View Full Version : x factor or strictly come dancing?

Bad Wolf
15-10-2005, 10:13
they clash horribly tonight

i have been watching x factor, but am a die hard SCD fan!!!!

what will you be watching??

15-10-2005, 10:16
Definitely Strictly Come Dancing :cheer:

I watched X Factor once last week and cried when they rejected some of them (don't you just love hormones!! lol) so cant be coping with that - I prefer SCD anyway though, so that helps!!

15-10-2005, 10:16
I don't know yet :searchme: as i used to watch "He's having a baby!" :crying: but now that has finished i don't know what i shall do

Bad Wolf
15-10-2005, 10:19
its such a tough decision!!!

15-10-2005, 10:21
Bit of both, im just going to tape both!

Bad Wolf
15-10-2005, 10:22
i think i'm going to end up channel hopping between the two!

15-10-2005, 10:28
Bad wolf do you have itv2- as x-factor is on tommorrow on there

Bad Wolf
15-10-2005, 10:30
i do but i'm working all day!

15-10-2005, 10:37
You can record it

15-10-2005, 11:27
i love them both but i will be missing them both cos of my dancing shows :( but i am going to tape them both :D

15-10-2005, 11:32
lol just relsied the poll and voted hehe

15-10-2005, 12:12
How they are both on at the same time- or do you have that sky thing

15-10-2005, 13:53
Defo SCD!!i love it loads and its good cause willthorpe form casualtys in it!!yey!!

but ill probably watch x facter on itv2 on sunday though

16-10-2005, 14:15
i watched come dancing and it was ooo good

16-10-2005, 15:00
i watch the xfactor upstairs while my mum watches strictly come dancing so i pop downstairs and get too see both! :p

16-10-2005, 15:05

16-10-2005, 16:07
A boit of both, last night i taped SCD and then taped X factor on ITV2 which was on at about 1ish this morning! I just left my dvd recorder on then watched this morning!

16-10-2005, 17:03
I was out for the early evening, so i record ITV, got bak in, watch casulaty, watched the SCD result(the repeated loads of the dances anyway) then watched by recorded X factor and result! It took all night, but i'm a die-hard fan of them both

16-10-2005, 18:56
i cant choose between either of them

16-10-2005, 20:52
one thing though! X factors repeated on a sunday now! on itv & itv 2! so u have 3 changes to watch it! i missed the last one yes2day but watched it 2day so i got to watch both really! lol so every one wins!!!!!! :cheer: :thumbsup:

16-10-2005, 21:03
i missed it tonight too because my dad was watching something and i was at my dinner so i couldnt use my tv

16-10-2005, 22:04
I voted X Factor but I probably won't watch either of them. Reality TV has run it's course a bit with me!

Jessie Wallace
16-10-2005, 22:34
I watched strictly come dancing and recorded The X Factor, i do it that way round so that i can fast forward through all the adverts on ITV!

16-10-2005, 22:41
I watched strictly come dancing and recorded The X Factor, i do it that way round so that i can fast forward through all the adverts on ITV!

I love strictly come dancing, because the votes are done by the public and the money is raised for a very good cause,, so not only do I love to watch dancing,, I also love a good cause :D

17-10-2005, 09:28
one thing though! X factors repeated on a sunday now! on itv & itv 2! so u have 3 changes to watch it! i missed the last one yes2day but watched it 2day so i got to watch both really! lol so every one wins!!!!!! :cheer: :thumbsup:

that what in was saying, that the X factor is on load of times so you can always watch both

17-10-2005, 09:29
who got kicked out of SCD- as i was watching them both but when the results can for SCD i was watching Afterlife

17-10-2005, 09:31
who got kicked out of SCD- as i was watching them both but when the results can for SCD i was watching AfterlifeSiobhan and Matthew

17-10-2005, 09:56
Thanks Jojomum

17-10-2005, 10:03
No probs :D - I felt so sorry for her though - they were really harsh. When they did their last dance, she kept apologising to Matthew and saying how sorry she was :(

17-10-2005, 10:10
Yeah, she was so sad when they did their frist dance- she was like i best go and get my coat and Matthew was like it going to be ok

17-10-2005, 10:14
Mind you, I think the judges were being a bit harsh all round really, especially the usual two - Craig and Arlene - I know they are judging them as professional dancers, but they aren't - Fiona Philips was sooo funny I thought in her waltz with Brendan, he was on GMTV this morning with her and they were talking about it - it was so funny and she said, she really didn't care to that extent, she just wanted to have fun and raise some money (though I doubt if that impressed Brendan too much lol)

17-10-2005, 10:18
Yeah they were so rude!!!!!!!! it becasue she used to be a doppy person in my family

phils little sister
17-10-2005, 10:49
X Factor

samantha nixon
24-10-2005, 18:37
i watch x-factor and tape scd as i like them both

24-10-2005, 21:26
x-factor,il watch scd if nothing else is on

26-10-2005, 15:11
X factor Anyday

26-10-2005, 16:49
I watch X factor, and i have never watched strictly come dancing I could never get into it.

26-10-2005, 23:14
the x factor

27-10-2005, 00:02
The x factor,find watching people dance boring

27-10-2005, 10:29
The x factor,find watching people dance boring

I agree

27-10-2005, 10:33
i watch SCD and flick over to xfactor in any boring bits, like when bruce is talking as cant stand him! thn watch x factor when it is repeated on itv 2