View Full Version : is this the lull before the storm

16-10-2005, 01:32
has anyone noticed the papers have hardly mentioned ee sinse the phill scandel,i have a feeling this may be the lull before the storm and within the next month their gonna hit us with a bigger scandel,theyve been to quiet,god help the cast their probably being lulled into a false sence of security,and i feel its about to blow again,paper sales must have dropped by now,the scum reporters must be working overtime looking for their next victim,anyone feel the same

16-10-2005, 09:35
yeah i no

16-10-2005, 11:47

16-10-2005, 14:58
this is ridiculous speculation, there is no real content to this thread, just becuase nothing has been featured in the papers, dosent mean that something is due to happen...it's people like you who encourage this libellous and offensive trash to be printed in the tabloids!

16-10-2005, 18:16
They're always going to print something which is offensive to soap people. Maybe it is the lull before the storm, but i doubt it. They might have (finally) learnt their lesson

16-10-2005, 19:11
Sorry I have to agree with Callum, soap stars think they are better than us mortals so its only a matter of time before some new scandal hits the fan

16-10-2005, 21:07
there will always be scandals hitting the tabloids

with regards to ee, I think there has been a lot of bad press, moreso than other soaps. but i personally dont really think the actors private lives have anything to do with the show and i dont think we should let bad press affect our enjoyment of ee.

rant over :P

16-10-2005, 21:16
I think the next tabloid scandal is on the way.....

"McFadden's Romps with Wife of Swedish Beetroot Farmer". :sick:

16-10-2005, 21:23
Here is his picture


16-10-2005, 21:27
And these are his illegitimate offspring (http://foodandwineguy.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/beetroot1_1.jpg):

22-11-2005, 09:57
well we didn't have long to wait did we,first we had ross kemp getting bovver of his wife,domestics for steve mcfadden and the mother of his kids,then half the cast think their at brands hatch when racing to and from work and to top it all lacey turner decides why pay for a hotel room to drop her draws when the lift is free,i wonder whats next,sex on the beach,we'll have to keep buying those dreaded tabloids to find out,ee stars must be playing cat and mouse with them,but when the stars wake up if ever and realise they are very privelidged people and getting payed out of our hard earned cash and so therefore should think of the consequences,the press won't give up,ee sells papers,ang after the way they have set up other ee stars for a big fall,the present cast should behave or be sacked

22-11-2005, 10:29
Well, there has been the talk of Shane Ritchie slating everyone at his leaving party now too, so would that count?!

22-11-2005, 14:33
There is no storm brewing, its the usual trash the tabloids write up because if they actually wrote the truth no papers would sell. and people wouldnt get paid for giving the real story so you have a choice either pay for the paper and use it for cat/animal tray lining or read it at the news stand and put it back.

22-11-2005, 14:58
Well, there has been the talk of Shane Ritchie slating everyone at his leaving party now too, so would that count?!

Shane was bad mouthing people at his farewell party ?????:thumbsdow Well gee whiz how many beers did he have ???:searchme:

04-12-2005, 10:14
here we go again the woman who plays honey has made the tabloids today apparently shes left her husband for a copper,shes only been in it a couple of weeks and the funs starting

04-12-2005, 12:47
here we go again the woman who plays honey has made the tabloids today apparently shes left her husband for a copper,shes only been in it a couple of weeks and the funs starting

Well that's not entirely her fault. Just because she's in EE doesn't mean she should have to stay in a marriage she's unhappy in just so the tabloids don't latch onto it.

04-12-2005, 13:00
Hmmm :hmm: somehow I doubt it!! Sometimes they just keep quiet..

06-12-2005, 19:12
Here is his picture

How immature of both you and Richie :p

06-12-2005, 22:28
How immature of both you and Richie :p

Personally I thought it was a good likeness :p

06-12-2005, 22:28
Well, just pointing out the beetroot family tree. :o

06-12-2005, 22:44
Here is his picture

http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/773/beetroot1mm.jpgLmao! :rotfl: I can sort of see the resembelence :o :rotfl:

08-12-2005, 08:32
I can see the resmeblence a bit to.

08-12-2005, 18:35
I can see the resmeblence a bit to. :rotfl: