scripts.

17-10-2006, 13:45
Your opinion. The vast majority of people posting on this forum and others are of the opinion that Emmerdale is miles ahead of EE at the moment not only in its storylines but in both quality of its actors and scripts.

Well said and how true.:) IMO Emmerdale definitely has the stronger actors/actresses and characters.

O.K Emmerdale is a bit slow at the mo but I'm finding that the case with almost everything, it's that "phase" time again, but it is still enjoyable and doesn't want me to turn it off.

It is nice to see Edna in a central role and I really like Rosemary and Tom as a couple, even though she is stuck up.

17-10-2006, 15:37
can we not have one discussion on an episode without someone coming in to say Its better that EE, no EE well better. It really is a little bit irritating.

I want to know where they got the new Victoria she definatly sounds like a graduate from the Saphie Webster school of acting.

17-10-2006, 16:10
can we not have one discussion on an episode without someone coming in to say Its better that EE, no EE well better. It really is a little bit irritating.

I agree but I was not the one who brought EE into this thread. I was merely responding to another post.

Anyway back on topic. The new Victoria is appalling. The character seems to haved developed attitude just overnight. As they knew they were replacing the actress they should have started a major personality change before she went to Spain.

18-10-2006, 09:40
Good old Tom sorting Edna's problem out for her, I'm glad that it had a happy outcome.

Well I have to admit I think Eli is starting to grow on me, just wish he'd finish off shaving that awful beard, stubble would be nicer.

As for the new Victoria I can't take to her mainly because she is nothing like the old one.

Emily is being a bit creepy skulking around in the dark in that Darth Vader cape:lol:

18-10-2006, 09:46
Emily is being a bit creepy skulking around in the dark in that Darth Vader cape:lol: Yes WTF is that about. She is like the woman from the Scottish Widows advert:rotfl:

18-10-2006, 12:33
Yes WTF is that about. She is like the woman from the Scottish Widows advert:rotfl:

:rotfl: so she does!

Well I'm guessing that for whatever reason she has had some sort of breakdown. Either that or a serious case of the "guilts" Mind you I do know a little something extra:p :D

So what will Paddy do if/when he sees her? Del/Toni or Emily? um..I think the only sane one there is Del...maybe

I'm liking Daz and glad that he is now paired up with someone other than Debbie and Jasmine, even though she is a little b****r I'm sure I will get used to the new Victoria in time, it's just that she is soooo different and looks a lot older.:wall:

BTW Scott has grown back on me:lol: (think I must be going down with something, what with me now warming to Eli as well):lol:

18-10-2006, 12:38
:" Mind you I do know a little something extra:p :D

Do share with the rest of us mere mortals

18-10-2006, 12:43
Do share with the rest of us mere mortals

o.k just for you:) you may or may not know but Emily tries to commit(Spelling blank)suicide by tying I think stones or something to her feet and then heads for the river. Sam is out poaching and sees a body in the river, so I think he must save her. I think prior to this Emilly comes face to face with the Dingles who aren't pleased to see her, obviously. Anyway the full info is on DS

30-10-2006, 19:40
Emmerdale's gone right downhill these past few weeks if you ask me. I think it's showing aswell judging by the date of the last post in this thread. I'm not really bothered if I miss an episode now.

02-11-2006, 00:22
How Brilliant is Linda Thorson as the uber Bitch Rosemary Sinclair. Pity she hadnt been cast as SADie King instead of the woefully pathetic Patsy Kensh*t. She is absolutely FAN bloody tastic and the double act between her and Chas (Lucy Pargetter)is yet another ITV triumph in soap coupling. Brilliant . who cares about RIGGED awards shows even the dogs in the street know Emmerdale is brilliant:cheer:

02-11-2006, 09:02
Emmerdale is still shining brilliantly and of course at the moment I am REALLY enjoying it because it is "My Viewing Time"

Same as before with regards to a certain King Member:love: :D the others are shining too Jimmy losing it, Carl bricking it and Matt holding everything together.
Glad to see Grayson back on our screens and to see that he is indeed a Dodgy lawyer, Matt/Grayson perfect "Business" partners.
Loving the Sinclairs and yes I agree Rosemary is just superb and is a brilliant bitch of the Dales.
Eli is growing on me and still liking Scott, but loved the fact that he lost the Kings' contract.:D
Viv/Bob sweet as ever (even though I am not happy with Bob or Terry for what they did to Jimmy the other night):angry:

Looking forward to all the upcoming action/drama etc, both soft and hard and espec to the whodunnit. I have my ten suspects all lined up complete with motives:D

(RIGGED is correct and I stand by my hatred and disapproval of the "National Twit Awards" etc.)

02-11-2006, 09:07
I think it's showing aswell judging by the date of the last post in this thread.

Opinion respected:) But posting on these boards or threads is no judgement of how well a soap/programme is or is not doing, these days I am enjoying my Emmerdale in "Peace" Not everyone wants to use message boards to express their opinions or enjoyment of something, or like myself have better things to do:) (being friendly):)

02-11-2006, 11:15
Opinion respected:) But posting on these boards or threads is no judgement of how well a soap/programme is or is not doing, these days I am enjoying my Emmerdale in "Peace" Not everyone wants to use message boards to express their opinions or enjoyment of something, or like myself have better things to do:) (being friendly):) Me too. I find that I cannot spend as much time on here as I used to do. Just because I do not post as often does not mean I have lost interest in either Emmerdale or Soapboards.

02-11-2006, 11:51
Me too. I find that I cannot spend as much time on here as I used to do. Just because I do not post as often does not mean I have lost interest in either Emmerdale or Soapboards.

Sometimes I just prefer to read other people's opinions, if I can add something of interest or comment then I may do so or if I can't add anything then I don't.

I love my Emmerdale but I can't always find something different to say about an episode or character that I have said previously. If I keep on repeating posts then I'm sure people will become bored silly. So I tend to either do the odd one off posts now or wait until a Big storyline.:)

Like yourself I love Rosemary and share your opinion of her.

something I forgot to mention I'm finding the working partnership between Rodney and Shadrach hilarious, I like this as it has Shadrach doing something different instead of boozing, burping and *******!!

05-11-2006, 19:21
Opinion respected:) But posting on these boards or threads is no judgement of how well a soap/programme is or is not doing, these days I am enjoying my Emmerdale in "Peace" Not everyone wants to use message boards to express their opinions or enjoyment of something, or like myself have better things to do:) (being friendly):)Fair enough :) I just assumed that maybe the lack of posts meant that other people were losing interest in the show aswell, as you for example used to post what you thought about nearly every episode. :)

Well personally I think it's dire at the moment. This thing with Edna & Tom fails to interest me.. then we've got this whole "Save the Post Office" rubbish. No sorry I just can't get into it at the moment.

05-11-2006, 20:52
ive missed quite a few episodes and i found it quite difficult to get to grips with what was going on. I assume that viv wants to close the post office, but im completley lost with the whole edna and madge storyline.

06-11-2006, 10:39
Although I am still enjoying Emmerdale, I am finding it very slow with very little happening. Yes I agree B24 and Cornetgal as much as I love Edna I am finding her storyline boring with the exception of her being in love with Tom, I find this rather sweet and would love a relationship between them...but alas...

I won't be enjoying this week as much as I usually do because it won't be my viewing time and I'm fed up with Steph/Adam.

However I do know that a lot of good stuff is coming up and the majority of it I will enjoy very much:D

06-11-2006, 10:49
Fair enough :) I just assumed that maybe the lack of posts meant that other people were losing interest in the show aswell, as you for example used to post what you thought about nearly every episode. :)

Always nice to read your opinions and views:) Apart from the reasons already mentioned if I'm honest I'm losing interest in these boards a bit (think it's an age thing:lol: )

Well personally I think it's dire at the moment. This thing with Edna & Tom fails to interest me.. then we've got this whole "Save the Post Office" rubbish. No sorry I just can't get into it at the moment.

Agree but I personally wouldn't call it dire, just slow. There are things that irritate me like Bob, Jamie, Louise, Jean and even Val at times. I found Emily's return boring and just hope that the character is going to become interesting again. Chas/Carl are getting on my nerves a bit at the mo with their constant arguing. However I do like the "idea" of Tom/Edna as a couple but apart from the love aspect this storyline is boring.

To me though this is all the calm before the tropical storm!:D

06-11-2006, 14:43
Isn't Edna like way older than Tom? Anyhow I think it would have been better and funnier if Tom had lusted after her.. :rotfl:

I'm really enjoying watching Debbie.. Ok, don't know if that sounds right. I like her character.

I don't think there's enough going on. When will the twin be born- I can't wait to see Viv with nappy changing duty or will she give that role to Bob..?

06-11-2006, 16:14
Bob should be wearing the nappies himself.

06-11-2006, 19:42
Emmerdale was on one of the tvs last night at the gym, and I caught a bit of it, and I was wondering why is it that Edna always wears a hat? (well okay Im not a regular Emmerdale viewer, but it seems to me she always has a hat on when ever I see her on the show). Is she bald, or does she permanently have a bad hair day?!

Sorry to take thread off topic, but was just curious to know the reason behind it! :hmm:

samantha nixon
06-11-2006, 19:58
i dont know why she wears the hat but she does have long grey hair as when she was in hospital she didnt have a hat on

06-11-2006, 22:30
Maybe it covers her open head. If someone took her hat off you might see her brain sticking out. :eek:

08-11-2006, 11:52
Remember a little while ago when Sandy was staying with her and we had a scene with them both in their night wear? Well Edna was still wearing her hat:lol:

A while back we did see Edna with her hat off, all made up and looking very pretty, the time I am referring to is when she was in a dancing competition with (forgotten his name) but it was Len's mate (I don't believe this..see age thing again:D ) but anyway it led to the storyline about whatsits name's old dancing partner and love.

Hate to say this but "THAT PHASE" has now hit Emmerdale where nothing is happening or it is boring and you all know how much I love my Emmerdale.
Still I am consoled by the fact that I know better times are ahead...

08-11-2006, 11:58
Bob should be wearing the nappies himself.

Absolutely agree. Before Dawn's death I used to love his character, but since, the character has been annoying apart from the odd soppy moment with Viv. Come on Bob time to let things go and move on,afterall you have two babies on the way, therefore two chances to make up for all the wrong turns you took with Dawn and Jamie.
I don't like Terry very much at the moment either he is just as bad as :D Bob, they both need nappies.

08-11-2006, 20:13

Dr Wooden is in court for the wrong reasons. He should be charged with crimes against acting, not murder or medicine. :rolleyes:

09-11-2006, 09:02

Dr Wooden is in court for the wrong reasons. He should be charged with crimes against acting, not murder or medicine. :rolleyes:

:rotfl: I have yet to see this.

BTW the name I was trying to remember yesterday came to me whilst watching Emmerdale (Tuesday's) it was Jarvis:)

09-11-2006, 11:23
Jarvis Cocker? Is this character one of many common people in Emmerdale?

09-11-2006, 11:44
Jarvis Cocker? Is this character one of many common people in Emmerdale?

:lol: You know how to put a smile on someones face:D

So you see Edna isn't so sweet and innocent as she makes out, if I remember correctly I think at one time she had both Len and Jarvis lusting after her, then I think it was Sandy and now Tom..
Like someone said earlier it would of been better if they had Tom lusting after Edna, I could see some comedy there for sure. Also we could of had Tom playing both Rosemary and Edna, Rosemary for fun and Edna for a bit of good old fashioned romance:D

Good Old Tom I will miss him when his time comes..

