View Full Version : week 44 i think!!!

Bad Wolf
14-10-2005, 14:44
Holby City - Episode 2 ‘Crimes and Misdemeanours Tuesday 1 November

Lola’s daughter, Cleo wants to drive her mum’s car to a party in Birmingham but Lola says no. Cleo is annoyed and speeds off in the car. Later, Cleo is admitted after being involved in an accident..

Meanwhile, Dean is unhappy when he makes a mistake during surgery and Diane tells him to be realistic about his potential. Later, when treating a patient Dean tries to prove himself by making a diagnosis and ordering treatment. Diane finds out and is furious. However, when the girl’s condition worsens and Diane operates she discovers Dean’s diagnosis was correct. Diane suggests that Dean will make a good doctor, rather than a surgeon.

Lola is played by Sharon D Clarke, Cleo by Grace Kingslene, Dean by Paul Henshall, Diane by Patricia Potter.

14-10-2005, 14:51
i didnt know lola had a daughter lol. and aww good on dean (even though i dont really like him)

Dr. Tangliss
14-10-2005, 15:57
Go Dean:)

Bad Wolf
14-10-2005, 16:08
There Is No Casualty In Week 44!

Just Letting You Know

Dr. Tangliss
14-10-2005, 16:09
Oh no, why not?

eastenders mad
15-10-2005, 10:38
why don't they get rid of that Dean.
I think it is stupid having amedical student trying to work on patients in the operating theatre.

15-10-2005, 12:45
I don't really like Dean, but well done to him anyway lol. Looks like a good episode :)

Dr. Tangliss
15-10-2005, 13:33
I think it is stupid having amedical student trying to work on patients in the operating theatre.

Erm, so how are us Medical Students suppost to learn?:rolleyes:

16-10-2005, 01:01
Dean`s quite good i think

Dr. Tangliss
16-10-2005, 10:57
I do too:)

eastenders mad
16-10-2005, 18:47
Erm, so how are us Medical Students suppost to learn?:rolleyes:

sorry what i meant i don't think people who are in a wheelchair should actually train to be medical person to work in the operating theatre. Cause they wouldn't be able to do the operation propely.

Dr. Tangliss
16-10-2005, 18:55
Oh right, I get you:)

17-10-2005, 22:45
Dean`s quite good i think

Dean may not be able to do hands on surgery but he would make a cracking consultant,, his character is really sweet and witty.

17-10-2005, 22:53
why don't they get rid of that Dean.
I think it is stupid having amedical student trying to work on patients in the operating theatre.

Without medical students getting their hands bloody, how on earth do you think doctors became doctors ??? they had to train first on dead bodies, then on the living,,its not STUPID .. its neccessary..in Deans case (I am a champion for all disabled people ) he only "jumped" in cos Mubbs was off goofing off as usual, dumping responsiblity on others and letting them take the blame for it,, You have to admire the grumption that Dean has, he knows his limitations, but he pushed them in that episode. The results were fatal,but no one else was there to help,, so he thought he would give it a shot..Dean knows now exactly what his LIMITATIONS are,, most medical students in real life are SUPERVISED,,, Tang,, can u back me up on this one,,,,:)

17-10-2005, 22:59
sorry what i meant i don't think people who are in a wheelchair should actually train to be medical person to work in the operating theatre. Cause they wouldn't be able to do the operation propely.

Not all people in wheel chairs have ceberal palsy like Dean, some are parapelgics ( paralized waist down) some have arthritis in the hips and require a chair..they are fine to do an operation, Dean has ceberal palsy and he has tremors.. you are right he should not have done the operation...but he wants to be a doctor so it is AUTOMATIC,, he wanted to help and went beyond his limitations..:)

eastenders mad
18-10-2005, 11:41
oh right you have made your point now calm down.
i was just saying my point of view.

26-10-2005, 11:49
I have posted the latest spoilers from soaplife in General soap as they were on the samme page as those for the bill and casualty.