View Full Version : Makosi!!

18-10-2005, 16:48

At corpse bride premiere is anyone is still wondering is she is in the country..

Then the answer is Yes..

Bad Wolf
18-10-2005, 16:50
she looks loads better, her outfils a bit nasty though

18-10-2005, 16:51
At corpse bride premiere is anyone is still wondering is she is in the country..

Then the answer is Yes..

I heard she was been kicked out of country for giving up her job to go on BB.. is that not true then/????

18-10-2005, 16:55
She looks like the corpse bride herself :rotfl:

18-10-2005, 17:04
I heard she was been kicked out of country for giving up her job to go on BB.. is that not true then/????

She was but then she said how she could not go back as she says that anothy and her had sex in the pool and well in her country you can't have sex before marraige- also becasue her mum we ill, but yes she was ment to get kicked out becasue she gave up her job to go on big brother

Bad Wolf
18-10-2005, 17:25

the other half of the picture......classy :sick:

18-10-2005, 17:27
Omg.. the top half looked ok but then you saw the bottom half :rotfl:

18-10-2005, 17:29
Omg.. the top half looked ok but then you saw the bottom half :rotfl:

Who thinks "I know i am wearing a see through dress, perhaps I should wear bright pink knickers under it"... seriously did she not look in the mirror before she left the house???

Bad Wolf
18-10-2005, 17:31
at least they matches her bracelet.......................................... ...............

18-10-2005, 17:32
at least they matches her bracelet.......................................... ...............

aaaahhhhhhhh! i didn't see the bracelet, that explain everything now :rotfl:

Bad Wolf
18-10-2005, 17:34
of course it does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18-10-2005, 17:51
i think she got married, so now she is staying

18-10-2005, 17:53
she obviously doesnt have any mirrors in her house to got out in that dress

18-10-2005, 20:55
i think she got married, so now she is staying

That wont automatically entitle her to a visa though

18-10-2005, 21:13
AAAAAAAAARGH Why oh why is she still here!?

Chloe O'brien
19-10-2005, 10:08
This is from the itv news this morning:

Makosi's 'trying to stay' in UK

Big Brother star Makosi is keeping quiet about her immigration troubles.

At the premiere of The Corpse Bride, the telly wannabe simply said she is "trying to stay" in the UK after breaching her visa by appearing on the Channel 4 reality show.

But it is thought the Home Office will make a final decision on October 20.

Meanwhile, the former cardiac nurse revealed that there will be a BB6 reunion.
But Makosi said she may have to miss out on catching up with her jacuzzi pals as she is just too busy doing "secret projects".

Doesn't look like she has got married

19-10-2005, 10:23
I thought that when they passed the ruling that she was to be deported that she had two weeks to appeal and then she was out!!!

19-10-2005, 14:07
I thought that when they passed the ruling that she was to be deported that she had two weeks to appeal and then she was out!!!

they did i dont know why she is still here though

19-10-2005, 15:52
It was in Sep heat: 10-16 September 2005

My scanner does not work so I had to type it out

Maskosi: “I’m scared to go home to Zimbabwe

Breaking News

BB6 star fears her life could be in danger if she visits her sick mum

Big brother diva Makosi Musamasi is terrified of visiting her sick mum in Zimbabwe, because she fears if she returns to her native country, her life could be in danger

Makosi wants to fly home to visit her mum Sennie, 47, who is suffering from a tumour behind her right eye. But the former nurse is scared of reprisals from vigilantes who would consider her romps on big brother a crime against their strict culture.

“In Zimbabwe, girls have been beaten on street for wearing short skirts” Makosi told heat “people have been saying that I have brought shame on the country. I really want to go home and see my parents, but I’m scared of what will happen to me. My mum is very ill and I want to look after her, but it’s not safe. I’ve been very upset by it all.”

To add to her stress Makosi may have no choice but to return to her native country after being quizzed by immigration officials about her visa.