BTW I keep having this image in my head of both Bob and Terry running around the Dales in nappies:lol:

10-11-2006, 16:18
That is not a nice image. I think we have a pic of Bob below, needing a change of nappy....


Steph's last episode tonight.

The question is will she escape to Luton Airport or be banged up...

10-11-2006, 22:23
Best episode in weeks tonight, loved it! Still can't believe Steph confessed though! :eek:

19-11-2006, 10:55
Still enjoying Emmerdale although it is a bit slow.

Fantastic humour, emotion as usual.

Rosemary is great. I am glad that it looks as though Terry maybe easing off his vendetta against the Kings, which is more than I can say for Bob.

Yes, all the current events taking place is a definite build up to the storm...

19-11-2006, 15:37
Still enjoying Emmerdale although it is a bit slow.
"Pppiiinnnntttttt ooooofffff bbiiittttteerr pppllleeeaaasssseee Vvvvaaalll."

Rosemary is great.
She is and she has arrived at the right Thyme to see off Flump King.

I am glad that it looks as though Terry maybe easing off his vendetta against the Kings, which is more than I can say for Bob.
Terry has been getting over the pain and anger of losing Yawn by stocking up on his chocolate oranges.
Bob's nappy needs changing.

Yes, all the current events taking place is a definite build up to the storm...
Batten down all the hatches at the Woolpack then...

20-11-2006, 10:04
Richie you've insulted one of my favourites Tom! That is not allowed :angry:

(don't worry only joking about being angry)

I personally will miss Tom but can see Rosemary taking the helm or maybe trying to once he has......which the lovely Matt will not be happy about if that happened.

Juicy gossip Turner kisses Betty - yeah old loving again, why should all the youngsters have all the loving? Lots of action on the way with the arrival of Pollards son

Not only does Bob need a nappy chnage:lol: but I think he may have a bad case of nappy rash:lol:

(You've put a smile on my face as usual with your lovely reply, always a pleasure)

20-11-2006, 12:35
Absolutely agree. Before Dawn's death I used to love his character, but since, the character has been annoying apart from the odd soppy moment with Viv. Come on Bob time to let things go and move on,afterall you have two babies on the way, therefore two chances to make up for all the wrong turns you took with Dawn and Jamie.
I don't like Terry very much at the moment either he is just as bad as :D Bob, they both need nappies.
I like Bob but this deranged character he's playing now is inevitable (sp?) in my eyes. He was always the joker.. but I'd love to see him go on a killing spree and then convert back to the character he was with Viv and the kids.

So you see Edna isn't so sweet and innocent as she makes out, if I remember correctly I think at one time she had both Len and Jarvis lusting after her, then I think it was Sandy and now Tom..
Like someone said earlier it would of been better if they had Tom lusting after Edna, I could see some comedy there for sure. Also we could of had Tom playing both Rosemary and Edna, Rosemary for fun and Edna for a bit of good old fashioned romance:D

Good Old Tom I will miss him when his time comes..

BTW I keep having this image in my head of both Bob and Terry running around the Dales in nappies:lol:
I do too! It would be brilliant if at his last moments Tom confesses his undying love for Edna.. and then maybe she'll kill herself too.. aahh the OAP version of Romeo and Juliet. :p

20-11-2006, 12:51
Hopefully the death of Tom King will allow for the return of the fabulous Zoe Tate. I would love to see her team up with Chas Dingle and deal with Uber Bitch Rosemary.

20-11-2006, 13:01
Hopefully the death of Tom King will allow for the return of the fabulous Zoe Tate. I would love to see her team up with Chas Dingle and deal with Uber Bitch Rosemary.

Bring back Charity Dingle, her and chas combined would almost be more than a match for Rosemary. On second thoughts Tina Dingle, maybe both. Both could fall for the lovely Matt or Grayson even, that way we would be able to have a real double bitch scenareo. Tina/Charity/Matt/Grayson and Charity/Chas/Tina/Rosemary.:D

20-11-2006, 13:16
I like Bob but this deranged character he's playing now is inevitable (sp?) in my eyes. He was always the joker.. but I'd love to see him go on a killing spree and then convert back to the character he was with Viv and the kids.

I do, Bob and Viv are great together and I love it when they are all gooey with each other but since Dawn's death he has become a pain. O.K yes I can understand where he is coming from but it was a tragic accident which would more of likely happened anyway, in one form or another regardless of Jimmy's negligence regarding the housing development.

Not sure about the killing spree, maybe more off the rails, which I guess in a way is what he is doing now Bob tries to run Tom over I think tonight, he misses then reverses back to try again!

The way I see things is that Bob has been given a second chance at being a dad, just as daughter Dawn's life ended two new ones were beginning. So instead of spending most of his time thinikng about his revenge on the Kings, he should be thinking about his two new babies and their future, this would be what Dawn would of wanted for Bob to move on and put the tragic accident behind him.

I do too! It would be brilliant if at his last moments Tom confesses his undying love for Edna.. and then maybe she'll kill herself too.. aahh the OAP version of Romeo and Juliet. :p

Aww that is sad but I like your idea and it would certainly be a twist in things.

However happiness may be on the way for Edna as Len tells her that he loves her. More old love, beautiful...:p

20-11-2006, 14:44
Bob misses running over Tom. Maybe he should be called Bob Hope-less.

21-11-2006, 08:52
Bob misses running over Tom. Maybe he should be called Bob Hope-less.

:p :D
Grayson/Matt/Tom all wonderful again Sunday night.:p

Tom should of let Matt "get rid" of Bob:D

Yes Bob the Kings haven't suffered at all:

Tom faces losing everything he has worked all his life for and made sacrifices for.

The Kings have to live with the fact that three people died in the house collapse

Jimmy nearly died and could of been paralysed for life

Jimmy is on the verge of a complete break down and is riddled with guilt

Tom has been kidnapped, beaten and traumatised as a result for a short while after, recently

They have the threat of legal/civil action being taken against them

Tom has lost a son and his other three sons a brother.

Just too mention a few...

No not suffering at all:rolleyes:

Anyway with a bit of luck Bob's anger will be vented against someone else very soon Billy Hopwood

Still good viewing...

21-11-2006, 12:37
Yes Bob the Kings haven't suffered at all:

Tom faces losing everything he has worked all his life for and made sacrifices for.

The Kings have to live with the fact that three people died in the house collapse

Jimmy nearly died and could of been paralysed for life

Jimmy is on the verge of a complete break down and is riddled with guilt

Tom has been kidnapped, beaten and traumatised as a result for a short while after, recently

They have the threat of legal/civil action being taken against them

Tom has lost a son and his other three sons a brother.

But all this is nothing compared to putting up with Edna at work every day.

21-11-2006, 13:03
But all this is nothing compared to putting up with Edna at work every day.

:lol: Bless I do like Edna or rather I did before she turned into the "Woman Scorned" still that backfired on her now didn't it:D and I had forgotten about Edna/Rosemary "bitch" fight over Tom

See the Kings are NOT to be crossed...

Still I suppose Bob is suffering more than anyone...it can't be very pleasant having a severe case of nappy rash all the time as well as having to put up with "Wimpy" Jamie who looks as though he is now going to try his hand at revenge..watch out Matt!:eek: :lol:

Oh and there's Jean...have to say I preferred her as the battered wife Prue in Bouquet of Barbed Wire.

Going back to Edna, her hat is now annoying me, everytime she is on screen I just keep seeing the HAT

21-11-2006, 13:59
That's because every time she is on screen she is wearing the hat.

"Wimpy" Jamie? Does he serve Beckindale residents burgers on a plate in the cafe?

21-11-2006, 19:30
It's been a good few episodes of Emmerdale recently, they're really making loads of enemies for Tom! Bob threatened him last night, and Len did tonight! :eek: Tom is really getting on my nerves though!

22-11-2006, 10:47
Yes the suspect list is growing and I expect will grow even more between now and then. I started off with ten and now that ten have changed, some whom I never considered before.

I like Tom but he is being over used but this is because he is leaving so they have to keep him in the centre of things, plus it is building up to Emmerdale's next major storyline.

22-11-2006, 10:52
That's because every time she is on screen she is wearing the hat.

Really? Can't say that I've noticed:p :p

"Wimpy" Jamie? Does he serve Beckindale residents burgers on a plate in the cafe?

:lol: Bet your a right one at parties

Wonder if anyone will be having an xmas party in the Dales?

22-11-2006, 11:07
Yes I raid the buffet cart before the others queue up. :cool:

I expect Sandy, Turner and Betty will be doing the konga at xmas. :cool:

22-11-2006, 11:15
Yes I raid the buffet cart before the others queue up. :cool:

I expect Sandy, Turner and Betty will be doing the konga at xmas. :cool:

:lol: Same here where food is concerned I always like to be first, well you have to be or you'll end up with all the scrag ends.:D

Or post man's knock:lol: *Kiss*

22-11-2006, 11:19
Nice to see you're a Prince fan. :cool:

No doubt Ashtray will have a special Christmas Bible Class - yes he will actually find the time to have one, I kid you not. :cheer:

22-11-2006, 11:30
Nice to see you're a Prince fan. :cool:

No doubt Ashtray will have a special Christmas Bible Class - yes he will actually find the time to have one, I kid you not. :cheer:

No doubt Bob will attend and start bleeting on about how the Kings have destroyed his life etc etc..

22-11-2006, 13:59
the kings can not be aloud to get away with what they done

22-11-2006, 19:09
No doubt Ashtray will have a special Christmas Bible Class - yes he will actually find the time to have one, I kid you not. :cheer:
My God! You're saying he'll actually do his job?:eek:

23-11-2006, 10:53
Well he has a second job as Parish vampire, nightshift work of course. :cool:

25-11-2006, 10:15
Still can't get into this at the moment i'm afraid. I like all the scenes with Rosemary in though.

30-11-2006, 10:44
Emmerdale seems to have gone into crap mode at the moment. Tuesday's hour long was very boring.

30-11-2006, 12:16
Emmerdale seems to have gone into crap mode at the moment. Tuesday's hour long was very boring. Still it beat the opposition. I agree its gone slw at the minute. One thing puzzles me. Why did Chas not go to Rochdale? with Carl.

30-11-2006, 13:53
Still it beat the opposition. I agree its gone slw at the minute. One thing puzzles me. Why did Chas not go to Rochdale? with Carl.

Every soap, except one (IMO), seems to take it's turn of crap mode. Still we know that Emmerdale has lots in store and as far as I'm concerned at the mo C/S is the one which is "Thunder" stealing as promised:D

Chas is funny but she is grating on my nerves at the mo and I guess that Carl (Tom) is off on his hols whereas Chas (Lucy) had hers a while back when she went off to Harrogate.

Plus I think this maybe leading to yet another twist in the upcoming whodunnit. Of course Rosemary will use Carl's absence to try and get rid of Chas and scupper their house plans.

Shadrach is still as funny as ever.

The new guy David, um..I like the idea of him and Del being a couple, look good together, but it is still a bit early to judge the character itself.

02-12-2006, 15:31
I tuned in Emmerdale a few days ago (haven't had time to go on the net or watch) and phwoar! David ain't half sexy! Even though I knew there was meant to be a Beckham Look-alike I wasn't expecting that..

He doesn't fit into the Emmerdale surroundings though- they either need some club to spruce things up (haha, can you imagine what Oldies'll be saying) or some other good-looking people. Gosh, that just sounds so bitchy.. I mean that in the best possible way! :p

I can see Debbie turning him from the innocent guy he seems to be into a rebel.

04-12-2006, 19:54
Another yawnfest of an episode. I wish Jo would go and throw herself under one of Andys tractors.

