View Full Version : Last Nights eppy (15/10/05)

16-10-2005, 11:24
what did you think of it??

I thought it was really good!

that dead woman really freaked me out.i jumped when i saw her that was sorta freaky lol

go abs,nina and sarah(even tho i dont like) yey fluers gone! we can all enjoy peaceful eppies of cas now lol

yeah i knew abina would live on it was just a matter of time! :wub:
Sarah got the messege!woo

16-10-2005, 11:27
but isn't it funny how she was saying she didn't want to put pressure on nina etc, but then asking if she would go away with her etc - don't like her though - glad nina chose abs, just hope he can get his head round it all....

16-10-2005, 11:36
yeah it is quite funny.its good that nina chose abs. I couldnt live without abina

16-10-2005, 12:22
can someone tell me what happened my mum forgot to tape it for me :@ i want to know what happend with tess??

16-10-2005, 12:59
Why didn't the producers of that episode not notice that the woman in the toilet who was supposed to be dead, blinked, and also the first time we saw her sitting on the lavi pan her head was in a different possition as to when we saw her for the second time. Did anyone notice at all or was it just me then. I mean i know i can only keep my eyes open for so long without blinking but for someone who's being paid to look as if they are dead they seem to be enjoying it to much.

16-10-2005, 13:03
Please use current episode discussion located here (http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=26574)
