View Full Version : Birth first for Dutch Big Brother

19-10-2005, 06:50
The Dutch version of the reality TV show Big Brother has broken new ground broadcasting a contestant giving birth.
Baby Joscelyn Savanna's birth was shown on Tuesday evening, eight hours after it took place, by agreement between the show's producers and the authorities.

The cameras focussed mostly on the face of the mother, Tanja, but also showed the midwife assisting the birth.

Tanja, 27, one of nine contestants left on the show, was seven months' pregnant when she entered the house in August.

The contestants, whose last names are not given, must stay in the house until they are either voted off the programme in a viewers' poll or win the 400,000-euro ($477,000) prize.

Big Brother was created in the Netherlands six years ago and has since been marketed in dozens of countries throughout the world.

Stretching the limits

Tanja, who comes from the northern town of Groningen, says she became pregnant by accident.

She gave birth in a special room in the Big Brother house, according to strict ground rules set by the Dutch Social Affairs Ministry.

"We are very proud of you," said fellow contestant Dido when Tanja rejoined the others afterwards.

The filming of the baby is restricted to just a few hours between now and the end of the show on 22 December.

She will stay in a room where cameras are not allowed, and where her mother and other relatives can visit her privately.

Talpa, the TV station that produced the show, has been accused of exploiting the birth to boost its ratings.

But spokeswoman Stephanie Dekker said the scenes were not explicit, and that more graphic birth footage had been shown on educational and medical programmes.

Correspondents say that prime-time TV viewers in the Netherlands have seen the bounds of taste and decency stretched in recent days.

On Monday, another network showed a reporter snorting cocaine and then being interviewed about the experience, the Associated Press said.

19-10-2005, 10:29
Wow! i heard this a long time ago but it has just happened

19-10-2005, 10:30
Yeah. I went onto the website and watched a bit of it this morning - that poor baby

19-10-2005, 14:05
that kid is going to have the tag of - first baby born on big brother. poor kid.

19-10-2005, 14:25
Poor kid. She'll end up hating her mother i bet

19-10-2005, 14:29
I think that they should make her take the baby home.

19-10-2005, 15:46
she shouldnt have been allowed to have the baby in there to start with

19-10-2005, 15:53
Yeah that what i was thinking- but the mum wanted to have a baby in the big brother house

19-10-2005, 15:54
I think that she just wants to be famous

19-10-2005, 15:55
they actually let her do it??

why any woman would want to give birth on a programme that millions watch ill never know

19-10-2005, 15:57
I think that they let her on the show to up the ratings

19-10-2005, 16:09
Well this is what it said in Heat: 10-16 September 2005

Big brother is set for first live TV birth

Dutch BB to make telly history

Here’s the brave (or possibly foolish) women who is intending to give birth live on Dutch version of big brother. Tanja will enter the Dutch big brother house just as she is about to have her child, in a deliberate attempt to deliver the first live television birth, and than will allow viewers to watch the early days of her bringing up the baby as part of the show. Tanja is due to drop her sprog in six weeks’ time, and the stunt is already stirring up huge controversy in the Netherlands, where the show airs on a channel owned by John de Mol from bb production company Endemol. A spokesperson from the company said “We are doing something that will stir up emotions and which is innocent and can do no harm. I think it will be good TV.”