04-12-2006, 22:40
Now there's a good idea for a storyline....

04-12-2006, 22:55
Now there's a good idea for a storyline.... Yes with Scott Windsor driving the tractor

05-12-2006, 13:41
Yes with Scott Windsor driving the tractor

No Scott Windsor under the tractor meeting with a gruesome death...

05-12-2006, 14:18
Yes with Scott Windsor driving the tractor .................................................. .... over a cliff

05-12-2006, 15:17
....and with Jo, Kayteh and Jamie Hopeless inside the tractor as well.

05-12-2006, 15:23
....and with Jo, Kayteh and Jamie Hopeless inside the tractor as well.

and we'll all be behind giving it that extra push over the edge

05-12-2006, 15:30
Nice to see my tractor idea being the topic of conversation. :cool: :D

05-12-2006, 16:39
Nice to see my tractor idea being the topic of conversation. :cool: :D Yes with Jo in it we could have a tractor and a bike:eek:

05-12-2006, 18:47
Nice to see my tractor idea being the topic of conversation. :cool: :D
Well it's thematic as it's Emmerdale. You don't get tractors in Corrie. :cool:

Tractors - The rural instrument in clearing deadwood, along with deep sheep-dips.

05-12-2006, 19:07
Yes with Jo in it we could have a tractor and a bike:eek:
Add Kateh, whose acting is rather pedestrian, and you've got all sorts of transport in one scene.

12-12-2006, 19:32
i am loving the dingle kids storylines with Belle and the kids Marlon and Donna look after.

12-12-2006, 21:54
I love belle, she has to be one of the best characters in it.

15-12-2006, 20:37
Very disappointing episode tonight. As if the Police would just let Jean disappear with the Cabbage Patch kid when he made Terry made the allegation that his son was being kidnapped. Totally unconvincing:thumbsdow :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

15-12-2006, 20:41
Very disappointing episode tonight. As if the Police would just let Jean disappear with the Cabbage Patch kid when he made Terry made the allegation that his son was being kidnapped. Totally unconvincing:thumbsdow :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

I thought that as well. Not only that but the police officers utter lack of interest in the entire thing. "Sorry mate, nothing we can do." When Terry was trying to stop her they weren't even aware that Jean was infact TJ's grandma and not just some random stranger who'd grabbed TJ off him. :nono:

15-12-2006, 21:10
I missed it but i'm guessing Jean's finally gone?! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

18-12-2006, 19:33
Emmerdale is back on form! :cheer: After a boring couple of months it is back on the up. Can't wait to see Tom King bumped off! :cool:

20-12-2006, 20:59
*sigh* Are Donna and Marlon deeply stupid? Why didn't they just tell Social Services they were willing to take the kids back. The uncle obviously wouldn't have a problem with it, the kids wouldn't, and I can't see why the social would as that's where they put them in the first place. So why the need to run off with them?

23-12-2006, 23:38
Mybe they didn't know how the social services work. Also uncle.... looked like he wasn't going to wait. I think the kids scenes are brillient and realistic.

26-12-2006, 09:26
Im amazed that no-one has posted a reply about Christmas Nights episode of Emmerdale. (Where is Babe 14 when you need her):searchme:

Last nights Emmerdale was absolutely brilliant. A well written and well acted script. Plenty of one liners. In the end I was delighted to see Tom King ''flying through the air'' muscally accompanied by Belle Dingle's singing. We really are left wondering who the culprit was. My Money is on Jamie. Good to see Chas spill the beans as well as declare her love for Carl.

Three cheers for the best Christmas soap:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

26-12-2006, 11:04
Yeah i really love that,
Belle sing i'm walking through the air and just at the moment Tom comes flying out of the window. I really don't have a clue who it is, it's going to be someone who you don't expect, don't think it's Bob though.

26-12-2006, 12:53
Having read what was going to happen in the top three soaps I thought Emmerdale would be the best, and i suppose in theory it was.

However the episode wasnt that good, I can appreciate it being the best, but wasnt as good as I thought it would be. It only got exciting in the last five minutes when it was building up to his murder, and we were all trying to look for the slighest of clues as to who had done it.

I liked the choir singing over Tom's dead body and then the choir singing the emmerdale theme tune, I think that worked really well. I have a feeling that this will be one very exciting storyline for 2007, and can't wait to see how it unfolds.

26-12-2006, 13:04
I just caught the last half hour on ITV2 earlier of last night's episode, it was a very good episode over what i saw of it. I agree, it was the most exciting in the last five minutes when the tension was building up to Tom's murder and everyone was sneaking around and we were trying to guess who it could be. Loved the ending when he came flying through the window and Belle was singing, very effective and superbly done. A good episode of what i saw of it.

30-12-2006, 08:49
Excelent episodes over xmas, Tom's Death was magnificantly done. I really liked the xmas day episode where it started and ended the same with Tom laying on the ground dead and we were taken back to the events which led up to it.

Everyone was excellent and of course Matt was and is on form as usual for me he is just getting:wub: and better by the scene. I loved the end on boxing day where the three brothers were hugging one another grieving, if anything Tom's death has reunited the three brothers who spent the day arguing with one another and with their dad, Tom.

Rosemary is a real bitch and a devious one at that.

The who killed Tom stroyine certainly is keeping uson our toes with all it's twists and turns.

Once again Emmerdale is going from strength to strength. Brilliant.

18-01-2007, 08:41
Well I think it's about time I commented on Emmerdale.

Things are on a bit of a slow burner down in the Dales at the moment but none the less still enjoyable.

We're seeing lots of twists and turns in the whodunnit, along with clues.

My latest culprit is the Chief Constable or Rosemary/CC.

The humour/Comedy is wonderful as usual for example the other night, we had a wonderful line from the ever lovely Matt:

"We'll have to ask her permission to break wind soon":rotfl:

Also from the not so sure about Eli:

"Watch your meat and two veg. She goes for anything that dangles" :rotfl:

Belle is still wonderful as ever and it is really great to see her in such a central role. Like the pairing of her and Shadrach.

The Kings:

Matt I am loving as we are seeing a much softer side to him at the moment, I really like his caring side but I also love it when he's being a b/d! Out of the three I would say that he is the one which is being affected the most by his father's death, you can see it in his face and he looks like someone who is grieving.

Jimmy - Well what a turn around. He is taking charge all of a sudden as an elder brother and looking out for his younger brothers, I like this. Also I like the pairing up of Jimmy and Kelly (although I don't like her very much).

Carl - pretty much the same. One minute he crumbles but the next he is strong and at times you can see a lot of Matthew in him.

With regards to Chas although I like the character she is beginning to grate on my nerves again. Also I think that she is a cow for using Carl just to get back at Rosemary.

Andy/Jo/Katie - Glad that it looks as though Andy/Jo are getting close again and think that they would become a permanent item which I would be absolutely delighted about, except that Katie is probably going to blow all this out of the water when she tells Andy that she is pregnant Jo has grown on me a bit and I don't mind her so much now, Katie however I am liking less and less.

Scott/Jasmine - still hate/loathe/detest
Debbie/Eli - Can't make up my mind.

Still good viewing.:D

18-01-2007, 12:07
My latest culprit is the Chief Constable or Rosemary/CC.

He's desperately trying to woo Rosemary isn't he? I just hope he isn't called Basil. :o

18-01-2007, 12:29
My latest culprit is the Chief Constable or Rosemary/CC.

He's desperately trying to woo Rosemary isn't he? I just hope he isn't called Basil. :o
If he was called Thyme they could have their own TV series

18-01-2007, 23:00
That blonde copper is really starting to get on my nerves.

19-01-2007, 00:23
That blonde copper is really starting to get on my nerves.At least she wasnt convinced about Chas like the other prat. Brilliant twists tonight again.

21-01-2007, 09:51
:rotfl: at Matthew Friday "Hope the bed creaking won't disturb you!" Rosemary's face and Charles was really p/d off. Will henow try and frame Matt?

Just how many fluzzies has Matt got on the go? Baby? Has he got a secret love child?:lol: :p

I liked the attic scene at the end of the previous episode where the real horses head was hidden. How comes Carl was the only one who knew
that there were two? Surely Matt/Jimmy would of known this too?

Although I'm convinced about Rosemary/Charles I can't help also thinking Terry/Len still haven't ruled these two out completely.

I like the "Blonde Copper" (Glynis Barber, think it goes back to Dempsey and Makepeace)

Has anyone else notcied how huge Viv's bump is? Looks a bit OTT to me, has she now got quads!

Looks like good news, Scott Windsor has mysteriously vanished, looking for potential business in army tanks. So here's hoping he won't return:cheer:

21-01-2007, 17:27
Looks like good news, Scott Windsor has mysteriously vanished, looking for potential business in army tanks. So here's hoping he won't return:cheer:

Hopefully a tank will run him over.

21-01-2007, 18:45
That blonde copper is really starting to get on my nerves.At least she wasnt convinced about Chas like the other prat. Brilliant twists tonight again.

I know I love that twist an when its showed you where it was as well.

22-01-2007, 09:30
Looks like good news, Scott Windsor has mysteriously vanished, looking for potential business in army tanks. So here's hoping he won't return:cheer:

Hopefully a tank will run him over.

LOL Great Minds:)

Just remembered Scott was in the army at one point and returned a completely different person, so maybe someone will have a grudge against him and use him for target practice, then run him over..

26-01-2007, 07:18
Matt is absolutely brilliant, fantastic and is just cracking me up with his ongoing feuding with RoseMARY/Rosie:rotfl: If she is guilty then Matt will be the one to find her out, or set her up...

I am more convinced than ever that Charlie Vaughan fits into the equation somewhere, espec as RoseMARY has now taken his advice and is going away for a couple of weeks.

Lots of Matt/Grayson/Perdy scenes, really like the Perdy/Matt ones you can just see the chemistry between the two of them and a growing friendship.

Poor Andy just as he is about to tell Katie that it is Jo he loves and not her she goes and tells him she might be preggy. Jo/Andy are so made for one another. Things have well and truly come full circle here for katie.

Lovely to see Bob back to his lovely self again,he is now no longer annoying.

Good enjoyable viewing with lots of drama, twists/turns, emotion and fantastic humour.

31-01-2007, 07:37
Emmerdale is very slow at the moment.

Donna/Marlon/Kids storyline I fond a bit slow going.

Still very unsure about David, think he reminds me too much of a footballer.

Bob is great again. The tables are now reversed in the way that it is now Viv who is after revenge against Billy, I like the way Bob is making references about when he wanted revenge against the Kings.

Not a lot else to comment on at the mo..

31-01-2007, 10:54
Emmerdale is very slow at the moment.

No wonder it often clashes with EE. Speed up the tapes Emmerdale!

31-01-2007, 19:55
What's happening with that Billy? Is he sticking around or what??

31-01-2007, 21:07
I expect he will leave very soon.

01-02-2007, 10:12
I sacrificed Tueday's episode for CSI this week:lol:

With regards to Billy I'm not certain what is happening but I can tell you that there is a car crash involving him and Victoria whilst he is driving one of the King's trucks, so at a guess if he isn't staying then maybe this is how he leaves...

01-02-2007, 10:46
The crash is tonight in an hour long episode, but he survives.

01-02-2007, 10:58
Oh so tonight's the hour long and shame..

01-02-2007, 19:30
Victoria is 12!!!!!!! I thought someone on another threas said she was 15

01-02-2007, 19:40
ooh drama drama :eek:

01-02-2007, 19:45
ooh drama drama :eek:

I know I was quite shocked, the music added to the drama as well

01-02-2007, 19:58
Ok I feel really sorry for Billy now, and why isnt he in hospital!!!!! He's the one that nearly died. And what is Katy doing!!!!!!!