She was arrested by police last Monday, when it came to light that her working visa was no longer valid after she quit her job as a nurse to appear on the show.

She is now seeking legal advice in the hope that the term of her visa can be changed to allow her to stay in Britain.

19-10-2005, 15:56
You think that she would have put on dark colour knickers instead of pink.

19-10-2005, 15:56
oh god! is she still around!

19-10-2005, 16:32
Why is she still here?

BUt here say she's famous for the wrong reasons, she wanted to be an actress, yeah sure once she's out she'll be long gone and forgotten

20-10-2005, 17:18
Makosi Fears Attack if Deported

Eviction fears: Makosi is appealing an earlier Home Office decision to deport her

Big Brother star Makosi fears being attacked by violent mobs if deported back to her native Zimbabwe where she has been branded a "low-life lesbian'', an immigration tribunal has heard.

The 25-year-old former nurse "would be an ideal target for vicious Mugabe youths and other thugs'' who believe she has "offended African conservative morality'' by her sexy antics, her counsel, Mark Henderson, told the Central London Asylum and Immigration tribunal.

A preliminary hearing in her appeal against a Home Office decision to deport her over the status of her work permit which is linked to her visa has begun. Her asylum status is now also under the spotlight.

Makosi was given notice to quit in August after she resigned her job as a cardiac nurse at High Wycombe hospital, Buckinghamshire, to go on Big Brother.

But now Makosi is effectively facing an immigration hearing where, even if she loses, she cannot be deported. This follows a legal ruling made in the High Court last week.

The government, at the moment, is not deporting failed Zimbabwean asylum seekers back to their homeland because they cannot yet find a safe way to remove them. To deport her would breach the Refugee Convention and the Human Rights Act, it was argued.

Makosi applied for a new visa after coming third in the Channel 4 show. She was arrested on August Bank Holiday Monday and quizzed for five hours by immigration officials after being pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt in her sister's car.

Makosi is famous in Zimbabwe for all the wrong reasons, the tribunal heard.

Mr Henderson said: "One new media organisation, New Zimbabwe, had described her as a 'low-life lesbian'. A headline read: 'Every Zimbabwean Should Be Ashamed'.

"Quite apart from the general issue of risk to returnees, she would be at grave risk because she is perceived to have gone to Britain and acted in a shameful and un-African manner and violated Zimbabwean taboo.''

Makosi's legal team also accuse the Home Office of trying to "sidestep'' their own procedures in dealing with her and of wanting to "have their cake and eat it''.

Mr Henderson told the hearing: "My client was not treated like any other claimant was entitled to be when she left the Big Brother house.

"There was no letter from the Home Office. The Home Office had contacted the Big Brother producers or visited the house.

"It was contrary to their policy and contrary to the way they treat other claimants.

"We have a strong appeal in relation to the Secretary of State's failure to following procedure in relation to my client.''

Makosi also fears mobs will single her out because one of her former lovers is a relative of President Mugabe. Jenni Richards, for the Home Office, told the hearing that the Home Office did not routinely monitor the sexual relationships of Mugabe's relatives.

The hearing was adjourned to November 17 when the Home Office is set to contest the allegations.

After the hearing Makosi said: "I was absolutely ready to give my evidence today.

"I love living here and am happy to wait for my day in court for justice to be done.''

20-10-2005, 19:09
Too long.. so is she staying or not :D

20-10-2005, 19:16
But now Makosi is effectively facing an immigration hearing where, even if she loses, she cannot be deported. This follows a legal ruling made in the High Court last week.

The government, at the moment, is not deporting failed Zimbabwean asylum seekers back to their homeland because they cannot yet find a safe way to remove them. To deport her would breach the Refugee Convention and the Human Rights Act, it was argued.

From that I'm guessing she's staying.

20-10-2005, 19:21
You think that she would have put on dark colour knickers instead of pink. Personally I would have liked to seen her with a brown paper bag over her head :rotfl:

20-10-2005, 20:24
her hair is really nice