01-02-2007, 23:24
ooh drama drama :eek:

the music added to the drama as well

I missed the episode. Did they play the Benny Hill tune during the truck ride, before it crashed into the lake?

02-02-2007, 12:07
Ok episode i felt sorry for Billy. That Victoria is a little witch Jack needs to put his foot down with her. Andy could have cared a bit more about his real dad but at least Jo was looking after him in her own way.

02-02-2007, 12:14
I'm glad that Jack is getting some decent stuff for once. Enjoyed his interactions with Billy, Daz and Victoria this week. Preferring it to the CSI Flump stuff right now. Kelly has been good too.

04-02-2007, 10:34
Kelly is a character that I don't like but at the same time think that she is a good one.

Have to admit I have warmed considerabley to Billy over the past couple of episodes and wouldn't mind him being a permanent resident.

Eli still the same one minute I quite like him the next not sure, think loveable character may sum him up.

David still a no, no

I noticed in the hour long episode the other night that Jack, Daz and Victoria were all in hospital in gowns but Billy was no where to be seen. Why not? Surely he would need to be given the once over after an accident, what was Jack doing in a gown when he wasn't involved?

Victoria 12! Can never accept this as she looks much older. Also being allowed into a club at 16? In my day it was 18 or 21. No can't accept the new Victoria to much of a change.

Jo a right slapper but still think that her and Andy are perfect for one another.

Emmerdale one Hour long 8 million Eastenders 6.5 Million

04-02-2007, 11:49
I agree about Victoria, shes far too different from the previous one, its too much of a change. I tink shes more of a Sophie Webster to be honest.

04-02-2007, 13:24
I agree about Victoria, shes far too different from the previous one, its too much of a change. I tink shes more of a Sophie Webster to be honest.

I know she, its like as well as an appearence change she had a complete personality transplant

04-02-2007, 14:28
what was Jack doing in a gown when he wasn't involved?

Fancy dress party at Yorkshire Television. Clive Hornby asked if he could come as a train set, but Yorkshire said no, so he wore a gown instead. I understand the producer of Emmerdale came along as an angel, but the wings looked like the old Yorkshire chevron.

Just a thought. :)

As for Andy leaving Katie, well it serves her right for being so bland and dull. :rolleyes:

05-02-2007, 10:28
what was Jack doing in a gown when he wasn't involved?

Fancy dress party at Yorkshire Television. Clive Hornby asked if he could come as a train set, but Yorkshire said no, so he wore a gown instead. I understand the producer of Emmerdale came along as an angel, but the wings looked like the old Yorkshire chevron.

Just a thought. :)


As for Andy leaving Katie, well it serves her right for being so bland and dull. :rolleyes:

She is getting worse and really gets on my nerves with all her whinging, whereas Jo is just pure fun.

06-02-2007, 13:01
I thought the Jo/Katie fight would be better after all she took her husband. Personally i can't see why anyone would fight over Andy. Rodney seems to be behaving like a teenager trying t get his leg over in anyone house available. When did Debbie do a mechanic's course and now she is running the garage i wouldn't put my car in there for to be fixed.

06-02-2007, 13:09
can anyone tell me if katie has found out if she is preggars or not, i might have missed that

06-02-2007, 14:09
can anyone tell me if katie has found out if she is preggars or not, i might have missed that

false alarm she is not pregnant she thought she was

06-02-2007, 18:44
i think the episodes are really good i hope billy sticks around for a bit longer

09-02-2007, 22:19
Another soap which has been very boring this week, sorry its gotta be said! :p

Talk about overracting from Viv tonight :wall:

09-02-2007, 22:21
Talk about overracting from Viv tonight :wall:

LoL I garee but then again it woudlnt be Viv

09-02-2007, 23:43
More OTT theatrics from Bob Hopeless and the Duchess of Windsor. :rolleyes: Can I have a tea please Bob?

Apart from the return of the excellent Billy Hopwood (along with his interactions with Jack, Daz, Victoria, and Kelly Windsor), I've found Emmerdale Farm very dull for quite a while. Hopefully Val will turn things around next week....

10-02-2007, 09:02
Agree Emmerdale is slow going at the moment as is the other ITV soap but both still very watchable.

I like Bob again now that he has returned to his commical self and just loved it the other night when he was running around in his boxies and shirt looking for his trousers espec when they fell round his ankles and he fell over:rotfl: Viv/Bob can be OTT but they are funny.

Andy I like his character and as I keep saying am glad that he and Jo are together at last.

Katie/Jo fight very fake and patheitc. Definitely prefer two men fighting.

Now Eli I think I like and quite enjoyed the Casino scamming with him and Debbie. Debbie is a love/annoying character but quite enjoyable at the same time.

I too like Billy and hope that he stays as there is good potential here for some very good storylines.

Sunny times will return to the Dales again soon. Unfortunately soaps etc go through this annoying boring phase but luckily for some it is only a minor issue.

10-02-2007, 09:56
Agree Emmerdale is slow going at the moment as is the other ITV soap but both still very watchable.

Yes they are because they have lots of sub-plots going on so there is always something to hhold your interest during an episode

I like Bob again now that he has returned to his commical self and just loved it the other night when he was running around in his boxies and shirt looking for his trousers espec when they fell round his ankles and he fell over:rotfl: Viv/Bob can be OTT but they are funny. Viv was her usual OTT last night in the birth scenes. Had to laugh at embarresed Paddy when he was delivering the sprogs and she said what are you worried about youve seen it all before :lol: (a reference to their torrid affair)

Andy I like his character and as I keep saying am glad that he and Jo are together at last. Have to disagree. I detest the character of JO. Not fussed about ANDEH either

Katie/Jo fight very fake and patheitc. Definitely prefer two men fighting. Most of us males prefer to see two women fighting,:eek: but yes it was poor

Now Eli I think I like and quite enjoyed the Casino scamming with him and Debbie. Debbie is a love/annoying character but quite enjoyable at the same time.I thought it was a bit like coal from China far fetched

I too like Billy and hope that he stays as there is good potential here for some very good storylines. Yes whats the betting he will be working with Jack within a couple of months

Sunny times will return to the Dales again soon. Unfortunately soaps etc go through this annoying boring phase but luckily for some it is only a minor issue. Yes with the return of Rosemary and the funeral of Tom and the reading of the will

On a technical point I believe that any will made before a marriage was null and void and a new one had to be made after marriage

16-02-2007, 20:08
Very disappointed with tonights episode. How wonderful are the Emmerdale cops. Finding the murder weapon on a tip so easily after at least a fortnights rubbish has been dumped there. Then sending officers round to the suspects houses to see how they reacted when she appeared on Crimewitch. Did she send someone abroad to watch Rosemary. Come on Emmerdale you can do better:thumbsdow :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

16-02-2007, 20:16
It's so boring at the moment Zzzzzzzzz

19-02-2007, 10:21
Rosemary is back - she should have stayed away - she is a useless actress IMHO - and her hair, where is the stylist for crying out loud.

19-02-2007, 13:02
I quite like Rosemary actually. She's the sort of character the show needs.

19-02-2007, 13:22
I quite like Rosemary actually. She's the sort of character the show needs.Me too. She is a great actress and pays the part of SUPERBITCH really well. It looks likely she will be in the show for the forseeable future. I really would love to see Zoe Tate return and dump her unceremoniously from Home farm.

19-02-2007, 20:04
I quite like Rosemary actually. She's the sort of character the show needs.

I know what you mean she is the Bitch a sopa needs and a character we love to harte, but sometimes for me she is too much.

19-02-2007, 22:40
I think once CSI Flump is sorted, she will move on and become a better character.

20-02-2007, 12:43
Belle was hilarious last night as usual "i know that fat man" :rotfl: :rotfl:

22-02-2007, 23:30
I really need to start watching this more often than just on Thursday. What happened when they found out about Harriet? I'm still thinking that Jimmy did it, I'm just beginning to think that there's a sequence of episodes implicating each suspect before the killer is revealed, so that was the reason for it looking like Matt might have done it, and the conversation between him and the police woman of how much he stood to inherit before it emerged about Harriet.

23-02-2007, 07:51
Emmerdale is once again at full throttle.

Matt is :wub: :wub: :heart: :heart: even more than ever he is a wonderful character and I am really looking forward to the interaction between him and Carrie. I can see some wonderful and powerful storylines coming up here. I hope we have romance between the two that is just convenient for either one as and when, mixed in with the battle of the wills (as in strength/mind) Carrie I saw the potential straight away and I can see her as the new bitch of the Dales, she has a lot of hidden agenda and like she said a match for Matthew. A perfect couple.:D

Rosemary is still the devious bitch from hell, did you see her face when Charles was responsible for the trust of the Kings business's. Yep these two are definitely up to something.

Lovely brother scenes between the Kings, espec at the funeral. Jimmy is right they need to put their Share of the business together and work as a team, but somehow I can't see Matt doing this.
We have a nice scenareo building now with the introduction of Carrie and her daughter, we have Rosemary/Carrie/Scarlet on one side of the fence, Matt/Jimmy/Carl on the other, fantastic potential for some very good storylines.

Still loving Grayson/Perdy.

Shadrack hilarious as ever and I just love his caring side where Belle is concerned.

Katie boring.

Val on form as usual with Diane.

Excellent writing, acting etc once again:D

23-02-2007, 08:46
Emmerdale is once again at full throttle.

Matt is even more than ever he is a wonderful character and I am really looking forward to the interaction between him and Carrie. I can see some wonderful and powerful storylines coming up here. I hope we have romance between the two that is just convenient for either one as and when, mixed in with the battle of the wills (as in strength/mind) Carrie I saw the potential straight away and I can see her as the new bitch of the Dales, she has a lot of hidden agenda and like she said a match for Matthew. A perfect couple.:D

Rosemary is still the devious bitch from hell, did you see her face when Charles was responsible for the trust of the Kings business's. Yep these two are definitely up to something.

Lovely brother scenes between the Kings, espec at the funeral. Jimmy is right they need to put their Share of the business together and work as a team, but somehow I can't see Matt doing this.
We have a nice scenareo building now with the introduction of Carrie and her daughter, we have Rosemary/Carrie/Scarlet on one side of the fence, Matt/Jimmy/Carl on the other, fantastic potential for some very good storylines.

Still loving Grayson/Perdy.

Shadrack hilarious as ever and I just love his caring side where Belle is concerned.

Katie boring.

Val on form as usual with Diane.

Excellent writing, acting etc once again:D

Yes Emmerdale has realy picked up again after a few slowish episodes.

Very disappointed in Linda Lusardi's very wooden Kensitlike performance.

Wish I had been standing in Grayson's place last night when Perdy came in and disrobed:wub: :eek: :D

23-02-2007, 09:07
Emmerdale is once again at full throttle.

Matt is even more than ever he is a wonderful character and I am really looking forward to the interaction between him and Carrie. I can see some wonderful and powerful storylines coming up here. I hope we have romance between the two that is just convenient for either one as and when, mixed in with the battle of the wills (as in strength/mind) Carrie I saw the potential straight away and I can see her as the new bitch of the Dales, she has a lot of hidden agenda and like she said a match for Matthew. A perfect couple.:D

Rosemary is still the devious bitch from hell, did you see her face when Charles was responsible for the trust of the Kings business's. Yep these two are definitely up to something.

Lovely brother scenes between the Kings, espec at the funeral. Jimmy is right they need to put their Share of the business together and work as a team, but somehow I can't see Matt doing this.
We have a nice scenareo building now with the introduction of Carrie and her daughter, we have Rosemary/Carrie/Scarlet on one side of the fence, Matt/Jimmy/Carl on the other, fantastic potential for some very good storylines.

Still loving Grayson/Perdy.

Shadrack hilarious as ever and I just love his caring side where Belle is concerned.

Katie boring.

Val on form as usual with Diane.

Excellent writing, acting etc once again

Yes Emmerdale has realy picked up again after a few slowish episodes.

Very disappointed in Linda Lusardi's very wooden Kensitlike performance.

Wish I had been standing in Grayson's place last night when Perdy came in and disrobed:wub: :eek: :D

:rotfl: OMG! Alan first time I've known you to do a:wub: :rotfl:
That was very daring for Emmerdale and I think the first nudie strip I've seen.
(Guess what I'm hoping for now..hehe.. Matt...need I say more?:lol: )

I have to admit I did think that Linda sounded very wooden but after her confrontation with Matt where she told Louise that he has just met his match I saw through that woodeness. Just hope that she will improve and prove her worth as she did in the Bill. She worked well with Billy Murray and can see her doing the same with Matt Healy.

23-02-2007, 09:36
[quote=alan45;501789][/color][quote=Babe14;501783] :rotfl: OMG! Alan first time I've known you to do a:wub: :rotfl: I used to do them quite often for the Blessed St. June of Sun Hill:D prior to her daliiance with Gabriel k*nt the chimp

That was very daring for Emmerdale and I think the first nudie strip I've seen. I was quite shocked :eek: Still it could have been Grayson and the Farrier :sick:
(Guess what I'm hoping for now..hehe.. Matt...need I say more?:lol: )NO

I have to admit I did think that Linda sounded very wooden but after her confrontation with Matt where she told Louise that he has just met his match I saw through that woodeness. Just hope that she will improve and prove her worth as she did in the Bill. She worked well with Billy Murray and can see her doing the same with Matt Healy. Thats why nIm so disappointed as she was excellent in The Bill

23-02-2007, 09:49
[quote=alan45;501789][/color][quote=Babe14;501783] OMG! Alan first time I've known you to do a:wub: :rotfl: I used to do them quite often for the Blessed St. June of Sun Hill:D prior to her daliiance with Gabriel k*nt the chimp

That was very daring for Emmerdale and I think the first nudie strip I've seen.
I was quite shocked :eek: Still it could have been Grayson and the Farrier :sick:

Grayson and Perdy LOL that would be EXPLOSIVE

(Guess what I'm hoping for now..hehe.. Matt...need I say more?:lol: )NO

I have to admit I did think that Linda sounded very wooden but after her confrontation with Matt where she told Louise that he has just met his match I saw through that woodeness. Just hope that she will improve and prove her worth as she did in the Bill. She worked well with Billy Murray and can see her doing the same with Matt Healy. Thats why nIm so disappointed as she was excellent in The Bill

Early days, so who knows:)

02-03-2007, 12:35
Enjoying Emmerdale.

Unfortunately I now have doubts about Carrie and Linda Lucadi is dreadful at the moment.

On the Matt front, forget what I said about him and Carrie and possibly Perdy too, Zara is the woman for him!! Wonder what the investment is? Also I wonder if Zara is really interested in Matt or she was just playing him to get him to invest.

Perdy and Matt are great as mates, but I wouldn't mind too much if they got together between the sheets again.

Not sure about Matt's new look, he looks as though he's been dragged through a hedge backwards. Not too sure about the three piece either, the colour is nice and really suits him, but the waistcoat not sure at all, although having said this it does kind of give him the Country Squirer/Lord of the Manor look.

Shadarck/Belle Hilarious as usual.

Like the idea of the Dingle Cab co, but imagine if Shadarack came to pick you up at 3.00am in the morning!! Worse still Eli!! Would you get in a cab with either of these two???

David evil S** still unsure about his character.

Val/Daine wonderful as ever.

Katie - they are trying to make her character tougher and more interesting but she can't carry it off.

Rosemary Superbitch as usual. Loved it the other night when we saw her softer side with Belle. Awww Cute.

Grayson enjoying still and think I can spot a bit of a triangle coming up here involving two gays/a bisexual and married lady. Love the way the soaps are doing love triangles with a different touch.

02-03-2007, 13:23
David evil S** still unsure about his character.

Neither, for that matter, is Mr Eric Pollard. :hmm:

03-03-2007, 13:36
I have to admit I am not liking Linda Lusardi in Emmerdale at the moment. She is a terrible actress, so wooden, (mind you, the person playing Rosemary, is turning into the panto dame, talk about over acting). I can't see myself changing my mind.

03-03-2007, 14:21
Linda Lusadri is so unconvincing in Emmerdale. She is like Patsy Kensit without the botox. I know she (LL) can act. She was very good in The Bill. At the minute she sounds like an dubbed voice on a cheap german porn movie (not of course that I would know)

04-03-2007, 09:34
LOL! She is bad. When Jimmy told her not to mess with them and she tried to sound threatening back without success.

Matt is:wub: :rotfl: just love the battle of the wills between him and Rosemary.

Matt/Perdy - very sweet and lovely. Just loved the way he defended her when Rosemary confronted her about her betrayal. Grayson has no loyalty towards Perdy at all, he just uses her for his amusement. (I still think that Grayson is:wub: )

We are seeing a softness in Rosemary with Belle, I like this.

Great viewing, great writing, scripting, comedy, acting etc.

08-03-2007, 22:28
Emmerdale is absolutely dire at the minute! Seriously what is going on!? I turned over during tonight's episode, watched that fame academy thing instead


Donna and Marlon building their house :thumbsdow

Del/David :thumbsdow

Sam/Emily :thumbsdow

Bob/Viv/Twins :thumbsdow

Katie/Andy/Jo :thumbsdow

PADDY :eek: :thumbsdow (he really needs to go!)

Murder storyline still going on and on and on, nah can't be bothered with it at the mo. They need to get some good plots going instead of all these stupid boring scenes. Come on Emmerdale sort it out please! :)

09-03-2007, 01:31
LOL! She is bad. When Jimmy told her not to mess with them and she tried to sound threatening back without success.
As bad as Patsy Kensit without the Botox

Matt is:wub: :rotfl: just love the battle of the wills between him and Rosemary. He is brilliant and baiting her

Matt/Perdy - very sweet and lovely. Just loved the way he defended her when Rosemary confronted her about her betrayal. Grayson has no loyalty towards Perdy at all, he just uses her for his amusement. (I still think that Grayson is:wub: )
There is bound to be another Matt / Perdy fling. As for Greason :sick:

We are seeing a softness in Rosemary with Belle, I like this.
Yes but what is Rosemarys angle

Great viewing, great writing, scripting, comedy, acting etc. I agree

09-03-2007, 07:08
Now that's what I call a real fight the other night between the King Brothers and it was just so typical, Jimmy with an injured hand, Carl, who was trying to break up the fight with a bloody lip and Matt who threw the first punch not a scratch on him.

More nice scenes between Belle and Rosemary and yes I agree I too reckon she has an ulterior motive.

I still think Rosemary may of killed Tom and I'm sure Charlie boy definitely fits into it somewhere.

On the other hand I can't help thinking it may of been Matt who of course will wriggle he's way out of it by pinning the blame on say Rosemary.
The final showdown just has to be between these two, they really do work well together.

David is definitely Pollard Mark II with all his scamming and I'm not entirely convinced he is being genuine with Del (Still don't like him)

Eric was as commical as ever upon his return from Spain with all his Duty Free and the hat he was wearing complete with price tag:lol:

Bob - Part of me is pleased he is back to his silly self but part of me finds it a bit childish, but he is sweet with the babies.

Eddie - waste of time.

Viv - O.K

Marlon/Donna - bit off the boil at the moment, although they still have the commical element.

Eli - I've sort of taken to him now and find his character "Cute" in an odd sort of way, he's just a rogue.

Yep Emmerdale like it's twin still shining away with the odd patch of cloud, but the sun is never far away...

09-03-2007, 08:50
Now that's what I call a real fight the other night between the King Brothers and it was just so typical, Jimmy with an injured hand, Carl, who was trying to break up the fight with a bloody lip and Matt who threw the first punch not a scratch on him.
And coincidently the Hotten Defectives just happened to call into the pub for a swift after shift pint Oh Yeah:rolleyes: These must be the world worst coppers

More nice scenes between Belle and Rosemary and yes I agree I too reckon she has an ulterior motive.
Great minds etccc

I still think Rosemary may of killed Tom and I'm sure Charlie boy definitely fits into it somewhere.
I agree with you there. Maybe Charlie boy did it so has he could get into her


On the other hand I can't help thinking it may of been Matt who of course will wriggle he's way out of it by pinning the blame on say Rosemary.
The final showdown just has to be between these two, they really do work well together.
No they wouldnt want to lose Matt from the series

David is definitely Pollard Mark II with all his scamming and I'm not entirely convinced he is being genuine with Del (Still don't like him)
Cant stand him this Beckham lookalike with just as many brain cells. He is doing the dirt on Del as well. Lets hope he gets a dose of Dingle Law

Eric was as commical as ever upon his return from Spain with all his Duty Free and the hat he was wearing complete with price tag:lol:
Even at his most evil Eric always has that rogueish smile about him

Bob - Part of me is pleased he is back to his silly self but part of me finds it a bit childish, but he is sweet with the babies.
He is a bit OTT at the moment. Needs back to the Woolie

Eddie - waste of time.
Agree but I feel he has been reintroduced for some future storyline. Did you notice his leer at Lisa

Viv - O.K
Like Bob getting a bit OTT

Marlon/Donna - bit off the boil at the moment, although they still have the commical element.
Poor Marlon

Eli - I've sort of taken to him now and find his character "Cute" in an odd sort of way, he's just a rogue.
Cain without the menace

Yep Emmerdale like it's twin still shining away with the odd patch of cloud, but the sun is never far away... How very true

09-03-2007, 09:26
[quote=Babe14;504413] Now that's what I call a real fight the other night between the King Brothers and it was just so typical, Jimmy with an injured hand, Carl, who was trying to break up the fight with a bloody lip and Matt who threw the first punch not a scratch on him.

And coincidently the Hotten Defectives just happened to call into the pub for a swift after shift pint Oh Yeah:rolleyes: These must be the world worst coppers

Yep! Talk about obvious, they would be crap at undercover work

I still think Rosemary may of killed Tom and I'm sure Charlie boy definitely fits into it somewhere.

I agree with you there. Maybe Charlie boy did it so has he could get into her affections

Maybe he's even connected with her first husband's shooting accident:eek:

On the other hand I can't help thinking it may of been Matt who of course will wriggle he's way out of it by pinning the blame on say Rosemary.
The final showdown just has to be between these two, they really do work well together.

No they wouldnt want to lose Matt from the series

That would put me into permanent depression. I'm bad enough knowing about PC from Corrie. For E/dale to lose Matt would be total devastation. :D I was thinking along the lines that everyone would know that he did it but the blame would lie clearly at Rosemary's doorstep and she would go down for it. Or alternatively we could have this with the added twist of Rosemary then shifting the blame onto Charlie and he would end up getting done! Or better still Carrie:lol:

Seriously though I think if anything Matt will be the one to find out who did it and god help them when he does!!!

David is definitely Pollard Mark II with all his scamming and I'm not entirely convinced he is being genuine with Del (Still don't like him)

Cant stand him this Beckham lookalike with just as many brain cells. He is doing the dirt on Del as well. Lets hope he gets a dose of Dingle Law

:rotfl: Here Here!

Eric was as commical as ever upon his return from Spain with all his Duty Free and the hat he was wearing complete with price tag:lol:

Even at his most evil Eric always has that rogueish smile about him

He is just such a loveable character you can't hate him if you tried, even knowing what we know about him.

Eddie - waste of time.

Agree but I feel he has been reintroduced for some future storyline. Did you notice his leer at Lisa

Actually I think I did,was it when she was going through a door and he helped himself to a crafty eyeful..

09-03-2007, 09:39
I honestly think the original plan was to have Rosemary as the murderer but since she has become a popular superbitch its unlikely they will get rid of her now. She is a great actress unlike the alleged superbitch before her *cough PK cough*. Jamie hope is a wast of space so they may blame him although Charlie Boy the Chief CONman is hardly a vital character so they may blame him.

I think the producers like the viewer have been pleasantly surprsed at how well Rosemary has fitted in.

Well that my theories

09-03-2007, 09:46
I honestly think the original plan was to have Rosemary as the murderer but since she has become a popular superbitch its unlikely they will get rid of her now. She is a great actress unlike the alleged superbitch before her *cough PK cough*. Jamie hope is a wast of space so they may blame him although Charlie Boy the Chief CONman is hardly a vital character so they may blame him.

I think the producers like the viewer have been pleasantly surprsed at how well Rosemary has fitted in.

Well that my theories

Very good ones too and I think you may well be right. Rosemary is wonderful and as I have already said works well with Matt, so there would be loads of potential here. Also I think that she is great for making the boys tow the line. Rosemary makes your all time fav (PK):lol: look like a pussy cat

I thought that as Carrie was coming into the soap Rosemary would be ditched as I couldn't see them having two women at Home Farm. However brain has gone into overdrive and I can now see how. We can have a classic situation of Men V women, which I think would be quite interesting..

Still we shall see what surfaces, so long as it's not the return of Scott Windsor!!

09-03-2007, 09:56
I honestly think the original plan was to have Rosemary as the murderer but since she has become a popular superbitch its unlikely they will get rid of her now. She is a great actress unlike the alleged superbitch before her *cough PK cough*. Jamie hope is a wast of space so they may blame him although Charlie Boy the Chief CONman is hardly a vital character so they may blame him.

I think the producers like the viewer have been pleasantly surprsed at how well Rosemary has fitted in.

Well thats my theories

Very good ones too and I think you may well be right. Rosemary is wonderful and as I have already said works well with Matt, so there would be loads of potential here. Also I think that she is great for making the boys tow the line. Rosemary makes your all time fav (PK):lol: look like a pussy cat OMG dont even talk about the two of them in the same sentence

I thought that as Carrie was coming into the soap Rosemary would be ditched as I couldn't see them having two women at Home Farm. However brain has gone into overdrive and I can now see how. We can have a classic situation of Men V women, which I think would be quite interesting..

I hope Matt buys Carrie off soon and she leaves. Linda Lusardi is atrocious. Nearly as woeful as PK

Still we shall see what surfaces, so long as it's not the return of Scott Windsor!! I think Ben Freeman ghas more pressing matters on is mind. I hope he NEVER returns. Muppet

09-03-2007, 10:09
LOL I love these pretty threads we keep making:)

Yes Scott is a no no and muppet is being polite.

I would so love it if Matt buyed Carrie off or forced her to leave the village for some reason or other. Linda Lusadi is terrible I did think originally that she showed a slight improvement, however the next time she opened her mouth I was proved wrong.

Do you get the impression that her and Jimmy may have an affair thus creating a love triangle between Jimmy/Kelly/Carrie. If this was to happen maybe Kelly could punch her lights out! Speaking of romance weren't Matt and Zara just wonderful together. I'm torn between Matt/Perdy and Matt/Zara..oh and I've deleted Matt/Carrie (must of had a funny turn there LOL)

What do you think of the new guy Johnny the Ferrier? Me jury still out, but again can see a triangle coming up here, bit like the one we've had in Corrie.

09-03-2007, 13:22
LOL I love these pretty threads we keep making
Pretty threads or petty threats? :p

I wouldn't want to be the one of the King brothers who upsets Carrie. She has a nasty streak underneath. If she can do
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eh-gLjR33k to a sports hall, what's the betting she can do the same at the Woolpack. :eek:

13-03-2007, 11:00
How crap are those two detectives in Emmerdale. How many fishing trips are they going on. How many times are they going to arrest The Kings. How crap are the Kings solicitors. I would have had them out of Hotten Nick faster than you could say Habeous Corpus and filed complaints for harassment. Sorry but they with their Keystone Kop antics are ruining what WAS a good story.

I would also be persuing a case against The Law Society against Grayson for drawing up the will. Conflict of interests or what..

19-03-2007, 09:12
Those detectives are indeed crap don't they know that they have to have solid evidence against someone before they can even go before a judge or be formely charged. Like Jimmy said the charges are trumped up and hopefully this will come to light in the so called court case. As far as I can make out they have only arrested and charged the Kings in the hope that their theory of one of them knows something comes to frutition.

Loving Billy and really am glad that he has returned a much better character. He is great with both Edna and Victoria. I like the fact that we have a sort of exchange of father scenareo with Jack/Billy/Daz/Victoria, Billy is being more of a father figure to Victoria than Jack right now and Jack wants to adopt Daz, but it is obvious that Daz doesn't want this anymore. How stupid was Jack the other night not to realise what Victoria had really done with the flowers and I was glad that Daz told him to shut up and listen.

Jimmy again his character has completely turned around and his much better and stronger now,really like him and Kelly a perfect match, he goes all goeey with her:wub: Just loved his comment to Rosemary, after Kelly had told Jimmy that she wants an ensuite to the bedroom, on leaving the room Jimmy to Rosemary

"Oh close your mouth, your causing a draft!":rotfl:

Emmerdale is getting saucy what with Perdy striping the other week and now we have Eric with his kit off! Really like Val/Eric just a shame they are letting that horrible David (who I still do not like) mess things up for them.

Loving the Rosemary/Dingle interaction and cracke dup twice when Belle told her that she had named the baby pigs, "Rose" and "Mary":lol:
Chas comment which followed was brilliant

"If I were them I'd sue for deformation of character":rotfl:

Sam/Emily would make a nice couple.

Feel sorry for Marlon.

Eli annoying me now, espec after he robbed Edna and caused problems for Billy.

Still good viewing although a bit on the slow side.

19-03-2007, 09:57
Those detectives are indeed crap don't they know that they have to have solid evidence against someone before they can even go before a judge or be formely charged. Like Jimmy said the charges are trumped up and hopefully this will come to light in the so called court case. As far as I can make out they have only arrested and charged the Kings in the hope that their theory of one of them knows something comes to frutition.
Dont think too much of the Kings solicitors either. With all their money you would think they could hire a half decent solicitor. Any solicitor with half an ounce of brains would have made mincemeat out ot the Defective Detectives and their abuse of procedure. How many times has Matt bee arrested three or four???

Loving Billy and really am glad that he has returned a much better character. He is great with both Edna and Victoria. I like the fact that we have a sort of exchange of father scenareo with Jack/Billy/Daz/Victoria, Billy is being more of a father figure to Victoria than Jack right now and Jack wants to adopt Daz, but it is obvious that Daz doesn't want this anymore. How stupid was Jack the other night not to realise what Victoria had really done with the flowers and I was glad that Daz told him to shut up and listen. Yes and the thing about Billy's turnaround is that at least it's believable.

Jimmy again his character has completely turned around and his much better and stronger now,really like him and Kelly a perfect match, he goes all goeey with her:wub: Just loved his comment to Rosemary, after Kelly had told Jimmy that she wants an ensuite to the bedroom, on leaving the room Jimmy to Rosemary

"Oh close your mouth, your causing a draft!":rotfl: Absolutely brilliant. I dont think Kell and Lady Muck are going to hit it off too well

Emmerdale is getting saucy what with Perdy striping the other week and now we have Eric with his kit off! Really like Val/Eric just a shame they are letting that horrible David (who I still do not like) mess things up for them.More Perdy less Eric I say. Oh yes and bin the Beckham lookalike. Nasty B

Loving the Rosemary/Dingle interaction and cracke dup twice when Belle told her that she had named the baby pigs, "Rose" and "Mary":lol:
Chas comment which followed was brilliant

"If I were them I'd sue for deformation of character":rotfl: As usual the innocence of Belle says it all and typically Chas hits the nail on the head

Sam/Emily would make a nice couple.Not too sure. Emily is far too intelligent for Sam.

Feel sorry for Marlon.And looking at the spoiler we will have to continue feeling sorry for him

Eli annoying me now, espec after he robbed Edna and caused problems for Billy.Me too, but then like most Dingles he will come good in the end

Still good viewing although a bit on the slow side. Yess bubbling along nicely though

21-03-2007, 12:27
Emmerdale has got a bit more bubble back again now.

We have the David/Del/Eric/Val storyline which I am enjoying but I just wish we had someone other than a footballer lookalike to play the part of Eric's son. I can see why David would want revenge on Eric. What I think is trying to be done here is a young Eric and how he used to be. Yes David is a nasty B and I am sure tha the is just using Del for his own gain or rather part of his plan.

Although Eric/Val are acting like a couple of kids I do find their behaviour commical espec when Eric was pretending to ignore Val in the pub, then again the other night during the "food" fight.

Oh dear I think RoseMARY has peed Matt off! It really is the battle of the Titans with these two and I am loving it. Matt is off on another scam again..

Two very good comments aimed at Matt the other night one from Jimmy:

"You've always been a hard hearted git!" (something like that):rotfl: :rotfl:

Then from Carl when Matt walked into Home Farm Lounge and announced to his younger brother that he had had a brainwave:

"That must of hurt":lol:

So now we have Matt/Carl on the same side again and Jimmy the one out in the cold. Speaking of Jimmy what an idiot hanging around outside Scarlet's school like that! Good that he was challenged by a teacher.

Jimmy has really changed for the better.

Still loving Billy - however, during the Daz/Billy scene on the bench talking about the adoption, I was annoyed by the camera panning around like that, it makes me feel so sick when they do that.:sick:

Debbie is being turned into the female version of Scott Windsor. Have you noticed that she is always perfectly made up, hair all neat and tidy, overalls all crisp and clean, not a drop of oil/grease in sight....

Good Viewing

21-03-2007, 13:40
Emmerdale has got a bit more bubble back again now.

We have the David/Del/Eric/Val storyline which I am enjoying
I'm not enjoying it at all.

but I just wish we had someone other than a footballer lookalike to play the part of Eric's son.
Agree, but then I think this secret child of Eric's is a very boring route to go down.

I can see why David would want revenge on Eric. What I think is trying to be done here is a young Eric and how he used to be.
Except Eric pulled it off with more class, and he's always had the better moustache.

Yes David is a nasty B and I am sure tha the is just using Del for his own gain or rather part of his plan.

I am sure (why why whyyyyyy) Delilah knows what she's doing.

Although Eric/Val are acting like a couple of kids I do find their behaviour commical espec when Eric was pretending to ignore Val in the pub, then again the other night during the "food" fight.

Agree, they are enjoyable viewing.

Oh dear I think RoseMARY has peed Matt off! It really is the battle of the Titans with these two and I am loving it. Matt is off on another scam again..

I hope Rosemary cuts him down to size.

Two very good comments aimed at Matt the other night one from Jimmy:

"You've always been a hard hearted git!" (something like that):rotfl: :rotfl:

Then from Carl when Matt walked into Home Farm Lounge and announced to his younger brother that he had had a brainwave:

"That must of hurt":lol:

They're right to be sarcastic.

So now we have Matt/Carl on the same side again and Jimmy the one out in the cold. Speaking of Jimmy what an idiot hanging around outside Scarlet's school like that! Good that he was challenged by a teacher.

Jimmy has really changed for the better.

Jimmy's interfering with Scarlett because he thinks Jim'll Fix It.

Still loving Billy - however, during the Daz/Billy scene on the bench talking about the adoption, I was annoyed by the camera panning around like that, it makes me feel so sick when they do that.:sick:

Indeed, although I can't recall the odd camera shots. :confused:

Debbie is being turned into the female version of Scott Windsor. Have you noticed that she is always perfectly made up, hair all neat and tidy, overalls all crisp and clean, not a drop of oil/grease in sight....

Yet equally as annoying. Well she's an improvement on runty Scott at least. Thank heavens for small mercies and that.

Good Viewing
OK viewing. :)

22-03-2007, 07:55
Poor Daz I feel so sorry for him, I don't think I've known anyone to be so unlucky, think it's about time he had some luck.

I noticed that Matt had the golf clubs out last night, would be nice to see him in action on the "Drive"

Yes the sun is shining once again, it never stays behind that cloud for long...

31-03-2007, 10:21
Another good week in the Dales.

The actor who plays Scarlett (Kelsey-Beth Crossley) is excellent and just shows how rubbish the PK style of acting of her mother Carrie (Linda Lusardi) is. How much longer will we have to endue her:sick:

31-03-2007, 23:31
I agree i am liking Scarlett she is excelent, i don't think much of Carrie!

01-04-2007, 10:14
Emmerdale is brilliant once again and am enjoying every single episode.

Shadarach/Zac/Lisa/Rosemary - Hilarious and Ijust love the way the two brothrs are winding one another up. Shadrach in a pinny:rotfl:

Marlon/Eli - loved the brotherly hug the other night. I felt sorry for both at the end of Friday's episode.

Bob - he is great at the moment, with the babies, trying to advise Marlon and with his brother Eddie whom I now like.

Matthew:wub: :wub: he really is looking:wub: :love: with his hair cut and he is as charming as ever with Rosemary and "Larry". Loved the way Matt tickled Rosemary under her chin the other night and said he knows that she loves him really.

Jimmy/Kelly great.

Jimmy/Scarlet - Lovely scenes

Once again we have brothers switching sides in the King household,now we have Jimmy/Carl working together and Matt on his own.

Sugdens - Annoyed with Jack for his treatment of Billy, however thoroughly enjoying having him in the thick of things as I am Diane.

Carrie yes she has to go.

So much going on in the Dales all excellent viewing and keeping me glued to the screen.

01-04-2007, 21:55
I guess you can use the internet on your TV then? I guess the pad was by the screen otherwise you'd be unable to share your thoughts with us. I hope the emergency services arrive soon. :)

Enjoying the build-up to the events surrounding the death of wooden Sarah Sugden Mark II. I think the new head of Victoria has been impressive this week, which will be of much annoyance to the head of the original Victoria - which is currently being stored in a filing cabinet at Mr Perkins's office at Yorkshire Television ltd in Leeds. :cool:

19-04-2007, 09:10
How appallling is Linda Lusardi. Her acting is atrocious. She just reads her lines parrot fashion with absolutely no emotion whatsoever. The sooner she goes the better. She is even worse than plastic Patsy. The actress who plays her daughter Scarlett is ten times better. Even Bell Dingle is more beleivable. Surprisingly bad casting by the Emmerdale crew of someone who should be playing an important part in upcoming storylines. Maybe they could make her Tom Kings murderer and then we can get risd of her for goood:thumbsup:

19-04-2007, 11:46
How appallling is Linda Lusardi. Her acting is atrocious. She just reads her lines parrot fashion with absolutely no emotion whatsoever. The sooner she goes the better. She is even worse than plastic Patsy. The actress who plays her daughter Scarlett is ten times better. Even Bell Dingle is more beleivable. Surprisingly bad casting by the Emmerdale crew of someone who should be playing an important part in upcoming storylines. Maybe they could make her Tom Kings murderer and then we can get risd of her for goood:thumbsup:

She is worse than your all time fav:) I cringe everytime she comes on adn just want to hit the off button until she has finished, but then I'd miss all the action.

I really like Scarlet and enjoyed seeing Matt and her the other night, but you never know how he is playing things.

Good idea sending Carrie down for Tom's murder, maybe Matt can frame her or bump her off.

Belle is fantastic as always and I can't believe how much of the action she is involved in and how much script she has to learn. She is set up for life as an actress if that's the path she wishes to continue to persue.

Eric is up to his old tricks scamming the scammers David/Del I wouldlove to see David get his, but something tells me poor Del will be the scape goat. He is another bad move for Emmerdale.

Despite the couple of casting errors like it's twin the sun is shining fully and brightly in the Dales.

19-04-2007, 14:04
Is there a spark between Diane and Billy?:hmm:

19-04-2007, 14:44
Is there a spark between Diane and Billy?:hmm:Funny I thought that last night too:eek:

19-04-2007, 21:35
She is even worse than plastic Patsy.My god alan do I detect a slight compliment towards Patsy there?? :D

20-04-2007, 07:14
Is there a spark between Diane and Billy?:hmm:Funny I thought that last night too:eek:

Me three, that would be good to have a love triangle between Jack/Diane/Billy!

Another irritation about E/dale at the moment is Bob's awful wife Rhonda and daughter Roxy can't stand them, there voices really irritate me!grrr

I've warmed to Eddie now he is good.

20-04-2007, 09:50
She is even worse than plastic Patsy.My god alan do I detect a slight compliment towards Patsy there?? :DLets not get too excited there Chris. PLastic Patsy was pathetic and until the arrival of Linda Lusardi I didnt think it was possible for anyone to be worse. Her acting abilities compare unfavourably to a 'Star' in a low budget dubbed cheap porn flick. (Not that I have watched any myself you know)

24-04-2007, 11:50
Is there a spark between Diane and Billy?:hmm:

Yes i thought so too.

I'm disappointed in Chas, ok her and Del aren't best buddies but i thought the Dingle moto was all about family i wanted her to punch Katie. I really can't stand Katie i hope she leaves or dies. I'm liking Scarlett but also can't stand Carrie.

09-05-2007, 21:27
I think its disgusting the way all the Dingles seem to just jump into bed with each other. They don't even seem bothered about doing it

10-05-2007, 08:39
Keep it in the family. Thats the Dingle way

10-05-2007, 13:49
How old is Debbie now, I think it is very far-fetched for her to be running the garage, there is not a qualified mechanic between them now Len is gone - and for a bank to dish out money like that, well I hope she gets her come-uppance soon, because that is one silly storyline

13-05-2007, 00:29
Debbie must still be only 18. :searchme:

13-05-2007, 18:33
well how old was she when she had sarah and how old is sarah?

17-05-2007, 20:02
What an amazing episode today!! :clap:

There was action all the way through, with the Louise story, the fete, Len dying, and finding out it was Carl what done it!!

Loved every second of it!

As soon as they said she was going to sing at the end, i knew it would be that song. Perfectly paced, that was. That song always has me in tears!

The whole episode was top quality. Completly fab.

Bad Wolf
17-05-2007, 20:03
what a crappy ending!!!!

i dont believe carl did it! why gant it have been grayson and he could have gone to prison never to return

the fete stuff was cracking tho - cried my eyes out at len

17-05-2007, 20:08
I can't believe Len died i thought it was going to be Louise! I am still crying-perfect song. He was a happy person, i can't believe we won't hear him again!
Wow Carl well he nearly killed that postman. I thought he was going to be more emotional. It was all fitting the pagent was fanstastic!!
I hope emmerdale win this year, and beat eastenders and corination street as it is far better then them!

17-05-2007, 20:11
Such a wonderful episode! I can't believe Carl did it! I watched his ending on youtube earlier though and it looked rather convincing, i wish they shown his ending though in a flashback of him killing Tom! When Matthew and Jimmy were fighting, i sussed it was Carl, he looked so guilty!

Len's death was so sad! I was nearly crying at the end when Katherine Jenkins was singing at the end, it was such a nice touch and i liked how the villagers learnt of Len's death by them telling each other.

17-05-2007, 20:36
Such a wonderful episode! I can't believe Carl did it! I watched his ending on youtube earlier though and it looked rather convincing, i wish they shown his ending though in a flashback of him killing Tom! When Matthew and Jimmy were fighting, i sussed it was Carl, he looked so guilty!

Len's death was so sad! I was nearly crying at the end when Katherine Jenkins was singing at the end, it was such a nice touch and i liked how the villagers learnt of Len's death by them telling each other.

Have you got the link for the utube ending please as i sky + it and it didnt record the end due to signal failure,thanks in advance

17-05-2007, 20:40
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHc3Xz5LDmY Here it is. :)

Did you mean the ending of tonight's episode or the ending of the real killer killing Tom? Because the link i posted is Carl killing Tom. :)

18-05-2007, 00:09
One of the BEST soap episodes EVER well done Emmerdale. If you dont win the British soap awrd there is no justice:clap:

18-05-2007, 00:11
what a crappy ending!!!!

i dont believe carl did it! why gant it have been grayson and he could have gone to prison never to return

the fete stuff was cracking tho - cried my eyes out at lenGrayson and Mummy are not out of the woods. Charges of Perverting the Course of justice will apply. I honestltly think Emmerdale intended Rosemary and Gayson to be culprits but due toe Rosemarys unexpected sucess the kept her

18-05-2007, 10:33
Great Episode

OMG that was so sad with Len dying.

I can't believe Carl is the killer. I hope Grayson, Hari and Rosemary also get charged

18-05-2007, 11:25
That copper really lost it with Grayson at the end, having a go because he didn't "fix" it properly. Hope we have seen the last of Harri, I really thought Grayson was the killer, in fact I wanted him to be, just to get rid of him too, what an insipid character, isn't he supposed to be a solicitor, when does he work, does he have an office, he spends all his time at Home Farm.

21-05-2007, 13:48
what a crappy ending!!!!

i dont believe carl did it! why gant it have been grayson and he could have gone to prison never to return

the fete stuff was cracking tho - cried my eyes out at lenGrayson and Mummy are not out of the woods. Charges of Perverting the Course of justice will apply. I honestltly think Emmerdale intended Rosemary and Gayson to be culprits but due toe Rosemarys unexpected sucess the kept her

Why is Rosemary a success? :searchme: :searchme:

I think it would have been better if it were her or her gay son Grayson instead of Carl.

21-05-2007, 17:17
I was wrong all along! :crying: :lol:

21-05-2007, 23:08
I know Chris. You honestly thought Betty would dress up as Batman at the fair.....

I thought Len's death was very well done, very moving. Simple, but effective. The cover of Sarah Brightman/Andrea Bocelli was also very effective. Katherine Jenkins the singer even outacted the likes of wooden Pallet and co. :eek:

21-05-2007, 23:59
what a crappy ending!!!!

i dont believe carl did it! why gant it have been grayson and he could have gone to prison never to return

the fete stuff was cracking tho - cried my eyes out at lenGrayson and Mummy are not out of the woods. Charges of Perverting the Course of justice will apply. I honestltly think Emmerdale intended Rosemary and Gayson to be culprits but due toe Rosemarys unexpected sucess the kept her

Why is Rosemary a success? :searchme: :searchme:

I think it would have been better if it were her or her gay son Grayson instead of Carl.Rosemary was only brought in as a temporay measure. However she proved to be the superbitch that PK was incapable of being. She could act. I honestly think she was to be the murderer but her character has proven a hit with the fans and they decided to renew her contract. Grayson is a total waste of space

29-05-2007, 12:21
How come Sean and Ollie were not there for Len's funeral?

Poor Paul when Sharon said she wanted Rodney to give her away.

Anyone else think we might see a Sharon/Rodney hook up in the future?

BTW who plays Sharon?

29-05-2007, 12:58
How come Sean and Ollie were not there for Len's funeral?

Poor Paul when Sharon said she wanted Rodney to give her away.

Anyone else think we might see a Sharon/Rodney hook up in the future?

BTW who plays Sharon?
Sean was supposed to be in Dubai, Olly was on her vtravels. Mind you its not that far from Weatherfield to Emmerdale. You would have thought she could have made the effort.

Rodney & Sharon:sick: Think we should leave the 'incest' to EE they do it better

Poor Paul could always be a bridesmaid

30-05-2007, 14:25
I liked the bit where Pearl had a go at Edna. About time someone put her in her place!

30-05-2007, 15:52
Rodney & Sharon:sick: Think we should leave the 'incest' to EE they do it better

Poor Paul could always be a bridesmaid

Sharon isn't related to Rodney. He is only Paul's dad. I think it may happen

30-05-2007, 21:59
I liked the bit where Pearl had a go at Edna. About time someone put her in her place!

I agree, that was very good.

Can't stand Footballers Wife though, and the footballer.

Ollie couldn't attend the funeral because she still thinks Cain is around. That's why she went to the other end of the M62 and went under the pseudynym of Molly. A bit silly if you ask me - Ollie and Molly sound the same. Why couldn't she have called herself Winifred?

06-06-2007, 09:32
Well what can you say about last nights superb episode. Absolutely fantastic episode of Emmerdale last night. How brilliant to see the smile wiped of Rosemarys face and that of her slimeball son Grayson. I didnt even realise it was an hour long episode it passed so quickly. Even Linda Lusadrdi's poor acting didnt let it down. Now CArrie has something on them all.

Only the most diehard EE fan could deny Emmerdale is miles ahead at the moment. That has to be one of the best episodes of any soap this year. Much better than the naming of Carl as the murderer of his dad. Have to feel sorry for poor Chas

06-06-2007, 11:17
Carrie has to go i really hope they don't pair her with Carl. Poor Chas i hope he tells her the truth and they reunite. I really thought Matthew was going to kill Rosemary i'm so glad she got her comeuppance but she will get her revenge. Sharon and Rodney will happen i think :hmm: :hmm:

06-06-2007, 14:09
. Sharon and Rodney will happen i think :hmm: :hmm:

I didnt think so until last night. Now I think you are right. Sleazy Rodders:sick:

12-06-2007, 20:56
Emmerdale is finally showing some improvement at last. A good episode tonight, bad acting from Donna though when she found out about Marlon.

Just what is Rosemary up to :hmm:

13-06-2007, 20:21
Poor Marlon, Elis devastated, mind you you would be if you shot your brother. THose Dingles what are they like.

Chloe O'brien
14-06-2007, 19:33
Poor Marlon no matter how hard he tries to stay out of trouble and not get involved with any crimes the dingles, he always manages to get hurt.

24-07-2007, 11:01
Is there any chance of a reunion for Carl/Chas i don't like him and the detective. I'm liking Lexi she is a way better character than Carrie.

24-07-2007, 16:04
Is there any chance of a reunion for Carl/Chas i don't like him and the detective. I'm liking Lexi she is a way better character than Carrie.

I'd love there to be a reunion between Chas and Carl asi hate his scenes with Barraclough, there is no chemistry between the characters at all, but i think that any reunion between Chas and Carl won't happen for a while, but i have serious doubts that there will ever be a reunion between the two of them! :angry:

And i like Lexi, she is much better than Carrie, but watch out over the next few weeks as Chas and Lexi become best mates! :cheer:

02-08-2007, 22:36
I havn't minded the past few episodes of Emmerdale, I think that Lexi girl has definitely livened thigns up a bit

02-08-2007, 23:37
I havn't minded the past few episodes of Emmerdale, I think that Lexi girl has definitely livened thigns up a bitCertainly a much better actor than Linda Loosesadi, My God how crap is she

Chloe O'brien
03-08-2007, 19:54
I havn't minded the past few episodes of Emmerdale, I think that Lexi girl has definitely livened thigns up a bitCertainly a much better actor than Linda Loosesadi, My God how crap is she

You mean she's even more wooden that Patsy Kensit Alan :rotfl:

03-08-2007, 19:59
I havn't minded the past few episodes of Emmerdale, I think that Lexi girl has definitely livened thigns up a bitCertainly a much better actor than Linda Loosesadi, My God how crap is she

You mean she's even more wooden that Patsy Kensit Alan :rotfl:Linda is a plank made of wood/ Patsy was just plastic and crap

11-08-2007, 15:18
Thought it was good last night, think Scarlett will have some explaning to do to Carrie after finding that leaflet. I'm really likeing the sister, is it Lexi.

The Grace / Carl stuff is begining to annoy me.

samantha nixon
12-08-2007, 22:28
Im loving emmerdale at the minute, especially the carl and grace stuff aww i think there quite sweet and so cute lol, i cant wait for the rest of this weeks eps. I also like the stuff with carrie and im starting to like lexie. But i cant stand the rosemary, grayson and perdy storyline its really starting to annoy me

30-08-2007, 21:12
What age is Debbie Dingle supposed to be, that character is really annoying me now, who is a "business woman/qualified mechanic" at her age. That whole necklace robbery was a farce, she and Chas are deadwood really and could be done without. I like Lexie for the sparring with Wooden Plank Lusardi

31-08-2007, 00:56
Have to agree. The theft of the necklace was pure rubbish.
What was the point of the silly music.

The character of Chas Dingle is being sadly underused:angry:

31-08-2007, 12:38
I have nearly given up on Emmerdale, it has been going downhill for almost a year now.

31-08-2007, 23:14
What age is Debbie Dingle supposed to be, that character is really annoying me now, who is a "business woman/qualified mechanic" at her age. That whole necklace robbery was a farce, she and Chas are deadwood really and could be done without. I like Lexie for the sparring with Wooden Plank Lusardi

Yep I agree with all that.

Thank heavens for Lexie, one of the few good things about Emmerdale at the moment. Cast clearout long overdue. At least the new boss starts very soon.

Bad Wolf
28-09-2007, 11:52
watched a repeat of last night's episode on itv2 and how bloody billiant was it????

was not expecting grace to die and matthew sooooo arranged the crash!

28-09-2007, 11:54
It was great wasn't it. Not seen Emmerddale in ages but warched it last night and made the right decision it was great. Why were thay all at Toms grave though I missed that bit was there a particular reason.

Bad Wolf
28-09-2007, 12:03
i think it was his birthday or something

i kind of wich carl would ger back with chastity

is it me or is nasty nicola putting on a very posh accent??? i wanted paul to scream at her, this one is definately gay and not for turning!!!

28-09-2007, 12:04
ah right that would make sense we though it was ayear since he died but then realised it couldnt be due to it being at chrsitmas. We said exactly the same about Carl and Chas as well, he was such a better character when they were together.

I love Nicola, Val was brilliant when she saw her in the pub and she just sot of said Ergh. and walked off.

03-10-2007, 17:37
I see Nicola is back to her annoying ways. I thought that scene where Paul put her head in the sink the other night was really badly acted!

04-10-2007, 01:15
I loved that episode of Grace getting knocked down to be honest. Hoping for a Chas and Carl reunion sometime very soon.

04-10-2007, 23:09

I quite liked Grace.

I missed tonight's but thought last night's was great. Val and Diane, and Billy, were fantastic. I also enjoyed Kelly and Jimmy too.

Debbeh needs one of her cars to fall on top of her chewed wasp face. It must be the most irritating face in the universe.....closely followed by Linda Lusardi.....

10-10-2007, 00:07
Pathetic acting from the guy who plays Jimmy King tonight. and wtf was with the corny stare between him and Kelly at the end. all these big episodes seem to be so tacky nowadays, the acting is either wooden or over the top depending on whos in the episode. the show is in serious need of repair, all the drama has just gone imo.

14-10-2007, 21:12
Pathetic acting from the guy who plays Jimmy King tonight. and wtf was with the corny stare between him and Kelly at the end. all these big episodes seem to be so tacky nowadays, the acting is either wooden or over the top depending on whos in the episode. the show is in serious need of repair, all the drama has just gone imo.

That actors name is Nick Miles. I thought he did very well indeed. I wouldn't call the episodes "Tacky" at all.:mad:

15-10-2007, 23:55
I thought he was good too.

Kelly will be missed.

Happy birthday Emmerdale. :cool:

17-10-2007, 18:10
Victoria you little bitch i so wanted her to die it was all her fault. Poor Billy and Daz

17-10-2007, 18:16
Victoria Sugden had no right to do what she did, however she has been brushed aside for the past few weeks. I don't condone what she did at all but maybe Jack needs to pay her a bit more attention.

17-10-2007, 18:54
I hope that Jack and Diane can sort things out between them and get back together:thumbsup: Victoria needs some stability in her life and Jack divorcing Diane would not help their familiy situation.

17-10-2007, 19:29
I agree, it would worsen things. Maybe diane can keep herself in check from now on.

20-10-2007, 18:40
I am sick of them all blaming each other for what happened, hope it stops. A shame to see Billy leave. All he did was fall in love. No excuse for Victoria to douse a building with petrol!

21-11-2007, 06:38
I am so glad that Diane seems to be staying in Emmerdale as Jack has refused her money from her share of the Woolpack. I find Jack quite pompous and boring but I like Diane. Hopefully they will get back together again.

26-11-2007, 16:49
I think i actually like the fact perdy and matthew are together! i dont like her and grayson together. And when Matthew and Perdy were riding the horses it was inevitable (sp?) he was going to fall off!
What are your views on this? - Matthew and perdy or Grayson and Perdy?


27-11-2007, 06:15
I prefer Matthew and Perdy rather than Grayson and Perdy, Grayson is not sure who he wants to be with and having a child will not save their relationship. :thumbsdow

28-11-2007, 02:30
In monday's episode at the end where perdy came back to the house and was standing talking to grayson and katie there was a song playing in the house in the background, i think it was a Muse song, did anyone hear it and if so can you tell me what it's called, it was a kind of slow one with little singing in it?

30-11-2007, 18:49
I think i actually like the fact perdy and matthew are together! i dont like her and grayson together. And when Matthew and Perdy were riding the horses it was inevitable (sp?) he was going to fall off!
What are your views on this? - Matthew and perdy or Grayson and Perdy?


I prefer Matthew and Perdy. They're great together!

04-12-2007, 20:33
i was just thinking whilst watching emmerdale tonight, why doesnt diane ever see gabby now. she is her grand daughter after all, have the writers forgotten that?

05-12-2007, 15:06
I really dislike Nicola, always spoiling things for other people, just to get her own way. :angry: I hope Jasmine can get back on track with Miles, she seems to like him a lot. :wub:

28-12-2007, 21:20
Didn't mind the xmas episode, it wasn't too bad which is surprising as ive hated Emmerdale this year. Didn't like the Perdy and Grayson stuff as I dont like them altogether but the stuff in the pub with the Sugden's was watchable, especially Diane - shes the only one keeping this show going for me, and of course Val. Felt for Diane when Jack told her it was over, she really loves him.